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Учебный год 22-23 / Legal terms 2

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Legal terms

Civi l right - 1. The individual rights of personal liberty guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and by the 13th. 14th, 15th. and 19th Amendments, as well as by legislation such as the Voting Rights Act. • Civil rights include esp. the right to vote, the right of due process. and the right ofequal protection under the law.

Freedom - 1. The state of being free or liberated 2. A political right.

Discrimination - 1. The effect of a law or established practice that confers privileges on a certain class or that denies privileges to a certain class because of race, age, sex, nationality, religion, or disability. 2. Differential treatment; esp., a failure to treat all persons equally when no reasonable distinction can be found between those favored and those not favored.

Domestic - 1. Of or relating to one's own country <domestic affairs>. 2. Of or relating to one's own jurisdiction <in Alaska, a domestic corporation is an Alaskan one>. 3. Of or relating to the family or the household <a domestic dispute>.

Convention - 1. An agreement or compact, esp. one among nations; a multilateral treaty 2. A special deliberative assembly elected for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending a constitution. – Also termed constitutional convention 3. An assembly or meeting of members belonging to an organization or having a common objective 4. Parliamentary law. A deliberative assembly that consists of delegates elected or appointed from subordinate or constituent organizations within a state or national organization, or elected directly from the organization's membership or from defined geographic or other constituencies into which the membership is grouped, and that usu. exercises the organization's highest policymaking authority <a national political convention>. 5. Parliamentary law. A session of a convention (sense 4), consisting of a series of consecutive meetings separated by short recesses or adjournments, often during a convention (sense 3) that includes educational and social programs for the benefit of delegates and other members. 6. A generally accepted rule or practice; usage or custom <the court dispensed with the convention of having counsel approach the bench>.

Obligation - 1. A legal or moral duty to do or not do something .• The word has many wide and varied meanings. It may refer to anything that a person is bound to do or forbear from doing, whether the duty is imposed by law, contract, promise, social relations, courtesy, kindness, or morality. 2. A formal, binding agreement or acknowledgment of a liability to pay a certain amount or to do a certain thing for a particular person or set of persons; esp., a duty arising by contract. Also termed (in sense 2) civil obligation. 3. Civil law. A legal relationship in which one person, the obligor, is bound to render a performance in favor

of another, the obligee

Recognition - 1. Confirmation that an act done by another person was authorized 2. The formal admission that a person, entity, or thing has a particular status; esp. a nation's act in formally acknowledging the existence of another nation or national government. 3. Parliamentary law. The chair's acknowledgment that a member is entitled to the floor

Apartheid - Racial segregation; specif, a comprehensive governmental policy of racial discrimination and segregation, as it was practiced in South Africa.

Crucial- решающий

Consent- согласие.

Link- связь

Perceptions – восприятие

Tension- напряжение

Adherens- сторонники

Solely- исключительно

To Implement- осуществлять

Incur - вытекать, следовать из

Supremacy - верховенство; верховная власть

Perception - восприятие, ощущение

Struggle – борьба

Obtain – получать, добиваться

Apartheid – расовая изоляция

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