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But crucial details, upon which the success or failure of the agreement rests, are still under negotiation, and in the meantime little real action is being taken to address the problem. Greenpeace is therefore campaigning for governments to face up to their responsibilities and urgently address this problem. The longer action is delayed, the more drastic it will need to be in order to avoid dangerous interference with the planet's climate from the so-called greenhouse gases.

Carbon Hypocrisy

Governments should be leading the way to a fundamentally new energy direction based on clean renewable energy, like wind or solar power. But at present many governments instead use taxpayers money to support the agenda of the companies which continue to spend billions of dollars on development of coal, oil or gas - the climate-damaging fossil fuels.

The Carbon Logic

Scientists estimate that we can only afford to release a limited amount of carbon into the atmosphere; otherwise, we pass the "safe" limits of climate change. It is at this point that climate change happens so fast that ecosystems are unable to adapt. Greenpeace believes that a temperature increase of 1 degree C is the absolute maximum that should be allowed. The amount of carbon that we can release to keep within these limits can be calculated and is in the range of 112.5 to 337.5 billion tonnes of carbon over the next 100 years.

But industry already has around four times this amount of carbon- over one thousand billion tonnes - in existing reserves of oil, coal and gas. This means that three quarters of the oil, coal and gas already found cannot be burned if we want to avoid dangerous climate change.

If we continue burning fossil fuels at present levels, the "safe" limit of 1 degree C will be reached in just 40 years. That is why we have to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions immediately and prepare for an orderly phase out of fossil fuels. Greenpeace calls this the "carbon logic".

The oil companies alone have already found enough oil to cause dangerous climate change. Yet they continue to look for more. And of course once they have invested in finding the oil, they will not be prepared to give up their right to pump it out and sell it. The effects on the climate could be catastrophic.

In other words, we are in a second world oil crisis. But in the 1970's the problem was a shortage of oil. This time round the problem is that we have too much.

In the meantime, every dollar spent on new oil exploration for oil which cannot be used is a dollar not spent on the real solutions to climate change: a conversion to renewable energy sources such as wind and sun.

Oil companies, such as Exxon, Shell, Mobil and BP continue to extend their reach - exploring for oil in ever more remote 'frontier' areas, previously too expensive or harsh to contemplate. Governments are licensing this to happen, even encouraging it with favourable tax rates, despite the climate threat.

In order to do this, a first step is to remove the obstacles to a switch of energy sources. Greenpeace is therefore campaigning against new oil exploration. We are challenging the oil industry to stop exploring for more oil-oil we cannot afford to see used-and to switch investment into renewable energy. We are focussing on halting oil exploration in two 'frontiers' - the Arctic in Northern Alaska and on the Atlantic Frontier in the wild ocean to the north and west of Ireland, Scotland and Norway.

Renewable Energy for the Future

Greenpeace firmly believes that it is possible to completely change the way the world provides for its future energy needs. We can no longer assume that fossil fuels will provide the bulk of our energy in the future. Instead, changes need to be made now to move towards a future where our energy needs are met by clean, renewable energy. We are therefore campaigning for investment in renewable energy; and for removal ofthe barriers to the provision ofrenewable energy.

Buying a Fridge to save the Climate

The most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (C02). The However, also powerful - and regulated by the Kyoto Protocol - are the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). These have been widely used in recent years to replace the ozone-destroying CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) which are now being phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As part of Greenpeace's campaign to protect the ozone layer, Greenpeace developed Greenfreeze technology, which is a cooling system that is safe both for the ozone layer and the climate. Greenpeace wants this solution to be applied throughout the world to replace HFC refrigeration.

Greenpeace has identified global climate change as a serious threat to the planet. Governments and scientists agreed with this. At the climate summit, industrialized countries agreed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. But not enough real actions are still being taken to solve this problem.

Scientists estimate that we can afford to emit only a limited amount of carbon into the atmosphere, otherwise we pass the "safe" limits of climate change. But the industry already has four times more carbon than the established norm.

Therefore, we have to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions and prepare for an orderly phase out of fossil fuels. Greenpeace calls this "carbon logic."

However, oil companies continue to expand their reach. And governments encourage this with favorable tax rates.

Greenpeace firmly believes that it is possible to completely change the way the world provides for its future energy needs. Since fossil fuels will no longer be able to provide the bulk of our energy in the future, we need to switch to clean, renewable energy.

Therefore, Greenpeace is campaigning against new oil exploration and campaigning for investment in renewable energy; and for removal of the barriers to the provision of renewable energy.

The most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (C02). But hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which have been widely used in recent years, are also powerful. As part of the Greenpeace campaign to protect the ozone layer, Greenpeace has developed Greenfreeze technology, which is a cooling system that is safe for the climate and the ozone layer.


1. But crucial details, upon which the success or failure of the agreement rests, are still under negotiation, and in the meantime little real action is being taken to address the problem.

2. Scientists estimate that we can only afford to release a limited amount of carbon into the atmosphere; otherwise, we pass the "safe" limits of climate change.

3. That is why we have to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions immediately and prepare for an orderly phase out of fossil fuels.

4. In order to do this, a first step is to remove the obstacles to a switch of energy sources.

5. We are therefore campaigning for investment in renewable energy; and for removal ofthe barriers to the provision ofrenewable energy.


1. Greenpeace is an international independent non-governmental organization advocating for the preservation of ecology.

2. Greenpeace campaigning for investment in renewable energy; and for removal ofthe barriers to the provision ofrenewable energy.

3. Governments should be leading the way to a fundamentally new energy direction based on clean renewable energy, like wind or solar power.

4. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and preparing for an orderly phase-out of fossil fuels is called the "carbon logic".

5. Because we can no longer assume that fossil fuels will provide the bulk of our energy in the future.

6. Greenpeace firmly believes that it is possible to completely change the way the world provides for its future energy needs.

7. The most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (C02). The However, also powerful - and regulated by the Kyoto Protocol - are the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

8. Greenfreeze is a technology developed by Greenpeace, which is a cooling system that is safe both the ozone layer and the climate.

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