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Exercise 1. Translate the auxiliary words:

before, after, since, rather than, as, that, so that, in order to, because of, because, only, the only, as well as.

Exercise 2. Words to be remembered: juncture – шов

tube – труба rotate – вращаться

curve – гнуть, изгибать

handle – переносить, транспортировать

design – проект, проектировать, конструировать employ – применять

shell – оболочка

edge – край, ребро, грань stiffen – придавать жесткость double – двойной

curvature – кривизна, извилина, изгиб

fold (v., n.) – складка, сгиб, сгибать (ся), складывать (ся) rest on – опираться на

radial – радиальный, веерный footing ring – опорное кольцо belt – лента, ремень

wire – проволока

Exercise 3. Read and translate text A.


As with the post and lintel or the arch, so the truss can be extended in three dimensions, forming a new type of structure. The truss extended in three dimensions becomes a space frame. It can be supported at any of the junctures of its members permitting large cantilevers, as in McCormick Place, Chicago, 1970-71 by CT F. Murphy and Associates. Substantial three-dimensional trusses, built up of tubes of steel, have a clear span of 342 feet (104.2 meters) and carry the roof slung on their underside.


Just as the arch can be rotated to form a dome, so a truss can be curved in three dimensions to form the "geodesic dome". Like the truss, this is built up of small, light, easily handled steel members.


Another structural type employs shells. Typically constructed of concrete, shells can be very thick and heavy or extremely thin and light. The American architect Eero Saarinen was interested in shell forms and used a portion of a sphere cut to a triangular plan in his Kresge Auditorium at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He devised sweeping, reinforced concrete cantilevered shells for the Trans World Airline Terminal at Idlewild (Kennedy) Airport, New York, 1956-62. The total covered space is 212 by 291 feet (64.6 by 88.7 meters), with enormous cantilevers at the ends of 82 feet (24.9 meters). Typically the edges of such shells are subject to significant internal stresses and deformation so large beams run along the edges of such shells to stiffen them. The feet-shaped piers that support the cantilevered shells are packed with reinforcing rods to take up the tensile stresses generated by the 82foot overhangs.

It is possible to build shells with much less material, as a Mexican architect Felix Candela demonstrated in a number of buildings in the 1950s and 1960s. A good example is his restaurant at Xochimilco, Mexico, 1958. The concrete is only about 4 inches (10.2 centimeters) thick. The rigidity of the structure is a function of its double curvature, for it is curved.

A shell may also be curved or folded in only one direction. A good example of this is an accordion-fold shell, as in the Minneapolis International Airport Terminal building, 1962-63 by Cerny Associates. A particularly interesting use of a folded shell is in the Assembly Hall at the University of Illinois Urbana, 1961-62, by Harrison and Abramovitz, with the engineers Ammann and Whitney. This dome consists of a folded plate, 394 feet (120 meters) in diameter, which rests on a series of radial supports reaching upward from a footing ring at the base. The enormous lateral forces are taken up by a belt of almost 622 miles (1,000 kilometers) of steel wire wound under tension around it.

Exercise 4. Translate the words:

arch, post, truss, dimension, structure, span (v., n.), cantilever (v., n.), roof, tube, dome, curve, rotate, form (v., n.), handle, steel, member, construct,


triangular, reinforce, shell, rigidity, fold, base, stiffen, juncture, belt, double, edge, rest on, carry.

Exercise 5. Choose the right translation from A to B:

A:juncture, rotate, belt, rest on, edge, radial, double, design, curve, tube, enormous, curvature, shell, fold, employ, stiffen.

B:складка, вращаться, лента, проект, труба, край, опираться на, шов, радиальный, двойной, изгибать, применять, огромный, изгиб, оболочка, придавать жесткость.

Exercise 6. Are these meanings correct or incorrect? Correct the mistakes:

wire – проволока edge – край

rest on – опираться на design – дизайн stiffen – армировать belt – лента

arch – арка

employ – нанимать fold – сгибать double – двойной roof – крыша

span – пролет shell – раковина

Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations:

post and lintel construction, footing ring, space frame, considerable distance, substantial three-dimensional truss, steel tube, easily handled steel member, shell form, triangular plan, reinforced concrete cantilevered shell, total covered space, significant internal stress, feet-shaped pier, reinforcing rod, tensile stress, double curvature, lateral force, steel wire.

Exercise 8. Translate the following words as nouns and verbs:

space, span, design, cantilever, form, concrete, stress, plan, fold, shape, support, function, use, reach, force, subject, place, mix.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences paying attention to Participle I.

1. When looking at the structure we may feel the tension.


2.The wall could be cut away and replaced with slender blocks to form columns with lintels spanning the spaces between them.

3.Wood being a fibrous material can span significant distances.

4.Stone being crystalline material has less tensile strength than fibrous wood.

5.A wooden beam can carry a load that would crack a stone beam carrying the same load.

6.We are constructing this modern house now.

7.There are a great number of plants producing precast reinforced concrete elements.

8.Concrete yard runways should be above the level of the surrounding yard.

9.It was a large plant producing precast concrete elements.

10.The forces at the base of an arch of this shape are not going straight down.

11.Additional barrel vaults intersected resulting in a groin vault.

12.Eero Saarinen devised sweeping reinforced concrete cantilevered shells.

13.A space frame can be supported at any of the junctures of its members permitting large cantilevers.

14.This dome consists of a folded plate which rests on a series of radial supports reaching upward from a footing ring at the base.

15.Examining samples of the earth from various depths the engineer can forecast the probable shifts in the earth.

Exercise 10. Read and translate text B with a dictionary. Write a summary of the text.

Text B.

We have mentioned some problems connected with building. One of them is a foundation. Architects and engineers are aware of the problems involved in laying building's foundations. They do not always realize to what extent the earth can be pressed down by the weight of a building. Too little allowance has sometimes been made for the possibility of a heavy structure’s sinking unevenly. There are a lot of examples of foundations1 problems. One of them is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Why did the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean? The answer is that its foundations were not soundly laid. Though the Leaning Tower is 14 feet out of the perpendicular, it has never toppled. But there is a way out. As the building began to lean over,


the builders altered the design of the upper storeys to balance it. At the same time as one side of it sank into the ground, the earth beneath was compressed until it became dense enough to prevent further movement.

That's why a foundation engineer has a lot of work. But in a tall modern structure the load may be very heavy indeed. In this way the foundation engineer has an extremely important job to do. He must have understanding of soil mechanics, which entails a scientific study of the ground to see what load it can be without dangerous movement. The engineer must collect undisturbed samples of earth from various depths. By examining this, the engineer can forecast the probable shifts in the earth during and after building, according to the sort of the foundation he designs. Thus he comes to the most important decision of all in the building's construction. He decides whether the earth is a type that can best support each column on a separate solid block, or whether he must aim at lightness.

Exercise 11. Translate the words:

шов, транспортировать, опираться на, проект, пролет, труба, изгиб, грань, опорное кольцо, применять.

Exercise 12. Note in text B:

a.s- endings


c.Modal verbs



Exercise 1. Read the following:

6/7; 365 B.C.; 816 A.D.; 1/3; 1/5; 1/2; 8/9; 0.75; 2.426; 0.6; 0.25; 3.756; 0.5; 0.25.

Exercise 2. Words to be remembered: suspension bridge – подвесной мост iron – железо

chain – цепь

tension – растяжение bottom – дно, нижняя часть freeze – замораживать derive – заимствовать

at the turn of the century – в начале века

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо (кем-либо) parabolic – параболический

rink – спортивное сооружение, каток deck – настил

lightweight structure – легкая конструкция dead weight – собственный вес

live weight – рабочий (временный) вес flutter (v., n.) – вибрация, вибрировать

Exercise 3. Read and translate text A.


Technologically primitive societies use lines and ropes for suspension bridges. Beginning in the early nineteen century, suspension bridges began to be built of iron chains, and then bundled steel wire cables. The classic example of the modern suspension bridge is the Brooklyn Bridge, begun by John Augustus Roebling in 1867 and finished by his son, George Washington Roebling in 1883. In this bridge steel wire was used in the cables for the first time. It has remained the model for suspension bridges since its construction.

Only since 1955 has the principle of cables in tension been used extensively for buildings. A tension structure is especially efficient, since the entire cable is in tension, whereas most other structural forms have


mixed stresses (as in a simple beam which is in compression along the top and in tension along the bottom). A suspended cable is an ideal structural form, for it is entirely in tension. In fact, if it were possible to freeze that form and invert it, the result would be a parabolic arch virtually entirely in compression. Such arches and vault forms derived from them, were used by the Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi last century in Barcelona, Spain.

Eero Saarinen also used suspension in a number of buildings. Saarinen put up a reinforced concrete parabolic arch the length of the rink, suspending cables from that arch down to curved walls on either side of the rink. A wooden roof deck was then laid on the cables, Saarinen enlarged on this idea in his Dulles Airport Terminal, outside Washington, D.C., 1958-62. Here two rows were created of outward-leaning columns, curving over at the top to carry beams running the length of the terminal. Between these two parallel beams, cables were suspended. Concrete slabs were placed on the cables to create the roof deck. This may not seem a lightweight structure, but the dead weight of the roof deck was necessary to keep the roof from fluttering in the wind.

Exercise 4. Translate the words:

deck, iron, bottom, parabolic, rope, chain, cable, model, tension, compression, vault, rink, column, top, length, beam, suspend, slab, row, wall, freeze, entirely, invert, result, side, carry, remain, construction.

Exercise 5. Choose the right translation from A to B:

A:iron, steel, deck, vault, derive, tension, chain, compression, cable, rope, top, bottom, length, side, row, beam, suspend, slab, weight.

B:длина, железо, ряд, подвешивать, плита, вес, сталь, свод, цепь, настил, заимствовать, растяжение, сжатие, трос, балка, кабель, нижняя часть, верхняя часть, сторона.

Exercise 6. Are these meanings correct or incorrect? Correct the mistakes:

flutter – вибрация

dead weight – мертвый вес top – верхняя часть

deck – палуба

bottom – нижняя часть

live weight – временный вес


chain – цепь tension – сжатие

parabolic – параболический cable – кабель

derive – заимствовать freeze – замораживать wire – трос

arch – арка

Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations:

dead weight, live weight, modern suspension bridge, steel wire cable, suspended cable, ideal structural form, reinforced concrete, parabolic arch, wooden roof deck, concrete slab, lightweight structure, mixed stresses.

Exercise 8. Guess the meaning of the following words:

steel, cable, model, efficient, result, arch, idea, terminal, parallel, parabolic, form, classic, primitive, column, principle, vertical, dilemma, crane, architect, central, material, diameter, section.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences paying attention to Participle II.

1.We have mentioned about some problems connected with building.

2.Architects and engineers must be aware of the problems involved in laying foundations.

3.The engineer must collect undisturbed samples.

4.Other structural forms have mixed stresses.

5.Such vault forms derived from these structures were used by Antoni Gaudi last century.

6.These are solid shafts made by driving reinforced concrete deep into the ground.

7.Each pile may serve as a column with its foot driven into solid earth.

8.The truss extended in three dimensions becomes a space frame.

9.Substantial three-dimensional trusses built up of tubes of steel have a clear span of 342 ft.

10.The “geodesic dome” is built up of small light easily handled steel members.

11.Typically constructed of concrete shells can be very thick and heavy or extremely thin and light.

12.An interesting use of a folded shell is the Assembly hall at the University of Illinois Urbana.


13.These lateral forces are taken up by a belt of steel wire wound under tension around it.

14.These houses had roofs pitched inward towards the central open court.

15.Roman theatres derived from Greek models were the scene for the Greek plays.

Exercise 10. Read and translate text B with a dictionary. Make a plan.

Text B.

It is important for the foundation engineer to know about different types of the ground. If it is a firm ground at great depth, the foundation engineer may use piles. These are solid shafts made either by driving reinforced, concrete deep into the ground, or by boring holes in the earth and pouring in the concrete. Each pile supports its load in one, or two ways. It may serve as a column with its foot driven into solid earth. At the same time it may stand firm because friction along its sides "grips"* the column and prevents it from sinking.

But it may be a question of building's floating. In this way the foundations take the form of a vast, hollow concrete box. This box is divided into chambers. These ones will be house heating and ventilating plants as well as provide garage and storage space for the building.

The situations may be different. There are no problems at all or few of them. It can be if the earth is stable. Buildings stand on hard rock like granite or ironstone. It is the best time for those foundation engineers whose buildings stand on the foundations possessing few problems.

*grip – схватывать, крепко держать

Exercise 11. Translate the words:

подвесной мост, железо, растяжение, собственный вес, рабочий вес, настил, цепь, каток, параболический, арка.

Exercise 12. Note in the texts of this unit:


b.House – verb or noun


d.Modal verbs

e.Subjunctive mood




Exercise 1. Translate the following:

as soon as, according to, as…as, any, from, if, a number of, some, unless, with, without, the…the, than, then, the same, these, instead of.

Exercise 2. Words to be remembered: van – фургон

deliver – доставлять grid – решетка attach – прикреплять

tower – башня, башнеподобная конструкция mast – мачта

technique – технология

central core – центральный ствол (со стояками инженерных сетей) invent – изобретать

counteract – противодействовать

Exercise 3. Read and translate text A.


This is the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 197173, by Gunnar Birkerts. The written requirements for this building stipulated* that there would be a large area below the paving at ground level; within this covered area, free of supporting columns vans could deliver and pick up shipments**. This meant there could be no supporting columns coming down from any structure above, and Birkerts's solution to this dilemma was to carry the entire building on cables suspended from the tops of two towers much like a suspension bridge. The outer walls are rigid grids attached to the cables and all floor beams are fastened to these cablesupported wall grids all floor and wall loads are carried by the cables back up to the tops of the towers. With the towers being pulled in and down in this way, the tops would be drawn together. Spanning the top of the building there is a truss serving to keep the towers apart. Birkerts also provided for the construction of two arches atop*** the towers from which additional floors could be hung when it proved necessary to enlarge the building vertically. The outward lateral forces created by the arch carrying


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