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The fast / quick trains from Edinburgh don’t visit / stop at this station.



You can save money if you book your seat / place more than 7 days early / in advance.



It’s usual to pay a taxi fare / bill at the end of the journey / ride.



The train arrives in / at London at 10.35.



It’s sometimes cheaper to travel non-rush hour / outside the rush hour.



Everybody who travels by train has to pay the ticket / fare.



I boarded / entered the train at Birmingham.



I came out of the station and boarded / got into a taxi.



I usually take / hail a bus to work.



A single / lone ticket takes you one way only, a back / return ticket takes you there and back.



If you make the same journey every day, you need season / constant ticket.





Ex. 26 Match each person from the box with one of the comments:

1. I love wandering through the countryside along deserted footpaths.

2. I'll bring you your drink in just a minute, madam. ____________

3. I've been waiting all morning at this roundabout for someone to stop. ____________

4. I was just walking down the street opposite the bank when I saw it happen. ____________

5. I’ve spent the last half an hour looking for a spot. It’s hopeless. ____________

6. I’ll ring the bell for you, love, when it’s time to get off. ____________

7. The sign clearly says ‘two hours only’ and you’ve been here all day. ____________

8. It’s just impossible getting across the road here. We need a subway. ____________

9. Do you think you could go a little more slowly? I'm a bit nervous. ____________

10. This train is late every morning. It has been for years. ____________


Ex. 27 Match the words with the pictures:


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Ex. 28 a Match the words with the pictures:


accelerator bonnet boot brake clutch

door handle engine

gear stick / lever headlights

horn ignition number plate

rear-view mirror steering wheel speedometer tyre

windscreen windscreen wiper wing mirror wheel



Ex. 28 b Complete the sentences with names of different parts of the car:


Ex. 29 a Read the driving tips and complete the explanations of words in bold type:







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Ex. 29 b Complete the sentences with the words from the text above:

Ex. 30 Complete the text with the words from the box:









It costs more than you think to run a car. First, there’s the road __________, which seems to get more expensive every year. Then there’s ______________, which is very expensive if you are young. If you run an old car, you don’t need _______________ insurance - ‘third party, fire, and theft’ will do. If you’re lucky your car will pass its annual MOT test. All cars need regular ______________. If it breaks down, you’ve got the extra cost of



Ex. 31 Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

1. You’ll be lucky if you find anywhere to ____________ round here on a Saturday afternoon. 2. Wouldn’t it be much easier if you ____________ into that parking space?

3. The drive behind didn’t know what you were doing then. You really should ____________ before you turn. 4. Be careful - you can’t see far enough ahead to _____________ safely on this stretch of road.

5. A dog ran out into the road and I had to ____________ really hard.

6. My neighbour couldn’t ____________ his car this morning, so I helped him to __________ it.


Ex. 32 Complete the conversations with the phrasal verbs from the box:

1.‘I’ve got a meeting this morning. I need to get the 7 o’clock train.’ - ‘That’s a bit early. I’ll _______________

to the station if you like.’

2.‘I’m not sure what time I’ll be back this evening. I said I’d see Tony after work.’ - ‘Well, give me a call when you get to the station. I’ll come and ____________________.’

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‘I’m a bit late this morning. I think I’d better call a taxi.’ - No,

you don’t need to do that. I’ll


___________________ at the station on my way to work.’


Ex. 33 Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

1. We need to get some fuel. There’s a _____________ just up the road.

2. The fastest way of getting from London to Oxford is to take the _____________. 3. There’s always a lot of _____________ on the roads in the morning and evening. 4. The High Street is closed because of _____________.

5. Go over the _____________, turn left at the first __________, and then take the third exit on the


6. You can’t leave your car here. You’ll have to use the _____________.

7. Many towns have _____________ so that people using public transport can get into and out of town more quickly.

8. Wait for the _____________ to turn green before you continue. 9. The _____________ in most towns and cities is 30 miles per hour.

10. Many _____________ fail to keep their bicycles in good condition or obey the rules of the road. 11. You can't turn right into that street. It's a _____________ street.

12. When you're driving through town, be careful of _____________ crossing the street.

13. This road is very busy and dangerous. If you want to get to the other side, use the _____________.

14. I need to get a bus into town. Is there a (bus) _____________ near here?

15. In the U.S.A., the _______________ is part of the national public transportation system (including trains and buses) which people use to travel around the country.

16. A __________________ is a place on a road where a lot of car accidents happen.


Ex. 34 Complete the text with the verbs from the box:


I've just finished my driving test and I think it went quite well. OK, so I made a few mistakes, but nothing too serious. For example, I forgot to ____________ the mirrors, with the result that I couldn't see anything behind me. Then, when I ___________ the car, I forgot that I had left it in first gear, so I __________. Oh, and I forgot to __________ my seatbelt. And __________ the handbrake. When I eventually __________ from the side of the road, I forgot to __________ my mirrors; the driver of the car that almost __________ into me as a result

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__________ his horn and shouted something at me, but I didn't hear what. I nearly went through a red light, but saw it at the last second and tried to stop. Unfortunately, I lost control and my car__________ across to the other side of the road - fortunately, the cars coming in the opposite direction managed to__________ out of the way. At one point, I__________ when I should have__________, so instead of stopping, the car just went faster! Fortunately, the police car that I__________ into the back of wasn't badly damaged and the policeman driving it didn't shout at me too loudly. At another time I had to__________ somebody who was driving a bit slowly, but I forgot to__________, so the drivers behind me had no idea what I was going to do. Finally, I managed to

__________ into a wall which I couldn't see behind me. I don't know if I've passed yet, because the examiner is still being treated for shock in the local hospital.

Ex. 35 Read the text and match the idioms in it with their definitions:

My brother Ted must be the world's worst driver. It started when he was young and used to go for joyrides, causing pile-ups which resulted in traffic jams and gridlocks for other drivers. As a young adult, he was a real boy racer, putting his foot down, driving like the clappers and then jamming on the brakes. I reckon he must have written off at least six of the bangers he used to drive. He's still a real road hog, tailgating other cars and getting involved in road rage incidents. He's offered to give me a lift home tonight, but to be honest, I'd rather thumb a lift. He's picking me up in a few minutes; maybe I'd better have one for the road. At least it's rush hour and the roads will be chock-a-block so he won't be able to drive too fast! Honestly - sometimes he drives me round the bend!

1. To follow very closely behind another vehicle. _____________

2. An old car, usually in poor condition. _____________

3. To hitch-hike, to ask a car driver or a truck driver to take you as a passenger. _____________

4. A person who drives fast and dangerously. _____________

5. To accelerate very quickly. _____________

6. To make some one angry or crazy. _____________

7. A young man who drives fast and dangerously. _____________

8. A trip for pleasure, usually in a stolen car. _____________

9. To stop a vehicle very suddenly. _____________

10. A final drink before leaving a bar or pub. _____________

11. A violent attack by a driver on another car or its driver. _____________

12. To damage a car so badly that it can no longer be repaired. _____________

13. A crash involving a series of vehicles which have smashed into one another. _____________

14. The time of the day when traffic is very bad, trains are crowded, etc. _____________


Ex. 36 Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings:






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Ex. 37 Read the sentences below and decide whether the speaker wants the driver to go faster (F) or more slowly (S):

1. Slow down a bit! There’s a police car! ____

2. Can’t you speed up a bit? ____

3. You’re supposed to reduce your speed when you approach a pedestrian crossing. ____

4. Take it easy! We’ve got all day to get there. ____

5. Come on! Put your foot down! ____

6. I think you’d better get a move on if we’re going to get home before dark. ____


Ex. 38a Read the texts below and do the exercises:

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Ex. 39 b Complete the sentences with words from 38a:

1. I always find it difficult in this car to get into __________________ when I need, for example, to back into a parking space.

2. In an automatic car you don’t need to ______________ gear manually.

3. The policeman pointed out that my license was no longer ______________ - it expired last week. 4. I ______________ my driving test three times before I eventually passed it.

5. The traffic is always particularly _____________ on the main road coming into town in the rush hour.

6. I got _____________ in a traffic jam on my way to the airport.


Ex. 40 Study the sentences containing more driving and traffic expressions and complete the sentences below:

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Ex. 41 a Match the «parking words» (1 - 6) to the pictures (A - F):




Car park



2. Traffic warden





Parking spot / space / bay






Parking meter



5. Wheel clamp












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Ex. 41 b Are there any problems with traffic in your city? What’s being done about it? Are the

measures effective? What solutions can you suggest?


Ex. 41 c Read the glossary carefully and pay attention to the words and phrases from it which you’re going to hear in the recording:


a motorist n a person who drives a car

pay-and-display exp a system of parking by which you buy a ticket from a machine and display (show) this ticket inside your car so that traffic wardens can see it

leeway n extra space or time to operate outside the established limits

a fine n an amount of money you pay as punishment for an offence or crime

a clamping firm n a company that makes money by putting a clamp (a metal block) on the wheels of illegally parked cars and charging vehicle owners for the return of their car

to tow away phr vb if a car is “towed away”, it is attached to a cable on another vehicle and pulled away (often because it is parked illegally)

pedestrianised adj a “pedestrianised” area is one where people can walk but cars cannot drive

a pavement n the area to the side of the road where people can walk. A “sidewalk” in US English a cycle lane n a path often next to a road that people on bicycles can use

to set up phr vb to create or start

a park-and-ride scheme exp a system in which people park their cars in car parks outside the city and take a

bus (often a free one) into the centre


Ex. 41 d Many local councils are adopting strict parking policies for city centers. Listen the opinions of Charlene (speaker 1) and Nate (speaker 2) about parking policies and answer the questions:

11.How late was Charlene when she got her fine?

12.What does Charlene think of the situation with clamping firms?

13.Why couldn’t Charlene get her car back on Sunday?

14.How much did she have to pay?

15.What does Nate dislike about cars?

16.What does Nate suggest to help deal with the problem?

17.What could be done to ease traffic problems in your city?


Ex. 42 a What are your opinions of graffiti? What are the arguments for and against graffiti?


Ex. 42 b Study the glossary and listen to the recording paying attention to the words and phrases from the glossary:

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to blight vt to damage, spoil or make ugly


a carving n a design that has been cut into wood, stone, etc.


to date back to exp to come from a particular time or period in history


a pictograph n a picture representing a word or idea


pigment n a powder that is mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint


a link n a connection


a spray-can n a container with a substance inside that is released as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) a carriage n a passenger car that is attached to a train

to scrawl vb to write quickly and not clearly or neatly

satirical adj a “satirical” work of art or piece of writing makes fun of someone/ something

CCTV abbr closed-circuit television - video cameras (often in the street) that transmit images to a central place Big Brother society n a type of society in which people are controlled closely by the state

a landmark n a prominent or well-known object/ building in a town/city/landscape to put up phr vb if you “put up” a work of art, you construct, make, or paint it

to defy vb if you “defy” the authorities, you refuse to obey them or do what they want

to uphold vb if you “uphold” a tradition, you keep/ maintain it


Ex. 42 c Listen to the recording and answer the questions:

1. What did Roman graffiti artists write about?

2. Where are some of the earliest examples of graffiti?

3. Where do many people consider the spiritual home of graffiti to be? 4. What proof is there of the popularity of Banksy?

5. What was ironic about Banksy’s work One Nation Under CCTV?


Ex. 42 d Answer the following questions:

1. Look at the graffiti by Banksy below and tell what you think about them.

2. Are there any interesting examples of graffiti in Khabarovsk? What are they?

3. What would you do if you saw someone covering a wall in graffiti?
