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Г.Д. Невзорова

Г.И. Никитушкина

Специализированный перевод

(английский язык)

Ч а с т ь 1

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Балтийский государственный технический университет «Военмех»

Факультет международной коммуникации

Г.Д. Невзорова

Г.И. Никитушкина

Специализированный перевод

(английский язык)

Ч а с т ь 1

Практическое пособие



УДК 802.0-03(075.8)


Невзорова, Г.Д.

Специализированный перевод (английский язык). Ч. 1: практ. пособие / Г.Д. Невзорова, Г.И. Никитушкина; Балт. гос. техн. ун-т. – СПб., 2008. – 221 с.

ISBN 978-5-85546-404-7

Пособие содержит аутентичные тексты на английском и русском языках, предназначенные для отработки навыков письменного перевода нехудо-жественных текстов шести жанров, изучаемых в рамках курса «Специализированный перевод»: потребитель-ские инструкции, энциклопедические, научно-учебные и научно-популярные тексты, научные и технические тексты, реклама и объявления.

Для студентов 4-го курса, обучающихся по специальности «Теоретическая и прикладная лингвис-тика».



УДК 802.0-03(075.8)

Р е ц е н з е н т ы: С.В. Чебанов, д-р филол. наук, проф. каф. Ф-1 БГТУ; А.А. Федюковский, канд. филол. наук, доц., проф. каф. иностранных языков и межкультурной коммуникации СПбАУЭ



советом университета

ISBN 978-5-85546-404-7 ©БГТУ, 2008

© Г.Д. Невзорова,

Г.И. Никитушкина, 2008

Unit 1. Потребительские инструкции т е к с т 1. “nAiS” Blood Pressure watch


General Information

This blood pressure measurement device complies with the European Regulations (EU Council Directive 93/42/EEC dated June 14, 1993) and bears the CE (Council of Europe) mark (CE 0118).

NAiS ensures accurate measurement

The NAiS seal confirms that each NAiS Blood Pressure Watch has been checked for accurate measurement at the Matsushita plant. Equipment, which has been repaired or on which the NAiS seal is damaged, must be treated as providing inaccurate measurement. It is recommended, that such equipment be checked as previously required for recalibration.

Inserting/replacing batteries

  1. Open the battery compartment.

  2. Insert two 1,5 V alkaline batteries, ensuring correct polarity.

  3. Close the battery compartment.

Fresh batteries contain enough power for about 500 measurements.

Batteries must be replaced, when…

  1. The battery symbol appears on the display.

  2. If rechargeable batteries are being used, the device may stop without prior warning, when the batteries are exhausted.

Fitting the Blood Pressure Watch

  1. Blood Pressure Watch is measured at your left hand. The pressure cuff is an integral part of the watch. It is not necessary to roll up your sleeve or to remove any clothing.

  2. Take off your watch and any jewellery.

  3. The NAiS Blood Pressure Watch should be placed on the palm side of your wrist, roughly 1 cm below the palm of the hand, and should be secured by means of the Velcro fastener so that it is neither too tight nor too loose.

  4. Make sure, that the watch display is on the inside of your wrist.

  5. Hold your wrist at the heart level. The value measured will be too low, if you hold your hand too high. Conversely, it will be too high, if your hand is too low.

With the NAiS Blood Pressure Watch you are independent, i.e. you can control your blood pressure almost everywhere. The basic rules to measure blood pressure you should however not forget. The most important rule to be observed for the correct measurement is:

Keep still, do not move or speak while taking a measurement.

Measure your blood pressure

  1. Measurement is started by pressing the O/I button, the LCD display will show 8888 and then switch to 0. The pressure cuff in the strap is automatically inflated.

  2. The blood pressure measurement is indicated on the display and is followed by the pulse rate (number of beats per minute).

  3. After seeing the results, take off the pressure cuff. The air in the cuff is then automatically released.

  4. Press the O/I button to switch off. If you forget to do so, the Blood Pressure Watch switches off automatically after approximately 5 min.

Our blood pressure varies constantly.

Our blood pressure is a function of our daily rhythm of life. It can vary considerably in the course of the 24 hours, rising sharply in the early morning, then decreasing at noon time and then increasing again in the afternoon and finally dropping to a low level at night.

Taking only 1 or 2 measurements per day can lead to the wrong diagnosis, because our blood pressure may fluctuate strongly.

It is a well-known fact, that many people have a different blood pressure from that measured by a doctor when thy measure it themselves. Members of the medical profession call this “white coat syndrome” or “surgery hypertension”. That is why blood pressure should not only be measured occasionally in the doctor’s surgery, but regularly in everyday situations. By means of NAiS Blood Pressure Watch you can help your doctor to arrive at a more correct assessment by measuring your blood pressure at regular intervals, preferably in the morning and evening, while at rest, and then recording these values in a special blood pressure log book or record card.