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3) authority

c) an element within a company which deals with the


human aspects/needs of workers

4) a customer

d) an individual or institution that legally owns a share


of stock in a public or private corporation

5) a chief executive officer

c) a recipient of a good, service, product

6) a board of directors

d) determines how the roles, power and responsibilities


are assigned, how information flows between the


different levels of management

7) a human resource department

e) power assigned to another

5. Insert the right preposition where necessary. Consult the text. Translate the expressions.

1.to report _____ a senior manager

2.to include _____ financial support

3.Distribution Manager is responsible _____ controlling the movement of goods

4.duties are assigned _____ people

5.to make contact _____ customers

6.to consist _____ the shareholders, the officers and employees

7.to be accountable _____ a supervisor

8.to receive support _____ the company

9.feedback _____ employees

6. Match the synonyms.

1) Managing Director

a) to oversee

2) target

b) to be accountable to

3) to determine

c) promotion

4) to supervise

d) to decide

5) authority

e) objective

6) to be responsible for

f) Chief Executive Officer

7) advancement

g) power

7.Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1.What authority does the board have?

2.Who is the head of the department?

3.What departments does the company usually consist of?

4.Who reports to whom in a company hierarchy?

5.What is Sales manager responsible for?


6.Can a senior manager be accountable to a junior manager?

7.What are the advantages of a hierarchical organizational structure?

8.What are the drawbacks of a hierarchical organizational structure?

8.Write a Summary of the text. VOCABULARY EXERCISES

9.Match the parts 1 – 9 to the parts a – i to make sentences.

1)You should assign duties based

2)The most common structure found within organizations consists

3)In an organization of any size employees' responsibilities typically are defined

4)The managers of each segment report directly

5)An employee might be accountable to a supervisor

6)The only way to run a business from home

7)Ensuring that your customer's orders are met in a timely manner

8)One of the benefits of setting health and safety targets is

9)Companies that are going to start successful business or constantly seeking opportunities to grow and expand

a)to the president at the top.

b)of various departments such as engineering, development, marketing, finance, sales and human resources.

c)helps manage overall customer satisfaction.

d)who is accountable to a junior manager – communication and instructions can then be passed down the line.

e)that employees are healthier, happier and better motivated.

f)on employees' interests and capabilities.

g)is on the Internet.

h)will require excellent IT infrastructure to meet all their needs.

i)by what they do, who they report to, and for managers, who reports to them.

10.Read the conversation between Juan and Peter, where Peter explains the different

job titles in their company hierarchy/structure and do the task after.

Juan: Peter, have you seen the global email about the restructuring of the company. It says that the Board of Directors are going to make an announcement by the end of the month. What is the Board of Directors?

Peter: The Board of Directors or as it is often called The Board, is the group of people who make the big decisions about the company. About what we do and how we do it.


Juan: So they are the owners of the company?

Peter: In some companies yes, but in our case because we're a large multinational, no. Here, they are employed by the owners, the shareholders, to oversee or supervise the company for them. The Board is non-executive, which means they aren't involved in the day-to-day running of the company. The most important member of The Board is called the Chairman, in some companies the Chairman is called the President.

Juan: So, if they don't run or manage the company, who does?

Peter: In our company the person responsible for the day-to-day running of the company is the Managing Director. They are the most senior managers in the company. In the United States, they are normally called the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Juan: So, what does a Finance Director do? Are they non-executive also?

Peter: No, a Finance Director is the job title for a senior manager who is responsible for the Finance Department. They are less senior than the Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer, who they have to report to. Normally, the boss of each department is called a Director, like Sales Director or IT Director. In America, the title of this position is Chief Financial Officer.

Juan: I think I understand. So under them in the company structure you have Managers, like us. And under the Managers, you have Supervisors. Is that right?

Peter: Basically. Although today it is more common to call a Supervisor, a Team Leader. They make sure that staff are doing what they should. Then under them, you have Analysts and Assistants, who don't have any management responsibilities. In theory the job title of Analyst is for a position where they have to analyze information or data. An Assistant is the general job title for a normal member of staff, like a Customer Care Assistant. But the title of the position depends on the company.

11. Complete the sentences with one of the words/phrases in italic in the task 10.

1.The American job title for the top executive manager in a company is (1)____ .

2.The title of the lowest positions in a company is (2)_____ .

3.The name of the people who have shares in a company is (3)_____ .

4.The most senior/top person on the Board of Directors is called the (4)_____ .

5.The job title of the staff that analyze information or data is (5)_____ .

6.The name of the group of people who represent the owners of the company is the (6)_____ .

7.The British title for the head of the finance department is (7)_____ .

8.When somebody is not involved in the daily running of a business, their role is (8)_____ .

9.A different job title for Supervisor is (9)_____ .


10.The American title for the head of the finance department is (10)_____ .

11.A different way to say “My boss is” is (11)_____ .

12.The British job title for the top executive manager in a company is (12)_____

12.Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.


to advertise

a) производить



b) доход, прибыль



c) штат, кадры


to make a profit

d) научно-исследовательский


to make a purchase

e) предоставлять, снабжать


to manufacture

f) рекламировать



g) расходы


to produce

h) получать прибыль


to provide

i) делать покупку, закупать

10) research and development

g) производить

13. Choose the option that is true. Pay attention to the words in the task 12.

1.A company is an organization that aims to make a profit/make a purchase for its owners and investors.

2.Companies make profits by selling goods or providing/producing services for a fee.

3.Companies have expenses/income such as salaries, production costs, and advertising costs.

4.If a company’s expenses/income from sales is greater than its costs, it makes a profit.

5.A company’s advertising/research and development department creates new products or improves existing products.

6.A production department is responsible for advertising/manufacturing products.

7.A sales department is responsible for dealing with customers when they make a profit/make a purchase.

8.A purchasing/advertising department buys everything the company needs, from raw materials to vehicles and office supplies.

10.A personnel/advertising department is responsible for recruiting and managing employees, and for cutting staff numbers when necessary.

14. Complete the text. Choose the words and word combinations in the correct form from the box.


активы компании

to give a loan

предоставлять заем

to be involved in

участвовать в, быть вовлеченным в


legal entity

юридическое лицо

limited liability

ограниченная ответственность




связанный обязательством

to last


to retain

сохранять, удерживать

to stand for

означать, расшифровываться

stock exchange

фондовая биржа

A company

Company is a separate (1) _____ to its shareholders. This provides shareholders with (2) _____

from any of the business’s debts beyond the value of their shares in the company (this is what Ltd

(3) _____ in a company name). However, if a shareholder (4) _____ in the running of the business (as a director, for example), and he or she is found to have traded recklessly, fraudulently or not in the company’s best interests, they can still be made (5) _____. Most financial lenders will only (6)

_____ a business _____ in exchange for a personal guarantee overriding limited liability.

There are two types of companies: private and public. Private companies have their shares owned within a private group, like a family for example, so they can (7) _____ control. Public companies have their shares publicly listed on the (8) _____ so they’re available to be bought by the general public and other companies.

Regardless of whether it’s a private or public company, shareholders have what is called limited liability. This means they can lose the value of their shares in the business. They’re not responsible for any other debts or (9) _____ the company owes.

As the company is a separate entity, it owns all the (10) _____ and all the liabilities itself. This separation also means the company is not tied to one individual or one generation of owners, so it can (11) _____ for as long as it remains viable.

15.Translate the text 2 into Russian. SPEAKING

16.Describe the company structure. Read and answer the questions.

1.What is the aim of any business?

2.How does a company make profit?

3.Who is at the top of the company hierarchy?

4.What authority does the Board have?


5.What is the most important member of the Board?

6.What is the Chief Executive Officer responsible for?

7.What are the roles played by shareholders in the company?

8.Who runs the company?

9.Is the company a separate legal entity?

10.What departments might any company include?

11.What is a production department responsible for?

12.What is HR department responsible for?

13.What is a sales department responsible for?

14.What is a research and development department responsible for?

15.Who is at the top of each department?

16.Can you define the expression “reporting in organisations takes place down the line”?

17.What is the difference between a private and a public company?

18.What does Ltd stand for?



17.Read the text and match the headings (a-d) with the gaps at the start of each paragraph.



c)Sole owner/proprietor (AmE)/sole trader (BE)

d)A limited liability company (LLC)

Different Types of Companies


It is one of the most simplest and uncomplicated of all companies. Your business is built around you. The entire operation relies on you, but you can still employ others to help you. You’re 100% responsible for your business’s liabilities and its debts, but you also retain full control of the business and its profits.

The features of this business organization are:

Does not require to spend a lot of money to establish a business.

The dissolution procedure is very easy, simple and quick.

Any liabilities in business are the proprietor's personal liabilities.


Whenever the owner dies, the business organization also automatically stops existing.

The owner has unlimited liability in the organization.

You even pay tax through your personal IRD (Inland Revenue Department) number.

This form of a business structure is useful for people who have an expertise in a certain field and want to make money by applying that knowledge. There is no need to consult other people in the organization before taking any decision and also employees have no stock options. However, when it comes to taxation and other financial aspects, there is no difference between the proprietor's personal life and business, as it is regarded one and the same by the government. It is therefore important to have a good knowledge about these obligations, before deciding to start a business.

Example: Individual tradesperson, such as a self-employed graphic designer, a painter and decorator.


It is an association of two or more persons as co-owners to carry on a business for profit. All these members are known as partners and owners of the entire business organization. They are accountable for any profit, loss or liability of the organization. An important feature of this type of company is that all partners enter into a predefined agreement regarding profit sharing and loss bearing, before starting their venture. Irrespective of the capital brought in or the profit-loss sharing percentage of a partner, he can be asked to pay off total debts of the company, as the partners have a joint as well as several liability in the organization. Features are:

Simple, easy and quick to form.

The whole taxation policy and obligations are a little more complex, but there is no specific


Every partner is jointly and individually liable to the entire firm.

Dissolution of the firm takes place when a partner turns bankrupt, dies or through a mutual decision between the partners.


It is extremely flexible, and can be used for a very wide range of businesses. It can be as simple or complex as the members desire. Depending on State law, it can have some members with limited liability and some without limited liability, or even have no limited liability for any members. Some States require that it designates a date in the future at which it will automatically dissolve. Some States also require that if a member dies, goes bankrupt or meets some other calamity the remaining members of the company must either dissolve or vote to continue.


It does not have more than two of the four qualities: limited liability concerning assets; continuity of life; centralization of management; the ability to transfer ownership interests.


It is a legal entity owned by shareholders but completely separate from them. This means that the company itself, not the shareholders that own it, is held legally liable for the actions and debts incurred by the business. It also means that shareholders have no direct rights to the money or any other assets of it. If the directors choose to give the shareholders dividends, that’s great. Otherwise, shareholders get nothing until they sell their shares.

The shareholders elect one or more people to serve on the board of directors. In turn, the Board of Directors govern it and set its policies, approve major business decisions, and appoint officers who are the only ones with authority to sign contracts and run a business on a day to day basis.

This type of business is more structured than others. “Going public” through an initial public offering (IPO) is a major selling point in attracting investment capital and high quality employees. The companies can also issue stock options as a way to recruit and reward management, staff and investors.


(по материалам сайта http://www.buzzle.com)

18. Match the English phrases from text 2 with their Russian equivalents.

1) to appoint an officer

a) прекращение деятельности компании

2) to designate a date

b) выплачивать дивиденды, прибыль по акциям

3) to go bankrupt

c) опцион на акции; поощрение служащих


продажей акций

4) dissolution

d) назначить должностное лицо

5) Inland Revenue Department

e) применять знания

6) to sign a contract

f) погашать задолженность

7) to pay off debts

g) платить налог

8) to retain control

h) первое открытое размещение акций

9) stock options

i) налоговая инспекция

10) to give dividends

j) сохранять контроль

11) to pay a tax

k) подписывать контракт/договор

12) initial public offering

l) назначить дату

13) to apply knowledge

m) обанкротиться

19. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. Who retains full control of the business if you are a proprietor?


2.What department does a proprietor pay taxes through?

3.What are the ways to apply your knowledge?

4.Do you have to pay taxes unless you are 18?

5.When does the partnership dissolve?

6.Who pays off total debts of the partnership?

7.Does a limited liability company have to designate a date at which it will automatically dissolve?

8.Do shareholders sign contracts?

9.Do shareholders receive dividends?

10.How does a corporation attract investment capital and high quality employees? 11.Which type of business is less complicated to start?

12.What type of business would you like to work for?

13.What type of a business would you start?


20. In small groups, plan how you would start your own business. Discuss these questions in groups and present your plan to the class, using PowerPoint if possible.

1.What do you want to do for a career? What are you passionate about? Do you want to sell goods? What goods? Do you want to provide services? What kind of service? What type of business is it?

2.How does your product or service differ from competitors? How competitive is your industry? How much do you charge?

3.What is the name of your company? Slogan? Logo? Credo?

4.What is your company policy?

5.Can you build a business plan, a sales and marketing plan and a budget for your business? How much money do you require to start your business? Where can you find investors? How can you attract investors?

6.Where is the best place to locate your startup?

7.How many members of staff do you need? What roles and responsibilities do your team members have?

8.What is the salary of your staff members? Do they have any benefits, bonuses, perks? What


9.What is the work schedule in your company?

10.What profits do you expect to get in future?


21. Talk about your job. Take turns to ask the questions below. Answer your partner’s questions as fully as you can. Be ready to tell the rest of the group something about your partner’s job.

1.What company do you work for?

2.What type of company is that?

3.What do you do in your job?

4.What else does your job involve?

5.What are you working on at the moment?

Try to use the following language when answering your partner’s questions.

I work for/in

I am responsible for/am accountable to

I report to

I manage

My job involves …ing


35. Visit http://muzofon.com/search/company%20structure for audio information on a company structure.


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