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Английский язык туризм и гостиничный сервис

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Sail around the Malay Peninsula and southern Thailand aboard a luxury motor yacht.

Camping expeditions may be an inexpensive, fun way of touring the western USA. You will visit San Francisco, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas.

take break



бегство, побег; отдых вдали от дома

weekend escape

отдых на выходных вне дома

Santa (= Santa Clause)

Санта Клаус, Дед Мороз


северный олень

sleigh ride

поездка-катание на санях


великолепный, ошеломляющий


ходить на цыпочках


луковичный (о растении)

packed lunch

"сухой паек" (кулек с едой в дорогу)




окликать, звать

with a difference

не такой, как другие; отличный от


других; особого рода


убежище, уединение




Take sensible precautions with personal property at all times. Don't carry your valuables around with you; take just as much cash as you need. Pickpockets and thieves may sometimes pose ah immediate problem. Never let your handbag or case out of your sight – particularly in restaurants, cinemas, etc. where it is not unknown for bags to vanish from between the feet of their owners. Never leave bags or briefcases unattended in tube or train stations – they will either be stolen or suspected of being bombs and therefore cause a security alert. Stick to the well-lit streets with plenty of traffic. Muggers and rapists prefer poorly lit or isolated places like back-streets, parks and unmanned railway stations. If you avoid these, especially at night, or travel round in group, you should manage to stay out of danger.


• Deposit your travelers cheques and valuables in your hotel safe


Always lock your doors

Travel in pairs or in groups at night on the Underground

Remember that both rashness and exaggerated caution are inappropriate.


Don't count your money in public

Don't purchase anything from strangers in the street

Don't walk along deserted streets or in parks at night

Don't talk to strangers who try to strike up a conversation with you unless there are other people about.











it is not unknown for

известны случаи исчезновения

bags to vanish



без присмотра

steal (stole, stolen)




cause a security alert

вызвать внимание служб




множество, большое количество


разг. уличный грабитель




неосторожность, необдуманность

exaggerated caution

чрезмерная предосторожность

be inappropriate

не соответствовать, быть не к месту



5. What type of holiday is each speaker describing?


a cruise

an expedition

a holiday course


a package holiday

a guided coach tour

a city-break

1. 'It's really relaxing – and I just love knowing that every day we'll go in to a new port and see a whole new place.'


2.'It's good because it's all done for you – you just look in the brochure and choose what you want.'

3.'I really enjoy them – I've done one on archaeology and one on windsurfing. It's a great way to meet people.'

4.'I really enjoy travelling in a group, with a guide who can explain the history of all the places we drive through.'

5.'I'm going to Nepal – we'll be walking in the mountains for about two weeks. It'll be tough, because the conditions are quite hard, but I'm looking forward to it.'

6.'I've got a round-the-world student ticket and I hope to travel for about four months. I'll be staying in cheap accommodation and living out of a rucksack.'

7.'I'll only be away a short time – I'm going for a weekend to Prague with my friends.'

8.'I love being in the fresh air, and I really enjoy the fact that it's keeping me fit at the same time! The only time I don't like it much is when I have to walk up steep hills!'

6.How many of these types of holiday have you been on? Which ones would you like to try?

7.Work with a partner. The words in the box are all things you could take on holiday with you. Decide which ones you might need for the holidays in Exercise 5. You may need the same things for more than one holiday.

insect repellent

driving license


digital camera




sleeping bag

smart clothes













security wallet

shopping bag


8. Use words from Exercise 7 to complete the following dialogues.

1.A: There are a lot of mosquitoes here. I hope I don't get bitten. B: Do you want to borrow my ...?

2.A: I can't understand anything on the menu – have you got the ...?


B: Here – there's a good section on food words in four languages.

3.A: The one bad thing about trekking is that you have to carry a ... for when you camp out at night.

B: Well – at least you can lie in your bed and see the stars!

4.A: I never travel abroad without buying a good ... before I go.

B: Me too – then I know what the most interesting places to visit are, so I don't waste time when I'm there.

5. A: This ... is really old, but it protects my face from the sun.

B: I think you should buy a new one as you're going on a cruise. And you'll need ... for the evenings, so you could buy a whole new set of things to wear!

6. A: My sister is a terrible traveler – every time she goes on a boat she feels ill.

B: Has she asked the doctor for some ...? They should help.

9.Discuss these questions.

1.Have you ever forgotten to take something important on holiday? What?

2.What is the one thing you could not manage without on holiday?

10.Read the information below and find four different phrases used to give advice.


When travelling in the desert or at high altitudes, you can get sunburned surprisingly quickly. It is advisable to use sun cream, wear a hat and protect your eyes with good quality sunglasses.

You may be tempted to bring back exotic souvenirs, but travelers should remember that buying souvenirs made from animal skins or ivory may threaten endangered species and may also be against the law.

When travelling away from home, it's wise to have a spare pair of glasses or contact lenses plus an adequate supply of any medication that may not be available locally.

The month-long Islamic festival of Ramadan will finish at the end of this month. The celebrations for the end of the festival will last for two or three days and travelers are reminded that most things will be closed during that time.


11. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1.They advised me to have a course of injections. advisable They told ... to have a course of injections.

2.Drinking unboiled water is not advised when travelling off the beaten track. wise

It is ... unboiled water when travelling off the beaten track.

3.Trying to climb the mountain on your own is not recommended.


You should ... the mountain on your own.

4.'I wouldn't stay out in the sun too long, if I were you ' he said. advised She ... out in the sun too long.

5.Visitors should remember to bring warm clothes. reminded

Visitors ... will need warm clothes.

6.'You must see the traditional dancers – they're excellent,' he said. miss He told me I should ... the excellent traditional dancers.

7.You shouldn't leave without visiting the cathedral. ought

You ... before you leave.

8. It is a good idea for guests to keep their passports in the hotel safe. recommended

Guests ... their passports in the hotel safe.

12.Write five pieces of advice for visitors to your country, using the structures in Exercises 10 and 11.

13.Chris had a lot of problems while he was travelling abroad. What should or shouldn't he have done to avoid these problems?

1.'My wallet with my credit card in was stolen from my pocket.' He should have kept his wallet in a safe place. He shouldn't have kept his credit card in his wallet.

2.'I got terribly sunburned.'

3.'I couldn't understand what anyone was saying.'

4.'I lost my passport.'

5.'My parents got very worried because they didn't know where I was.'

6.'My girlfriend back home started going out with someone else.'


14.Think of a situation in which you did not take advice and something went wrong as a result. Then take turns to tell a partner what happened. Your partner should tell you what you should or shouldn't have done.

15.Put in definite articles where they are needed.


Today's business people travel extensively as part of their job and stay in expensive hotels. When they go away they want same comfort as they are used to at home such as en-suite bathrooms, but in a more simple, informal setting.

Sea Club Hotel in Majorca is a hotel that caters for this type of client. It is registered with Tourist Board as a one-star hotel – that is equivalent to a youth hostel. Its low rating is because there are no TVs or telephones in rooms, but this is probably most expensive one-star hotel in Spain. All rooms have en-suite bathrooms and are built around a luxury swimming pool.

Guests can laze around all day, or take a car to explore island. Then in evening Sea Club comes into its own, with dinner served at one long table – so everyone mixes and gets to know each other. 'This is what makes Sea Club so unique; business people spend their lives travelling but don't get to meet locals, yet at Sea Club there are always local people who come in to dine and meet guests.

(from "Leisure and Tourism")

16. Put in definite articles where they are needed.


Britain's oldest man made his first visit to London at age of 110. Mr. John Evans had never found time or money to make trip from

his home in Swansea. But when British Rail offered him an all-expenses- paid birthday treat to capital, he just could not refuse.

He arrived in style at Paddington Station, smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole.

"It's very exciting, there's no doubt about it," he said. He had never been far from home before, except for one trip to Aberdeen.


"But I've been on seas to that faraway land called Ilfracombe 21 miles from home," he joked.

Mr. Evans, who spent 60 years working as a miner in South Wales, almost made journey to London once before, at turn of century.

"There was a trip to White City but it was ten shillings return from Swansea – too much I thought. All my money went to family then," he said.

During next two days Mr. Evans will be taken on a whistle-stop tour of London to see sights. Top of his list is a visit to Houses of Parliament organized by his MP.

The only arrangement he does not care for is wheelchair provided to ferry him about if he gets tired.

"I don't like chair business – people will think I am getting old," he


His ingredients for a long and healthy life have been well publicized – no alcohol, no tobacco and no cursing.

Before setting off from Swansea with his 76-year-old son, Amwel, he quipped, "I'm glad to see they've given me a return ticket."

17.Check the use of definite articles. Sum up the stories.

18.Give your views on the information you learned from the


19.You are going to read an article about tourism in the Czech Republic. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-l for each part (1-7) of article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

ARevival attracts business.

ВBalancing progress and preservation.

С Tourists starting to move beyond Prague.

DThe ideal solution.

E A cheap place for a holiday.

F Tourism brings big money.

GSmall but luxurious.

H Countless castles and old towns.

ISustained growth in tourism.



A steady increase in tourism has resulted in prosperity and change in Prague.



The Czech Republic is enjoying a tourist boom that has become increasingly important to the country's economy. In 2010 tourism accounted for µ1.5 billion which is expected to soon rise by ten per cent. "Tourism, one of our top foreign exchange earners, is very important to the country," says Jiri Cech, director of the Tourism Department.


1. More than 17 million tourists came to explore the various sights of Prague known as the "Golden City", in 2010, and the boom continues. Private business people have improved the Czech capital with new shops, restaurants and cafes.


2. Although plans to build a luxury hotel were opposed, the capital has attracted several of the world's leading hotel groups – including Hyatt, Hilton International and Holiday Inn. These hotels bid for sites and contracts in the Czech capital. "We are optimistic about the prospects in Prague, especially for conventions and meetings," says Daniel Durand, manager of the Prague Hilton Atrium located near the city centre.


3. What makes Prague special, however, are small friendly hotels like the Villa Voyta. This quiet and architecturally beautiful hotel, built in 1921, has become the first in the country to be accepted into the exclusive Small Luxury Hotels of the World Association.


4. Foreign tourists are also beginning to discover attractions outside the capital, pouring cash directly into the farthest corners of the country. "It is very important for us to expand the options available for visitors exploring the" Czech countryside," observes Jiri Cech.


5. The most popular site after Prague is the south Bohemian town of Cesky Krumlov, situated above the Austrian border. Its castle houses the oldest surviving baroque theatre in the world, complete with stage sets, costumes and a library of opera libretti. Thousands of such castles and chateaux, many in excellent condition, cover the Bohemian and


Moravian landscapes, and many historic towns are renovating their ancient squares. Those looking for unspoilt nature can explore the Sumava region close to the Austrian and German borders, an area still rich in wildlife.


6. The Czech Tourism Department is trying to encourage greater investment in facilities outside Prague to try to lessen the strain on the already crowded capital. What the Minister would like most is an even spread of tourism across the whole country rather than the concentration on Prague. Indeed the city is finding it difficult to cope with the tourists in terms of accommodation, transportation and the sewage system. "For me the perfect world would be to have nature lovers wandering in the Bohemian hills, or hiking in the Sudeten mountains, and culture seekers visiting the castles of Moravia before a stop in the musical city of Prague," says Mr Cech.


7. There are many destinations to explore in the Czech Republic, which is busy restoring pre-war greatness. Whether the country gets full benefit from the still growing influx of tourists depends on how successful it is in offering more facilities while preserving its old world atmosphere.

20. You will read five opinions about travelling. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F which of the opinions each person mentions. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. There are no real travelers any more. В. I would prefer to stay at home.

С. being comfortable is essential.

D.I wouldn't go anywhere without a guidebook.

E.It is too expensive.

F.The best trips are for work or study purposes.




Speaker 2



Speaker 3



Speaker 4



Speaker 5




Speaker 1

As far as I am concerned, the perspective you have on a city as a tourist is always unreal. You see galleries and monuments, you follow a guidebook, but there are all sorts of things you miss that the people who live in the city experience. That's why I really enjoyed my last visit to Barcelona. I went to do a course there and so I had to get up in the morning and go to the university on the metro just like everyone else. We ate lunch in places full of office workers and students. I think you really get to know a city when you do something like that because you see how it is for the people who live there.

Speaker 2

When I was young, everyone was doing it. We left home and either hitchhiked or bought an old van and drove ... often as far as India or even to Australia. Most of us didn't really have enough money and a lot of the time it was terribly uncomfortable or even dangerous, but we really experienced the places we visited. There were no Lonely Planet or Rough Guides in those days, so information about where to stay and what to eat passed by word of mouth. As far as I'm concerned, those really were the good old days. Nowadays even young people are often on package holidays where so much is organized for you: flight, accommodation, visits. It's just not travelling if you ask me.

Speaker 3

I did a lot of travelling when I was younger, much of it because of my job. I've visited every continent and most of the major capital cities. I loved it of course but now I really can't be bothered. Let's face it; travelling involves enormous expense, anxiety and physical effort. No matter how carefully you plan, you end up carrying your luggage up and down stairs in airports and railway stations and at my age it's just too much. And then there are the hours and hours you spend in the airport. The last time I went away we were delayed and it took me 18 hours to get to where I was going. From now on, I've decided I'm staying put.

Speaker 4

We had a copy of a guidebook called Rough and Ready Travel and it really was a bit too rough for us. In the entry for one of the places we visited they recommended two guesthouses and said they were both cheap and clean although a bit basic. Honestly, we couldn't have possibly stayed in either of them. Maybe we're getting soft in our old age but I really don't enjoy travelling unless I can stay somewhere quiet with a