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The World Around Us

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Faculty, mathematics, finance, approximately, multi-media laboratories, the teaching staff, applied computer science, narrow specialization, knowledgeable, specialized courses, to acquire, specialists, candidate degree, glorious, dissertation, research, a graduate, to graduate.

2.3Read the text through and be ready to do the exercises after.


As it is well known the success or failure of adult life depends upon the choice made early in life.

I am a student of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Our Institute is quite young, it was established on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in 2005. The building of our Institute is situated in the centre of Tyumen, at the corner of Lenin and Perekopskaya Streets. Our Institute is one of the largest institutes of the University. First of all it is so because the professions related to the computer science are very popular today.

There are many departments in our Institute such as Mathematics, Computer Security, Software and Administration of Information Systems and Applied Computer Science in Economics. Besides, there are multimedia laboratories connected to the Internet. Every student has an opportunity to work in up-to-date well-equipped lecture rooms where different problems of mathematics are under investigation. Here students can acquire skills, which fit them for a better career and get much practical and useful experience in scientific research. The teaching staff of the Institute consists of professors, Candidates of Science and well-qualified lecturers. All of them are knowledgeable in their subjects, friendly and well-organized. All students of the Institute are divided into groups. The head of the Institute, the director, appoints heads of each group. These students are responsible for the attendance of lessons and for the students’ progress. Our classes usually start at 8 o’clock in


the morning and last till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Each lecture or seminar lasts an hour and a half.

Students are acquainted with all branches of mathematics and computer science. They are lectured in various subjects. During the first two years they attend lectures on geometry, physics, history and foreign languages. They learn English to be able to read the latest information on different problems in foreign magazines and scientific books. The next years more narrow specialization begins. The students have several specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the subject they have chosen as their future speciality. Lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes. Besides attending lectures the students must choose a problem to work over according to their bents. All of them know that the field of mathematics and all that connected with it is the science of glorious past and great future. They do their best to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Usually after completing five years of study students receive a university degree. They write a diploma paper for a university degree. Very often graduates of the Institute write dissertations for an advanced degree. And after three years of post-graduate work over the dissertation it is possible to obtain a candidate degree.

Graduates of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science are assigned to work at banks, schools, research institutes and other large private and state organizations as specialists of high level. The Institute reputation stays with its graduates – and their achievements in turn glorify it.

2.4 Read the names of the faculties and specialities:

1 the faculty of Biology – specialities: Biology, Bioecology

2 the faculty of Chemistry – specialities: Chemistry

3 the faculty of Physics – specialities: Physics, Thermal Physics


4 the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science – specialities: Mathematics, Software and Administration of Information Systems, Applied Computer Science in Economics, Computer Security

5 the faculty of Ecology and Geography – specialities: Geography, Geoecology, Environmental Management, Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Applied Information Science in Geography

2.5Correspond the subjects the students are taught at the University with the following faculties (Institutes):

the faculty of Physics / the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science /

the faculty of Ecology and Geography / the faculty of Chemistry / the faculty of Biology

1 Meteorology, Hydrology, Cartography, Soil Science, Geology, Geomorphology, Ecology, Customs and Civilization, Literature, History

2 Botany, Zoology, Anatomy, Microbiology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Soil Science, Bionics, Genetics, Physiology

3 Mechanics, Electricity, Principles of Optics, Magnetism, Theoretical Physics, Radiophysics, Digital Telecommunication Systems and Network, PhysicoMathematical Methods, Optics and Spectroscopy

4 Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science, Differential Equations, Object-Oriented and Visual Programming, Theoretical Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Applied Statistics, Structures and Algorithms of Computer Data Processing

5 Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Ecological Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry


2.6Match the word-combinations in A with their Russian equivalents in B:





1 Institute of Mathematics







2 multimedia laboratories

b) научная работа


3 well-equipped laboratories

c) специалист высокого уровня

4 Candidate of Science

d) доцент


5 well-qualified lecturers

e) область математики


6 course work

f) оценивать


7 teaching staff

g) получить оценку (по предмету)

8 private and state organizations

h) институт математики

9 specialist of high level

i) курсовая работа


10 the field of mathematics

j) мультимедийные аудитории

11 research-paper

k) высококвалифицирован-


ные преподаватели


12 associate professor

l) научный руководитель

13 to assess, to evaluate

m) кандидат наук


14 to get a mark (in a subject)

n) преподавательский состав

15 supervisor

o) частные и государственные




2.7Think over your own sentences with the following words and word-


Model: The head of the group is responsible for the attendance of lessons. 1 to be responsible for something


2 the attendance of lessons

3 to depend upon (on)

4 to be a first-year (second, third, forth, fifth) student 5 to specialize in (to be specializing in)

6 to be under investigation

7 to attend lectures on

8 to be knowledgeable in something

9 to receive a university degree

10 a graduate paper

11 to obtain a candidate degree

12 an additional practice

13 to do one’s best to do something

14 to acquire knowledge

15 according to one’s bents

2.8Match the words and word-combinations in A with their meanings in





1 up-to-date

a) the people employed by an organization

2 well-equipped

b) adapted for a particular purpose

3 staff

c) to praise highly

4 to be acquainted with

d) to get possession of

5 various

e) in current style

6 specialized courses

f) detailed discourse

7 bent

g) of several kinds

8 to acquire

h) natural skill or liking

9 dissertation

I) to know slightly

10 to glorify

j) supplied with what is needed


2.9Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below to make up a phrase. Use the words only once.

To depend upon / to get / knowledgeable / to appoint / to choose / to be responsible for / to last / to attend / to have / to join / to acquire / to complete / to receive / to work over

Model:……to receive….… the latest information

1…………………………….. lecturer 2……………………………. opportunities 3……………………………. the latest information 4……………………………. lectures on 5…………………………..... five years of study 6……………………………. a problem 7……………..………….….. knowledge 8…………………………….. a diploma paper 9..…………………………... a university degree 10………….……………..… scientific circles

11…………………………… the latest information

12…………………………... the head of the group 13…………………………… for the attendance 14…………………………… an hour and a half

2.10 Complete the sentences:

1 I study at the University at the faculty of / Institute of…… 2 There are many departments at our Institute / faculty:….. 3 The teaching staff of the Institute / faculty consists of……

4 The students have at their disposal……

5 The students are taught many different subjects such as……


6 The students are acquainted with all branches of…… 7 The students must attend lectures on……

8 The students do their best to acquire……

9 After completing five years of study the students……

10 Graduates of the Institute / faculty are assigned to……

2.11Study the information about exams and education: Take/ do/ sit an exam

resit an exam – take it again because you did badly first time pass an exam – get the minimum grade (mark) or more

do well in an exam – get a high grade

fail an exam – do not get the minimum grade

do badly in an exam – fail or don’t do as well as expected / as well as you wanted

Before an exam it’s a good idea to revise for it. If you skip classes / lectures, you will probably do badly in the exam.

In universities there are lectures (large classes listening to the teacher and taking notes), seminars (10-20 students actively taking part in discussion etc).

A professor is a senior university academic who is a well-known specialist in his/her subject. University teachers are usually called lecturers.

Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences:

1 I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m passing an examination tomorrow.

2 Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination! 3 You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

4 I got some good notes in my continuous assessment this term.

5 She’s the professor in a primary school.

6 He gave an interesting 45-minutes conference on Goethe.


7 When I was 12, we started having French seminars at school, and I fell in love with the language.

2 12 What questions could you ask to get these answers?

1 No, they have to finance their own studies.

2 I’ve been revising / studying for an exam.

3 No, I was ill. I didn’t miss this lecture deliberately.

4 The course of study runs for five years.

5 A student who does well in his/her exams gets a scholarship.

2.13Answer the following questions:

1 What Institute / faculty do you study at?

2 How many students study at your Institute / faculty?

3 How many departments are there at your Institute / faculty? Name them. 4 What is the teaching staff of the Institute / faculty?

5 Who is the head of your Institute / faculty?

6 Who is responsible for the attendance of lessons and for the students’ progress?

7 What subjects are the students taught?

8 Is it necessary to attend lectures and classes? Why? 9 Who does badly in the exams?

10 What must the student do to acquire much knowledge?

11 What possibilities have the graduates of the Institute / faculty? 12 Are you proud of studying at this Institute / faculty?

13 Why did you choose this Institute / faculty?

2.14Compose short dialogues for the following imaginary situations:

1 Your friend studies at the faculty of Chemistry. He urges you to transfer to this faculty. Reject his proposal and tell him that mathematics (geography, etc.) is your dream.


2 Next year you graduate from the University. Tell your friend what you would like to do in the new year. Remember how interesting it was to study at the University.

3 You are the Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Tomorrow you are going to speak to the first-year students. What would you tell them? What would you wish your future students?

4 You are going to enter the faculty of Ecology and Geography. Your friend is a second-year student of this faculty. Ask him everything about this faculty.

Use the following conversational formulas:

Would you like to…?

I’m afraid, I can’t...

Would you mind…(-ing)?

Is it necessary (for me) to…?

Why don’t you…?

Do I have to…?

I think you should…

No, you don’t

I advise you to…

That’s (not) a (very) good idea!

You’d better…

You shouldn’t do that

That’s (quite) possible

Sorry, I don’t know

That’s impossible

I have no idea

I (don’t) think so

I can’t help you

I doubt it

I have doubts about the…

Why don’t we…?

I am not at all sure about this

How about …ing?

I object to…

I believe (think, feel) that…

I wish I could agree with you that…

In my opinion…

I want to point out that…

I agree with you

I should like to stress the importance of…

I think you are right

Have you thought about…?

As far as I know…

I’ll try to explain…

You are wrong.

You’ve made it quite clear

That’s true.

I see / I understand


I prefer / I hope

I get the idea of…

2.15 Speak about your Institute / faculty. Use the table:

Tyumen State University







● Mathematics

● Mathematical

● Algebra



● Software and

Analyses and

● Mathematical




Theory of




of Information


● Geometry




● Software

● Discrete


The Institute

● Applied

● Mathematical






● Computer Science


Science in

● Informational

● Differential









● Algebra and

● Object-Oriented




and Visual









● Informational

● Theoretical









● Mathematics

● Functional Analysis



and Computer

● Applied Statistics




● Structures























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