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7. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 6 in a suitable form.

1 After the storm they had to _______hundreds of houses which had been damaged.

2.Many people in the developing world suffer from diseases because they are


3.Our team was knocked out in the ________of the competition.

4.The bomb was about to go off but the experts managed to ________ it.

5.I __________the question and failed the exam.

6.I _________yesterday and arrived an hour late for class.

7.A lot of houses collapsed in the earthquake because of


8 Floods are not ________ these days; they happen more and more often


8. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1.What natural disasters have happened in the last few months?

2.What do you think governments can do to prevent natural disasters?

3.What organizations do you know that provide aid after disasters or work for the environment?

4.What can we do as individuals to improve the environment and help victims of natural disasters?

Tell the class some of your answers.

9. Read and translate the text.


Tornados develop quickly and with little warning. When a tornado is forming, weather conditions change very quietly, so you will not have very much time to prepare yourself. If lakes less than 15 minutes for the weather to change from blue skies to dark clouds and very strong winds. Most of die injuries people receive during tornados ate caused by flying debris. The winds blow objects around at high speed, and if one of these flying objects hits you, you're in trouble.

Finding shelter is your top priority. Cover yourself, especially your head, with something that will provide good protection. The safest place to be during a tornado is underground - for example, in a basement or cellar. If you can't get to a basement, the next best place to shelter is in an inside halfway or in a small room with no windows, near the centre of a building, like a bathroom or even a wardrobe.

If you're away from home when a tornado strikes, you should follow the same basic rules of survival. Stay calm and get to the lowest level possible, away from windows and outside doors. If you're in a car, or any other vehicle, when a warning is issued, you should get out of the vehicle and fie down in a low area


away from your car, with your hands covering your head and neck. If you must seek shelter outdoors, be on the alert for the dangerous and sudden floods which often come with tornados.

10. Read the text, fill in the gaps with the missing words.

Weird Weather Facts

metal dyed ‘blood’ Aristotle spider meteorology a tall isolated tree

The study and forecasting of weather is called (1) ______ because it was once precisely that - the study of meteors. The idea that meteors were formed in the sky from various combinations of earth, water, air and fire, and that they contributed to weather conditions, goes back to the great philosopher and scientist,

(2) _____, in the 4th century ВС. It was believed in Europe until late in the 17th century.

In AD 582, it rained (3) ______ on Paris. The terrified local people saw this as a sign from Heaven and responded by repenting for their sins. The true cause of the strange event was the 'sirocco', the wind that sometimes blows from the Sahara across the Mediterranean into Europe. It carries a fine, red dust from the desert interior, and this had (4) ________ the rain that fell on Paris.

On May 29, 1986, twelve schoolchildren in west China were sucked up by a tornado. It put them down again on some sand dunes 20 km away - completely unharmed.

The highest wind speeds ever officially recorded have occurred at the top of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA, where gusts have reached 370 km/hour.

The Algonquin Indians of North America believed that the Earth lay on the back of a giant tortoise, and when it shuffled its feet the Earth would quake. One ancient Japanese legend held that the movement of a vast underground (5) _____

caused earthquakes; a later account said it was a monster catfish. The ancient Greeks blamed huge giants wrestling underground.

An average of 708 tornadoes strike the United States each year. In April 1974 148 tornadoes hit thirteen states in just twenty-four hours, leaving 315 people dead.

If you are stuck out in a storm, never shelter under (6) ______. Try to get indoors, or into a car. Get away from metal objects and get rid of any (7) _____ you are carrying. If you're with other people, spread out. Unfortunately, sometimes even being indoors is no protection. In July 1982 a woman was struck by a bolt that came through the window and hit the metal tea-strainer she was holding. The force of the bolt threw her across the kitchen.


11. Read and translate the text

What causes earthquakes?

Our old earth stretches and deforms its rock layers at a rate too fast for them to reshape themselves quietly.

Scientists are not sure whether the earth is growing bigger and stretching crystal rocks, or shrinking to wrinkle them like dried apple skins. In any case, there are many reasons for the squeezing and twisting of the rocks that cause such trouble.

Chemical and radioactive reactions melt the interior materials causing pressure against the overlying rocks. Most important may be the weight of earth material moved from place to place by the rushing waters of rivers. This happens slowly, but there is all the time in the world, and after millions of years the weight of material becomes very great.

Breaking takes place along zones of weakness called faults. One side of the rock moves past the other, sideways or up or down, sliding and grinding along the fault until the tension is released. The rock then comes to rest in its new position, to stay until tension builds up again. The following two examples may demonstrate the disaster.


On April 18, 1906, one of the greatest shocks in American history struck San Francisco. It happened at 5:12 on a weekday morning when the downtown business district was deserted and streets were empty. The death toll was between 452 and 498 persons.

Actually the quake buckled and rolled over a 200-mile stretch of the San Andreas fault. Altogether, at least 700 persons were killed. San Francisco's damage was estimated at $400 million at a time of 5-cent beer and 15-cent prime beef. What if a quake of similar strength struck at noon on a week-day? It is a chilling possibility.

Can cities eventually be built so they're quake-proof? Yes, say the experts. Earthquake damage to structures has been painstakingly studied during the

past half century.

«There is no reason for a fifty-storey building to be less safe than a fivestorey building if it is constructed properly», says Dr. George W. Housner, Caltech professor of civil engineering. Finally, will it eventually be possible to predict quakes? An international study is now in progress in an effort to answer this question.

«With increasing information about the earth movements all over the world», Dr. Benioff says, «we might begin to see a pattern emerge which would tell us when and where the breaking point has been reached».

It can't be concluded as yet that earthquakes come in cycles because they haven't been observed or recorded long enough.



«The likelihood of a major earthquake hitting Tokyo is now greater than ever», said Japanese geographer Takamasa Nakuno. On average severe earthquakes (about VIII on the Modified Mercalli scale or 6.5 on the Richter scale) affect the Tokyo area about 10 times a century. The last comparable quake was in 1929, so the next is reckoned to be well overdue. The last destructive earthquake to affect Tokyo occurred in 1923 when 60,000 lives were claimed and 370,000 houses were destroyed.

Tokyo has changed considerably since 1923. The urban area has expanded and the density of wooden houses has increased. Nakuno sees new danger areas in the subways and underground shopping complexes.

The Tokyo Metropolitan government still sees fire as the major hazard resulting from an earthquake and its counter-measures are designed to deal with a large number of simultaneous fires on independent sites. A central part of their earthquakes policy is to designate open spaces for evacuation and build fire-proof high-rise buildings.

12.Find English equivalents:

1)растягивать, изменять, горные слои, переформировывать, сжиматься (2 вар.), морщиться, двигаться (2 вар.), быть причиной, растопить, стремительный поток, вес материала, иметь место, дефект, напряжение уменьшено, катастрофа;

2)поразил, будний день, пустынный район, пустой, вместе, сила, безопасный при землетрясении, 50-этажное здание, прогнозировать землетрясение, увеличивающие, движение земли, достигать переломного момента, циклы;

3)большинство, сильный, разрушительный, появиться, городская зона, расширяться, увеличиваться, опасность, одновременные пожары, пожаробезопасный.

13. Make up words using the following suffixes:



























14. Read the text, fill in the gaps with the following words:

Drought, famine, helicopters, drop, starve, flood, starvation, drown, cut off

Famine and flood

If a country has no rain for a long time, this dry period is called a … . In countries dependent on their agriculture, this can lead to a period of …, when there is not enough food and people actually … (die of hunger). They die of …

When it rains very heavily and the land is under water, this is called a … . In this situation people and animals can … . Sometimes … have to …. food supplies (доставка пищи) to people in areas which are … .

15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Река затопила ближайшие деревни.

2.Наводнение нарушило (stopped) подачу газа и воды.

3.Огромные волны цунами стали причиной (caused) смерти и ранения многих людей.

4.На место происшествия прибыли медицинские команды и спасатели.

5.Большинство людей были спасены.

16.Read the text, fill in the gaps with the following words:

Medical teams, rescue teams, trapped, rubble, epidemic, casualties, toll, collapse, outbreak, earthquake

Earthquake and epidemic

In some parts of the world, the ground shakes from time to time. This is called an … and if it’s a bad one, the number of … (dead and injured people) is sometimes large. Buildings often … and … have to search for people who are … under the … . Sometimes water supplies are affected and there is an … of disease, called an … . ….. are sent by the government to help the sick. The death … can reach hundreds or even thousands.

17. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.В Японии часто происходят (happen) землетрясения.

2.Землетрясения являются причиной цунами и крупных разрушений.

3.В зданиях происходят разрушения и вспыхивают пожары.

4.Спасатели тушат пожары и спасают людей из-под завалов.

5.Специальные службы стараются спрогнозировать землетрясения.


18. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.













1.The crops have failed again and _______ is widespread.

2.The latest San Francisco ________ measured 4.5 on the Richter scale.

3.In case of ________break the glass and push the button.

4.Half a million ______have now crossed the border in an attempt to find food.

5.I never give to _______. I think it should be the government’s responsibility.

6.The present government has given more in _______ to needy countries than any other in living memory.

7.Many children have suffered terrible _____ as a result of the fighting.

8.A new ____ has been discovered which causes partial blindness and skin problems.

9.There has been a ____ in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain.

10.There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been ____.

19. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1.The _____ of the ozone layer is one of he worst things that has happened. (DESTROY)

2.If we don’t send food, there will be _____ on a massive scale. (STARVE)

3.We need to find a _____ to the problem before things get seriously out of hand. (SOLVE)

4.There was a ______ of 100,000 in the centre of London today. (DEMONSTRATE)

5.It is shocking that ten per cent of the population live below the ____ line. (POOR)

6.Some of the most beautiful Indian tigers are facing ______. (EXTINCT)

7.If the _____ gets any worse, I’m going to move to the country. (POLLUTE)

8.I believe the ______ of the planet is worth fighting for. (SURVIVE)


20. Complete the texts with the words in the boxes

Disasters in the news

Text 1

















Drought worsens

The worsening drought has led to a state of emergency being declared across the country. The effect of months of low (1) ... and freak hot weather has led to a dramatic (2) ... in water levels. Several major rivers have either seen record (3) ...

or have dried up.

Fears of a (4) ... are growing as farmers have been unable to (5) ... anything this autumn. Not only have the vast majority of (6) ... failed, but farms have also been blighted by (7) ... of locusts. Environmental groups have blamed deforestation and global warming.

As a result of the acute shortage, water is now being (8) ..., with limits placed on water available for agricultural purposes and a (9) ... ban being imposed on hosepipe use. Meanwhile, the army has started to (10) ... water, food and medical supplies into remote areas.

Text 2



















Forest fires continue to spread

Forest fires are today still (11) ... across large parts of the north of the country. Firefighters have been working through the night in an attempt to (12) ... the worst fires under control, but a spokesperson has claimed that the fire service is being (13) ... to breaking point. Hundreds of people have been (14) ... from the villages most at risk, and many are feared dead. This morning, the (15) ... body of an elderly man was retrieved from a burnt-out building.

Countless other homes have been (16) ... to the ground, and the fires continue to ravage large areas. The initial blaze is believed to have been (17) ... by a barbecue. However, three men were last night arrested on (18) ... of starting additional fires.


21. Look through the text and write out all bare infinitives. Explain their usage.

Fire Safety Rules

Fire safety rules are very general, and can be applied to nearly any situation involving a dangerous fire, or the possibility of one. Every family should be sure to become educated on the different fire safety rules, so they can prevent any injuries or deaths in the event of an emergency. Some of the more important fire safety rules are:

Never place a heater near curtains.

Never store any flammable items near a heat source.

Plan and practice a safe fire escape route with your family.

If there is smoke in the air, crawl on the floor to the exit.

Never go through a door if it is hot to the touch.

Remember to stop, drop, and roll.

Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.

Be sure to maintain smoke detectors, and replace batteries.

These fire safety rules can help anyone when they are in a dangerous situa-

tion involving the fire, but they all require practice, and rational thinking. Of course, accidents can happen. Be sure everyone in the home, including children, know how to dial 911. Practice phone calls with them, and pretend you are the emergency service. This will provide your children with confidence in the event of an emergency. By using the fire safety rules, you and your family can be prepared for the worst, and know how to react accordingly.

22. Read the text once more and answer whether the statements are true or false:

Fire safety rules can be applied to any dangerous situation.

To know different fire safety rules is important for each family.

Never crawl on the floor to the exit in case of smoke in the air.

One must not go through a door if it is hot to the touch.

It’s very important to be able to use a fire extinguisher in the event of an emergency.

Children should know how to dial the emergency service.


23. Translate from Russian into English.


Действия обучающихся, преподавателей и сотрудников школы при возникновении пожара:

1.Сообщение о пожаре.

Каждый обучающийся или работник образовательного учреждения при обнаружении пожара или признаков горения (задымление, запах гари, повышение температуры и т.п.) ОБЯЗАН НЕМЕДЛЕННО СООБЩИТЬ об этом дежурному администратору, вахтёру или секретарю.

2.Мероприятия по эвакуации.

2.1. Сразу по поступлению сигнала «ПОЖАР» *:

-прекратить все работы в здании образовательного учреждения;

-организовать немедленную эвакуацию учащихся и работников учреждения, не ожидая никаких централизованных указаний от директора ОУ, штаба ГО и ЧС.

2.2. Используя наиболее безопасные пути эвакуации в сложившейся ситуации и сохраняя спокойствие, преподавателю необходимо:

-организованно вывести класс (в котором вёл занятие) на улицу, оставив дверь прикрытой (на ключ не закрывать)**;

-выстроить перед главным входом в школу (на стадионе);

-проверить по журналу наличие личного состава класса.

2.3. Проверив наличие обучающихся класса, преподаватель обязан доложить об их количестве зам. нач. ГО по эвакуации ____________ или директору школы № _ ____________ (при их отсутствии – дежурному администратору) и ждать дальнейших указаний.

3.Тушение пожара.

Преподаватели-мужчины, свободные от занятий, приступают к тушению пожара первичными средствами пожаротушения.

* Сигнал «ПОЖАР» представляет собой три длинных звонка (далее непрерывный), дублируемый сообщением ответственного лица или преподавателя по всем кабинетам.

** Классам, находящимся на I этаже, допускается эвакуироваться через окна, соблюдая меры безопасности.


24. Translate the following sentences into English.

Меры безопасности при пожаре в лесу

Если вы видите, что пожар начинает загораться, попытайтесь сбить пламя метёлкой из веток.

Двигайтесь от края к центру горящего места – так, чтобы ветер дул вам в спину.

Если поймёте, что вам с пожаром не справиться, отступите и идите за помощью. При этом двигайтесь в подветренную сторону, чтобы не оказаться в кольце огня.

Уходить от огня следует по диагонали в направлении рек или дороги.

Относительно безопасными местами являются также вспаханное поле, большой пустырь или каменистая гряда.

Следует избегать бурелома: сухие деревья и трава вспыхивают моментально.

В мягкой земле можно вырыть яму и укрыться в ней, закрывшись курткой или одеялом, чтобы защищаться от жара.

Когда фронт огня пройдет, идите в том направлении, где огонь уже потух.

Во время крупного лесного пожара почти все местное население мобилизуется на борьбу с огнем. Запрещается привлекать к борьбе с пожаром только детей, беременных женщин и кормящих матерей. В зоне бедствия начинают действовать особые законы административного управления, которые позволяют использовать все силы и технику для тушения огня.

Если вы входите в группу по тушению лесного пожара, необходимо знать, что и как будет происходить (тактика тушения), знать места укрытия

ипути отступления к ним. Необходимо одеться в защитную одежду (при возможности людям выдаются спецодежда, противогазы, каски, противодымные маски). В каждой группе должен быть проводник, хорошо знающий местность. Если видимость в зоне задымления меньше 10 метров, входить в нее нельзя.

25. Make up a dialogue between a parent and a child discussing fire safety rules.


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