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Questions for exam on “Advanced chapters of theoretical electro-engineering”.

  1. Electrostatic field. Coulomb’s law. Gauss law.

  2. Poisson’s and Laplace’ s equations for the potential of electric field.

  3. Electrostatic Energy.

  4. Power and Joule’s Law.

  5. Continuity Equation.

  6. Electric field induced by the charged wire placed above the flat boundary between two different dielectrics.

  7. Magnetic field induced by the wire with a current placed above the flat boundary between two media with different magnetic permeabilities.

  8. Static magnetic field. Biot–Savart’s Law. Ampere’s Law.

  9. Scalar magnetic potential. Laplace equation for the scalar magnetic potential.

  10. Vector magnetic potential. Inductance.

  11. Magnetic field intensity inside a cylindrical conductor

  12. Internal inductance of a thin conductor.

  13. Inductance of a two-wire transmission line

  14. Variable separation method in a cylindrical coordinate system.

  15. The Faraday’s Law

  16. Induction through the motion of a conductor

  17. Induction by simultaneous temporal change of B and motion of the conductor

  18. Unipolar generator

  19. Hering’s paradox

  20. Diffusion of magnetic fields into conductors.

  21. Periodic electromagnetic fields in conductors.

  22. Poynting theorem.

  23. Transmission of energy in 2-wire line loaded on a resistor.

  24. Transmission of energy in 2-wire line loaded on a R-L-C circuit.

  25. Energy flows in static electric and magnetic fields.

  26. The reduced magnetic potential.

  27. Classification of numerical methods of the electromagnetic field modeling.

  28. Method of moments

  29. Basic principles of the finite element method.

  30. First order finite functions of the triangular element. Simplex coordinates. Approximation of functions by the first order finite functions.

  31. Weighted residual method.

  32. Week formulation of the electromagnetic field modeling problem.

  33. Boundary conditions in electric and magnetic fields.

  34. Main equations of electromagnetic field in integral form.

  35. Main equations of electromagnetic field in differential form.

  36. Electric field of a point charge.

  37. Electric field of a uniformly charged sphere.

  38. Flat capacitor. Field. Surface charge. Capacity.

    1. Mutual inductance between a cylindrical coil with rectangular cross section and a wire passing along the axis of the coil.

    2. Inductance of a cylindrical coil with the rectangular cross section.

    1. Electric field induced by charged line placed above conducting surface.

    2. Magnetic field induced by the line with a current placed above a ferromagnetic surface with infinitely high magnetic permeability.

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