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3.Analyze the results you’ve got. Write three sentences describing how your family is involved in togetherness.

Our family’s traditions are:










4. All about us

When everyone is together, see if each group member can fill in the following blanks for other group member. Have you learnt something new?

Favourite food: _____________________________________________________

Nickname: _________________________________________________________

Favourite kind of pet: ________________________________________________

Most prized possession: ______________________________________________

Best friend: ________________________________________________________

Last book read for fun: _______________________________________________

Favourite kind of music: ______________________________________________

Best vacation ever taken: _____________________________________________

Dream vacation: ____________________________________________________

Favourite famous person: _____________________________________________

Interests and hobbies_________________________________________________

Anything else?

5. Analyze the information above, make a brief summary of it and write a conclusion not more than 6 or 7 sentences. It should contain a topic sentence, with an idea that is well developed in the sentences that follow. Comments and feelings about the person should be in the last sentence.

Here are some hints for you for the conclusion.

I value a peer as a precious part of the group.

We take care of each other and help each other.

We share group goals.

We are honest with each other.

We like to communicate.

We have got the same interests and hobbies.


Read and decide

Determine if your opinion matters in your family.


Contentment is the state of being happy enough with what one has or is; not desiring something more or different. Contented families are steadfast, and do not allow others to define for them what they have to be and have as a family.

Strong families base their life style on what they can afford and can reasonably enjoy - on a concept of stewardship that stresses gratitude for what they have, not whining after what they do not have.

Contentment is the state of being happy and the satisfaction with the resources and circumstances that define the family. Families can promote more contentment with a family approach to goal-setting and decision-making. Members of a family are happier when they feel their opinions matter and that they are respected as contributing members of the family. A family can use the model below to discuss important family decisions:

identify the issue

identify and discuss possible options

compare the options – pros and cons

make a joint family decision

apply the decision

evaluate the decision.

Participating in this decision-making process can encourage family communication. Family members feel that their opinions, ideas, values and feelings are respected. Contentment, happiness and effective decision-making are key elements for strong families. Families can build on their strengths by choosing to strive for contentment in their daily life.

Project work.

1. Contentment can be summarized in the following reading. Translate the poem. Exchange your translations. Choose the best one.

Fortunate is the person, Who in this life can find

A purpose that can fill their days, And goals to fill their mind!

The world is filled with little people, Content with where they are;

Not knowing joys success can bring, No will to go that far.

Yet in this world there is a need, For people to lead the rest,

To rise above the ―average‖ life,

By giving of their best!

Would you be one, who dares to try When challenged by the task!

To rise to heights you‘ve never seen,

Or is that too much to ask?

This is your day - a world to win, Great purpose to achieve.

Accept the challenge of your goals And in yourself believe!


Grammar Practice.

1. The Imperative

We use the imperative to give advice , instructions or direct orders. E.g. Appear interested and be interested.

To sound more polite, we can use please. E.g. Please. Listen carefully.

Rememeber! We use don‘t +base form of the verb to make a sentence a negative imperative.

E.g. Don’t be critical.

(From Upload. Student‘s Book by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing)

1.Point out the imperatives in the texts above and translate them into Russian.

2.The Passive. Study the theory “Passive Voice” in Grammar focus.

Transform into Passive

1) Members of the respect each other.

Members of a family are happier when they _______________.

2)Wise parent share all the kinds of experiences with their children. All kinds of experience ________ ________ by wise parents.

3)We take meals together.

Meals _____ _____ together

4)Students time together in recreation. Time ____ ________ together in recreation.

5)Group mates attend university and social activities together. University and social activities _____ __________


Project work Team work

1. Write your answer on each part of the flower. Colour the flower then share it with your group.

One thing we fight about is:

My group has



One thing we like to do together is:

I‘m proud of my group because:

Our favourite place

One really good

thing about my

to visit is:

group is:


My group‘s favourite food is:


2. Analyze the results you’ve got. Choose those your group does well and those things your group could improve on. The phrases in the box below will help you to give your personal opinion.

Our group does the following well.



We need to work on the following.



In my opinion

In my view

It seems to me that

I think

I feel strongly that

My feeling is

I believe that … because

I consider

I’m sure that

3. Create your group crest to show what you stood for. Colour your crest, draw symbols representing something about your group and write a motto.




Unit 4

Family Relationships


People have long forgotten that relationships within the family are of far greater importance than relationships outside the family. Do you agree?

What do you think is most valuable in family relations?

Read and discuss

1. Read the text about caring and appreciation in a family. For questions 1-3, complete the notes which summarize what he says.


Families are strengthened by expressions of caring and appreciation. Strong families appreciate the uniqueness while cultivating a sense of belonging to the family, and contributions of each family member – expressing feelings of appreciation in words and actions. Family members tell each other they are special. In the hurry of daily responsibilities, we often forget the importance of letting people know how much they are appreciated. It‘s so easy to take each other for granted, especially in families.


Showing you care brings family members together. You can show appreciation in three ways:

Accent a person‘s good qualities

Congratulate family members on their accomplishments

Show you care through words, a hug or touch, or other gesture

Accept the appreciation sent by other family members as it is important because it establishes trust and good will between people as well as builds self-esteem.

You will need to choose suitable phrases in the box.


We help each other



We keep our promises to each other


Building caring and

We are kind to each other



We are thoughtful to each other



We enhance each other‘s self-esteem



We avoid criticizing each other



We enhance each other‘s good qualities






We like to show affection to each other



We like to hug each other


Ways of expressing

We wait for each other without complaining



We forgive each other



We practice good manners at home and with others



We create a pleasant environment at home



We feel close to each other



We grow stronger because we love each other



We feel safe and secure in our interactions with each other



We express feelings of appreciation in words and actions


2. What makes each of your family members special and unique?

Using the following list, write the family member's name beside each characteristic that applies to him/her. You may put more than one name beside an item.

I appreciate them because they are . . .



sense of humor




good sport











good cook












hard worker




peace maker




good listener













good hugger











full of fun












3. Appreciation and caring may be shown in many different ways. Match family members to ways listed and write their names on the line next to that way. List other ways to show appreciation and caring and match those to your family members.

a poem ______________________________________________________________

an art/craft project___________________________________________________________

a special letter


a handmade card


a handmade gift


a special food


a song



Read and decide

1. Do you think strong families are connected with the others in community?


Strong families draw on other people and institutions for support. If they have a hard time dealing with a problem, they are willing to seek outside help. Strong families also tend to be closely involved with the schools, and local organizations that promote the well-being of the community and the individual.

No family is an island. Strong families stay in touch with friends and relatives, are friendly with neighbours, and are willing to help others in time of need. They also admit

problems and are willing to reach out to professionals and other for help.

Strong families are connected to others in the community. They don't stand alone. You will find such families closely involved with extended families and friends, schools, churches, and local organizations that promote the well-being of individuals and communities. Parents support groups that help develop and educate their children.


2.Point out key words in each paragraph. Translate them into Russian.

3.Tell in short what family ties are.

Project work

Translate the poem by Craig E. Sathoff. Exchange your translations. Discuss, choose the best one.

Family Ties

Yes, I believe in family ties That flourish strong and pure, That thrive in fond togetherness, That help and mend and cure.

I cherish so the gatherings

That come with holidays,

The special times before the meals

When voices blend in praise.

And I believe in family fun.

In picnics, hikes and ball,

In barbecues in summertime

And lamb when roasted in fall.

Yes, I believe in fellowship

Because I realize

That keys to peace and happiness

Are found in family ties.

Reading and vocabulary

1. Read the text, translate into Russian.


Spirituality is believing in a higher power and acting on a value system beyond self-interest. It provides a sense of purpose and support in everyday life and during difficult times. Spirituality offers a belief system that teaches how to have healthy relationships within the family and with others. A strong spiritual base:

Provides a sense of love and being loved. It can improve your self-image.

Provides a way to deal with successes and failures in relationships with family, friends and others. It teaches

us to seek forgiveness when we have wronged another and learn to forgive when we have been wronged.

Provides the comfort and feeling that our lives are part of a higher purpose. Spirituality provides tools and models for building good relationships in the family. It is a key element in establishing strong caring families.

Healthy families live by the golden rule, treating others as they would have others treat them. Many strong families read inspirational books and value activities such as raying, singing and meditating. They share similar values and feel a guiding force in their lives.


Project work.

Spirituality can be summarized in the following. Translate after the reading. Compare your translations. Choose the best one.


One SMILE begins a friendship One STAR can guide a ship at sea One WORD can cheer you up One CANDLE wipes out darkness One SONG can change the mood

One BIRD can sound like springtime One VOTE can change a nation One LAUGH can conquer sadness One HEART can know what is true One TOUCH can show you care One HOPE can lift your spirits

One LIFE can make a difference One STEP must start each journey One FRIEND can share your pain One VOICE can speak with wisdom One FLOWER can brighten the day One TREE can start a forest.

Read and decide

What is optimism?

Do you view the life optimistically?

1.Scan the text. Some sentences are omitted. Restore the text using the sentences below.

A)Happiness, confidence, satisfaction and love are keys to positive relations.

B)Optimism, or positive thinking, can help families feel hopeful during times of negative situations.

C)Our happiness in life is determined by our attitude. Attitude is an important aspect of optimism.

D)From where they have not been, to where they can go. From their weaknesses, to their strengths


Positive thinking, or optimism, is crucial to how we perceive life. (1)



Optimism can be defined as the energy that fuels your thoughts, feelings and actions based on the difference between your expectations and your perceptions of a situation.

Families that develop a positive attitude and are generally optimistic can maintain healthy relationships. (2) _______________________________________________

The universal language of smile can communicate a positive attitude and a sense of optimism in day-to-day contacts with a family, friends and peers.


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