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also mean a task, such

3. We use work to talk


as repairing something

about the location or who


at home.

our employer is.


4. It can also mean

4. As a verb, work can


completed work.

have other meanings, e.g.



how a machine works,



meaning how it functions



or if it is functioning






5. As a noun, work



means music, paintings



or writing by an artist



and can be used as a



countable noun.





Y. Complete the sentences with job, work or career.

1.She made her ______ in the theatre.

2.Jim’s changed ___________ three times in the last six years.

3.His political ____ ended when he was found to have been accepting bribes.

4.Your ______ is the job or series of jobs that you do in your professional life.

5.El Prado gallery is currently exhibiting ___________ by Manet.

6.Gardening is tiring ___________.

7.Some people decide on a ______ change when they reach middle age.

8.The builders have done a great ___________ on your house extension.

9.She’s stressed because she's got problems at ___________.

10.Worringly, ________losses have increased sharply over the last 12 months.

11.The Prince has never done a day’s ___________ in his life.

12.Judith is very ______-minded.


Вариант 5

1. Read and translate the text.

Incentive schemes

Incentives help to motivate employees and attract new staff. There are many different types of scheme. They include financial and non-financial benefits, individual and group schemes, or a combination of these.

Perks are special benefits given to people who have a particular job or belong to a particular group. For example, airline companies often give free air travel to their employees and families, or executives are allowed to take their partners on trips and stay in expensive hotels.

Incentives are usually linked to the performance of an employee or a team. Companies use incentives to improve results and increase income. Examples of financial incentives are profit-sharing, share options, bonuses and commissions on sales. Non-financial incentives include prizes and awards to formally recognize achievements, gift vouchers and extra holidays. Incentives are normally linked to reaching specific targets. As well as increasing productivity, there can be other objectives such as reducing hours lost because of accidents or the amount of absence. In any case, the targets have to be things that can be measured. It is also important that everyone agrees that the system is fair.

A good salary is the most important staff motivator, and incentives and perks are not a substitute for a clear and fair pay scheme. However, they are not always expensive for businesses, and help to encourage employees to stay with the company and increase staff motivation, morale and loyalty.

II. Answer the questions to the text.

1.What is an incentive scheme?

2.What are perks?

3.Why do companies use incentives?

4.What do financial incentives include?

5.What do non-financial incentives include?

6.What is the most important staff motivator?


III. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Use a

dictionary if it is necessary.

1. fair

a ) support that you always give to someone.



2. performance

b) a prize that is given to someone who has achieved





3. incentive

c) something good that you get from your employer as


part of your job.



4. loyalty

d) a company profit in a particular period of time.



5. perk

e) reasonable and morally right.



6. award

f) someone in a high position, especially in business, who


makes decisions and puts them into action.



7. bonuses

g) a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for


an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank


account every month.



8. benefit

h) the standard of success that someone achieves.



9. income

i) the people who work for a particular company,


organization, or institution.



10. executive

j) extra money that you are paid in addition to your usual





11. salary

k) an extra payment of benefit that you get in your job.



12. staff

l) something that makes you want to work harder,


because you know that you will benefit by doing this.



IY. Complete the sentences with the words from task 3.

1.There are over a hundred _____ in the company.

2.With all the ______, she’s really earning over $20,000 a year.

3.The new contract gives workers less salary, but _____ for hitting efficiency and sales targets.

4.The unions assured the new owners of the workers’ ______ to the company.


5.He took a drop in _____ when he changed jobs.

6.The financial ______ of the business is fully expected to improve.

7.The company ___has greatly improved: profit rose more than 50 % last year.

8.She was in London to accept an ______ for her latest novel.

9.She is now a senior _____, having worked her way up through the company.

10.Women’s rights groups have cried out against the proposed cut in ______

paid to single mothers.

11.She’s scrupulously _____ with all her employees.

12.Indexation of pay rises to productivity will give people an _____to work harder.

Study the difference in use between job, work and career.







1.Your job is the name

1. Something you are

1. It is a type of work

of the work that you do

paid for doing, especially

that you do or hope to

to earn money

regularly but it can also

do for most of your life.

especially if you work

be used where there is no

2. Your career is the

for someone else. It

payment or you are not

total progression of your

refers to your particular

working for someone

professional life. It can

employment position.


include many different

2.Job is mostly used as

2. Work is both a verb

jobs over the years.

a noun (countable).

and a noun

3. You can have a career

3. As a noun, a job can


in (a field).

also mean a task, such

3. We use work to talk


as repairing something

about the location or who


at home.

our employer is.


4. It can also mean

4. As a verb, work can


completed work.

have other meanings, e.g.



how a machine works,






meaning how it functions or if it is functioning properly.

5. As a noun, work means music, paintings or writing by an artist and can be used as a countable noun.

Y. Complete the sentences with job, work or career.

1.I get to _____ at seven forty-five.

2.I can’t do two ______ at once.

3.He’s hoping for a _______ as a police officer.

4.I took this new job because I felt that the ______ prospects were much better.

5.When will the ______ on your kitchen be finished?

6.How’s your new _______ going?

7.When he retires he will be able to look back over a brilliant ______.

8.The builders have done an excellent _____ on your kitchen.

9.It helps if you can move a few rungs up the ____ ladder before taking time off to have a baby.

10.She’s got a _____ working for an international auditors.

11.I have the complete ______ of Shakespeare.

12.She decided to pursue a ______ in television.


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