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The Teachers Grammar Book - James Williams

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tant part of the social, cultural, biological, and psychological dimensions of human existence. Language processing is recognized as involving a complex interaction among different areas of the brain—the temporal lobe associated with receptive speech, the parietal lobe with writing, the frontal lobes with motor speech, and so forth. Consequently, language is deemed to be embedded in a variety of interconnected cognitive operations and is necessarily influenced by them. As mentioned in the previous chapter, we can see this interconnectivity through brain imaging, but we don’t need to rely exclusively on technology here: We need only consider how a person’s emotional state affects language.1 Thus, cognitive grammar strives to explain language and its structure in terms of both brain function and communication. Lamb (1998), for example, noted that all cognitive activity, including language, consists of complex patterns of neural firing and inhibition, like switches turning on and off. Attempts to describe these patterns in terms of rules and transformations, Lamb noted, seem farfetched. He argued that the study of grammar and language should be linked to the study of neurocognitive processes. As we see later in this chapter, this approach lends itself to helping us understand some of the problems we encounter when teaching language.


Recall that T-G grammar and the MP maintain that language is computational and compositional; a cognitive mechanism performs various language operations, such as inducing grammar rules and combining small linguistic units into larger ones. On this account, the language module is said to consist of submodules that are responsible for a range of different processes. Computation is related to the idea that language—specifically, grammar—is largely independent of language use. In T-G grammar, for example, the language acquisition device induces the rules of the grammar with minimal input; in the MP, universal grammar is innate, and input does nothing more than set certain parameters. Also, both T-G grammar and the MP deal with example sentences rather than utterances. Neither addresses the fact that such sentences lack a context that includes someone with an intention to communicate a message to someone with the ability to understand (or misunderstand) the message, and neither makes any attempt to examine units of discourse beyond the sentence.

The idea of independence is especially problematic for those of us who teach reading, writing, and speaking because it does not consider issues of rhetoric. Chomsky’s approach to grammar always has been plagued by his ambiva-

1Emotions involve several areas of the brain, especially the limbic system and the frontal lobes.



lence and ambiguity regarding meaning. In Syntactic Structures, he noted that transformational grammar “was completely formal and non-semantic” (1957, p. 93). None of his work with grammar has considered language’s rhetorical dimension. As teachers, we need to be able to draw on theory and research to inform our work with students. We need tools that allow us to understand more clearly how students use language, the nature of their errors, and how to help them become more proficient readers and writers.

Language as a Social Action: Metaphor and Symbol

Cognitive grammar, much like rhetoric, views language as a social action. Meaning, therefore, emerges out of language in a social context and is usage based. More often than not, the language we use is metaphorical and symbolic, for we rarely assign a literal meaning to our words.

This concept is not particularly difficult, but it creates significant problems for the idea of compositionality, at least in its strict sense. Let’s take a simple word like run. Compositionality indicates that we form the word by combining its constituent parts: r + u + n. The result is the word run, but nothing in the process of composing the word or in the word itself tells us much about the word’s meaning. Without a context, it can mean any number of things, as the following short list of possibilities illustrates:

1.the act of moving swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride

2.a score in baseball

3.a snag in a woman’s stocking

4.a string of good luck

5.a scheduled or regular route

6.to move at a gallop on horseback

7.to retreat

8.to flee

9.to emit pus or mucus

10.to melt

On this basis, we see that run is both metaphor and symbol. Processing the meaning of run requires not only that we recognize its symbolism but also what it signifies. Signification, in turn, requires a speaker/writer with an intention to designate one thing in terms of another. Thus, we cannot separate the meaning of the word from the person who uses the word. Equally important, we cannot separate the meaning of the word from the audience.



The situation becomes more complex as soon as we move from individual words to entire expressions. We can say that someone is cool, and mean, most of the time, something other than a description of body temperature. We can say that someone is hot with a similar effect. Indeed, we can use both expressions to describe a single person, as in:

Macarena is cool.

Macarena is hot.

Interestingly, these statements are not contradictory but can be easily understood as complementary: Macarena’s coolness may, in fact, make her hot, and vice versa. With these and countless other statements, the meaning cannot readily be calculated on the basis of the words themselves. Taylor (2002) expressed the problem neatly when he wrote: “complex expressions nearly always have a meaning that is more than, or even at variance with, the meaning that can be computed by combining the meanings of the component parts” (p. 13). The most well-known expressions of this type are idioms, such as The goon kicked the bucket, Rita needs to come down off her high horse, Everything’s turning up roses, and so forth.

The metaphorical nature of language prompts many cognitive grammarians to argue not only that meaning does not reside in individual words but also that the meaning of individual words is conceptual rather than specific. Conceptual meaning relies on a network of associations for each word that radiate in numerous directions. The word tree, for example, designates a generic concept, or category, that serves as a prototype. In isolation, the word means very little. However, its network of associations radiates outward to palm trees, oak trees, maple trees, poplar trees, apple trees, and so on, allowing us to use tree in meaningful ways. Especially interesting is the fact that the human mind is so good at identifying and abstracting patterns that we can apply the term tree to categories that have nothing at all to do with natural organisms like apple trees. We accept the sentence diagrams in chapters 4 and 5 as tree diagrams even though they have only one feature in common with actual trees—a branching structure. On this account, we can say that the conceptual nature of meaning in cognitive grammar underscores language as a symbolic system.

This approach to meaning allows for a better understanding of the relation among cognition, grammar, and semantics. Function words, such as prepositions, provide interesting illustrations:

1.The book was on the table.

2.The book was under the table.



Sentences 1 and 2 are grammatically identical, consisting of a noun phrase, a linking verb, and a prepositional phrase. Their opposite meanings result from their conceptually different prepositions, not from their grammar. Our ability to formulate these sentences is based on our ability to establish logical propositions for the mental model of the book and the table through what Fauconnier and Turner (2002) called conceptual blending. Meaning in this case is not related to grammar but to the underlying logical propositions, which define the location of the book with respect to the table.

On this basis, cognitive grammar suggests that some language errors, as well as misunderstandings, are related to different experiences, backgrounds, or knowledge. The English prepositions on and in, for example, are notoriously difficult for nonnative speakers of English: We get in a car, but we get on a train, bus, and airplane. Many languages, such as Spanish, have a single preposition (en) that serves as both on and in. As a result, native Spanish speakers will not have different conceptual categories for these prepositions. Teaching the grammar of prepositions and prepositional phrases will have only a modest effect on performance because the mental model related to being inside a car, train, or bus does not build the necessary concepts.

Teaching Tip

An effective strategy at the elementary level, where we find most of our nonnative English speakers, is to use pictures to help students visualize (and thereby internalize) the conceptual relations associated with the prepositions “in” and “on.” For vehicles, the conceptual relation involves not only size but also whether the transport is public or private. Thus, we get in small, personal vehi- cles—cars, trucks, SUVs, and mini-vans—but we get on trains, buses, trolleys, and airplanes. When students see the pictures and appropriate example sentences underneath, they form mental models of the conceptual relations.

Language Is Grounded in Experience

Although language appears to be innate in many respects, we cannot say the same about communicative competence, particularly with regard to how we convey and interpret meaning. Cognitive grammar endorses the Lockean perspective that ideas and meaning are grounded in experience, which varies from person to person. Differences exist because people have different histories. Children, for example, may be born with an innate sense of morality, but it must be developed through input and guidance, which may explain why the first several years of parenting involve intense focus on appropriate versus inappropriate behavior, on the moral education of the child. The fact that parents in all cultures, without any conscious consideration of what they are doing, devote so much attention to helping their children develop language



and a sense of right and wrong strongly suggests innateness to some degree. Without slighting the growing body of research indicating that personal- ity—and thus behavior—is largely determined by biology, we can state that differences in behavior can be attributed, in part, to differences in parenting (see Barber, 1996; Baumrind, 1989, 1991; Chao, 1994; Darling & Steinberg, 1993; Heath, 1983; Maccoby & Martin, 1983; Miller, Cowan, P., Cowan, C., & Hetherington, 1993; Pinker, 2002; Schwarz, Barton-Henry, & Pruzinsky, 1985; Steinberg, Darling, & Fletcher, 1995; Steinberg, Dornbusch, & Brown, 1992; Weiss & Schwarz, 1996).

Applying this perspective to language is revealing. Formalist models of language are problematic, in part, because they assume that all sentences begin with the lexicon, that language exists in the mind as words. But words per se do not exist anywhere in the brain; instead, we find cell assemblies representing words through cortical dynamics (Pulvermuller, 2003). If we accept the argument for the lexicon merely as a metaphor, it may seem reasonable, given the nature of language, but there is no evidence to support it. Even if words are indeed stored in the brain, it does not follow that language begins with words. As Fauconnier and Turner (2002) noted, at the heart of language are the “powerful and general abilities of conceptual integration” (p. 180).

More critical, however, is that formalist models of language treat meaning as though it exists exclusively in the mind of the language producer. Meaning is subordinated to a focus on derivations and structure, even though “structure” per se is dismissed as an “artifact” that has no “theoretical status” (Chomsky, 1995, pp. 25–26). Lengthy discussions of structural derivations in the MP present a view of language processing that is exclusively bottom up, and it ignores the fact that a great deal of language processing is top down (Abbott, Black, & Smith, 1985; Fodor, Bever, & Garrett, 1974; Kintsch & van Dijk, 1978; Johnson-Laird, 1983; Sanford & Garrod, 1981; Smith, 1983).

Again, this is not a trivial matter. Formalist grammars cannot provide a satisfactory model of language processing because they do not account for a variety of factors associated with language as a communicative act that conveys meaning. Consider the following sentences:

3.The house had a three-car garage.

4.The House approved the minimum-wage bill.

5.The Louvre and the National house many of the world’s great treasures.

The meaning of the word house in these sentences derives from our experience with the world. Producing and comprehending 4, for example, requires a knowledge of government that is quite removed from grammar.



Construing Meaning

The following hypothetical scenario illustrates a more difficult problem for formalist grammars: A couple (Fritz and Macarena) has put their home up for sale; they meet with a potential buyer (Rita) and give her a tour. Rita comments on how lovely the home is and asks the purchase price. Fritz and Macarena provide a figure, and Rita looks around slowly and then makes the following statement:

6. The house needs new paint.

What, exactly, does this statement mean? In formalist accounts, the meaning is inherent in the statement as a matter of fact. That is, the statement maps a certain real-world condition onto a linguistic form that is determined by the lexicon and the grammar. However, as Lee (2001), and others (Williams, 1993, 2003a) have pointed out, meaning in human communication rarely consists of this sort of mapping. Instead, it involves a complex array of contextual or situational factors that lead those participating in the language event to construe statements in different ways. On this account, in our scenario, Rita’s utterance of sentence 6 does not have the same meaning for her as it does for Fritz and Macarena. For her, the sentence may signify the prospect of money saved in the purchase, whereas for Fritz and Macarena it may signify money lost if they sell to Rita. We find a further illustration of this phenomenon if we conclude our scenario with Rita purchasing the house. Sentences 7 and 8 convey this fact. Both map the same real-world condition into very similar grammatical structures—yet they mean very different things:

7.Fritz and Macarena sold their house to Rita for a good price.

8.Rita bought Fritz and Macarena’s house for a good price.

The range of factors that can influence how we construe the meaning of statements is very large. Lee (2001) argued that all language use exists in frames that consist of background knowledge and context and that language is understood in relation to these frames. On this account, “if I approach the boundary between land and sea from the land, I refer to it as ‘the coast,’ whereas if I approach it from the sea, I call it ‘the shore’” (Lee, p.10). Lee suggested that frames can help explain the misunderstandings that often occur in cross-cultural communication, which “have nothing to do with the meaning of linguistic forms in the narrow sense.… In a frame-oriented approach, … knowledge differences based on an individual’s life experiences (including growing up in a particular culture) can be built into the model” (p. 11). Thus, we understand why it is so difficult to get jokes in another language—they are



culture specific. As Woody Allen (1982) noted in the movie Stardust Memories, he was lucky to have been born in a society that puts a big value on jokes: “If you think of it this way … if I had been an Apache Indian, those guys didn’t need comedians at all, right?” (p. 342).

Frames must also include emotional states. Our emotions influence what we say and how it is understood. When we process language, we do not merely look for the meaning of the words—we commonly try to recognize and understand the intentions underlying the words. With regard to oral discourse, understanding the intentions is often more important than the words themselves. Using this analysis, we see that there are two reasons why formalist grammars cannot explain how we understand that sentences 7 and 8 have different meanings: (a) the computational system does not allow for construal and does not provide a model of language acquisition that includes mental models of spaces, frames, and propositions; and (b) their bottom-up model of processing is incompatible with the top-down mechanisms necessary for extracting the meaning from such sentences. As teachers, we cannot separate form from substance or meaning. If rhetoric tells us anything, it is that a writer/speaker must be aware of how an audience understands the message. Yet formalist grammars ignore the fact that language is a social action, that form and meaning are inseparable, and that the meaning of any sentence does not reside exclusively in the mind of the one who produces it but also exists in the minds of those who read or hear each sentence.


Although it seems clear that grammar is largely a manifestation—rather than the sole determiner—of meaning, it is equally clear that poor grammar, in the form of ungrammatical constructions, can interfere with meaning. Ungrammatical sentences force the audience to guess at the intended meaning. This problem is particularly acute in writing. Using the information in the foregoing sections, develop three activities that engage students in the connection between meaning and grammar. Share these activities with classmates and develop a portfolio of lessons that can be used in teaching.

The Importance of Context

If we accept the proposal that frames greatly affect understanding, we begin to recognize that students face significant obstacles when writing. One of the big- ger—but often unrecognized—problems is that teachers and students usually



do not share common frames associated with writing assignments. Teachers have an understanding of each assignment that leads them to have fairly specific expectations for student responses, yet students will have a different understanding, as well as a perception of the teacher’s expectations that are far off target. Furthermore, when students are writing about anything other than themselves, they generally lack sufficient background knowledge for meaningful communication. And because writing tasks commonly lack a context, students frequently do not recognize that they must create a context for each essay they produce. The necessary frames are missing and must be created. Adding to students’ difficulties: The lack of a context makes formulating a viable intention quite challenging because the language act associated with most classroom writing tasks is artificial. Intention grounds all oral discourse, yet writing typically is produced in response to a teacher’s assignment. Students’ “intention,” then, is merely to meet the demands of the assignment, which renders the intention and the language act arhetorical. On this basis, we understand that even if a student is able to construct an appropriate frame for a given paper, the paper will fail as a social action if there is no viable underlying intention.

These problems are not insurmountable, but they are troubling and challenging. Too often, we find our schools skirting the problems by relying exclusively on self-expressive or personal writing, which simply creates more problems. Viable assignments must engage students in the sort of writing they will encounter in college and the workplace, and it most certainly has nothing to do with self-expression. Such assignments also must be highly contextualized without being overly long. They must provide students with success criteria as a means of sharing expectation frames. Students should not have to guess what a successful response entails.

Teaching Tip

Cognitive grammar suggests that students can improve their writing if they understand the need to contextualize the writing task. Students have a tacit understanding of the importance of context in speech; this is part of their communicative competence. Therefore, asking them to discuss a paper in work groups and then to produce an oral composition prior to writing may serve as a bridge between speech and writing that leads to better contextualization.


Chapter 2 noted that there are two dominant models of language acquisition, the induction model and the association model. The differences between these models is central to cognitive grammar and mark a clear departure from



formalist approaches. Let’s examine the process of acquisition and the two dominant models more closely.

The Induction Model

The question that has fascinated researchers for the last 50 years is not whether language is grammatical but rather how children grasp the full complexities of grammar with little effort and without being taught. Parents and other adults do not teach infants grammar—they just talk to them. Nevertheless, without any explicit instruction, children can utilize most possible grammatical constructions by age 4. By age 10 or 11, they can utilize all. Production typically lags behind comprehension, however, and writing generally has a more complex structure than speaking, which explains why most people, but especially children, find it difficult to generate the complex grammatical constructions found in writing.

The nature of parental input complicates the question of acquisition. As Chomsky (1965, 1972) observed, children manage to produce grammatical sentences at an early age on the basis of often distorted linguistic input, that is, the “baby talk” that adults always use when speaking to infants. Because the utterances children produce are grammatical but are not mere repetitions of adult speech, Chomsky proposed that humans have an innate language acquisition device that induces grammar rules from limited and distorted data. In this account, for the first 2 years of life, children’s language acquisition device is processing input and developing the grammar rules of the home language. There are fits and starts, but then the induction is completed and the child applies those rules consistently.

The minimalist program focuses on the role of universal grammar in acquisition, but it also is an induction model based on the idea that the language children hear from adults is impoverished. Under what he called “principles and parameters theory,” Chomsky (1981, 1995, 2000) linked acquisition to a finite set of innate parameters for grammar. The parameters define not only what is and what is not grammatical but also what can and cannot be grammatical in a given language. Any input that does not fit the parameters is ignored or discarded. Thus, even though baby talk constitutes distorted input, it nevertheless is congruent with the parameters for grammar and is accepted as meaningful (also see Hudson, 1980; Slobin & Welsh, 1973; Comrie, 1981; Cullicover, 1999; Jackendoff, 2002; Newmeyer, 1998; Pinker, 1995; and Prince & Smolensky, 1993).

One might be tempted on this basis to suggest that parents play a major role in helping children develop grammar through their interventions when children generate incorrect utterances. Observations of parent–child interactions,



however, have not supported this suggestion (Bohannon & Stanowicz, 1988; Bowerman, 1982; Demetras, Post, & Snow, 1986; Hirsh-Pasek, Treiman, & Schneiderman, 1984; Marcus, 1993). Parental interventions are somewhat random, and they often are unrelated to grammar, typically addressing, instead, matters of pronunciation and factuality.

Anyone who has raised children or spent a great deal of time with children knows that acquisition depends significantly on a matching procedure. Beyond the cooing and baby talk that is part of the bonding that parents and children experience, there is a consistent instructional agenda that involves introducing children to objects in their world and providing them with the names for those objects. In the case of a ball, for example, a parent will hold up a ball and utter the word “ball.” Eventually, the day will come when the child makes his or her first attempt at producing the word, and in most instances it comes out as something other than “ball.” “Ba” is a very common first effort. Normally, the parent will correct the child’s utterance, stretching out the word and emphasizing the /1/ sound, and the child will respond by trying his or her best to mimic the parent. This procedure ultimately results in a close match between the two utterances.2

Such observations suggest that sociolinguistic conventions play a significant role in our understanding of language. The nature of parental interventions, however, are such that they cannot account for the rapid expansion of grammatical utterances or the fact that 90% of these utterances are grammatically correct by age 3.5.

Overgeneralization of Past Tense. We saw in chapter 5 that formalist grammars are computational and rule driven. Their treatment of tense illustrates how the process is understood to work. Formalist grammars propose that regular past tense is governed by a rule-based submodule. When producing a sentence like Fred walked the dog, the submodule is activated; it then takes the verb form to walk from the lexicon and applies something like the following rule: “Add the suffix -ed to the untensed verb.” Irregular verbs are handled differently. Between the ages of 2 and 3, we observe children regularizing irregular verbs by adding the past-tense suffix. Instead of using held, for example, they will produce holded. After 6 to 8 months, they begin using the irregular forms correctly. The assumption is that during this period children’s regular tense submodule is overgeneralizing the rule and that eventually the submodule determines that the rule does not apply. Pinker (1999) speculated that a second tense submodule, this one for irregular verbs, is then activated. However, this submodule does not apply

2The inability to achieve an exact match results in language change over generations.

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