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Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

2.Kamenetskii E. S. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie aerodinamiki atmosfery i rasprostraneniya zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv nad slozhnoi podstilayushchei poverkhnost'yu. Avtoref. diss. d-ra tekhn. nauk [Mathematical modeling of atmospheric aerodynamics and distribution of pollutants over a complex underlying surface. Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Nalchik, 2009. 45 p.

3.Kirnova M. A., Sotnikova O. A. Usloviya raboty estestvennoi vytyazhnoi ventilyatsii v mnogoetazhnykh zhilykh domakh [Working conditions of natural exhaust ventilation in multi-storey residential buildings].

Nauchnyi vestnik Voronezhskogo GASU. Stroitel'stvo i arkhitektura, 2013, no. 4 (32), pp. 34—40.

4.Piva R., Orlandi P. Chislennoe reshenie dlya techenii v atmosfernom pogranichnom sloe nad ulichnymi kan'onami [Numerical solution of flows in atmospheric boundary layer over the street canyons]. Chislennoe reshenie zadach gidromekhaniki. Moscow, Mir Publ., 1977, pp. 127—134.

5.Sotnikova O. A , Murashova L. V., Malenev A. I. e. a. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vektornogo polya vetra pri obtekanii iskusst-vennykh sooruzhenii [Mathematical modeling of the wind vector field in the flow of artificial structures]. Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosu-darstvennogo universiteta. Ser.: Sistemnyi analiz i informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2015, no. 4, pp. 22—30.

6.Sotnikova O. A., Kuznetsov I. S., Guseva L. Yu. Modelirovanie raspredeleniya trekhmernykh statsionarnykh vozdushnykh potokov v pomeshchenii [Simulation of distribution of three-dimensional stationary air flows in the room]. Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhni-cheskogo universiteta, 2007, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 121—123.

7.Sotnikova O. A., Bulygina S. G. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' ventiliruemykh pomeshchenii restorannykh komplek-sov [Environmental safety of ventilated premises of restaurant complexes]. Nauchnyi vestnik Voronezhskogo GASU. Stroitel'stvo i arkhitektura, 2012, no. 1, pp. 154—163.

8.Tamura Y., Kareem A. (eds.) Advanced Structural Wind Engineering. Springer Tokyo Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2013. 410 p.

9.Amin J. A., Ahuja A. K. Characteristics of Wind Forces and Responses of Rectangular Tall. International Journal ofAdvanced Structural Engineering, 2014, no. 6 (66). doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40091-014-0066-1.

10.Franke Jörg, Hellsten Antti, Schlünzen Heinke, Carissimo Bertrand (eds.)Best Practice Guideline for the CFD Simulation of Flows in the Urban Environmen. Hamburg, Germany, University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, 2007. 53 р. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257762102/download.

11.An Jang Bi. Analysis of Point and Area-averaged Pressure Coefficients Measured on the WERFL Building. Texas Tech University, 2004, pp. 1—8.

12.Bitsuamlak G. T., Stathopoulos T., Bedard C. Numerical Evolution of Turbulent Flows over Complex Terrains. A Review. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2004, no. 17 (4), pp. 135—145.

13.Blosken B., Stathopoulos T., Carmeliet J. Cfd Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer-Wall Function Problems. Atmospheric Environment, 2007, vol. 41 (2), pp. 238—252.

14.Davidson L. An Introduction to Turbulence Models: Report. Goteborg, Sweden: Chalmer University of Technology, 1997. 48 p. Available at: https://cfd.spbstu.ru/agarbaruk/doc/2011_Davidson_An%20introduction%20to%20turbulence%20models.pdf.

15.Devin A. Brown. Analysis of Wind-Induced Acceleration and Pressure Data from an Eight-Hundred-Foot Building. USA, Universityof Notre Dame, 2003. 144 p.

16.Dryden H. L., Hill G. C. Wind Pressure on a Model of the Empire Building. Moscow, 2010. 191 p.


Issue № 2 (42), 2019

ISSN 2542-0526

17.Holmes J. D. Wind Loading of Structures. Great Brittan, Eastbourn, 2005. 356 p.

18.Irwin P. A., Baker W. F. The Wind Engineering of the Burj Dubai Tower. Proc. of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Seventh World Congress, Renewing the Urban Landscape, New York, October 16—19. Chicago, 2005. 10 р.

19.Liaw K. Simulation of Flow around Bluff Bodies Deck Section Using CFD: PhD thesis. University of Nottinghem, 2005. 251 p. Available at: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/10125/1/KFL_thesis.pdf.

20. Longeley J. D., Gallacher M. W., Dorcy J. R. e. a. Shortterm Measurements of Airflow and Turbulence in Two Street Canyonsin Manchester. Atmospheric Environmental, 2004, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 69—79.

21.Mayr G. J., Armi L., Arnold S. e. a. Gap Flow Measurements during The Mesoscale Alpine Programme. Meteorologyand Atmospheric Physics, 2004, vol. 86, no. 1—2, pp. 99—119.

22.RoyA. K., Sharma A., MohantyB., Singh J. Wind Load on High Rise Buildings with Different Configurations: A Critical Review. Conference: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Innovations & Technology Management, at Hamirpur, HP, India, December 2017. India, 2017. Pp. 372—379р. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322725885_Wind_Load_on_High_Rise_Buildings_with_Different_Confi gurations_A_Critical_Review.

23.Tamura Y. Wind Resistant Design of Tall Buildings in Japan. Tokyo Polytechnic University, 2004. Available at: https://ru.scribd.com/document/81166888/2006-Tamura-Wind-Resistand-Design-of-Tall-Buildings-in- Japan.

24.Tamura Y. Wind Tunnel Tests and Full-scale Measurements. Lecture 7. Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi, Japan, 2008. Available at: http://www.wind.arch.t-kougei.ac.jp/info_center/ITcontent/tamura/7.pdf.

25.Yassen El-Sayed Yassen Ahmed. CFD Modelling of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Short Test Section Wind Tunnel. American Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, vol. 2, no. 1—1, pp. 38—46.

26.Yin Zhou, Kijevski T., Kareem A. Along-Wind Load Effects on Tall Buildings: Comparative Study of Major International Codes and Standards. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2002, no. 128, pp. 788—796. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228797585_Along-Wind_Load_Effects_on_Tall_Buildings_Compara- tive_Study_of_Major_International_Codes_and_Standards.


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture


1. Contributions should be clear and comprehensible. The essential element is Introduc-

tion (~0.5 pages) and Conclusions (~0.5 pages), other structure elements (sections and per-

haps, subsections) should be introduced as titles.

1.1.Introduction involves:

justification of the importance of the study;

analysis of the latest publications on the relevant topic that are referred to in the manuscript;

identification of the issues yet to be addressed (problems);

identification of the purpose of the study (statement of the problem).

1.2.The main body should be structured using logical elements as titles. There should be no general titles (e.g., “Theoretical Part”, “Experimental Part”). More specific topics are preferred (“Theoretical Justification of Designing Anisotropic Cost Surfaces”, “Analysis of the Nature of Failure in the Experimental Samples”, “Calculation of the Strength of Foundation Cores”). Overall there should be no less than two sections.

1.3.Conclusions end the paper and specify the scientific novelty of the study results (“It has been for the first time determined/calculated…”, “We found…”, “The obtained results proved/denied…”).

2. Special attention is to be given to the abstract: it should be concise and reflect the main points ofthe study. Logical abstracts as well as the text are divided into three parts–– Statement of the problem, Results and Conclusions that are highlighted with titles. Each of the parts summarizes corresponding partsofthe text, i.e. introduction, main body and conclusions.

The abstract should contain no less than 10 and no more than 15 lines.

3. The article should be no less than 5 and no more than 12 А4 pages. The margin in the left and right is 2 сm, from the bottom and top 2.5 сm.

4. The affiliations of the authors must be specified as well as their positions, degrees, honours, contact details (at the beginning of the article).

5. For the main body use 12-point Times New Roman, equalizing the width of the text. Do not use another other font. In order to keep the style consistent, do not use italics as well as highlights.

In order to introduce extra elements of the text (author information, abstracts, keywords, references, notes, captionsof figures and tables), use 10-Times New Roman (also single spaced).


Issue № 2 (42), 2019

ISSN 2542-0526

6.UDC is an essential part of the article.

7.Graphs, figures and photos are edited once they are mentioned in the article for the first time. The names of illustrations (10, regular) is followed by the word Fig. with the number (10, bold). If there is one figure in the text, it is not numbered. All the figures and photos should be in colour; they should contrast well and be no less than 300 dpi. Avoid thin lines in graphs (thickness of lines should be no less than 0.2 mm). Scanned figures from books and journals as well as poor-quality scans are not accepted.

8.The word “Table” with the number is in the right-hand corner. In the next line there is the name of a table (no spacing) without a full stop at the end. If there is one table in the text, it is not numbered.

9.Terms, measurement units and denotations used in the article should be widely accepted. All the denotations and abbreviations should be identified once they appear in the text.

10.All the Latin denotations should be in italics, names of functions (sin, cos, exp) and Greek letters with a regular (straight) font. All formulas should be in MathType. Notes to formulas (explanations) should follow immediately (without paragraphs).

11.References in the text should be in square brackets [1]. References should follow the text. References must be in the alphabetical order.

There should be no less than 20 references.

Legislative acts shoud not be included (a reference in the text will suffice).

12.There are no more than two articles from the same authors in an issue. The author is responsible for the content and for its originality.

13.Relatives and spouses cannot be coauthors of the same paper. There can be only one coauthor without a scientific degree.

14.The editorial board has the right to introduce abbreviations and make changes to the manuscript.

15.The editorial board uses email as a primary contact tool. Therefore be sure to use a correct email address.


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