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дает сведения о поведении в естественных условиях. Но лабораторные условия эксперимента могут искажать(to distort) поведение испытуемых. Поэтому психологи широко используют метод наблюдения.

4. Prepare a dialogue between a school-leaver and a psychology student of your University:

The school-leaver has come to a meeting organized by University authorities for school-leavers. After the official part he/she comes up to the psychology student to ask him/her some questions in an informal way.

You may use the following as a guideline for the dialogue:

Q.– Excuse me, may I ask you a few questions?

A.– ………

Q.– As far as I know, you are a psychology student here, aren’t you?

A.– ………

Q.– I got interested in your Department when I was listening to your Dean. Now, before making a final decision I’d like to have more information about psychology.

A.– ………

Q.– What kind of science is psychology?

A.– ………

Q.– What is its subject-matter?

A.– ………

Q.– Where is psychology applied and where do graduates from your Department work?

A.– ………

Q.– Was it difficult for you to enter the Department? Was the entrance competition tough?

A.– ………..

Q.– How do you like your studies and University life?

A.– ………..

Q.– Oh, your answers sound very interesting. Now I am convinced that psychology is what I need.

A.– I’ll be glad to see you as a student of our Department. I’m sure, you won’t regret if you make this choice.

5. Role-play.

a) You are going to enter the Psychology Faculty but your parents object. You are trying to persuade them that psychology is one of the basic fields of knowledge.


b) You are interviewing a famous psychologist. What possible questions could you ask about the development of psychology as a separate discipline?

Text 3. Careers in psychology

There are many careers in psychology. Psychology includes both research, through which we learn fundamental things about human and animal behaviour, and practice, through which that knowledge is applied in helping people to solve problems. Psychology is an extremely varied field. Psychologists conduct research, serve as consultants, diagnose and treat people, and teach future psychologists and other types of students. They test intelligence and personality.

As scientists, psychologists use scientific methods of observation, experimentation and analysis. But psychologists also need to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings.

Psychologists are frequently innovators, inventing new approaches to people and societies. They develop theories and test them in their research. As they collect new information, these findings can be used by practitioners in their work with clients and patients.

As practitioners, psychologists work in laboratories, hospitals, courtrooms, schools and universities, prisons and corporate offices. They work with business executives, performers and athletes to reduce stress and improve performance. They advise lawyers on jury selection and cooperate with educators on school reform. Immediately following a disaster, such a plane crash or bombing, psychologists help victims and bystanders recover from the shock of the event.

Involved in all aspects of our world, psychologists must keep up with what is happening around us. When you’re a psychologist, your education never ends.

Most psychologists say they love their work. They say that they have a variety of daily tasks and the flexibility of their schedules.

The study of psychology is a good preparation for many other professions. Many employers are interested in the skills of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and their experience with statistics and experimental design.

Psychology is a very diverse field with hundreds of career paths. We all know about caring for people with mental and emotional disorders. Some other jobs like helping with the design of computer systems are less well-


known. What all psychologists have in common is an interest in the minds and behaviours of both humans and animals.

Questions to the text:

1.What does the field of psychology include?

2.What is research in psychology concerned with?

3.What innovations do psychologists make?

4.What do psychologists do?

5.Where do they work?

6.Who do psychologists work with?

7.What skills are many employers interested in?

8.What do all psychologists have in common?


1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text.

a) The field of psychology includes both ……. and ……. .

b)As scientists, psychologists use different research methods, such as

….., …… and ………. .

c)As practitioners, psychologists work in laboratories, …….. , …….., schools and universities, ……. and corporate ………. .

d)Psychologists work with business executives, ……. and ……. to reduce stress and ……… performance.

e)Immediately following the disaster, such as a plane crash or …….. , psychologists help ……. and ………. .

f)When you are a …….. , your ……. never ends.

g) Psychologists have a variety of ……… ……… and the flexibility of their ……. .

h)Many employers are interested in the skills of ……., …….. and …….


i)What all psychologists have in common is an interest in the …….. and ……. of both humans and ……… .

2. Which of the following sentences are true or false?

a)The field of psychology includes practice, research and clinical psychology.

b)As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation, psychoanalysis.

c)Psychologists are frequent innovators. They invent new approaches to people and societies.

d)Psychology is an extremely varied field.


e)Psychologists work with performers, sportsmen and businessmen.

f)Psychologists help victims and bystanders of disasters.

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

There are more careers in psychology than in mathematics and history.

As psychologists we should be intelligent, creative, understanding and innovative.

Approaches to the same problem can vary. All practitioners know that but patients do not expect that.

It is difficult to diagnose some psychological disorders. It is more difficult to treat them.

Clinical psychologists must have a nice and friendly personality.

Many business executives live in constant stress. They use alcohol to reduce stress. Professional psychologists can help to reduce stress.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

a) Практическая психология использует результаты исследований для решения разнообразных задач.

b) Будучи учеными, психологи используют научные методы.

c) Психология очень разнообразна. Психологи занимаются исследованиями, работают консультантами, преподают психологию в школах и университетах.

d) Наблюдение, эксперимент и анализ – это примеры научных методов.

e) Практикующие психологи работают в клиниках, лабораториях, больницах, судах, школах, тюрьмах и корпорациях.

f) Психологи работают со спортсменами и бизнесменами, помогая им снимать стресс и улучшать показатели.

g) Профессиональные психологи вынуждены постоянно совершенствоваться, держаться в ногу со временем.

h) Психологи напряженно работают, чтобы найти ответы на разнообразные исследовательские вопросы.

5. Discuss the following questions in the group or write a short essay on the topic you liked most.

a)What job, in your opinion, is more prestigious(well-paid), in research or in practical psychology?

b)Why do you think psychologists have to be innovative and creative? Is it difficult?


c)Where is it less stress at work – at school, at a corporate office or at hospital?

d)Who is the most difficult to work with – businessmen, athletes, lawyers or performers?

e)Do you agree that all psychologists love their work? Why do you think so?

Text 4. What type of psychologists would you like to be?

Psychologists specialize in different areas within the field of psychology. Let’s look at some of the options available for you.

Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. These vary from a short-term crisis, divorce to chronic problems, such as schizophrenia. Some clinical psychologists treat special problems exclusively, such as phobias or clinical depressions. Others focus on specific groups: youngsters, ethnic minority groups, and the elderly, for example.

Counseling psychologists help people recognize their strengths and resources to fight with their problems. Counseling psychologists do counseling and psychotherapy, teaching and scientific research with individuals of all ages, families and organizations (e.g. schools, hospitals, businesses).Counseling psychologists help people understand and take actions on career and work problems. They pay attention to how problems and people differ across life stages. Counseling psychologists have great respect for the influence of differences among people (such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion) on psychological well-being. They believe that behaviour is affected by many things, including qualities of the individual (e.g. psychological, physical, spiritual factors) and factors in the person’s environment (e.g. family, society and cultural groups).

Educational psychologists concentrate on how effective teaching and learning take place. They consider a variety of factors, such as human abilities, student’s motivation, and the affect on the classroom of the diversity of race, ethnicity and culture.

Industrial/ organizational psychologists apply psychological principles and research methods to the work place in the interest of improving productivity and the quality of work life. Many serve as human resources specialists, helping organizations with staffing, training and employee development. And others work as management consultants in such areas as strategic planning and quality management.


Rehabilitation psychologists work with stroke and accident victims, people with mental retardation, and those with developmental disabilities caused by such conditions as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism. They help clients adapt to their situation, frequently working with other health care professionals. They deal with issues of personal problems and inter personal relations.

School psychologists work directly with public and private schools. They assess and counsel students, consult with parents and school staff.

Social psychologists study how people influence one another.

Experimental psychologists conduct researches.

Personality psychologists study how and why people differ from one another and how those differences can be assessed.

Physiological psychologists study the physical bases of behaviour and cognition.

Questions to the text:

1.Why is there a great number of different specialists in the field of psychology?

2.What do clinical psychologists do?

3.What are the specific groups of clinical psychologist’s patients?

4.What does the work of counseling psychologists include?

5.What do educational psychologists concentrate on?

6.What are the goals of industrial/ organizational psychologists?

7.Where do many organizational psychologists work?

8.What can rehabilitation psychologist do for people with stroke?


1. a) Give Russian equivalents for:

available; disorder; strengths; counseling services; to be affected by; to assess; staffing; diversity; cognition

b) Give English equivalents for:

специализироваться в; лечить; пожилые люди; проводить исследования; духовный; жертва; управление качеством; удар

Make your own sentences (5-8) with some of the words above. 2. Make a table and fill it in according to the following points:

Kind of psychologist

Place of work

Job description

3. Translate into English.

a) Клинические психологи лечат эмоциональные и поведенческие нарушения.


b) Некоторые клинические психологи занимаются исключительно специальными проблемами. Самые частые из них – это страхи и депрессии.

c)Национальные меньшинства также являются специфическими группами для клинических психологов в США.

d)Консультирующие психологи помогают людям распознать проблемы в семье и на работе. Они уделяют огромное внимание тому, на каком этапе жизни находится пациент. Консультирующие психологи также относятся с уважением к окружению и личным качествам пациента.

e)Многие индустриальные психологи работают в отделах кадров крупных фирм и занимаются подборкой кадров, тренингами и развитием работников.

f)Реабилитационные психологи оказывают помощь людям, пострадавшим от инсультов, и жертвам несчастных случаев.

g)Пациентами реабилитационного психолога являются люди, перенесшие инсульты, умственно отсталые, страдающие церебральным параличом, эпилепсией, аутизмом и др.

h)Школьные психологи консультируют школьников и учителей.

4. Share your opinion and experience with the group.

Have you ever taken a psychological test? What was evaluated? Do you think the test was reliable? Do you think that psychologists can use tests to diagnose disorders?

5. Act out dialogues with different kinds of psychologists. Pay attention to the methods used by the specialists.


Text 1. Sensation and the nervous system

Of all features that distinguish men from animals, the most striking and the most complex is his ability to make senses to himself and to others of the world around him. He perceives, learns, thinks, remembers and communicates in language and symbol to others. The general term used for the study of these abilities is cognition.

Through the senses we receive information about the world around us. We have at least eleven senses, but the five main ones are taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. Each of these senses supplies a different quality of information about the environment, but they normally work in harmony to


give us a complex multidimensional impression of the world. The brain is the control center and the nerves resemble message lines, transmitting information from our senses to our brain.

So far we have named the five basic senses but these are not the only means that man has for receiving information. The sense of touch, for example, can be divided into four separate sub-senses of pressure, pain, warmth and cold. Each has its characteristic receptors and there are varying concentrations of receptors in the body. The ends of the fingers have a large number of pressure receptors, but the back of the hand has very few.

Each sense organ responds to energy (the ear to sound energy, the eye to light waves, etc.) which it transforms into nerve impulses. These nerve impulses are sent along nerve fibres in the nervous system to the brain. The nervous system is an intricate set of fibres. There are different pathways for different types of messages. The sensory (afferent) nerve cells and fibres pick up their information from the sense organs and transmit the messages to the spinal cord, which acts as the “trunk line” for messages to the brain. Messages coming down from the brain are called motor (efferent) impulses and are directed to the muscles which go into action in response to these messages.

Various areas of the brain specialize in the receipt and translation of the nerve impulses arriving from particular sense organs. The back portion of the cerebrum receives the nerve impulses from the eyes. The top portion takes in the touch senses, and so on.

Apparently, the brain receives and sorts the messages and those that are of little or no use to the person are filtered out. The multitude of noises, sounds, smells, that are always around us are banished, preventing our internal messages centers from being clogged up with irrelevant or distracting information. The messages that are useful or important are sorted and translated.

Imagine yourself driving a car, when suddenly the traffic lights turn red. The red traffic light will be transmitted through the eye, stimulating nerve impulses to the brain. A return message from the brain makes you stop the car. Other light stimuli, such as the colour of the sky, other cars, people will be also transmitted through your sense of sight, but the brain will filter them out as being irrelevant to your needs at the moment. It is not known how much of this information is stored away in the brain as a permanent record but it is certain that the brain has an enormous capacity for storage. With about ten thousand million interconnected cells the brain can receive, sort and analyze an enormous amount of material for future reference.


The brain, in short, can be thought of as a complicated control and storage system which depends primarily on sensation for its information.

Questions to the text:

1.In what way does man differ from animals? How do we get information about the world around us?

2.How many senses has man? What are the five main ones? What information do these senses supply us with?

3.What is the control center of our sensations?

4.What is the function of a sense organ?

5.Where are the nerve impulses sent to?

6.What are the nerve fibres which transmit information from sense organs to the spinal cord called?

7.What are the nerve fibres which transmit impulses from the brain to the muscles called?

8.What part of the brain is the center of sight situated in?

9.What part of the brain is the center of touch situated in?

10.What information is banished by the brain?


1. Transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation: feature, intricate, muscle, cerebrum, enormous, touch, spinal, receipt,


2.Form ten nouns from verbs with the suffix –ing of the type to hear – hearing

to read – reading

to understand – understanding Translate the into Russian.

3.Choose the right word from the box and insert it into one of the sentences given below:

to depend, to respond, response, to distinguish, ability, cognition

a)The sound of siren is the stimulus for the …….. of fear.

b)Until this century almost the whole of psychology dealt with …….. in one form or another.

c) The eye has an immense …….. to accommodate itself to environmental conditions.


d)The success of a cooperative play ………. on the experience the children have had of playing with one another.

e)Psychologists …….. formal from concrete thinking.

f)The animal seemed not to ……… to the sight of food at first.

4.Translate the following sentences and word groups into Russian (the exercise is to be done orally):

to distinguish afferent nerve fibres from efferent ones; to distinguish the normal behaviour from the disturbed one; to distinguish the natural observation method from the experimental one; I can’t distinguish between the two definitions;

the ability to communicate in language; the ability to remember figures; the ability to think in an abstract way;

to be able to remember facts; to be able to apply the natural observation method to this investigation; to be unable to behave in a natural way;

cognition of the world around us; to deal with the problem of cognition;

a sense organ; we have five main senses; one of our senses is the sense of hearing; our sensation is the first stage of cognition;

to have good taste; to lose the sense of taste; the tongue is the sense organ of taste; to taste the cake; it is very tasty;

don’t touch animals in the zoo; the object is very cold to the touch; he has a well-developed sense of touch;

the smell of this medicine is very unpleasant; the soup smells tasty;

he has a good sense of hearing; he was within hearing distance;

she has bad sight and has to wear glasses; he is short-sighted; my mother is long-sighted; the object is in sight; he is out of sight;

to supply the laboratory with all the necessary equipment; we haven’t got enough supplies to stay here much longer;

the quality of information; the quality of sounds;

what’s your impression of the lecture? My impression about him is quite different from yours;

the animal didn’t respond to the sight of food; the response was unexpected; the response depends on several factors;

to deal with the human brain; to carry out an operation on the brain.

5. Translate the following text from Russia into English:

Мы узнаем об окружающем нас мире, о звуках, запахах, температуре и многих других вещах посредством органов чувств. С помощью органов чувств человеческий организм получает в виде


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