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Keys to Supplement exercises:

Sports and Recreation Law

2.Give Russian equivalents to these statements.

1.Sports and Recreation Law - спортивное (и физкультурно-

оздоровительное) право

2.To focus onфокусироваться, концентрироваться на чем-либо

3.“hospitality law”-закон гостеприимства. Но в данном тексте термин “hospitality law” рассматривается как «обязанность принимающей стороны обеспечить все необходимое, в том числе, и меры безопасности, для стороны прибывающей.

4.professional sports leagues-профессиональные спортивные лиги

5.amateur and professional sports-профессиональный и любительский спорт

6.collegiate athletic associations-студенческие спортивные ассоциации

7.ethical conduct-этичное поведение

8.amateur eligibility-профессиональная пригодность спортсменовнепрофессионалов

9.Recruiting-привлечение, набор,

10.gender equity-равенство полов

11.“death penalty”- дисквалификация, вплоть до запрета принимать участие в соревнованиях навсегда

12.intercollegiate sports-межуниверситетские спортивные мероприятия

13.unique set of legal issues-свой собственный свод правил

14.Player drug violations-нарушение антидопингового законодательства


16.performance enhancing drugs -стимуляторы


3.Insert missing words from the text into the gaps.

1.Common sports law issues include labor law, contract issues, unfair competition and antitrust law, and torts.

2.Gender equality is one area of particular interest in amateur collegiate sports.


3.International amateur sports can face many of the same legal issues as collegiate sports, and have had a recent spate of anti-doping issues.

4.For example, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) acknowledged in 1967 that professional athletes have the right to form unions, or “players associations.”

5.Doping has also become an issue for professional sports in recent years.

6.Of course, some of the most famous issues related to sports law have to do with contract negotiations.

7.Cities negotiate for franchise rights to have a resident team.

8.In many ways, it is a general practice with a particular type of clients.

Energy law

2.Give Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

1.regulatory framework-нормативно-правовая база

2.nuclear regulation-атомнадзор




6.regulatory agency-надзорный, регулятивный орган

7.environmental matters-экологические вопросы (вопросы, касающиеся окружающей среды)

8.to utilize an internal dispute resolution system-задействовать систему внутреннего урегулирования споров

9.a regime of rulemaking, inspection, and licensing-система разработки правил, инспектирования и лицензирования

10.deregulation of various energy industries-снятие законодательных ограничений

11.misnomer-неправильно употребляемый термин

3.Give the definition to the following word combinations.

Department of Energy-Министерство энергетики (Департамент энергетики)


Federal Power Commission-Федеральная комиссия по энергетике

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)-Федеральная комиссия по контролю за энергоресурсами


4.Insert the missing words into the gaps.

1.For most of American history, the federal government did not play an active role in the energy industries.

2.With the creation of the Department of Energy in 1977, a national energy plan emerged for the first time.

3.Amended in 1935, and 1986, the Federal Power Act allowed a regulatory framework to develop.

4.FERC regulates the transmission and sale of these energies (except the sale of oil), provides licenses for hydroelectric plants, and reacts to environmental matters that arise.

5.The Commission is headed by five presidential appointees, only three of which can be from the same political party, who serve five year terms.

6.The nuclear power industry is regulated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), whose mission it is to protect the public health and safety from nuclear radiation and waste.

7.The trend is most progressed in the electricity market, where in many states consumers can now choose their suppliers.

8.Rather, historically vertically integrated power companies are breaking apart to create competition at every step of the chain from production to consumption.

Environmental law

2.Give Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

1.to manage natural resources – управлять природными ресурсами

2.environmental quality – качество (состояние) окружающей среды

3.forests and wildlife леса и дикая природа

4.hazardous waste-вредные, токсичные, опасные отходы

5.agricultural practices-сельско-хозяйственная практика

6.wetlands –заболоченные участки, влажный район, водно-болотные угодья

7.land use planningпланирование использования земельных ресурсов

8.set forth – устанавливать (законом), формулировать


9.the polluting activities of private enterprises – деятельность частных предприятий, загрязняющих окружающую среду

10.mandate certain pollution-reducing technology-требовать использования технологий, уменьшающих загрязнение окружающей среды

11.power plantэлектростанция

12.undertake a comprehensive assessmentиспользовать комплексную оценку

13.to harm the environment-наносить вред окружающей среде

14.Agency regulations and executive orders - положения о представительствах и правительственные постановления

15.to have international impacts – оказывать международное воздействие

16.corporate executive –управляющий, член правления корпорации

17.international activities –международная деятельность

18.non-national parties-вненациональные организации (партии)

19.extraterritorial applications of national law-экстерриториальное применение национального права

20.hard and soft international law-«жесткое» и «мягкое» право

21.to be aspired to-претендовать на что-либо

22.pledges-обещания, заверения

23.the development and implementation of specific legal provisions-

разработка и применение определенных правовых положений

24.oblige countries to adopt implementing legislation-обязать страны принять имплементирующее законодательство (нормативный акт или акты, вводящие в действие какой-либо закон, международный договор и т.д.)

25.concerns over sovereignty –выражать озабоченность в отношении суверенитета (независимости)

26.to be reluctant to surrender control-быть вынужденным передать контроль

27.to preserve their right to decline to be bound by particular parts of the agreement – сохранить право отказаться от выполнения определенной части договора

28.to weaken the total effectiveness of many international agreements-

полностью ослабить правомочность многих международных соглашений


3.Give the definition to the Acts.

the Clean Air Act – закон о чистом воздухе

the Clean Water Act – закон о чистой воде

the National Environmental Policy Act закон США «О национальной экологической политике»

the Endangered Species Actзакон об исчезающих видах (животных и растений, занесенных в Красную книгу); закон о сохранении исчезающих видов животных и птиц (США)

The U.S. Corrupt Practices Act-закон о коррупционной деятельности США

4.Insert the missing words into the gaps.

1.The body of environmental law includes not only the text of these laws but also the regulations that implement and the judicial decisions that interpret this legislation.

2.In general, the standards set forth in environmental laws can apply to either private parties or the government.

3.To understand the nature of international environmental law, one must first understand the difference between national and international law.

4.Agreements or treaties among different nations are generally referred to as public international law.

5.Hard international law generally refers to agreements or principles that are directly enforceable by a national or international body.

6.Often an official, a legislative body, or an agency will announce a new public policy or priority.

7.Because most of the rules governing these private transactions are enforceable in the courts of the concerned countries, these rules are usually deemed hard international law.

8.Even when nations have joined in international agreements, many of them have added reservations to preserve their right to decline to be bound by particular parts of the agreement.


ADR methods:

3. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1)Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") generally refers to any means of settling a dispute outside of a courtroom.

2)Generally, litigation is the least desirable method for settling a dispute since the process is adversarial and the outcome is perceived as "winner v. loser."

3)Inclusion of a disputes clause with a mutually agreed to ADR provision in a contract greatly enhances the likelihood that the parties will be able to resolve the dispute through means other than litigation.

4)Since the negotiation process is managed by the parties, the process is usually conducted in a manner that is both expeditious and cost effective.

5)Mediators are individuals trained in negotiations who bring the opposing parties together and attempts to work out a settlement or agreement that both parties accept or reject. It is important to note that mediation does not prohibit either party from pursuing additional legal recourse if the mediation process does not result in a settlement.

6)Binding arbitration means that the arbitrator's decision is final and not subject to judicial review or appeal.

7)Non-binding arbitration, as the name implies, means that the parties are not bound to the arbitrator's decision and are free to seek remedy in court if they so choose.

8)Conciliation differs from mediation in that the main goal is to conciliate, most

of the time by seeking concessions from both sides.

Class action

4.Decide if the statements are true or false:












1.Илиади Ю.А. Английский язык для юристов. М.: Проспект, 2010.

2.Муратова И.А., Шукунда С.З. US Law. Английский для юристов. М: Информационный центр ВНИИ Геосистем, 2006

3.Самохина Т.С., Дианова Е.М. Upgrade your Language Skills. М.: Р. Валент, 2009

4.Alcaraz E., Hughes B. Legal Translation Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2002

5.Brown Gillian D., Rice S. Professional English in Use. Law. Cambridge University Press, 2007

6.Day J., Krois-Lindner A. International Legal English. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2011

7.Dignen B. Communicating Across Cultures. Cambridge Business Skills. Cambridge University Press, 2011

8.Frost A. English for Legal Professionals. Oxford University Press, 2009

9.Grussendorf M. English for Presentations. Express Series, Oxford University Press, 2007

10.Haigh R. Legal English. Second Edition. Routledge Cavendish, London and New York,2009

11.Hensler D., Pace N. M., Dombey-Moore B., Giddens B. Class Action Dilemmas: Pursuing Public Goals for Private Gain. Santa Monica, 2000

12.Krois-Lindner A., Firth M. Introduction to international legal English. Cambridge University Press, 2008

13.McCarthty M., O’Dell F. English Collocations in Use. Advanced. Cambridge University Press, 2011

14.McCarthty M., O’Dell F. English Collocations in Use. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2009

15.McCarthty M., O’Dell F. English Phrasal Verbs in Use. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2009

16.McCarthty M., O’Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use. Advanced. Cambridge University Press, 2006

17.McCarthty M., O’Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2005

18.Smith D. G. English for Telephoning. Express Series, Oxford University Press, 2007

19.Strutt P. Market Leader. Business Grammar and Usage. Pearson, Longman, 2010

20.Viscusi K. W. Regulation Through Litigation. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2002

21.Wacks, R. Law. A very short introduction. Oxford University Press, 2008




25.www.cw.routledge.com (The English Legal System by Gary Slapper and David Kelly)

















41.https://www.translegal.com/lesson/how-to-write-a-simple-contract-in-english-multiple- choice-1-2


43.http://www.articlesbase.com/national-state-local-articles/choosing-the-right-adr-method- for-your-business-6662338.html
