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книги / Business English for Students of Technical Universities

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It’s not about working hard, it’s about working together.

You have to care more about the team than you do about yourself.

John Calipari

Task 1. Watch the video “English Skills – Describing your Job Responsibilities” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXlB0F8Hu7E and fill in the gaps with the phrases:





to be in charge of



training employees.

to be responsible for



corporate accounts (счета компании)

to take care of



watering the plants.





Grammar Tips:

We don’t use the preposition of after Gerund:



I am in charge of organizing

I am in charge of organizing of



I am responsible for implementing

I am in charge of implementing of a big

big projects.


You may also say: I am in charge of this project.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the box in the proper form:











1)I am in charge of _________ international projects.

2)I have a track record of _________ software.

3) I have a consistent approach to


computer programs for bugs.

4)I have an experience of _____________ on big projects at international giants.

5)I am responsible for _______________ with customers.

Task 3. Imagine that you are currently involved into some work / project / research / study at the university / some company. Tell your groupmate about your responsibilities.

You can use the following phrases:

I work as a (consultant) …

I work for (company) …


We provide (services) to …

I’m involved in (analysing problems…)

I’m responsible for (dealing with …)

I report to (my team lead(er), research adviser…)

Task 4. Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WyCjQDGhfs up to 1:00 timestamp.


Pay attention to the phrases used in the video: an amount of work – объем работы;

to get the credit – здесь: оказаться в выигрыше.

1)Choose the correct definition of TEAMWORK: A, B, C, D, or E (all the definitions given):

2)Put down the definition of TEAMWORK:

Task 5. Read the text and find an example of teamwork. Read the text again and use the proper forms of Gerunds in the gaps, translate the sentences with the gaps filled in. Retell the main idea of the text in one compound–complex sentence.

How to Be a Great Team Player.

Maximizing Your Contribution

Teamworking is such a vital way of (complete) ________ projects that it’s worth (develop) _______ and (refine) ___________ the skills that will help you make a valuable contribution to whichever type of team you’re in.

Sports teams are perfect examples of how many players working together can achieve much more than one player who is acting alone. Everyone on the team plays a different role, according to their strengths – and by (help) ___________

and (encourage) _________one another along the way, you can make some inspiring things happen.


Task 6. As a team member, you also contribute to the success of the team having a role of your own. Have a look at two classifications of team roles below. Which classification do you like more? Why?

Belbin’s Team Roles


Margerison-McCann Team



Management Profile









The Belbin model says that people tend

The Team Management Profile is a

to assume “team roles”:

tool used for team development, which

• Shapers – people who challenge the





team to improve.




• Implementers – the people who get

to others,




things done.

organizing themselves and others:


• Completer-Finishers – the people

• Reporter/Adviser – people who


who see that projects are completed.


gather information, and help others

• Coordinators – people who take on


understand what’s going on.



the traditional team leader role.

• Creator/Innovator – people who


• Team Workers – people who are


look for different ways to view


negotiators, and make sure the team







is working together.

• Explorer/Promoter – people who are

• Resource Investigators – people who


able to influence others easily.


work with external stakeholders to

• Assessor/Developer – people who

help the team meet its objectives.


evaluate and analyse.



• Plants – people who come up with

Thruster/Organizer – results-


new ideas and approaches.


oriented people who make things

• Monitor-Evaluators – people who






analyse and evaluate ideas that other

Concluder/Producer – efficient


people come up with.


individuals who complete activities

• Specialists – people with specialist


according to plan, and on schedule.

knowledge that’s needed to get the

• Controller/Inspector – the “facts


job done.


and figures” people who make sure



standards are met.





• Upholder/Maintainer – people who



hold the team together.










Task 7. Find and translate the words in bold from the table:

external stakeholders;

to meet objectives;

to meet standards;

to complete activities according to plan and on schedule;

results-oriented people;

the “facts and figures” people.


Task 8. Read the texts again. In pairs, translate descriptions of roles


the suffix “-er” into Russian. Compare your translations with those of




Task 9. Read the texts in Task 6 again. Answer the following questions in writing and share your ideas with the groupmates.

Which role on a team are you ready to take now?

Which role would you like to progress to? What skills do you need to acquire?

Task 10. Find information about some company or team leader that inspires you. How would you describe his/her team role? Prepare a story (at least 20 sentences) about him/her and share your story with the groupmates.

Task 11. When you work in a team, you may come across people from various countries. Look at the title of the text below. What is the text about? Translate the word “background” within the context.

The Use of Space

You may come across people of different nationalities when doing business. You should always bear in mind that people will have different attitudes depending on their background. For example, people from the Mediterranean tend to sit or stand closer than people from Northern Europe or East Asia. So you have to remember this rule when you do business.

Remember that Northern Europeans and East Asians are punctual. If you have a business meeting at 10 a.m., you are to arrive on time. Of course, you mustn’t be rude.

Business people shake hands but the strength of the handshake can be different. In the USA it’s normal to pat someone on the shoulder or slap them on the back (похлопать по плечу или спине) but you have to remember that people in the UK sometimes don’t like this sort of behavior. So you ought to follow these rules when doing business.


Task 12. Read the text again. Give the proper modals in bold from the text used to:

1)express a strong prohibition – …

2)express probability – …

3)talk about what we think is correct to do (as a recommendation) – …

4)express the view that something is the right thing to do because it’s morally correct – …

5)talk about planned things – …

6)talk about things we are forced to do (we have to do) under the circumstances –

Task 13. Put the modals into the proper column:

Modals with the particle to

Modals without particle to

Task 14. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1)You must to do this task.

2)He have to do this work.

3)They mustn’t to ignore this fact.

4)They don’t have to do this work. It’s already done.

5)They ought be polite.

Task 15. Do the Modals test below:

1) We


visit Eric when we are in London.



c)didn’t ought

2)Which question is correct?

a)We should call the police?

b)Should we call the police?

c)Do we should call the police?

3)Which sentence is correct?

a)We ought have a party to celebrate Kate’s birthday.

b)We ought to have a party to celebrate Kate’s birthday.

c)We should to have a party to celebrate Kate’s birthday.


4)Tomorrow is Sunday but you __________ get up very early to complete your project work.


b)have to


Task 16. In groups of four, write a list of recommendations and tips how to become an efficient and professional team member. Use the phrases, modals, and gerund. Compare the lists prepared by the groups, choose the most comprehensive one.

Example: To work in a team effectively, you are to meet deadlines, you should be results-oriented, you mustn’t be rude, you should help your team to meet its objectives, etc.

Tips: you can also use some verbs with gerunds and prepositions from the list below:

to be/get involved in (e. g.: Never miss a chance to get involved in resultsoriented research.)

adapt to (e. g.: People need to adapt to changing conditions.) get used to (e. g.: I should get used to working much and hard.)

give up (e. g.: You should never give up trying to solve this problem.) insist on (e. g.: He insisted on seeing me off at the airport.)

keep on (e. g.: We need to keep on trying.)

look forward to (e. g.: I look forward to working on big projects.) object to (e. g.: I object to changing the plans right now.)

prepare for (e. g.: Adequately preparing for a presentation is vital.) put off (e. g.: Have you ever put off completing your work?)

succeed in (e. g.: The new manager has succeeded in finding new customers.) take part in (e. g.: Many people took part in working on that project.) there’s some/no point in (e. g.: There is no point in arguing.)

Task 17. Write a descriptive essay about skills that future professionals need to master.

Before you start, watch the video via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= UV46n44jnoA to get you inspired and to remind you about robots and life-long learning.


Task 18. Make a video about yourself. Refer to these three stepping stones and the phrases above to describe your:

personal qualities or skills;

qualifications you have and are going to acquire;

responsibilities you are prepared to take now and in the future.

Use as many words and phrases from the unit as you can. Show your video to your groupmates. Be ready to answer some questions.

Useful Vocabulary

To have good time management skills

To work to deadlines

To cope calmly under pressure

To be a good team member

To handle problems with tact

To have a (proven, six-month, two-year, etc.) track record/experience of Gerund/Noun

To delegate in a respectful and professional manner

To have a consistent approach to Gerund/Noun

To have an experience of working on large-scale projects

To graduate from the university – to be a university graduate

To be fluent in English, German, French, etc.

To have a basic working knowledge of some language

To be highly computer-literate

To have an in-depth knowledge of …

To build up a sound understanding of …

To be prepared to take initiative and welcome new challenges

To extend one’s expertise

To join a company

To reward somebody according to one’s abilities, commitment, and hard work

Commitment = a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause

Effective written and oral communication skills in English

Excellent interpersonal skills

Strong analytical skills

To be self-driven

An employer vs. an employee

To tend to


To be likely to Infinitive, to be unlikely to Infinitive: Companies are likely to hire…

To manage multiple projects and prioritize activities

To support problem detection and solution

To improve company/engine/program/etc. performance

To lead project implementation

To manage project execution

To deal with companies/customers/etc.

To provide services/recommendations to somebody

To become an in-demand professional

To promote company goals

To increase profitability

To be in charge of Gerund/Noun

To be responsible for Gerund/Noun

To take care of

To work as a (consultant)…

To work for (company) …

To be involved in (analysing problems…)

To report to the chief, etc.

Stakeholder = a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the business

To set and meet objectives

To meet standards

To meet deadlines

To complete activities according to plan and on schedule

Results-oriented/ goal-oriented people

The “facts and figures” people

Background = here your family and your experience of education, living conditions, money, etc.: They come from a well-educated background

To be involved in

To be interested in

To adapt to

To get used to

To give up

To insist on

To keep on

To look forward to

To object to

To prepare for

To put off

To succeed in

There is a/some/no point in doing something



Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.

Potter Stewart

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


Task 1. What do you think the main difference between Business Ethics and Business Etiquette is?

Task 2. Here are some words and phrases describing Business Ethics and Business Etiquette. Put them into two columns. Check their meanings in https://multitran.com. Make a list of new words in your exercise books.

bribery [‘braɪb(ə)rɪ] and corruption [kə’rʌpʃ(ə)n];

punctuality [pʌŋkʧu’ælɪtɪ];

shaking hands;

small talk before meetings;



laundering [‘lɔːndǝrɪŋ];

being formal or informal;

exchanging business cards;

giving presents;

using first names;

fraud [‘frɔ:d];

espionage [‘espiənɔ:ʒ];

unionization [‘ju:nɪənaɪ’zeɪʃ(ə)n];

tax avoidance;

insider trading.

Business ethics

Business etiquette














Task 3. Why is it important to learn some facts about other cultures before visiting foreign countries? Why is it important for businessmen to study cultural differences? Have you ever been in awkward situations when contacting a different nationality? Have you ever experienced a cultural shock? Give some examples.

Task 4. Match the words in bold with their meanings. If you do not know their meanings, try to guess them. Then check your results using a dictionary.

1)Culture shocks from around the world can often lead to potential business associates embarrassing themselves and completely ruining deals.

2)If a company representative is unaware of a certain territory’s style of conversation or negotiation, it could be detrimental to the way foreign business leaders view them and their brand.

3)Additionally, these folks are less inclined to retain eye contact during a dialogue; a tendency which would be considered disrespectful in the States.

4)Countries like Spain are also quite receptive to discussing personal matters as family and relationships are highly valued.

5)More than just the type of questions that are asked, it is also necessary to be mindful of the verbosity that is used.

6)If corporate dealings are taken to Brazil, however, you may be in for a bit of a culture shock as Brazilians are accustomed to physical contact during conversations.

7)If you are late for a meeting in Germany, you may have jeopardized the deal.

8)It is better to play it safe than to risk offending a potential business partner.

9)For example, it would seem appropriate and somewhat obvious to give a watch as a business gift.

10)Culture shocks from across the world vary greatly from region to region and should be respected and honoured.

a)to cause confusion and shame; to make uncomfortably, complicate;

b)wordiness, use of too many words and sentences, use of long, sometimes unclear speeches;

c)to see something as customary, usual, habitual;

d)to put something in risk, i. e. in jeopardy;

e)characterized by having or showing no respect; behaving in a rude manner;

f)to act in a way least likely to cause danger, controversy, or defeat;

g)not aware or conscious; not understand that something is happening;

h)If things vary, they are different from each other in size, amount, or degree;


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