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agreement” between the ICC and the UN that governs how the two institutions regard each other legally.

1. Ниже приводится информация о деятельности суда. Определите, какие заголовки соответствуют видам деятельности суда и дайте их в правой колонке.

Functions of the Court Composition

The Parties in Cases between States Jurisdiction in Cases between States Procedure in Cases between States Sources of Applicable Law Advisory Opinions

International Court of Justice




One of the roles of the Court is to settle in accordance

Functions of the

with international law the legal disputes submitted to it by States.




The Court decides in accordance with international


treaties and conventions in force, international custom, the


general principles of law and, as subsidiary means, judicial


decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified




The Members of the Court do not represent their


governments but are independent magistrates.




The advisory procedure of the Court is open solely to


international organizations.




The Court is competent to entertain a dispute only if


the States concerned have accepted its jurisdiction.




The other role is to give advisory opinions on legal


questions referred to it by duly authorized international organs


and agencies.


Only States may apply to and appear before the Court.


The Court is composed of 15 judges elected to nine


year terms of office by the United Nations General Assembly


and Security Council.


After the oral proceedings, the Court deliberates in


camera and then delivers its judgement at a public sitting.


If one of the States involved fails to comply with it, the


other party may have recourse to the Security Council of the


United Nations.


The Court may not include more than one judge of any




The judgement is final and without appeal.




2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.ООН проводит целенаправленную политику по повышению роли Международного Суда и обеспечению правосудия и верховенства права в международных отношениях.


2.Международный Суд – это главный судебный орган ООН и его задача в параметрах (через установление) господства права состоит в разрешении всех (потенциальных) споров между государствами.

3.Господство права – это уровень взаимодействия государств на мировой арене, когда все возникающие споры регулируются Международным Судом.

4.Международный Суд как главный судебный орган ООН содействует мирному разрешению международных споров, помогая снять напряженность между государствами и развивать их взаимоотношения на основе права и всестороннего сотрудничества.

UNIT 5. Contracts.

Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is a contract.?

2.Have you ever entered into a contract?

3.Decide on items that you think should be included in a contract. Don`t worry about the exact terminology yet.

4.Do you think contracts should be written in plain language so that everybody could get the point or should be comprehended only by legal professionals?

Contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two (or more) parties.

How Is a Contract Formed

Before a contract can be formed, there must be both an offer and an acceptance of that other. Sound simple? It`s not; lawyers everywhere have earned millions of dollars in fees arguing just whether or not a valid contract existed.

In common law, contracts are formed in the following manner.

1.an offer in made by a person or corporation normally referred to as an offeror;

2.the offer is then accepted (acceptance) by a person or corporation normally reffered to as an offered.

Let`s reduce what we`ve learned about contracts to a formula:

Offer + acceptance = bona fide (valid) contract

If the parties are (a) competent, (b) mutually agree and obligate themselves regarding a specific subject, and (c) there is legal consideration

The contract is binding (legally enforceable) if only there are these four elements:

1.competent parties;

2.legal subject matter;


3.legal consideration;

4.mutuality of agreement; and

5.mutuality of obligation.

The absence of any of these elements may render (make) a contract unenforced

Упражнение 1.

Просмотрите следующий контракт



__________________, referred to as “SELLAR”, sells, bargains and conveys all of

SELLER`S rights, title and interest in: Make: _________________

Model: _________________

Style of the vehicle:__________

Year of vehicle:_____________

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)____________

to _______________________, referred to as “BUYER”, his heirs and assigns.

________________________acknowledges receipt of a total of $____________

(____________________________________________________ & no/100 Dollars) from _____________

BUYER, in partial payment6 of the agreed total sales price of $

___________________________________, (_________________________________________ & no/100 Dollars).

________________________________, SELLER, shall remain fully liable for any undisclosed liens or encumbrances. SELLER, ________________, warrants that there are no liens or encumbrances on the goods sold, and that _______________`s title to the goods is clear and merchantable. _____________SELLER, shall defend ___________ from any advance claims to SELLER`s title to the goods sold.

The ggods sold herein are not sold by a merchant in the field. THESE GOODS ARE SOLD WITHOUT U.C.C. WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, including MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR, PURPOSE. The BUYER, ___________________, acknowledges examining the goods sold herein. The provision may be applicable, and legal rights may say between states.

The parties agree to the terms and conditions stated herein:

_____________________, SELLER (signature)

_____________(typed name)

_____________________, BUYER (signature)


_____________(typed name)

Упражнение 2

Прочитайте контракт еще раз и решите, является ли он обязвтельным для обеих договаривающихся сторон. Назовите четыре элемента контракта.

competent parties ____________________

subject matter ______________________

legal consideration __________________

mutuality of agreement and obligation__________

Составление контракта - сложная и ответственная часть предпринимательской деятель-ности. На практике используются различные виды контрактов, что определяется товаром, но большинство контрактов содержит вступительную часть (recitals or exordium) и базовые статьи

предмет контракта цена (consideration)

оплата (remuneration or payment)

обязанности сторон санкции

освобождение от ответственности (legal relief) порядок урегулироваия споров (arbitration)

дата вступления контракта в силу (effective date)

прочие условия (miscellaneous terms)

изменения и дополнения к контракту (amendments)

Образец контракта на переводческие услуги



IT Company

Translation/Consulting Company

represented by

represented by

Mr. TED Verner

Ms Elis White

Deputy Director

Deputy Director

hereinafter called ”The Company”

hereinafter called ”The Consultant”

on the one hand

on the other hand

have agreed as follows:


1. Work to be taken

The Consultant undertakes, on the conditions, within the limits and in the manner laid down by common agreement hereafter excluding any accessory verbal agreement:

-the translation from English into Russian of the present magazine Business English (issues No to be specified in his paragraph in each contract);

-- the reading and correction necessary for the “final corrected proof” version of Business English to be available for the printer.

2. Technical specifications.

The text shall be translated into Russian and delivered on paper and on diskette, software



3. Planning

The Consultant undertakes to translate the text and submit it to the Company within one month from the date of receipt of the first text.

The agreed timetable must be respected (Attachment 1).

4. Practical points

The English manuscript must serve as a model; it is important that the presentation be the same in the Russian version: bold type for tittles, same paragraphs and page break at the end of the article, etc.

The checking of the proofs must be done with great care: punctuation, word separations at line ends, capital letters accents, printer’s errors, coherence of rules and typographical choices.

The Consultant will take the necessary measures to ensure the above timetable will be followed during any absences.

5. Remuneration

In return for fulfillment by the consultant of all his obligations under this contract the Company undertakes to pay a lump sum of $XXX for each issue.

The Company accepts no liability in case of a Consultant’s sickness or accident under this contract. Where appropriate the Consultant should insure himself against such risks.

The sum will be transferred in favor of the Consultant to: (tittle and address of the Consultant)

Beneficiary account; Beneficiary bank:

6. Rights

The Consultant cades to the Company the exclusive right to publish, or to have reproduced and published, in whatever country, texts translated by him and submitted to the Company under the contract.

7. Responsibility

The Consultant is responsible for the translation in Russian.

8. Breach of contract

The Company is entitled to regard as breach of contract failure by the Consultant to perform his duties under the contract.

9. Amendments

The provisions of this contract may be amended only by written agreement between the


10. Arbitration of disputes

Any disputes between the Company and the Consultant regarding the terms of execution of this contract shall – failing a friendly settlement between parties – be submitted to arbitration in accordance with international laws.

Done in two copies in English at London this day of 2nd April, 2004

On behalf of………….



Прочитайте контракт и назовите:

-услуги, которые обязан предоставить переводчик;

-сроки исполнения договора;

-условия оплаты

-прочие условия.


Использованная литература

1.Английский для юристов. Учебник. М., ЮНИТИ, 2010.

2.Беловинцева Е.Г., Иванов О.П. ‘A way to reading newspapers and discussing international politics. M., «Р.Валент», 2004.

3.Добрынина Н.Г., Крылова Е.В. Как правильно составлять деловой документ на английском языке. Учебное пособие. М., Проспект, 2009.

4.Крылова И.П., Крылова Е.В. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М., «ЧеРо», 1996.

5.Цветкова Т.К. Грамматика английского языка. М., 1994.

6.Чужакин А., Петренко К. Мир перевода-5, М., «Р.Валент», 2000.

7.60 лет Организации Объединенных Наций. Отв.ред. А.В.Торкунов. М., РУДН., 2006.

8.American Legal English. Using Language in Legal Contexts. M., ОФО Изд.Дом «Городец», 2006

9.Brieger Nick. Test your Professional English Law. Sixth impression. Edinburgh, 2007

10.Swan M. Practical English Usage. Second edition Oxford University Press,1996/

11.Visson L. Terms for Describing Terrorism. В журнале переводчиков «Мосты» №1 2004, стр.36-38.

12.Wyatt R. Check your English vocabulary for law. Third Edition. L., 2006




Лексикографические источники

1.Американа. Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь. Под ред. Г.В.Чернова. М., «Полиграмма», 1996.

2.Манукян А.С., Кашкин С.Ю. Англо-русский полный юридический словарь М., ЭКСМО., 2009.

3.Barron`s Law Dictionary, Sixth edition. N.Y., 2010.

4.Oxford Russian Dictionary. Third Edition, Oxford University Press, 2000.

5.The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, Oxford University Press, July 2007.


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