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Physical development of students is a top priority for the University administration. A swimming pool and fitness centers help students to keep fit. All these facilities are only a short distance from the students‟ halls. SSUT students are active participants in popular local, national and international sports competitions as well as in talent shows and intellectual contests.

Notes: 1Institute for Transport Engineering – транспортный общеинженерный институт; 2Institute for Transport Structures and Vehicles – институт транспортной техники и


3departments offer degree courses – кафедры являются ведущими.

Ex. 15. Answer the following alternative questions to the text.

1.Does SSUT train specialists for railway transport or aerospace industry?

2.Does the University offer a broad portfolio of courses or jobs?

3.Do these courses meet the needs of students or online news services?

4.Is the University playing an increasingly important role for local or international companies?

5.Was our University established as a technical school or an institute?

6.Did the first admission comprise seventy-five or fifty-seven students?

7.Does the University complex include railway technical schools or high schools?

8.Does SSUT have three or five faculties?

9.Is teaching provided in the full-time or evening form?

10.Do sixteen or thirty-seven departments offer degree courses?

11.Do state-of-the-art computing facilities support research or sports activities?

12.Is access available to electronic or electrical databases?

13.Do University papers cover the most interesting or the funniest events of the SSUT life?

14.Are SSUT buildings equipped with the latest news or facilities?

15.Does the University simulation test ground house railway or rocket vehicles?

Ex. 16. Go back to the text and find sentences, which are similar to the following statements.

1.More than 10 thousand students study at Samara State University of Transport.

2.700 teachers work at Samara State University of Transport.

3.Eighty teachers have a university degree of the highest level.

4.International cooperation with leading foreign higher schools is very important to our University.

5.Many students of SSUT originate from other cities and towns.

6.Sport is very popular among the students of SSUT.

7.There are many sports facilities on the University campus.

8.It doesn‟t take a long time to get from the students‟ hall to the swimming pool or fitness centers.

9.SSUT students take an active part in sports competitions held in our country and abroad.

10.Many students are active participants in all kinds of social events; they demonstrate how smart and talented they are.


Ex. 17. Using the questions below, make up stories on the following topics:

(A)The school I went to

1.What school did you go to? (secondary school; gymnasium; vocational school; technical school; lyceum; specialized English school)

2.At what age did you begin to attend it?

3.Where is it situated?

4.What subjects did you study at your school?

5.What were your favorite subjects?

6.How many times a week did you have your English lessons?

7.What did you do during your English lessons?

8.What was your mark in English?

9.Who was your favorite teacher?

10.What exams did you pass at school?

11.What did you like and dislike about your school?

(B)Entering the University

1.When did you first start thinking about entering a higher school?

2.Did anybody advise (советовать) you or was it your own choice?

3.What made you choose the University of Transport rather than some other higher school? Give your reasons.

4.Do your parents approve (одобрять) your choice?

5.Did you take entrance exams or were you admitted on the basis of your results in the Unified State Examinations for the secondary school?

6.How many points did you get in Physics and Mathematics?

7.How did you prepare for the exams? (You attended the fitting school

подготовительные курсы; your teacher helped you; you read a lot of books yourself or you didn’t prepare for your exams at all)

8.Were you afraid of taking exams?

9.What was the most difficult subject for you to take?

10.Was the competition intense?

11.How does it feel to be a student?

Ex. 18. Translate the following text into English.

Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения (СамГУПС) готовит специалистов для железных дорог и предприятий (businesses) железнодорожного транспорта. Наш вуз был основан в 1973 году как Куйбышевский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта. Первый набор составил 75 человек. В то время институт имел два факультета – эксплуатационный факультет и строительный факультет.

В2007 году вузу был присвоен статус университета. СамГУПС выступил

синициативой создания университетского комплекса, который включает филиалы в Оренбурге, Орске, Рузаевке и Уфе, а также техникумы в Самаре, Оренбурге, Пензе, Саратове, Казани и других городах Поволжья.

Сейчас в институте обучается 10 тысяч студентов и работает свыше 700 преподавателей. СамГУПС имеет три института, три факультета, 37 кафедр. 16 кафедр являются выпускающими. 14 корпусов университета оснащены


новейшим учебным и научным оборудованием. Студенты и преподаватели имеют доступ к современным информационным ресурсам через Интернет. СамГУПС имеет 45 компьютерных классов. Учебный полигон нашего вуза является лучшим среди железнодорожных университетов России.

Вы можете узнать об университете на сайте СамГУПС или из газет, которые освещают наиболее важные и интересные события студенческой жизни.

Руководство СамГУПС уделяет большое внимание международному сотрудничеству с ведущими зарубежными вузами, например, Германии, Великобритании, Польши, Швеции и других стран.

В университете есть четыре общежития для студентов, которые приезжают из других городов. На территории университетского городка находится большой спортивный комплекс с плавательным бассейном и фитнесцентрами. Многие студенты принимают активное участие в региональных и международных соревнованиях.

T e x t B



Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the words and phrases.

entrance, unified, length, lecture, lecturer, allow, area, laboratory, others, dozen, discuss, variety, major, study, Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry, Economics, Logistics, might, choice, together, exam, final, commission, subject, term, continue, senior, regularly, recruit, control, own, integral;

digital voice recorder, general engineering subjects, foreign language.

Ex. 2. Copy the following words and phrases and memorize their meanings.

1.aim – цель

2.to allow – позволять, разрешать

3.as well as – а также

4.to attend – посещать (занятия и т.п.)

5.to broaden – расширять

broad (= wide) – широкий

6.to carry out – выполнять, осуществлять, проводить

7.to discuss – обсуждать

discussion – обсуждение

8.to devote – посвящать

9.to divide (into) – делить (на)

10.length – длина, протяжѐнность

11.to link (= to connect) – соединять, связывать

12.major – крупный, важный; специальный предмет

13.to own – владеть, быть собственником; иметь own – свой, собственный

14.to provide (with) – снабжать, обеспечивать чем-либо;

предоставлять (услугу, информацию и т.п.)


15.to record – записывать

16.to recruit – нанимать на работу

17.skill – навык, умение

skilled – квалифицированный

18.to vary – отличаться, различаться variety – ряд, множество

19.to use – использовать, применять useful – полезный

Ex. 3. Read the sentences and translate them.

1.In Spain, most of the railroads were built by foreign investors, although the Spanish government provided major subsidies.

2.To allow the train to travel at speeds of up to 250 km/h between Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russian Railways modernized the infrastructure of this line.

3.The library is installing new equipment to broaden access to its huge database.

4.Containers can be divided into two categories: a large type used for transporting a load of up to 5-7 tons and a small type suitable for a load of about 1 tonne in weight.

5.The Trans-European expresses are passenger trains linking major cities of Europe and running at high speeds.

6.The aim of modernizing the 567-km Ankara-Istanbul railway is to cut the journey time from 6h 30min to 3h 30min.

7.Arizona law limited train lengths to 14 passenger cars or 70 freight cars in the interests of safety (безопасность).

8.Flatcars can transport a wide variety of freight, including steel beams (балка, брус), timber, farm machinery, construction materials and equipment as well as many other large, heavyweight materials.

9.John Smith was recruited as an electrical engineer on a six-month trial basis.

10.More than 1000 people attended the conference devoted to the problems of developing environmentally-friendly kinds of transport.

11.Skilled engine drivers are needed to operate modern locomotives.

12.Trainspotting is recording the names and registration numbers of locomotives. It used to (раньше) be a popular hobby in Britain but is less common now.

13.For the first time, the idea of building the underground railway in Moscow was discussed before the revolution but the construction of the first line (from Sokolniki to Central Park) began only in 1932.

14.Russian Railways is the state-owned railway company. It owns 19,700 locomotives, 24,100 long-distance passenger carriages, 15,600 short-range passenger carriages and 624,900 goods wagons. A further 270,000 freight cars in Russia are privately owned.

15.The first plans for constructing a new railway line along the west coast of India were offered in 1880s, but they were not carried out because of financial and technical difficulties.


Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box given below.

1.The aim ** reconstructing this railway is to increase the train speeds up to 240 kmh.

2.The Russian Railways company is divided ** 17 territorial railway operators.

3.Long-distance trains have a dining car to allow passengers to have a meal ** the course of their journey.

4.Dallas, a major transportation hub (узел) in the south of the US is served ** six railroads.

5.** Spain, first-class train passengers are provided ** free newspapers and atseat meals.

6.The Alaska government plans to construct a railroad, which will link the rail networks of the US, Canada and Russia via a 90 km rail tunnel ** the Bering Straits.

7.** 1947, the Britain‟s railways were owned by four private companies.

8.This booklet provides information ** the movement of trains all over the country.

9.The very (самый) first railways were used ** transporting coal.

10.Russia ranks second in the world ** the US in the length of the railway network.



















Ex. 5. Read the sentences, replacing the italicized Russian words with their English equivalents.

1.The использование of container cars is very efficient because their loading/unloading осуществлять very quickly.

2.All railroads, except the very short ones, разделять на sections.

3.The whole incident записывать on an amateur video tape.

4.After days of обсуждение, the project of reconstructing the HelsinkiSt.Petersburg railroad was approved by both Russian and Finnish sides.

5.Air-conditioning system in a railway car обеспечивать a constant supply (подача) of fresh air in hot weather and heating the saloon in cold weather.

6.In Europe, there are many tourist railway lines, which работать only at summer weekends and использовать steam locomotives and old carriages.

7.There is a school for diesel train drivers in Derby, Britain. Railway workers who have already received some practical experience (опыт) on different railways посещать the school to improve their навыки.

8.The railway network связывать all the крупный cities in Britain, and via the Channel Tunnel, links Britain with France and Belgium.

9.Many new electronic devices разрабатывать to обеспечить the safety of high-speed traffic.

10.Electrification of the line позволять a doubling of train weights to 6,000 tonnes.


Ex. 6. Guess the meaning of the words and phrases below.

academic year

post-graduate course


professional communication

Computer Science

professional communication skills

digital voice recorder

railway engineer

engineering student

senior students

laboratory lessons

to travel around the world

to make notes from lectures

Unified State Examinations (USE)

Ex. 7. Match the English phrases in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.


work placement


сдавать зачеты


general engineering subjects


учебные навыки


independent work


представлять на рассмотрение


graduation project


производственная практика


to submit


общетехнические предметы


study skills


делать заметки, кратко записывать


to take tests


дипломный проект


entrance to the University






поступление в университет


to scribble down brief notes


диплом инженера


engineering degree


самостоятельная работа

Ex. 8. Match the sentences in column A with the synonymous statements in column B.






As a rule, the course of study lasts for


You have the choice of learning


five years.


English, German, or French.


Many railways of the Russian

b) Most courses at SSUT are five years


Federation employ SSUT graduates.


in length.


There are various forms of teaching:


The final year is devoted to working


lectures, seminars, etc.


on the graduation project.


Students of technical universities have


Major railways of the Russian


more laboratory classes than students


Federation regularly recruit our


of Economics.




Now students use not only pens and


Teaching is carried out in various


pencils to make notes from lectures but


forms: lectures, seminars, group


have modern digital devices.


work, independent work, etc.


Students study general engineering


Our University maintains close


subjects as well as special disciplines.


contacts with many railways of the






At our higher school, students can


A wide variety of general


choose English, German or French as a


engineering subjects as well as


foreign language.


majors are studied.


If you want to visit a foreign country


Some people use digital voice






or communicate with foreigners, you


recorders to record the lecture and


can attend the course in foreign


make their notes later.


language professional communication.




Senior students focus on writing their


The engineering students have


diploma paper.


usually more lectures and laboratory






Samara State University of Transport


Studying at university is very


has strong links with major railways of


different from going to school or


the Russian Federation.


attending college.


There is a great difference between


Developing your study skills is an


going to school and attending


integral part of your life as a




university student.


A student must not only attend lectures


The language course gives SSUT


and practical hours but also develop


students a chance to get a good job


his/her own study skills.


and to travel around the world.

Ex. 9. Read the text and translate it.


Entrance to the University is on the basis of the Unified State Examinations for the secondary school.

Most courses at Samara State University of Transport are five years in length. The academic year is divided into 2 terms: from September to January and from February to July.

Teaching is carried out in various forms: lectures, seminars, group work, independent work, etc. Lectures are the most traditional form of teaching in higher education. They allow lecturers to provide information and to focus on difficult areas in some detail. The number of lectures varies from course to course. The engineering students have usually more lectures and laboratory lessons. There are many ways to make notes from lectures. Some people use digital voice recorders to record the lecture and make their notes later. Others scribble down brief notes as the lecture goes along. You will soon learn what is most useful to you. At a seminar, a group of a dozen students meets with a teacher to discuss the material of the lecture.

A wide variety of general engineering subjects as well as majors are studied, for example Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry, History, Transport Economics and Logistics, Railway Operation, Railway Construction, Computer Science and many others.

Railway engineer is a profession that can take you around the world. If this is your aim then you might wish to broaden your communication skills by learning a foreign language. You have the choice of learning English, German, or French together with your engineering degree. The University offers a program in foreign language professional communication. The language course gives SSUT students a chance to get a good job and to travel around the world.

Tests and exams are taken at the end of each term. The final year is devoted to working on the graduation project, which is submitted to the State Examination


Commission. The subjects of diploma papers are oriented towards the needs of railway transport. For those students who want to continue their education, SSUT has a postgraduate course.

SSUT has strong links with major railways of the Russian Federation that provide work placements for our senior students and regularly recruit our graduates.

Studying at University is very different from going to school or attending college. One of the biggest changes between university and school or college is that you are in control of your own learning. Developing your study skills is an integral part of your life as a University student.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions.

1.How many terms are there in the academic year?

2.When does the first term begin?

3.When does the second term begin?

4.What is the most traditional form of teaching in higher schools?

5.What do students do in a seminar?

6.Is Mathematics a general engineering subject or a major?

7.Is Railway Construction (or Computer Science) a general engineering subject or a major?

8.Is Foreign Language an important subject in the University course?

9.What foreign language do you learn? What about your classmate(s)?

10.When do students take tests and exams?

11.What do you like better: to take exams or to pass exams?

12.What needs are the subjects of the graduation projects oriented towards?

13.In what way does Samara State University of Transport cooperate with major railways of the Russian Federation?

14.Is there any difference between going to school and attending university?

Ex. 11. Some odd words in the sentences below make the statements nonsensical. Correct the mistakes and translate the sentences into Russian.

1.Door to the University is on the basis of the USE for the secondary school.

2.Teaching is transported in various forms: lectures, seminars, group work, independent work.

3.Lecturers allow students to provide information and to focus on difficult regions in detail.

4.Some people use digital voice recorders to operate the lecture and make their notes later.

5.Transport Economics and Logistics is a general engineering subject.

6.You can broaden your communication vehicles by learning a foreign language.

7.The tongue course gives SSUT students a chance to get a good job and to travel around the world.

8.Tests and exams are taken part at the end of each term.

9.The graduation project is submitted to the City Examination Commission.

10.The students who want to continue their research can enter the mail-graduate course.


11.Major railways of the Russian Federation provide work placements for SSUT junior students.

12.One of the biggest changes between university and school is that you are in support of your own learning.

Ex. 17. Using the questions below, make up a story on the following topic:

You are a freshman now

1.Do you like being a student?

2.Was it difficult for you to get accustomed (привыкать) to the system of lectures and seminars after the school system of classes?

3.What do you find more useful: lectures of seminars?

4.Do yon always take notes of lectures?

5.Is it difficult or easy for you to follow the lectures?

6.Some lectures are certainly more interesting than others. What does interest depend on? (It depends on the subject of the lecture or the personality of the lecturer)

7.Why are some lectures boring (скучный)? (the subject is boring; the subject is of no importance to you; the subject is too difficult for you to master; you find it hard to concentrate; you are not interested in the subject; you are not yet accustomed to listening to lectures every day; you get tired easily; the lecturer’s manner of speech is monotonous; the lecturer speaks too fast for you to make notes; the lecturer gives no original information; the lecturer’s arguments are too complicated for you)

8.What subjects are included in the first-year program at your faculty?

9.What subject is the most interesting; the least interesting; the one you think the most important; the one you find the most difficult?

10.What must you do to pass your winter exams successfully?

11.What marks do you expect to get?

12.How much time do you spend to prepare your homework?

13.Do you have a lot of spare time?

14.What do you usually do during your spare time?


Ex. 1. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the verbs to be and to have. Put general and special questions to the underlined words.

to be

1.Public transport is a system for transporting passengers from one place to another by road or rail.

2.The top speed of the first steam locomotive was 13 miles per hour.

3.Our train tickets are on the table. Don‟t forget to take them.

4.The trains will be late because of an accident near Reading.

5.A lot of passengers waiting for the local train arrival were on the platform.

6.All the underground stations are of the same size: 6 m high, 100 m long, and 18 m wide.


7.In Britain, the penalty (штраф) for traveling without a ticket is £200.

8.The next stop of the train will be Doncaster.

9.A total weight of the locomotive is 85.5 tons.

10.The Orient Express was the passenger train running from Paris to Istanbul. The train was famous for its five-course French meals and for its passengers, who were often diplomats, royalty, or government couriers.

to have

1.Before 1973, the University had only one faculty.

2.Each Sapsan train has 10 carriages, of which 2 are first-class and 8 are secondclass.

3.Tomorrow I will have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic.

4.Railway cars have a very long service life – from 30 to 40 years.

5.We had unlimited access to all the sports facilities.

6.The London Underground has 273 stations with more than 470 trains running during peak periods.

7.All the railwaymen had the right of free travel by train once a year.

8.Each railway has two kinds of trains: regular trains and extra trains.

9.In 1840, the US had 2,800 miles of railroad tracks consisting mainly of short lines.

10.The experimental locomotive will have a test run on a specially built track.

Ex. 2. Read the sentences and translate them, paying attention to the construction there + to be.

1.There is an escalator of only five steps at one of the Tokyo Metro stations.

2.There were no signaling devices at the first railways as there was no need for them.

3.There are four pairs of sliding doors on each side of a Metro car.

4.In April 1998, there was a 300 km traffic jam on the No 4 motorway (the main road from London to Wales) at the end of the Easter holidays.

5.There is one minute left before the train leaves.

6.Several people were injured (травмированы) in a train accident, but there were no fatalities.

7.In Britain, there are three types of passenger trains: fast intercity trains, stopping trains and commuter trains.

8.There will be a scheduled (предусмотренный графиком) train stop for 20 minutes at the next railway station.

9.There is usually a considerable increase in passenger traffic in summer.

10.In Metro, there are special pumps and fans that suck in the air from the street, purify it, and make it warm or cool on its way to the station.

11.There were locomotives at both ends of a heavy freight train.

12.Tickets cost £3; there is a £1 discount for students.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the verb to be in the required tense form and translate them.


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