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Стилистика английского языка

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5) Анализ морфологических особенностей текста.

В анализируемом тексте выделены следующие особенности:

частое использование неличных форм глагола (герундий,

причастие, инфинитив), например: getting a shoe shine was an affordable luxury; you stood there in all kinds of weather, shouting out the day's top headline;

редкое использование перфектных форм глагола (широкое использование Present Simple и Past Simple).

Кроме того, для публицистических текстов характерно:

опущение артиклей, глаголов-связок, вспомогательных глаголов, местоимений, особенно в заголовках.

6)Анализ синтаксических особенностей текста:

частое использование риторических вопросов и вопроситель-

ных предложений, например: “What are ambitious teenagers or down- on-their-luck adults to do?”; “And how long has it been since you saw an usher in a movie theater?”;

отсутствие сложных предложений с несколькими придаточными предложениями;

использование цитат, прямой и косвенной речи, например: And the railroad conductor who shouted “Tickets, please” …

7)Анализ композиционных особенностей текста:

использование подзаголовков: Shoes or News, Groceries to Go;

четкое деление на абзацы;

использование параллельных конструкций.

Вопросы и задания для самостоятельной работы по теме:

1.Дополните перечисленные пункты стилистического анализа другими примерами из текста …(см. приложение 3).

2.Подумайте и сообщите, каким образом будут варьироваться рассмотренные стилевые особенности в зависимости от жанров публицистических текстов.

3.Подумайте и сообщите, какие из перечисленных особенностей характерны для публицистических текстов на русском языке. Составьте сравнительную таблицу с примерами.


4.Сделайте полный письменный перевод текста … (см. приложение 3).

5.Объясните, какие стилевые особенности отличают текст на русском языке от текста на английском языке.

3.Задания для самостоятельной и аудиторной работы

Задание 1

1)Прочитайте отрывок из текста и определите его подстиль



UK companies are thought to spend £750 million a year on the business of hospitality. Where does the money go, and is it well spent? MIKE FLETCHER has the statistics

Nelson Mandela once said: ‘Sport unites people in a way politics never can.’ The former South African president was likely to be referring to the bond formed among hordes of travelling fans singing football chants or the combined will of the Wimbledon faithful, as Tim Henman plays out a fifth set on Centre Court.

But Mandela could just have easily been talking about the business of hospitality at sporting events. In today’s world, it is estimated to cost four to five times as much to acquire a new customer as it does to maintain an existing client relationship. Face-to-face hospitality therefore has a vital role to play in developing and sustaining customer and employee relationships within all types of business.

So how much is a sector normally associated with suits supping on Pimms and prawn sandwiches worth? According to the Corporate Event Association (CEA), the UK corporate hospitality market is valued at about £750 million a year, but this figure includes all forms of hospitality as well as a corporate entertainment.


Given the dominant position that sport occupies in sponsorship deals, it could be argued that a global hospitality market can be calculated by estimating how much is spent on sport sponsorship, worth between $19.25 billion and $23.1 billion worldwide, and then calculating what proportion of that figure forms hospitality activity.

2)Выделите черты публицистического стиля.

3)Переведите текст с учетом выделенных стилевых особенно-


Задание 2

1)Прочитайте отрывок из текста и определите его подстиль


Take a tour of the new Rolls-Royce factory in Sussex and, if you’re vaguely patriotic, you might feel creeping disappointment. You’re likely to be impressed by the architecture, the cleanliness of the assembly line, and the obvious care that goes into the construction of this fabulously expensive motorcar. But what you’ll also notice, if you read the labels on the neatly arranged components, is that most of them come from Germany. In substance, this British symbol is very much a German car – which is no great surprise, given that BMW owns Rolls-Royce. Yet the absence of British mechanical parts is a little shocking. Instead, British beef goes into the assembly of the beast, and into the exquisite handcrafting of wood and leather.

So it’s rather heartening to discover that, in spirit, the new Phantom is every bit a Rolls-Royce, a superior car of great bearing, quality, tradition and Britishness. It was conceived and created with the same devotion to perfection that that has been the foundation of every Rolls-Royce.

2)Выделите черты публицистического стиля.

3)Переведите текст с учетом выделенных стилевых особенно-




Контрольная работа № 1

1. Определите, к какому из функциональных стилей принадлежат следующие отрывки:

a)The bank has said it expects to return to profit this year, and announces its interim results at the end of this month. Abbey is no stranger to takeover speculation – it recently received a bid from Spain’s biggest bank, Santander Central Hispano, which it is understood to have rejected. Will the new Abbey habit be making better profits?

b)It was found that some short-staple yarn had, by accident, been woven into the material, and this cloth was put on one side for disposal in a suitable market. Evidently through an oversight some of the cloth was packed in your consignment. The factory manager was grateful for the samples, as it is possible other buyers may have received these imperfect goods, and enquiries are being made accordingly.

c)In spite of the distinction between growth and development, calling for an end to growth requires an almost revolutionary change in social perceptions of the good (our ends and their ranking), a theme that will recur throughout this text.

d)Now that proprietary, stand-alone software solutions have been superseded, industry calls for a consistent information flow between the individual systems (see Fig. 1). As (RWTH, 2008) has shown, the definition and implementation of universal standard is only possible and useful to a certain degree.

2.Выпишите присущие этим стилям лексические особенности.

3.Напишите, по каким другим признакам можно отнести данные отрывки к определенным функциональным стилям.


Контрольная работа № 2

1. Определите, к какому из функциональных стилей принадлежат следующие отрывки:

a)When the S.S. Elinor Ferguson arrived at Port-of-Spain yesterday the ship’s agents noticed that case no. 14 was damaged, and notified us accordingly. We immediately had the case opened and examined by Lloyd’s agent here.

b)Proximate analysis of the carbonized samples was performed according to ASTM D 1762 [14] standard which covers the determination of volatile matter (VM) and ash in charcoal made from wood.

c)The burden of increased time and commitment is a slightly different issue. A few years ago, a non-exec role may have been considered a cosy sinecure, requiring the commitment of a few days a year, but now the number of meetings, their duration, and the amount of preparation required have proliferated.

d) The production process begins with the mixing of metal powders – elementary metal powders, alloy powders or metal powder blends – with a blowing agent, after which the mix is compacted to yield a dense, semi-finished product (see diagram in Fig. 11). In principle, the compaction can be done by any technique that ensures that the blowing agent is embedded into the metal matrix without any notable residual open porosity. Examples of such compaction methods are hot uniaxial or isostatic compression, rod extrusion or powder rolling [106, 197].

2.Выпишите присущие этим стилям лексические особенности.

3.Напишите, по каким другим признакам можно отнести данные отрывки к определенным функциональным стилям.



1.Алексеева И.С. Профессиональный тренинг переводчика: учеб. пособие по уст. и письм. переводу для переводчиков и преподавателей. – СПб.: Перспектива: Союз, 2008. – 288 с.

2.Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. – М.: Изд-во лит-ры на ин. языках, 1958. – 462 с.

3.Федорова И.К. Французская стилистика и перевод: учеб. пособие. – Пермь: Изд-во Перм. гос. техн. ун-та, 2007. – 168 с.

4.Кинг Ф.У., Кри Д. Энн Коммерческая корреспонденция на английском языке: Курс для изучающих английский язык как иностранный: учеб. пособие / предисл., пер. и прим. В.Н. Крупнова. – М.: Высшая школа, 1994. – 192 с.

5.Banhart J. Manufacture, characterization and application of cellular metals and metal foams // Progress in Material Science. – 2001. –

46.– P. 559–632.

6.Management Today. – July 2004. – P. 24, 67, 73.

7.Schleipen M. Automated production monitoring and control system engineering by combining a standardized data format (CAEX) with standardized communication (OPC UA) // Factory Automation. – March 2010. – P. 501–522.

8.Stroeve P., Vidu R., Yu H. Solar energy storage methods // Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research / American Chemical Society Publications. – 2011. – № 50. – P. 8954–8964.

9.Wydick R.C. Plain English for lawyers // Reprinted from California Law Review. – July 1978. – Vol. 66, № 4. – P. 748, 749, 751,




Do single photons travel at the classical group velocity? Experiment

J. D. Ingham, J. E. Carroll and I. H. White

University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge,

CB2 1PZ, UK (jdi21@eng.cam.ac.uk)

Abstract The speed of propagation is investigated for optical pulses travelling over standard single-mode fibre in both a single-photon regime and a classical regime. The results provide initial support for a theoretical discrepancy between the regimes.


Technologies based upon the application of single-photon phenomena are of escalating significance [1]. Many of these technologies involve single-photon propagation over optical fibre, e.g. quantum key distribution in quantum cryptography, and it is therefore of increasing importance to fully understand the nature of this propagation and elucidate any differences to the classical “multi-photon” regime.

This paper makes an important initial contribution to this activity by investigating the speed of propagation of optical pulses over standard single-mode optical fibre (SMF). Two cases are considered: (i) a singlephoton regime in which heavily-attenuated optical pulses are transmitted over standard SMF, up to 3 km in length, and detected by a singlephoton detector; and (ii) a classical regime in which the pulses are attenuated and the single-photon detector is replaced by a conventional photodetector. The speed of propagation of the pulses is assessed by time-of-flight measurements for the two regimes. Based upon on earlier experience with OTDR, we have developed what we believe is a novel


experimental technique, which is significant in being suitable for both the single-photon and classical regimes.

The results indicate a significant difference in time-of-flight between the single-photon and classical regimes. This discrepancy is larger than may be explained by effects such as wavelength shifts, temperature variation, triggering differences, Kerr refractive-index variation of the SMF or by birefringence. The eventual explanation for the results is the aim of a companion theoretical paper [2], which describes a novel model for the photon.

Experimental approach

Our experimental approach is guided by the requirement to use identical drive conditions for the optical source for measurements of both regimes, to enable meaningful comparisons to be made.

For both regimes, the principle of the time-of-flight measurement is to transmit over the fibre a pulse train, with repetition period P, and to observe the pulse train at the output of the fibre using a trigger which has an identical repetition period P. Measuring the delay D of an arbitrary pulse in the train with respect to the trigger position results in an estimate of the time-of-flight T with an uncertainty equal to M(P/2), where M is an unknown integer, i. e.

T = M(P/2) + D.


A single measurement of this type is clearly inadequate to determine T to sufficient precision. However, performing multiple measurements for a set of carefully-chosen repetition periods P allows a set of equations (1) to be obtained. The results are correlated so as to determine T to sub-nanosecond precision. Fig. 1 shows the experimental arrangement for the measurement of both regimes.


A pulse-pattern generator (PPG) generates the pulse train, which consists of a single ''1 bit repeating every 24 bits. The PPG is externally clocked by a RF synthesizer, oscillating at a frequency F. Therefore, the bit time B = 1/F and the repetition period P = 24/F. The pattern output of the PPG is amplified and then applied to an 850-nm oxide-confined VCSEL via a bias tee. Identical VCSEL drive conditions are used for the two regimes. The VCSEL emission is collected by a cleaved SMF pigtail.

For the single-photon regime, the VCSEL emission is attenuated by an SMF attenuator (configured to provide sufficient attenuation to ensure single-photon operation at 850 nm). The attenuated output is coupled into a reel of SMF-28. A 1-km reel and a 2-km reel are employed and both reels may be combined in series to form a 3-km reel. The fibre is housed in a temperature-stabilising enclosure. The resulting pulse train is detected by a PerkinElmer single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPCM- AQR-13 SPAD), operating in Geiger mode, thereby generating a TTL pulse on detection of a single photon. The electrical output of the SPAD forms the input to a photo-counting PCI card (Becker & Hickl MSA1000). The trigger input to the PCI card is provided by the pattern trigger output of the PPG. The detected pulse train is observed using the Becker & Hickl MSA software, which is configured with a start delay of


0.000 µs and a time per point of 0.001 µs, with 64 points displayed. One pulse train is recorded for each of 20 specific incommensurate frequencies F, ranging from 327.7 MHz to 1.390 GHz. A delay D is subsequently estimated for each frequency F.

For the classical regime, the unattenuated VCSEL emission is coupled directly into a reel of SMF-28. The output pulse train is then detected by a conventional photodetector (InGaAs photodiode) before electrical amplification and display on a digitizing oscilloscope (DCA), the trigger input of which is provided by the pattern trigger output of the PPG. The pulse train is observed on the oscilloscope display and the delay D of a pulse with respect to the trigger is measured. Averaging is used to reduce the effects of receiver noise. A characteristic feature in the rising edge of the pulse is used to position the oscilloscope marker. This edge is a property of the PPG and is therefore unaffected by the choice of F. A delay D is measured for the same set frequencies as used for the single-photon regime.

At a wavelength of 850 nm, SMF-28 supports two modes: LP01 and LP11. The higher group velocity of LP01 distinguishes it from LP01 when extracting D.

The experimental arrangement differs between the two regimes, but only because of the attenuator and the requirement for detection equipment that is appropriate to each of the two power levels. It is therefore inevitable that a different system time-of-flight Ts will be recorded for the two regimes, e. g. because of different electrical delays. This difficulty is circumvented by focusing on the additional delay introduced by the SMF, i.e. a set of measurement is performed with the SMF inserted and then with the SMF removed. The resulting fibre time-of-flight T is obtained as the difference between the two cases.

Determination of time-of-flight

For each regime and for the fibre lengths of 1 km, 2 km and 3 km, the frequencies F and measured delays D are processed in a speciallydeveloped MATLAB facility. The system of equations is analysed in a window around the expected time-of-flight. An error value is generated