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Дроздова.English Grammar

12.36 Mб

4.А :You (see) your brother this morning? B.: Yes, I _______________

C.: No, I (not / see) him since last Monday.

5.A.: You (be) here before? B.: Yes, I______________

C.; Yes, I (be) here last year.

6.A ; You (go) to the theatre last week?

S.; Yes, I_______________. I (go) to the Bolshoi Theatre.

7.A ; You (see) the new monument in that street?

B.: No, I_____________________ (not / see) it yet.

C.: No, I_________ (be) there on Friday but I_________ (not / see) the monument.

8.A.:You ever (show) your water-colours to anybody? B.: Yes, I _______________

C.: Yes, I________________ (show) them to my friends a few days ago.

II. (A, B)

1.1just (call) him. 2 .1(not/call) him yesterday, I was busy. 3. My parents just (go) away. 4. She already (answer) the letter. 5. She (answer) it on Tuesday. 6. My friends (go) away five minutes ago. 7.1(read) that book during the summer holidays. 8. The fisherman (sell) all his fish now. 9. He (sell) the last one half an hour ago. 10.1(not / see) him for three years. 11.1 (meet) him last week. 12. The newspaper (come)? - Yes, Ann is reading it now. 13. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? - Yes, my mother (insist) on it. 14. He (not

/smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 15. When he (arrive)? - He (arrive) at

2.00.16.You (shut) the window? 17.1(read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much. 18. You (be) here before? - Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. - You (have) a good time? - Yes, the sun never (stop) shining. 19. The clock is slow. - Itisn’t slow, it (stop). 20. Here is your dress; I just (mend) it. 21.1(leave) home at 8.00 and (get) here at twelve. 22. You (have) breakfast yet? - Yes, I (have) it at 8.00. 23. You (see) the stars last night? 24. We (miss) the bus. Nowwe’ll have to walk. 25. The lecture just (begin). You are a little late. 26. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident lastyear. 27.1can’t go out because I (not /finish) my work.

III. (B, C)

1. He showed her inside the house. “Oh! How lovely!” she exclaimed. “And you (do) it all by yourself? When you (buy) the house?” 2.1understand you (have) an unpleasant experi­ ence at the week-end? What (happen) exactly? 3. You remember the shell you (find) on the beach? 4. “How many children you (teach) in that family?” the girl asked her new governess. 5. “What is going on here?” Mel sighed, “We (have) a storm for three days. It (ruin) everything here.” 6. “Can we get dinner here?” - “Of course, we can. Have you got enough money? I (spend) my last dollar on the taxi.” 7. As we got into the taxi my brother asked, “Well, you (speak) to Harry?” - “I (speak) to him for a moment.” 8. “Hello”, the little girl said to her mother and looked at her companion. “Come and say ‘How do you do’ to Mr Zappa.” - “I (see) him already.” - “You can’t have done, dear. He only just (arrive) here.” - “I (see) him in the hall this afternoon.” - “I’m sure you didn’t. You (see) my little daughter yet, Mr Zappa?” 9. “I say, your cheek is like a grater (терка)! You (not/shave) today.”10. You (not/hear) what the pilot (say)? 11. At school I (be) never good at lan­ guages, but here I (pick) up a bit of French. 12. “Good night. It (be) nice to meet you,” he (say) and (go) off to his car.


Ex. 22. (A, В) Open the brackets using the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.

1. Inthe morning, coming downstairs, Rosemary (see) Tony lying in the sitting room: What you (do) here? - 1(sleep) here. - 1am sorrywe (take)your room. 2. He’s a nightwatchman. He works at night and (sleep) in the daytime. It’s noon now, and he still (sleep). 3 .1first (meet) Richard a month ago, and I (meet) him several times since then. 4 .1usually (go) to bed before midnight. 5. I (sit) here all night and I swear I (not/doze) for a moment.

6.What’s your brother doing? - He (play) tennis with our neighbour, they (play) itevery day.

7.He wants to buy a car, but first he must learn how to drive, so he (take) driving lessons.

8.I (write) to my parents a fortnight ago, but I’ve not had a reply, so I just (write) again.

9.Where is my daughter? - She (talk) to a policeman. - What (happen)? - She has been driving without a license. 10. It’s 3 p.m. and he (not/eat) anything today, but he (eat) a good dinner last night. 11. Is Mary ready to come out? - No, she still (dress). 12. I (read) this book several times. I first (read) it in 1990.13. He often (read) detective stories; he (read) a very good one now. 14. She (not/have) a holiday since 1996, but she (have) a very long holiday in 1995. 15. We (stay) here for nearly a week. - I hope you (not/think) of leaving.

Ex. 23. (A, B)Translate into English.

1 Я потеряла иголку. Я нигде не могу найти ее. 2. Ты смотрел вчера фильм по телевизору? 3. Ее родители купили ей машину на 21 день рождения. 4. У нее теперь очень короткие волосы. Она сделала новую стрижку. 5. Вчера вечером он пришел домой очень поздно. Он принял ванну и потом лег спать. 6. Вы посетили много музеев, когда были вЛондоне? 7. Книги нет на полке. Кто-то взял ее. 8. Когда твой отец бросил курить? 9. Я не завтракал утром, потому что мне не хотелось есть. 10. Почему ты не хотел играть в шахматы вчера? 11. Машина выглядит очень чистой. Ты вымыл ее?

12.Молли: Привет, Джеймс. Алан здесь? Джеймс: Нет, боюсь, он вышел.

Молли: Какая жалость! Когда точно он вышел? Джеймс: Около двадцати минут назад.

Ex. 24. (В, С) Translate into English.

1.Рад с вами познакомиться! Я читал все ваши статьи. 2. Я закончила картину. Взгляните на нее, пожалуйста. 3. Сегодня я еще не читал газеты. 4. Вы принесли мне еще одну книгу? - Нет, я пришел за вашим советом. 5. Сколько раз вы уже были в Лондоне? Я знаю, что вы ездили в Лондон в прошлом году. 6. Вас недавно навещал ваш внук? - Да, он приходил сегодня днем. 7. Лена дала мне очень интересный фильм на прошлой неделе, но я еще не посмотрел его. 8. Вы послали за доктором? - Да, он скоро придет. 9. Вы давно знаете Майю? - Я знаю ее всю жизнь. 10. Я очень люблю путешествовать. Я побывала во многих столицах Европы. 11. Я не была в Новгороде с тех пор, как мы переехали в С.-Петербург. Я очень люблю этот древний город. 12. За последнее время я встречал ее несколько раз. Она очень изменилась.

13.Семь лет назад он уехал вАмерику, и с тех пор я его не видела. 14. Я встретилась

сТомом у своих друзей три года тому назад, и с тех пор я о нем ничего не слышала.

15.Утро было холодное и дождливое, но с десяти часов погода изменилась, солнце ярко сияет. 16. Вы хорошо знаете этот город? - Нет, я никогда здесь раньше не была.

17.Вы не навещали нас с тех пор, как приехали.


Ex. 25. (А, В, С) Translate into English, using thePresent Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.

1. В пятницу на прошлой неделе шел сильный дождь. 2. Я обычно завтракаю в половине восьмого. 3. Он уже построил дачу? - Нет, он все еще строит ее. 4. Почему вы идете так быстро? - Я иду быстро, потому что я боюсь опоздать на электричку. Я всегда хожу быстро утром. 5. Моя сестра никогда не носит шубу. 6. В тот вечер я смотрел телевизор. 7. Почтальон обычно приходит в восемь часов вечера. Сейчас уже половина девятого, а он все еще не пришел. 8. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор. 9. Когда я пришел к Пете в прошлое воскресенье, он читал новую книгу. Как только он закончит читать ее, он даст мне эту книгу. 10. Боюсь, я проиграл эту партию в шахматы (this game of chess). Я играл очень плохо. Обычно я играю намного лучше. 11. Лекция еще не началась, и студенты разговаривают. Обычно лекция начинается в девять часов. 12.В школе он играл в баскетбол. 13. Я не играл в волейбол с 1983 года. 14. Автор еще молодой человек. Он написал свою первую пьесу в 1985 году. 15. Сейчас 9 часов вечера. Ребенок уже заснул. Вчера вечером он лег спать гораздо раньше.





1had worked

1 had not worked

Had 1 worked?

I’d worked

I hadn’t worked


The Past Perfect Tense denotes an action completed before a certain moment in thepast.

Past Perfect Past Indefinite

_____ — — when I called him.

□ He had finished his work -< 11

by 5 o’clock yesterday.

□ When we came to the station the train had already gone.

The Past Perfect is not used to denote a succession of actions. In this case the Past Indefinite is used.

Past Indefinite

□ He got up, went to the bathroom, had breakfast and left for work.

The Past Indefinite is used with the conjunctions after, before, when if the succession of actions should be expressed.

He had a short rest before he went on with his work.

When I wrote the letter, I posted it.


The Past Perfect is used with the conjunctions:



Nearly... + Past Perfect... when + Past Indefinite


No sooner + Past Perfect... than + Past Indefinite

He had hardly done it when they came. (Hardly had he done it when they came.)

No sooner they had arrived than it started to rain. (No sooner had they arrived than it started to rain.)


Ex. 26. (A, B) Use the Past Perfect Tense.

Examples: Why didn’t you listen to that play on the radio?

a)Because Ihad heard it before.

b)/didn’t listen to that play on the radio, because Ihad heard it before.

1.Why didn’t you see Fred when you came to Moscow? (leave)

2.Why didn’t Kate want to go to the cinema? (see the film)

3.Why didn’t you tell him my new address? (forget)

4.Why didn’t Jeff hear about Kate’s examination? (pass)

5.Why did Fred come home so soon from his holiday? (spend all the money)

6.Why couldn’t you get into your flat at once? (lose the key)

7.What did you learn about Bob? (get married)

8.What did she read in the newspaper about the expedition? (return)

9.What did he learn about Helen from the letter he received? (be ill for a month)

Ex. 27. (A, B) Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. You visited a friend and learned a lot of news about his family and other friends.

Example: His father didn’t work in the bank anymore. He had retired (retire).

1.His parents didn’t live there any longer. They___________ (go) to live inthe country.

2.His sister wasn’t there either. She____________________________(get) married.

3.His house was larger. He___________________________ (build) the third storey.

4.Yourfriends, Mike and Brenda, were away. They_______________________ (leave) for Sweden.

Ex. 28. (A, B) Complete the sentenses, using the verb in brackets.

Example: I was very excited aboutvisiting London because I (be) had neverbeen there before.

1.The little boy couldn’t wait to get to the sea. (see) He__________________ before.

2.The teacher was late that morning. The class didn’t know what to think, (be/late) She___________________________________________________________

3.Yesterday Larry taught Nell to play the guitar. She felt very unsure because she (play)

4.Itwas Miss Kelly’s first day at school. She was very nervous because she (teach)


Ex. 29. (A, В) Make sentences using the words in brackets.

Example: His hairwas wet. (He/just/have/a shower) He had iust had a shower.

1.There was nobody at the platform, (the train/just/leave)

2.We didn’t find anybody at home, (everybody/alreadv/αο out)

3.The children were playina in the aarden. ithev/iust/come/from school)

4.Bob wasn’t at home when I arrived, (he/arrange/to meet/some friends/at the club)

5.I couldn’t recognize the child after all that time. (I/not/see/her/for seven years)

Ex. 30. (A, B) Put the verb into the correct form, the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

Examples: Was Father at home when I phoned? - No. he had already left.

Was Father at home when.l phonod? - Yes, but he left soon afterwards.

1.The flat was emptywhen he arrived. Everybody_________________ (go) to the party.

2.There were voices heard from the kitchen, so I.________________ (go) straightthere.

3.He cannot take part in the competition. He _____________ (break) his leg yesterday.

4.There was an accident atthe mountain top. Some skier________________ (break) hisleg and the ambulance menwere carrying himtothe road. Sowe_______________

(stop) to letthem pass.

Ex. 31. (A, B) Use the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences.

Example: When John and I got to the river, the boat race (start already) hadalreadystarted.

1.When she went to bed, she remembered that she (not/switch off the light)_______

2.She felt tired because she (walk a lot/that day)________________

3.She went for a holiday after she (pass the exams) ______________

4.I didn’t knowwhat to do when they (show/me/the picture)________

5.I didn’t look at the present until after she (go)__________________

6.I was very sorry to |iear that he (die) _ _ ___________________

7.He didn’t start speaking until the children (leave/the room)________

8.When I met Helen, I understood why Bill (marry her)_____________

9.He understood the book only after he (read it/again)_____________

Ex. 32. (A, B) Unite the following pairs of sentences. Use the conjunctions after, as soon as, before, until, till, when.

Example: a) They went to England. They left school, (after)

They went to England after they had left school,

b)The sun set. They finished their work, (before) The sun had set before they finished their work.

1.The sun rose. He woke up. (before)

2.He died. He was very ill. (before)

3.I understood the problem. He explained, (as soon as)

4.She wrote the letter. She went to the post office, (after)


5.I drove to the airport. The plane took off. (when)

6.She read the message carefully. She wrote the reply, (before)

7.He left the room. I turned on the radio, (as soon as)

8.He had dinner. He went to the cinema, (after)

9.The man didn’t leave. He didn’t receive a definite answer, (till)

10.We didn’t say a word. He finished his story, (until)

11.We reached the football ground. The game started, (when)

12.John worked as a skilled builder. He began to study architecture, (before)

13.Harold couldn’t leave for home. He completed everything, (till)

14.The snow was very deep. It snowed heavily, (after)

Ex. 33. (В, C) Put the verb in brackets into the required tense form.

1. They hardly (go) when aunt Julia (wander) slowly into the room. 2. Hehardly (reach) the door of his office when he (encounter) two young men. 3. Hescarcely (take) a few steps along the street, when three men (appear) from around the comer. 4. No sooner he (start) to play than one string on the violin (break). 5. They barely (leave) the room when the chaos (break) out. 6. No sooner they (arrive) at Rougemont than her sister (ring) up from home about an accident with her little daughter. 7. No sooner the curtains (fall) than he (rise) to go. 8. Hardly he (ask) his questions when she (answer) them. 9. He scarcely (take) off his coat when he (begin) to read the letter. 10. Nell scarcely (settle) herself on a little heap of straw in the corner, when she (fall) asleep. 11. The rain nearly (stop) when he (reach) his hotel. 12. He scarcely (say) the first words when she (interrupt) him.

Ex. 34. (В, C) Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect.


1. She realized that she was going to faint. She (eat) nothing since the picnic. 2. His wife (not/be) in. She (go) out a quarter of an hour before. 3. After dinner Mr Grag proposed a game of cards. He (not/play) cards since his illness. 4. Dr. Lecter (be) English, though he (live) in America for thirty years. 5. His smile (be) something she never (see) before. 6. He decided to wait till he (talk) to the man himself. 7. He (come) into the room a moment after I (get) there. 8. When he (return) at eleven o’clock the telegram (arrive). 9. When they (go) I (get) busy at the desk. 10. When evening (fall) their son (leave) the house. 11.1 hardly (be) there five minutes when Mrs Brown (come) in with the coffee. 12. He (prom­ ise) to ring me up when he (get) a definite answer. 13. Scarcely they (move) into the new house when their friends (come). 14. The evening (go) off easier than she (expect). 15. But the village he (show) her (be) the best she ever (see). 16. Just at that moment a boy and a girl (come) and (sit) down where the old couple (be) before. 17.1(keep) silence for a little while, thinking of what he (tell) me. 18. Soames (spend) the night at Winchester, a place he often (hear) of but never (see). 19. She (know) why he (come). 20. Within a week she (know) the fearful mistake she (make).


1. We (sit) down to the table only when all the guests (arrive). 2. There (be) a curious expression on his face I never (see) before. 3. Almost opposite (be) that gallery where she first (meet) him and John. 4. He (be) a teacher at the University, as his father (be) before him. 5. There (be) silence after she (go). 6. From downstairs (come) the sound of a radio playing a song he never (hear) before. 7. And, paying for what he (not/eat),


he (go) out, passing two acquaintances without sign of recognition. 8. Very deliber­ ately and carefully Poirot (retell) the conversation he (hold) with Saitrana at Wessex House. 9. Julia, who (go) half way down one flight, (come) back. 10. There (be) some­ thing vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn’t remember where I (see) her before. 11. He (re-read) what he (write). 12. When Val (leave) them, Soames and Winifred (make) their way to the Cheshire Cheese. 13. She (be) ill for two days when we (learn) about it. 14. About twenty people already (arrive) when they (enter) the hall. 15. We (not/go) far when we suddenly (notice) the dark clouds on the horizon.

Ex. 35. (В, C) Insert the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect.

1. We hardly__________ (leave) town, when it______________ (begin) to rain. 2. The moon___________ (not / rise). There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night. 3. On glancing at the address, he observed that it contained no name. The stranger

________________ (not / go) far, so he followed him to ask it. 4. When at his house , they_________ (tell) me that he___________(leave) an hour ago. 5. No sooner he

__________ (take) a drink himself, than Mrs Fettle (look) in. 6. When I___________

(come) to see my friend, I__________ (find) him lying in bed. He____________ (look) very pale as h e ___________ (be) seriously ill for a whole month. 7. He hardly

____________(light) another cigarette, when the general____________(come) into the courtyard. 8. Gemma went slowly down the stairs, Martini following in silence. She

_________ (grow) to look ten years older in these few days, and her hair__________

(become) gray. 9. Presently the sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state into which she_________ (fall). 10. She was a woman of nearly fifty who___________ (be) obviously pretty once. 11. Moreover, to him (the doctor) the affairwas the commonplace; itwasjust a hysterical woman who_________

(quarrel) with her friend and_________ (take) poison. 12.1___________(leave) home at 8 o’clock, but I _________ (not/go) far when I ____________ (remember) that I

__________ (forget) to lock my door. 13. When Alison____________(disappear) the first strains of the orchestra came stealing out to me from inside the hall. 14. Scarcely I

__________ (close) the door when a gust of wind___________(open) it again.

Ex. 36. (В, C) Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect.


1. He (close) the window and (sit) in his armchair, reading a newspaper. 2. When I (arrive) the lecture already (start). 3. The rain (stop) and the sun (shine) brightly. 4. Unfortunately when I arrived Ann just (leave), so we only had time for a few words. 5 .1(watch) his eyes pretty closely while we (exchange) these remarks. 6. When we (reach) the field, the game already (start). 7. He suddenly (realize) that he (travel) in the wrong direction. 8. When I (look) for my passport, I (find) this old photograph. 9. You looked very busy when I sawyou last night. What you (do)? 10. He (not / be) there five minutes, when the storm (begin). 11. He (not/ allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind (blow). 12.1(call) Paul at 7.00but it wasn’t necessary because he already (get) up. 13. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not / recognize) him at first because I (not / wear) my glasses. 14. When he (seal and stamp) the envelope, he (go) back to the window and (draw) a long breath. 15.1(see) you yesterday from the bus. Why you (use) a stick? - I (use) it because I (hurt) my leg that morning. 16. We (return) home at nightfall and we (be) very glad


to get home again, but we (have) a wonderful day. 17. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them. Tom (turn) round and (hold) up his hand. The car (stop). 18. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for me. She (wear) a blue dress and (look) very pretty. 19. When I (see) him he (paint) a portrait of his wife. 20. While he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. 21. While I (say) goodbye to the rest of the guests Isabel (take) Sophie aside. 22. The men (say) that they (work) on the road outside my house and that they (want) some water to make tea.


1.1just_________(finish) washing the boy, and_________ (wrap) him in a warm blanket, when Jill came in with a tray in her hands. 2. They__________ (reach) the peacock door and stood there, talking. 3. She________(come in) and_________ (untie) her bonnet strings when Chris entered. 4. She could see their faces in a looking-glass. They evidently

________ (enjoy) themselves. 5. He___________(cycle) along a narrow path when he

__________ (fall) and___________(hurt) himself badly. 6.1led her to the sitting-room. Antonia_________(dry) her tears and_________ (powder) her nose again. She greeted Rosemary. 7. It already_________ _ (begin) to grow dark; the cold autumn wind

__________ (whistle); clouds___________(creep) over the sky. 8. When I looked up again I saw that she__________ (move), and________ (stand) with her hand on the handle of the door. 9. Then, quite suddenly, I noticed a movement in the garden: someone

__________ (enter) from the gate at the far end of the lawn and___________(move) rapidly across towards the house. 10. When I__________ (look) out of the window, the sun_____________(approach) the horizon and dark clouds___________(overspread) the sky. 11. Elinor___________ (not / take) more than half a dozen steps when a hand fell on her arm from behind. 12. The moon__________ (not/rise) yet and only two stars

__________ (shine) in the dark blue sky.

Ex. 37. (В, C) Translate into English.

1. Войдя в комнату, он увидел Анну там, где ее оставил. 2. Я заметил, когда вошел, что кто-то забыл свой зонтик на крыльце. 3. Он не прочел и полкниги, как заявил, что она ему не нравится. 4. Когда гости ушли, она вошла в гостиную и выключила свет. 5. Она сидела на диване и думала, почему еще не пришло письмо от отца. 6. Дождь прекратился, но в воздухе был еще легкий туман. 7. Я не знала, когда он ушел. 8. Он не помнил его имени и не помнил, чтобы встречал его когда-либо раньше. 9. Мы ехали часа два, когда наконец увидели озеро. 10. Прошло некоторое время, прежде чем они поняли, что ему нечего было сказать. 11. Приехав домой, он узнал, что его сестра только что ушла. 12. Когда экспедиция вернулась, они рассказали, что они видели в Арктике. 13. Она закончила паковать вещи ктому времени, когда ее сестра постучала в дверь. 14. Последние дни было очень холодно, но снег не шел.15. Когда все ушли, она подошла к телефону и быстро набрала номер. 16. Когда родители вернулись, я показала им, что я сделала. 17. Мама питалась успокоить меня после того, как вы ушли. 18. Я удивился тому, какие успехи она сделала, учитывая, как мало времени прошло с тех пор, как я видел ее в последний раз. 19. Не успел он подойти к двери, как встретил своих школьных друзей. 20. Он опять вернулся в Москву, где жил с родителями вдетстве. 21. Когда они наконец расстались, он вернулся в комнату и пошел прямо к столу. 22. Было гораздо холоднее, чем она предполагала. 23. Я знал, что они встречались еще до войны. 24. Когда все ушли, я осторожно закрыл дверь. 25. Когда рассвело, еще дул штормовой ветер» но снег прекратился.




I shall/ will have worked He will have worked She will have worked ft will have worked We shall/ will have worked You will have worked They will have worked

I’ll have worked


I shall/ will not have worked


will not have worked


will not have worked


will not have worked

We shall/ will not have worked You will not have worked They will not have worked

Iwon’t have worked (shan’t)


Shall/ Will I Will he Will she Will it

Shall/ Will we Will you Will they

The Future Perfect denotes an action completed before a definite moment in the future.

___ — when Icall him.

□ He will have finished his work —=rr" '

-----by 5 o’clock tomorrow.


Ex. 38. (A, B) Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1.1(translate) this letter by 6 o’clock this afternoon. 2. I (make) this doll by her birthday. 3. He (not/learn) his lesson by tomorrow, if he has not yet begun to study it. 4. This work is so arduous, that I (not/complete) it in a year’s time. 5. After you finish this book, you (learn) over a thousand words. 6. By the end of the month the commission (come) to some decision. 7. If she returns after July 1,1won’t see her since I already (go) to the South by the time.

Ex. 39. (А, В, C)Answerthe questions intheFuturePerfect Tense, usingthewords inbrackets.

Example: Will you still be busy if I call you at six? (finish)

Oh, no, we will have finished by that time.

1.Will they still be staying at the hotel tomorrow? (move to their new house)

2.Will you be discussing the plan at 2 o’clock? (make a decision)

3.Will your students be writing a test at ten in the morning? (finish)

4.Will your brother still be a student next autumn? (graduate)

5.Will you still remember me in five years? (forget)

6.Will he be at home on Saturday? (leave for Scotland)

7.Will she be expecting your call tomorrow morning? (receive my letter)

8.Will ydu be having a lesson when I come home? (go to the swimming-pool)

Ex. 40. (В, C) Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Future Perfect.

1. He (be) here for two hours by the time you (come) back. 2. “It (be) very late.” - “They (be) back soon.” 3. “There (be) no planes tonight.” - “Never mind, I (go) by train.” 4. You


(be) angry if I (talk) to you about it? 5. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their work. 6. “I (be) afraid, mytrain (leave) by that time.” - “(not/worry), I (drive) you home.” 7.1hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning. 8. Ifyou (think) it over you (see) I am right. 9. Ifyou (not/take) a taxi, you (be) late. By the time you (get) to the theatre the first act (be) over and you (miss) the most interesting dialogues.

Ex. 41. (B) Translate into English.

1. К завтрашнему дню я закончу этот отчет. 2. Мы сделаем эту работу к трем часам дня, а потом пойдем в парк. 3. К 20 июня мы сдадим все экзамены. 4. Строители построят эту школу к 1сентября. 5. Я напишу это письмо ктому времени, как придет секретарь. 6. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы придем на станцию. 7. Я переведу эту статью к понедельнику.

Ex. 42. (В, С) Translate into English using the proper forms of the verbs. The first two numbers have been done for you.

1.- Твои друзья будут в Англии, когда ты приедешь туда летом?

-Will yourfriends be in England when you come there in summer?

2.- Ты будешь готовиться к экзамену в субботу?

-Will you be reading up for your exam on Saturday?

3.- Ты будешь еще готовить обед завтра в 12 часов?

4.- Ты поможешь бабушке искать очки, когда вернешься?

5.- Ты увидишься с Джерри в Атланте, когда я вернусь?

6.- Кит будет дома, если я позвоню в 8 часов?

7.- Они будут обедать завтра в 6 часов?

8.- Ты еще будешь чинить машину,

если я зайду за тобой в пять?

-Я уверен, что они уже вернутся из Южной Африки.

-I’msure, they will have already returned from South Africa.

-Я уверен, что уже сдам его.

-I’m sure I’ll have passed it already.

уже закончу готовку.

она их уже найдет.

Я уверен,что он уже приедет.

он уже придет.

они уже пообедают к этому времени, уже починю ее.

Ex. 43. (В, С) Translate into English using the proper forms of the verbs.


Завтра миссис Коллинз посетит школу своего сына Ника. Когда она придет туда вдва часа дня, он будет играть в игры, но это неважно, потому что сначала она пойдет к его учителю. К тому времени, когда они закончат разговор, урок закончится, и Ник примет душ и будет готов идти с мамой домой. Через два часа Ник сделает уроки и будет свободен. Когда я приеду к ним, Ник с родителями будет обедать. После обеда мы будем играть в компьютерные игры. Ктому времени, когда мы перестанем играть, миссис Коллинз приготовит кофе. Мы будем сидеть в гостиной и пить горячий кофе. Потом я отправлюсь домой.