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A World We Live In - Unit3

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public; give statistics on the various industrial and economic forces which cause harmful waste products, etc.

Biologists, zoologists - draw the public attention to the slaughter of baby harpseals, wales and other animals, to the dumping of radioactive waste in the ocean, deforestation, etc.

They are trying to save rainforests which have an important effect on the earth’s climate.

Dwellers of the village where a new woodworking factory was built two years ago. The river, the people were so proud of, is poisoned and polluted by the wastes of the production. Some fish species have disappeared for ever. The forests around the village have been cut down. The life of the village has changed for the worse.

The representatives of the authorities (of the committee on ecology)- introduce new laws which forbid smoking in public places, support those enterprises, dealers, customers producing, selling and buying cars working on natural sources of energy, which decrease the atmosphere pollution by traffic fumes.

Members of Greenpeace - the Greenpeace organisation exists to draw public attention to the problems of the world pollution: the atmospheric testing of neuclear weapons; incineration at sea of dangerous toxic chemicals; the depletion of the ozone layer; global warming. Greenpeace is trying to protect our fragile planet.

2. You discuss the influence of the life in modern large cities (New York, Moscow, Tokyo, etc.) upon people. How the stress of big cities destroy people's nervous system, health. Roles: sociologists, psychiatrists, physicians, businessmen, people of different social layers and age, commuters, taxi-drivers, etc.

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