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книги / Пространственные задачи теории пластичности

37.49 Mб

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ЗАДОЯЛ Месроп Арамович


Заведующий редакцией Л. А. Русаков

Редактор Н. П. Рябенькая

Переплет художника В. Я. Батищева Художественный редактор Г. М. Коровин Технический редактор Л. В. Лихачева

Корректоры О. А. Бутусова, Л. С. Сомова

ИБ М 41145

Сдано в набор 17.00.91. Подписано к печати 20.07.92. Фор­ мат 00x90/16. Бумага тип. Лв 2. Гарнитура обыкновенная. Печать высокая. Уел. псч. л. 24. Уел. кр.-отт. 24. Уч.-- нзд. л. 24,5. Тираж 3000 экз. Заказ Лэ 938. С — 069.

Издательско-производственное и книготорговое объединение «Наука» Главная редакция физико-математической литературы

117071 Москва В-71, Ленинский проспект, 15

Новосибирская типография Ла 4 ВО «Наука» 630077 Новосибирск, 77, Станиславского, 25


Moscow, Nauka, Main Editorial Board for Physical and Mathematical Li­ terature, 1992, 384 p.

Readership: Researchers, post-graduates and students of senior courses specializing in non-linear mechanics of deformable solids, and engineers invol­ ved in strength analysis of bodies and constructions in civil engineering and machine building.

Summary: The book is devoted to a study of spatial problems of mathe­ matical theory of plasticity and related axially symmetric and some plane prob­

lems of this


and describes elastic and


P a r t 1


with perfectly plastic bodies

tic equilibrium of

thick-walled cylindrical and

conical pipes, the limit


tic state of prismatic, cylindrical and conical bodies affected by impressed forces, the flow of a perfectly plastic material between rough surfaces, and int­ rusion of rigid bodies into a perfectly plastic medium.

Pa r t

2 describes equilibrium of prismatic, cylindrical, conical and toroi­

dal bodies

made of hardenable materials and affected by impressed forces.

Strength of the joint in compound bodies wade of hardenable materials is con­ sidered in view of the concept of low-stress level.

The problems are studied through construction of integrals of plasticity equations which cause analytic solutions or ordinary differential equations un­

der respective

boundary conditions to be solved


the numerical method.

In more complicated cases of spatial deformation


problems are amounted

to differential

equations in partial derivatives of two variables.

The author: Mesrop Л. Zadoyan, D. Sc. (Phys. & Math.), is head of the De­ partment of Strength of Joints and the Plasticity Theory at the Institute of Mechanics of the Armenian Academy of Sciences and Professor of the Yere­ van Polylechnical Institute.

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