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high-strength – высокопрочный lime concrete – силикатный setting [`setiŋ] – схватывание hardening [`ha:dniŋ] – твердение cellular [`seljula] – ячеистый

acid-resistant [`Æsid] – кислотостойкий fire-resistant [faiƏ] – огнестойкий

building site [`sait] – строительная площадка monolithic = in-situ [in-'saitju:] – монолитный precast [pri`kast] – сборный

to influence [`influens] – влиять на, воздействовать water-cement ratio [`rei∫iou] – водоцементное отношение quality [`kwOliti] – качество

supporting elements [sƏ`po:tiŋ] – опорные элементы slab [slæb] – плита

hydraulic engineering structures [hai`dro:lik] – гидротехнические сооружения channel [t∫ænl] – канал

road surfaces [`sƏ:fisiz] – дорожные покрытия base – основание

marine concrete [mƏ`r i:n] – гидротехнический бетон для морских сооружений

III.Study the model and use Passive instead of Active Voice.

Model: Builders use concrete practically everywhere.

Concrete is used practically everywhere by builders.

1.The Egyptians did not know cement in old times.

2.They used clay for producing concrete.

3.The Romans and Greeks made concrete of gypsum and lime.

4.For what structures did the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks use concrete?

5.Builders today produce concrete by mixing water, cement and aggregates.

6.We know different kinds of concrete today.

7.Many factors influence the strength of any concrete.

8.Students prepare concrete during their practice.

9.We use different methods in producing concrete.

10.Builders consider concrete very important in modern construction.

IV. Compare the sentences and translate them into Russian.

Model: I invite my friends on Sundays.

Я приглашаю друзей по воскресеньям. I am invited by my friends on Sundays.

Меня приглашают друзья по выходным.


1.He told them the latest news. He was told the latest news.

2.I shall buy a new dictionary.

I shall be bought a new dictionary.

3.My friend helps me with the calculations.

My friend is helped by me with the calculations.

4.The Dean will receive you on Monday.

You will be received by the Dean on Monday.

5.She asks many questions before the exam. She is asked many questions before the exam.

6.They recommend to attend the lectures in maths. They are recommended to attend the lectures in maths.

V. Translate into English.

1.Обычно студентов экзаменуют (to examine) в аудитории 344.

2.Дорогу построили (to build) в прошлом году.

3.Его доклад слушали (to listen to) с большим интересом.

4.Вас всегда ждут (to wait for).

5.Телеграмму отправят (to send) завтра.

6.Новую библиотеку откроют (to open) в нашем районе.

7.Ей не обещали (not to promise) новую книгу.

8.За инженером послали (to send for).

9.Им покажут (to show) новый фильм завтра.

10.Каждую неделю нас информируют (to inform) о строительстве моста.

VI. Give synonyms to the following words and translate them into Russian.

Model: to use = to utilize - использовать

To construct, to vary, different, aim, material, ordinary, man-made, to classify, to apply, general, to make, rapid, to resist, to speak, special.

VII. Read and translate the text


Concrete is one of the constructive building materials which led to great innovations: reinforced concrete and prestresssed concrete.

It was used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans in the construction of roads, tunnels, bridges, aqueducts, town walls and even underwater structures. Some of them have survived, for example, the Pantheon. This famous concrete building was


conctructed by Roman hands. Today it stands in the business district of Rome – much as it was built some 18 centuries ago.

As cement was not known in those times, concrete was made of clay and later of gypsum and lime.

At present concrete is made by mixing water, cement and aggregates usually sand, gravel and crushed stone.

There are four stages in producing concrete: 1) preparing the raw materials 2) their mixing, 3) forming and 4) hardening. The resulting material is strong, durable, hard, heavyweight or lightweight, acid-, air-, water-, gas-, heat-, fire-, and corrosionresistant.

There are different kinds of concrete: dense, lightweight, super-heavy, extralightweight, cellular, heat-resistant, high-strength. For special purposes acid and heatresistant superheavy concrete is used.

The kind of concrete depends on the aggregates used.

There are different methods in producing concrete. It may be prepared right at the building site and is called monolithic or in-situ concrete. It may be prepared at a factory and is called precast.

The strength of any concrete is influenced by the following factors:

the activity of cement;

the water-cement ratio;

the quality of aggregates;

the hardening conditions.

Concrete today is widely used in construction:

1)for supporting elements of buildings: beams, floors, slabs, panels, columns;

2)for hydraulic engineering structures dams, facing of channels;

3)for road surfaces and bases.

Concrete is one of the main constructive building materials in the world.

VIII. Put in the correct prepositions.

1.Concrete is one … the constructive building materials.

2.Concrete is a mixture ... water, cement and aggregates.

3.There are four stages ... producing concrete.

4.Concrete may be prepared right ... a building site.

5.It may also be prepared ... a factory.

6.The kind of concrete depends ... the aggregates used.

7.Concrete has many advantages ... other building materials.

8.The strength of any concrete is influenced ... many factors.

9.Concrete is widely used ... construction ... supporting elements.

IX. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Бетон – особый конструктивный материал.


2.Его издавна использовали египтяне, греки и римляне.

3.Бетон – композиционный материал, полученный в результате твердения рационально подобранной смеси из вяжущего материала, заполнителя и воды.

4.В производстве бетона четыре стадии: 1) приготовление сырья, 2) его перемешивание, 3) формование и 4) твердение.

5.Плотность бетона зависит от плотности цементного камня, плотности заполнителей и степени уплотнения.

6.Конструкции из монолитного бетона изготавливают непосредственно на строительной площадке, а сборные конструкции – на заводе.

7.Бетон является главным строительным материалом, который применяют во всех областях строительства.

X.Learn the dialogues.

1.A – What is concrete?

B – Concrete is one of the constructive building materials. A – And who was the first to use concrete?

B – It was used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

2.A – Why have some ancient structures made of concrete survived? B – Due to the valuable properties of concrete.

3.A – And how was concrete made when there was no cement?

B – In old times concrete was made of clay and later of gypsum and lime.

XI. Answer the following questions.

1.What is the text about?

2.What is concrete?

3.What stages are there in producing concrete?

4.What properties does concrete have?

5.What kinds of concrete do you know?

6.What does the kind of concrete depend on?

7.Speak about cellular concrete.

8.What factors influence the strength of any concrete?

9.Where is concrete widely used today?

10.Why is concrete one of the main building materials in construction world?

XII. Speak about concrete as one of the main building materials today. Make use of the key words and expressions.

Constructive material, its composition, stages in producing, the resulting material, the kind of concrete, depends on, methods in producing, the strength of any concrete, is


influenced by, wide application, will be required in future, concrete structures, economic, safe and sound = strong.

1.I`ll speak about… – я расскажу о…

2.If I`m not mistaken… – если я не ошибаюсь…

3.Now just a few words about… – сейчас несколько слов о…

4.Technical characteristics of…are… – техническими характеристиками яв-


5.It is no doubt that… – нет сомнения в том, что…

6.In conclusion I`d like to say that… – в заключение мне бы хотелось сказать,


XIII. Read and translate the text about common admixtures to the concrete mix. Write the annotation of the text.


Admixtures are additions to the mix used to achieve certain goals. Here are the main admixtures and what they aim to achieve.

Accelerating admixture accelerators are added to concrete to reduce setting time of the concrete and to accelerate early strength. The amount of reduction in setting time varies depending on the amount of accelerator used (see your ready mix supplier and describe your application). Calcium chloride is a low cost accelerator, but specifications often call for a nonchloride accelerator to prevent corrosion of reinforcing steel.

Retarding admixtures – are often used in hot weather conditions to delay setting time. They are also used to delay set of more difficult jobs or for special finishing operations like exposing aggregate. Many retarders also act as a water reducer.

Fly Ash – is a by product of coal burning plants. Fly ash can replace 15%-30% of the cement in the mix. Cement and fly ash together in the same mix make up the total cementious material.

Fly ash improves workability;

Fly ash is easier to finish;

Fly ash reduces the heat generated by the concrete;

Fly ash costs ¼ to ½ the amount of the cement it replaces.

Air Entraining Admixtures – must be used whenever concrete is exposed to

freezing and thawing, and to deicing salts. Air entraining agents entrain microscopic air bubbles in the concrete: when the hardened concrete freezes, the frozen water inside the concrete expands into these air bubbles instead of damaging the concrete.

Air entrainment improves concrete workability;

Air entrainment improves durability;

Air entrainment produces a more workable mix.


Water reducing admixtures – reduce the amount of water needed in the concrete mix. The water cement ratio will be lower and the strength will be greater. Most low range water reducers reduce the water needed in the mix by 5%-10%. High range water reducers reduce the mix water needed by 12% to 30% but are very expensive and rarely used in residential work.

XIII. Fill in the spider-gram:

Concrete mix


Phonetics: Compare the words and their meanings

Grammar: Modal Verbs

Text: Mortars. Растворы

I.Read the following words and compare the difference in their meanings.

Building ≠ binding; form ≠ firm ≠ from; four ≠ for, modal ≠ model; mortar ≠ motor, past ≠ paste ≠ part ≠ pass; poor ≠ powder ≠ power, product ≠ project; strength ≠ strange; time ≠ term; there ≠ their; walk ≠ work ≠ week; where ≠ wear.

II.Learn the following words and word combinations to the text:

mortar [`mo:tƏ] – раствор mixture [`mikst∫Ə] – смесь

to compose [kƏm`pouz] – составлять according to – согласно

to apply [Ə`plai] – применять

jointing of panels – соединение панелей


brickwork [`brikwƏ:k] – кирпичная кладка plastering [pla:stƏriŋ] – штукатурка

lime [laim] – известь gypsum [`d ipsƏm] – гипс

to prepare [pri`pεƏ] – приготавливать reduction [ri`d٨k∫n] – уменьшение volume [`volju:m] – объем

while [`wail] – пока, в то время как, при to take place – происходить

to calculate [`kælkjuleit] – рассчитывать to require – требовать

to gain strength [`gein] – наращивать прочность necessary [`nesisƏri] – необходимый

ingredient [in`gri:diƏnt] – составная часть masonry [`meisƏnri] – каменная кладка to bond = to tie – связывать, соединять to seal – уплотнять

to аnchor – закреплять

building codes – строительные нормы и правила to specify – устанавливать, определять

III.Study the information about Modal Verbs and their meanings.

Модальные глаголы can, may, must не обозначают действие, а выражают отношение к нему говорящего, т.е. возможность, вероятность или необходимость совершения действия. Само действие выражается инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы to, следующим за модальным глаголом.









We can meet at 5 o’clock.

(могу, может)


Мы можем встретиться в 5 часов.



She couldn’t help Nick.

(мог, могли)


Она не смогла помочь Коле.

to be able


They will be able to do the work themselves.




Они смогут сделать эту работу сами.










May I use your mobile phone?



Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?




You might visit Ann on Sunday.



Вы могли навестить Анну в воскресенье.

(мог, могли)


He’ll be allowed to continue the experiment.

to be allowed


Ему разрешат продолжить этот экспери-





позволят )






Students must study well.

Студенты должны хорошо учиться.

(должен, обя-



по обстоятель-

He had to do his duty.

Он должен был выполнить свой долг.

to have to


You’ll have to pass the session well to get a



to be to

в связи с дого-



Вам придется сдать сессию на «хорошо»,

(должен был)



чтобы получать стипендию.

IV. Translate the sentences into Russian. Explain the modal verbs’ meaning.

1.Every engineer must know at least one foreign language.

2.Who can prepare cement mortars?

3.Are students allowed to use this device for calculations?

4.You may not go away now.

5.They can't understand the essence of this phenomenon.

6.Who must review all the lectures before the exam in maths?

7.You may keep this book as long as you need it.

8.The experiment needn't be finished today.

9.Who had to work over this project?

10.She might have heard about it.

V.Express obligation, possibility or permission.

1.Building mortars (могут состоять) of a binding material, fine aggregates and water.

2.They (можно классифицировать) according to their applications and kind of a binding material.

3.Any student of our group (может приготовить) cement mortar.

4.To prepare mortars you (можете взять) lime or gypsum.

5.You (разрешат) to mix the raw materials yourselves?

6.While mortars are being prepared (должно произойти) reduction in volume.


7.The calculation of this reduction (должны уметь сделать) all students.

8.Cement mortars (можно применять) for jointing of panels, for brickwork or for plastering.

9.Who (мог разрешить проводить) you this experiment?

10.She (не должна столько работать) making the report.

VI. Give derivatives of the following verbs and translate them into Russian.

Model: to use - user, useful, useless, useness, misuse, usage.

To form, to build, to differ, to crack, to place, to make, to create.

VII. Read and translate the text


Building mortars are mixtures composed of a binding material, fine aggregates and water. Building mortars are classified according to their applications and kind of a binding material, which is used to produce them. Mortars may be applied for jointing of panels, for brickwork or for plastering. To prepare mortars different binding materials are used. They are: lime, gypsum, cement.

While mortars are being prepared reduction in volume takes place. The calculation of this reduction is very important for builders. They must and can calculate how much of each material is required to produce a given volume of mortar. For most mortars the reduction in volume on mixing is 1-2 mm per 1 m of the final product. The most important mortars for industrial building are those which gain necessary strength in short time. It is especially important in producing brick blocks and panels.

While mortar represents only a small proportion of the total wall area in concrete masonry construction (approximately 7%), its influence on the performance of a wall is significant. Mortar serves many important functions: it bonds units together into an intergral structural assembly, seals joints against penetration by air and moisture, prevents small movements within a wall, removes slight differences between unit sizes, and bonds steel reinforcement, ties and anchors so that all elements perform as a unified whole.

Building codes generally specify mortar types as referenced in Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry. Four mortar types, M, S, N, and O are included in this standard.

VIII. Put in the correct prepositions.

1.Building mortars are mixtures composed ... a binding material, fine aggregates and water.

2.They are classified … their applications and kind ... a binding material.

3.Mortars may be applied ... brickwork and ... plastering.


4. ... prepare mortars different binding materials are used.

5.Reduction ... volume takes place ... mixing.

6.The calculation ... this reduction is very important ... builders.

7.They must calculate the amount ... materials ... produce a given volume ... mortar.

8.The reduction ... volume ... mixing is 1/2mm per 1 m.

IX. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Строительные растворы – это смеси из вяжущего материала, мелких заполнителей и воды.

2.Они широко используются в строительстве для соединения панелей, кирпичной кладки и штукатурки.

3.В качестве вяжущих материалов используют известь, гипс и цемент.

4.При приготовлении раствор уменьшается в объеме.

5.Строители должны знать пропорции каждого составляющего для получения заданного количества раствора.

6.Для большинства растворов уменьшение в объеме составляет 1/2мм на 1м.

7.Растворы придают прочность каменным и кирпичным кладкам.

8.Для приготовления растворов в качестве вяжущих материалов используют известь, гипс и цемент.

X. Put all possible questions to the sentences:

1.The calculation of this reduction is very important for builders.

2.Mortars may be applied for jointing of panels, for brickwork or for plastering.

3.Mortar serves many important functions.

XI. Answer the following questions:

1.What is the text about?

2.What are building mortars?

3.How are mortars classified?

4.What binding materials are used to prepare mortars?

5.What takes place while mortars are being prepared?

6.Why do builders calculate the reduction in volume?

7.What is the reduction in volume on mixing for most mortars?

8.Where are building mortars applied?

9.What mortars are the most important in industrial building?

10.Can you prepare a cement mortar yourself? What do you need for it?

XII. Sum up the information about mortars.

XIII. Speak about mortars.