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11. Time To…

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:

A time to be born,

And a time to die;

A time to kill,

And a time to heal;

A time to break down,

And a time to build up;

A time to weep,

And a time to laugh;

A time to mourn,

And a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones,

And a time to gather stones together;

A time to seek,

And a time to lose;

A time to tear,

And a time to sew;

A time to keep silence,

And a time to speak;

A time for war,

And a time for peace;

A time to love,

And a time to hate;

A time to cast away stones,

And a time to gather stones together…


OK, Jim. Tell me more about your work experience.

Oh I did this and that… I delivered pizza for a while…

And why did you quit the pizza delivery?

Oh, you know, my car broke down and stuff…

But do you have a reliable car now? You must have transportation to be hired.

Yes, I do and it runs great. It’s a vintage classic. I bought it from…

So, why do you want this job?

Well, I need to pay my rent, and you guys are hiring. I saw the ad in the paper.

Hmm… Your hair is pretty long. It’s against our policy.

All our security officers have to have a neat, short haircut. And wear a uniform.

That’s tough, man! OK. I guess I can cut my hair…

All right then… One final question. What do you think your major personal flaw is?

I know the correct answer, man! I’m a… what’s the word? a workaholic! I work too hard!

Oh, I’m sure you do, buddy, I’m sure you do…

13. Cruising For A Bruising

You want coffee or tea?

I’m fine, thank you.

You’ve been sitting at the computer for two hours. I didn’t see you have breakfast. Or take a shower for that matter.

I’ve been chatting. I’ve found this new chat room and there’s this guy…

It’s not healthy, you know. You sit there staring at the screen and talking to yourself. You never even combed your hair. You look like a madman.

Oh, you exaggerate! I don’t look like a madman! It’s just that…

Go take a shower right now and have something to eat!

Oh really…

Do it now or you won’t know what hit you, buddy! You’re cruising for a bruising!

All right, I’ll go but I’ll be eating without an appetite!

Just shut up and go! Don’t try my patience any longer…

14.Harry Forever

Look at this line, Jane! It’s a half mile long! What’s going on?

Don’t you know? The one hundred fiftieth or so, book of Harry Potter by the famous author Rowling is out today.

All her fans are standing in line to buy it.

No way! And, what about that fat, bald guy in his… fifties?

He’s dressed up like a clown: night gown, moronic hat and all. What’s he supposed to be?

Your ignorance is appalling, my friend.

He’s the Harry Potter, the young magician fighting the evil…

I know! I know! The… what’s his name… Potner fights the evil Agent Smith and the Matrix!

You savage! Don’t you know anything about the mass culture? The Matrix was fought by Neo, who was the Chosen One.

And, there also was Morpheus and that chick in tight shiny pants you liked so much…

I remember! It’s come back to me now. We went to see it together, right?

Right. You were late for the show; and I was mad at you and didn’t talk to you for some time.

Yeah, I do remember. But, look at those guys; what a bunch of morons!

Yes, my friend, the brain-dead rule America...

15.Star light, star bright

What a gorgeous sunset! Just look at that view! It’s breathtaking!

Thank you. We like it too.

Like it? That’s what I call a serious understatement! I’m absolutely loving it!

Thank you. It’s always nice to hear.

Have you bought the house?

No, we could never have afforded it. Not these days. My parents left it to me.

Lucky you. It’s such a beautiful place. And so peaceful.

Yes, it is. And down there, we even have a private beach.

You’ve got a river?

No, it’s a lake. Look over there – we have a boat and a private mooring.

That beauty is your boat? I’m gonna die… By the way, what lake is it?

It’s Lake Sammamish. And, of course, it’s full of trout… Do you like fishing?

You bet. I come from Alaska.

We also have two horses, a pony, and a donkey. Can you ride a horse?

Yes, I can.

How about a ride tomorrow morning?

I’m so excited I can hardly wait!

Look, the first star!

Ah yes, “Star light, star bright…”

“I wish I may, I wish I might…”


Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, you have the right haircut, the right scar, the right looks. You even have a wand. But, you do not have…


You still do not know how to say…

What? Sir?

You cannot pronounce the word…

Yes, I can, I can!

Do not interrupt me, Harry! You’re cruising for a bruising! Just shut your mouth and sit there! I’m two hundred years old,

I have a very bad temper, and I can smack you, if you do it again! You get my drift?

Yes, sir! I do, sir!

And take that finger out of your nose when I’m talking to you! OK, now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, you, Harry, cannot properly pronounce the word “abracadabra”. You wanna try it once again, Harry?

Yes, Professor Doubledoork!

Do it then.

Abracalabra… ablacramabra… abrashmabra… abra…

Get out of my face, you, little twit! Out, out!

How do you intend to defeat the all-powerful Lord Ugliwart, if you can’t say this simple word “ablaca… avrac…”

Oh, never mind! Go and study, Harry! Study! Shame on you! No dessert for you tonight! Ablaca… Oh damn!

17.What’s The Difference?

Good morning, Jim! Can you help me with the computer again?

Uh, sure, but those guys never brought it back…

Yes, they did. It’s sitting on my desk!

No way! They couldn’t have gotten past me without my seeing them.

But, I’m telling you – it’s right there. I’ve just seen it.

Oh, maybe, you’ve seen a ghost or something…

Are you gonna help or should I ask somebody else?

Oh, I guess… let’s go…

Here it is!


Right here – in front of you!

I’m not blind. I told you they never brought it back from the shop. It’s not here.

If you’re making some kind of joke, it’s not funny. What’s this in your opinion!?

It’s only a monitor.

A monitor, a computer… What’s the difference? Just help me turn it on – I’ve got work to do!

Oh, Good Lord!

18.When You Go To San Francisco

So, how was San Fran? “When you go to San Francisco…” Have you met any “nice people” there?

It’s a pretty cool town, actually. I saw quite a few bums on the streets, though…

Well, you can’t go anywhere without seeing bums these days. They’re a permanent part of the picture, I guess. Where did you stay?

In the Silver Cloud Inn. A pretty nice hotel, actually...

Did you go to Alcatraz?

Yes, I did. And to Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge. All the usual. And, the next day, a buddy of mine drove me all the way down to Monterey.

Did you take the One-O-One to Salinas and the Laguna Seca Road? It’s beautiful country there.

No, first, we went to Santa Cruz and then down to Monterey.

Santa Cruz? That’s where all the old hippies moved from San Fran. Well, actually some of them settled down in Oregon…

But anyhow, there are all those little quaint shops in downtown Santa Cruz, near the beach, selling pipes, beads, rainbow shirts and that kind of stuff…

Peace, brother!

Yeah, dude, make love, not war!

Hey, hey! Ho, ho! The hate must go!

19.Yeah, Dude…

OK. The rainbow days are over. Now, the suits rule the world once again...

But, you seem to know an awful lot about that area. How come?

Well, as a matter of fact, I lived in Monterey for a few years. In Pacific Grove, to be exact…

Really? We drove right through it to get on the Seventeen Mile Drive.

What a great coastline there! We even saw deer on a golf course!

I know. Those deer liked to eat my landlady’s roses every night. Couldn’t chase them away. Finally we had to have a fence built. But, they would jump the fence and do it anyway. The poor lady was absolutely desperate!

She wanted me to sleep outside and guard the roses! But, you said you took that Seventeen Mile Drive.

You know that I hiked a trail along that Drive almost every day?

My house was practically next to the Drive’s Gate, and I walked from there through Pebble Beach down to the ocean

and all the way up to the point where you could see Carmel.

Really? It’s a pretty long hike! I’m amazed. You’re a monster hiker, man!

Well, unfortunately, not any more. To be honest, I slowed down a bit…

Yeah, dude, me too…

20.What’s Up, Bro?

Hey, what’s up, bro?

Not much. Got myself a new computer. Have a look.

Wow! That’s fancy stuff! A real mean machine! A dual core processor and all!

It’s special designed for gaming. It’s a powerhouse. It’s got the latest everything and more. A gazillion of real awesome gadgets.

Cool, man. Where’d you get the money? Rob a bank? It costs at the very least ten grand.

Fifteen Gs in a store near you. But for me, it was free.

No way, man!

Or, maybe, Bill Gates turned out to be your long lost uncle and gave it to you as a gift?

“Luke, I’m your father! Here’s some small change for you…”

Not really. But, the Force was with me and this Young Jedi got hired as a game tester.

A what?

A game tester. They pay me to test their computer games.

That’s wacky, man! They pay you to play? No way, man!

Way! And, they gave me this computer.

I’m supposed to be giving them feedback on the games they develop.

There may be bugs in the software and they pay testers like me to find them.

Does it pay well?

It ain’t bad for just sitting around playing. I used to do it for free anyway…

May the Force be with you, bro!

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