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Revision Sinus Surgery

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Churg-Straus syndrome. These can cause severe nasal and paranasal sinus complaints and need to be recognised, because they need specific therapeutic interventions.

Wegener’s Granulomatosis

4 The role of surgery in active WG is essentially limited to providing a sample of diseased mucosa for histological diagnosis.

WG is a multisystem disease with a complex genetic background, characterised by vasculitis with multi-organ involvement. The most common features include granulomatous inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and glomerulonephritis. It usually presents at age 30–50 years, and affects males approximately 1.5 times more often than females. In up to 95% of the patients, the head and neck region is the first to be affected [51].

Nasal involvement becomes evident mostly as persistent purulent rhinorrhoea and sinusitis, sometimes with ulcerating lesions of the nasal and sinus mucosa. Findings on nasal examination may range from a purulent infection with no obvious mucosal abnormalities to (destructive/necrotising) granulomatous lesions of the septal and lateral nasal wall mucosa (Fig. 4.1). Destruction of the septum may result in the characteristic saddle-nose deformity (Fig. 4.2).

A positive (c)anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody test and a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate together with a characteristic clinical picture are highly suggestive of WG. However, the diagnosis is confirmed with histol-

Wytske J. Fokkens, Bas Rinia and Christos Georgalas

Fig. 4.1  Patients with nasal granulomatosis. This figure shows destructive/necrotising granulomatous inflammation of the septal and lateral nasal wall mucosa. ci Concha inferior, S septum

ogy and, if the nose is affected, a biopsy sample should be taken from the affected mucosa while the patient is not using corticosteroids. There is no point in taking a biopsy sample from macroscopically healthy mucosa.

Untreated WG is usually fatal. Patients should be jointly managed with a clinical immunologist. In gener-

Fig. 4.2  Patient with nasal deformity due to destruction of the septum

Pathophysiology of Inflammation in the Surgically Failed Sinus Cavity


alised disease, the induction treatment is systemic and consists of cytostatics (e.g. cyclophosphamide) combined with steroids [51, 52] After achieving remission, maintenance therapy usually consists of azathioprine (an immunosuppressant) 2 mg/kg daily. When WG is localised only to the nose, the treatment can consist of cotrimoxazol 960 mg daily and topical steroid drops or steroid ointment applied to the nasal mucosa with a cotton bud. The outcome of FESS in these cases is frequently disappointing and therefore surgery should be avoided. Reconstruction of the saddle deformity should only be considered if the disease is in complete remission. Even then, nasal surgery could induce disease recurrence [51].


Sarcoidosis is a chronic noncaseating granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology, principally affecting the (lower) respiratory tract. The overall incidence is approximately 6–10 per 100,000 [53]. Sinonasal involvement is rare, with reported incidences of 0.7–6% in the literature [54].

Most frequent complaints suggestive of nasal involvement are reduced airflow, rhinorrhoea, anosmia and crusting. Findings on examination of the nose may range from mild mucosal changes such as turbinate hypertrophy and a strawberry-like appearance of the nasal mucosa, to severe crusting, septal perforation and even a saddle-nose deformity (Fig. 4.3) [54].

A diagnosis of sarcoidosis is made on the basis of clinical findings, a plain chest X-ray (showing bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy), raised angiotensin-converting enzyme titre in serum and a biopsy of the affected mucosa.

Sarcoidosis patients with sinonasal involvement tend to have lower remission rates and to require more often long-term systemic treatment [54]. Treatment of the nose with local steroids is often not effective, and systemic treatment, in the form of oral steroids, immunosuppressants such as methotrexate (a folic acid antagonist) or azathioprine is necessary. Surgery for sinonasal sarcoidosis is controversial; although it may alleviate symptoms on the short-term, surgery alone does not eradicate the disease or prevent recurrence [55].

Churg-Strauss Syndrome

In sarcoidosis, as in Churg-Strauss syndrome, the role of surgery is controversial: It may occasionally be used concurrently with steroids and immunosuppressants; however, its effects seem to be limited to short-term symptomatic improvement.

Fig. 4.3  Patient with nasal septal perforation

Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a rare necrotising granulomatous vasculitis of unknown aetiology. It affects smallto medium-sized blood vessels. The most frequently involved organs are the nose, paranasal sinuses, lungs and peripheral nervous system. Many other organs can also be involved, such as the heart, kidneys, skin and gastrointestinal tract. The American College of Rheumatology established six criteria for the diagnosis of CSS:

1.A history of asthma.

2.Eosinophilia > 10%.

3.Mononeuropathy or polyneuropathy.

4.Non-fixed pulmonary infiltrates.

5.Paranasal sinus abnormalities.

6.Biopsy showing extravascular eosinophils.

The diagnosis of CSS is made when four or more of these criteria are present.

Clinically, the disease process can be divided into three phases: The prodromal phase, consisting of asthma possibly associated with allergic rhinitis and often complicated by sinonasal polyposis and recurrent rhinosinusitis. The second phase is characterised by peripheral blood eosinophilia and/or eosinophilic tissue infiltrates (i.e. eosinophilic pneumonia or gastroenteritis). The third phase is dominated by manifestations resulting from systemic vasculitis (i.e. polyneuropathy).

Nasal involvement is seen in approximately 69–75% of patients [56, 57]. Presenting nasal symptoms are those related to allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, NP and crusting lesions throughout the nose.





Wytske J. Fokkens, Bas Rinia and Christos Georgalas



The diagnosis can be confirmed by laboratory testing


from within the epithelial cells. An immune defect, either



(leukocytosis with more than 10% eosinophils) and tis-


in the innate or adaptive immunity, might be responsible



sue biopsy sampling (necrotising vasculitis, extravascular


for this phenomenon. Follicle-like structures and lym-



necrotising granulomas and tissue eosinophilia).


phocyte accumulations, specifically binding enterotoxins,



Since the first phase of the disease is barely distin-


can be found within the mucosal tissue. Interestingly, IgE



guishable from common chronic (allergic) rhinosinusitis


antibodies to enterotoxins can be found in the majority of





and polyposis, patients frequently undergo FESS. This


ASA-sensitive patients, including those with NP as well



does not negatively influence the disease outcome, but


as severe asthma. However, therapeutic approaches are so






revision surgery is usually needed. Once the diagnosis


far limited and empirical, and inadequate in dealing with



is made, treatment options should again be determined


this currently underestimated clinical challenge. In con-



in close consultation with a clinical immunologist. Many


clusion, these data suggest that SAEs are at least modifiers



of these patients require systemic steroids and in severe


of disease in CRS with NP [65, 66].



cases, azathioprine or cyclophosphamide for a long pe-


Another interesting finding in CRS is the formation



riod of time. Some patients might benefit from immuno-


of bacterial biofilms [67, 68]. A biofilm is defined as an



globulin or interferon-α treatment [58, 59].


organised community of bacteria, adherent to a surface






and contained in an extracellular polymeric substance






produced by the bacteria themselves (containing poly-






saccharides, nucleic acids and proteins) [69]. Because



External Factors






of the protective function of this matrix and their low











metabolism, bacteria in biofilms are less susceptible to









both innate and adaptive host defence mechanisms, as











well as to antibiotics. Biofilms allow bacteria to remain



Bacteria and Biofilms






attached to the mucosa for months to years, with inter-








The recent focus on Staphylococcus aureus enterotox-


mittent acute exacerbations. CRS possesses the hallmarks



ins (SAEs) and biofilms as central factors in the patho-


of a biofilm-mediated disease since it is a chronic disease



physiology of CRS may serve as a helpful paradigm in


that is characterised by acute exacerbations. The involved



explaining some cases of medical and surgical failure.


micro-organisms are often difficult to culture and define



Novel forms of treatment that would potentially target


and are resistant to eradication, even with directed an-



them are required.


tibiotics. Bendouah et al. evaluated semi-quantitatively






the bacterial ability to form biofilms in patients who had



The role of bacteria in chronic sinus disease is far from


undergone an FESS procedure for CRS [70]. They con-



clear. Bhattacharyya [60] showed that aerobic as well as


clude that there is a correlation between in vitro biofilm-



anaerobic species could be cultured from both diseased


producing capacity by both S.. aureus and P.. aeruginosa



and non-diseased sinuses. Polymicrobial colonisation is


and unfavourable evolution after FESS, as determined



often found. The most frequently cultured “pathogens”


by symptom scores and endoscopic signs. This suggests



in CRS appear to be coagulase-negative Staphylococcus


a possible role for biofilm production in chronic recalci-



species (24–80%), S.. aureus (9–33%), Streptococcus pneu-


trant sinus disease. However, the relative importance of



moniae (0–7%) and anaerobes (0–8%) [61]. Pseudomonas


these biofilms, as well as possible therapeutic strategies



aeruginosa is also cultured in some cases [62–64]. Bacte-


against biofilms, requires further investigation.



riology in patients with CRS/NP who have been medi-


Prophylactic antibacterial treatment should not differ



cally and surgically treated does not seem to differ much


much between primary and revision sinus surgery. In case



from that in untreated patients.


of severe disease and/or many recurrences, perioperative



Gram-positive S.. aureus bacteria have the innate capa-


treatment specifically targeted against cultured pathogens



bility of releasing classical and egc-locus-derived entero-


is suggested. Together with topical and/or systemic anti-



toxins, which show superantigen activity and effectively


inflammatory treatment, this maximises the chances of



modify the functions of T and B cells, eosinophils and


healing of the affected mucosa.



other inflammatory and structural cells. The stimulation





may lead to a type 2 T-helper (TH)-cell-polarised eosin-





ophilic inflammation as well as a multiclonal immuno-









globulin E (IgE) production, exacerbating airway disease








in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Recently, S..


There is controversy regarding the role of fungi in the



aureus has been demonstrated to reside intra-epithelially


pathogenesis of common forms of CRS and evidence



and potentially to release superantigens into the tissue


that treatment with topical antifungals is not effective.

Pathophysiology of Inflammation in the Surgically Failed Sinus Cavity


There is increasing interest in the concept that the most common forms of sinus disease may be caused by the inflammation stimulated by airborne fungal antigens. In 1999 it was proposed that most patients with CRS exhibit eosinophilic infiltration and the presence of fungi by histology or culture [71]. This assertion was based on finding a positive fungal culture by using a new culture technique in 202 of 210 (96%) patients with CRS who were evaluated prospectively in a cohort study. Using this new culture technique, the same percentage of positive fungi cultures was found in normal controls [72].

Some authors suggest that non-IgE-mediated mechanisms underlying the response to fungal spores might be responsible for the eosinophilic inflammation seen in some individuals [73]. Shin et al. found that patients with CRS had an exaggerated humoral and TH1 and TH2 cellular response to common airborne fungi, particularly Alternaria. No increase in type I sensitivity was found in patients as compared with controls [74].

The fungal hypothesis, based of the premise of an altered local immune (non-allergic) response to fungal presence in nasal/sinus secretions resulting in the generation of chronic eosinophilic rhinosinusitis and NP [71], has led to the concept of treating CRS with and without NP with a topical antimycotic. The use of topical or systemic antifungal agents, however, has not consistently been shown to help patients with CRS [75, 76].

Environmental Factors

Cigarette smoking was shown to be associated with a higher prevalence of rhinosinusitis in Canada [77], whereas this observation was not confirmed in a nationwide survey in Korea [78]. Other lifestyle-related factors are undoubtedly involved in the chronic inflammatory processes of rhinosinusitis. For instance, low income was associated with a higher prevalence of CRS [77]. Despite in vitro data demonstrating the toxicity of pollutants on respiratory epithelium, there is no convincing evidence of a causal link between pollutants and toxins, such as ozone, and CRS.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Disorders

Patients with acquired immunodeficiency (patients with AIDS and bone marrow transplant recipients) tend to present with CRS associated with atypical pathogens. Targeted antibiotics against the causative pathogens is the mainstay of treatment, with surgery preserved only with those patients who fail medical management. However, in those patients who present

with invasive fungal disease, early and aggressive surgical and medical treatment is mandatory.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

The most common causes of acquired immunodeficiencies in patients suffering from CRS are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and bone marrow transplantation (BMT).

Patients with HIV have a higher risk of developing CRS, especially at CD4 counts below 50 cells/mm3, with reported prevalence ranging from 10 to 70% [79–81]. Many pathogens can be identified in the sinuses of HIVpositive patients with CRS. Most frequently these are

Staphylococcus (coagulase negative), P.. aeruginosa, Streptococcus and Aspergillus fumigates [81]. Clearly, first-line treatment of CRS in HIV-positive patients should be directed against the identified organism. If this targeted medical treatment fails, FESS has been reported to be beneficial in retrospective studies [79, 82].

Bone Marrow Transplantation

BMT is also a frequent cause of acquired immune deficiency. Allogeneic BMT in particular is notorious for being associated with impairment of cellular as well as humoral immunity, due to the necessity of intensive immunosuppression. Approximately 40–50% of allogeneic BMT recipients develop CRS [79, 83]. The sinus microbiology of patients with CRS after BMT reveals predominantly Gram-negative bacteria (56.7%; including P.. aeruginosa and Searratia marescens), followed by Grampositive bacteria (26.7%) and various fungi (16.6%) [84]. Again, treatment should be directed primarily against the causative pathogens. This suggests that a culture swab from the middle meatus, or a biopsy sample if necessary, should be performed in all BMT patients suffering from sinus disease. Limited surgical approaches with intensive post-operative care seems appropriate in a selected group of BMT patients with CRS who are refractory to medical treatment [85]. Nevertheless, there is insufficient data to allow us to adequately assess the role of FESS in BMT patients suffering from CRS.

Both HIV and BMT patients are at risk of developing invasive fungal rhinossinusitis, a condition that carries a high mortality rate. If this condition is detected early, combined surgical and antifungal treatment may be beneficial [86, 87].




Helicobacter pylori



and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux






Helicobacter pylori DNA has been detected in between



11% [88] and 33% [89] of sinus samples from patients



with CRS, but not from controls. Although this suggest a



link, no causal relationship has been established.





A better understanding of the pathophysiology of mucosal inflammation in patients with CRS, including the role of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 in healing may help us in the future in selecting patients who are more likely to benefit from surgery.

So far, there are only a few reports concerning underlying immunologic processes and their relation with disease intensity and sinus surgery outcome.

Both CRS and NP are characterised by abundant mucosal infiltration by inflammatory cells. In CRS these are predominantly neutrophils and eosinophils. NP is typified by a uniquely eosinophilic inflammation. In both CRS and NP the eosinophilic influx is higher in asthmatic patients when compared with non-asthmatic patients [15–18, 21]. This difference in eosinophilic influx is even more marked in ASA-intolerant patients [19, 20, 22, 90]. Eosinophilia seems to be correlated with disease severity [91] and prognosis [92]. This correlation between the extent of eosinophilia and disease severity is also seen in the lower airways of patients with asthma. Patients with a higher degree of eosinophilia have significantly more severe symptoms and residual airway obstruction after bronchodilatory therapy [93–95].

These differences also become apparent at an immunoglobulin level. IgE levels are significantly higher in CRS patients with and without NP compared to controls [96, 97]. In CRS, the pre-operative total IgE level seems to correlate with the extent of disease as assessed on pre-opera- tive CT scans of the paranasal sinuses [98]. In NP, local production of IgE is a characteristic feature, with a more then ten-fold increase of IgE-producing plasma cells in patients with NP versus controls. Analysis of specific IgE revealed a multiclonal IgE response in NP tissue and IgE antibodies to SAEs in about 30–50% of the patients. In NP patients with concomitant asthma or ASA intolerance this is even higher: 60–80% [99]. Patients with high IgE levels also have significantly more extensive eosinophilic inflammation [15].

MMP-9 is an endopeptidase that degrades gelatin types 1 and 4, and collagen types 4 and 5. By actively degrading those extracellular matrix components it may be involved in tissue-remodelling processes in chronic sinus

Wytske J. Fokkens, Bas Rinia and Christos Georgalas

disease [100]. In CRS and NP, MMP-9 is significantly higher compared to healthy controls. Also, the pre-opera- tive level of MMP-9 is related to the healing process after surgery, with patients with lower MMP-9 levels demonstrating better mucosa healing. This holds true for MMP- 9 concentration in nasal lavages [101], as well as MMP-9 expression in the extracellular matrix [100]. After sinus surgery, the level of MMP-9 rises. Again, the lowest increases are seen in patients with better healing mucosa. MMP-9 might be a potential factor to predict and monitor mucosal healing quality after sinus surgery. Inflammatory cells represent the major source of increased MMP-9 expression, which is linked to poor healing quality.


It appears that the “inflammatory state” of the paranasal sinus mucosa is negatively correlated with the outcome after sinus surgery. More extensive inflammation, which is seen for example in (ASA-intolerant) asthmatic patients, significantly reduces the healing quality of the mucosa. In order to reduce the need for revision sinus surgery to a minimum, it is thus crucial to simultaneously reduce tissue inflammation at the time of FESS. This can be achieved by topical steroid treatment, nasal lavages and if necessary, systemic steroids, combined with systemic antibiotics.


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Pathophysiology of Inflammation in the Surgically Failed Sinus Cavity


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Chapter  5

Medical Management after Primary


Surgery Failure and Preoperative

Medical Management

Jan Gosepath

Core Messages

Despite growing evidence of common pathways in underlying immunologic deficiencies or sensitizations, medical therapy has still to address a spectrum of potentially causative etiologic factors of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).

A complete etiological workup is the key to defining an individualized medical treatment protocol suitable to prevent or reduce the risk of repeated recurrence after primary surgery failure.

In postoperative medical management, effective topical treatment should be combined with well-tol- erated, long-term systemic therapy as the causative mechanisms in CRS always represent a systemic disease.

Disturbances of the arachidonic acid pathway and consecutive pathologic leukotriene release have been identified as a common pathway and frequent driving force behind mucosal inflammatory disease of the upper as well as the lower airway, especially, but not only, in patients with aspirin intolerance.

Aspirin desensitization can be performed successfully and, using a novel low-dose protocol, can be applied as a life-long treatment. As this is effective at the enzyme level of the arachidonic acid pathway, it is more causative and, based on clinical trials, more effective than leukotriene antagonists.



Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.   37

Etiological Evaluation


and Preoperative Medical Treatment  . . . . . . .


Preoperative Medical Treatment  . . . . . . . .


Postoperative Care and Long-Term Medical


Management to Prevent Recurrence  . . . . . . .

.   40

Topical and Systemic Steroids  . . . . . . . . .


Topical Antifungal, Antiseptic, or Antibiotic


Treatment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.   40

Systemic Antibiotics and Antihistamines  . . . .

.   41

Aspirin Desensitization  . . . . . . . . . . . .


Future Directions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.   42


A difficult challenge in treating chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is to offer patients with recurrent disease after previous surgical treatment a therapeutic concept that addresses individually relevant etiological factors, but is based on well-standardized criteria and validated pathways of medical therapy. So far, regardless of the surgical technique applied, a fair amount of patients, especially those with polypoid changes, will at some point in time present with recurrent disease.

Until today, we have not succeeded in elaborating a universal causative medical treatment for recurrent – especially polypous – CRS that would reverse the disease process and make a surgical revision obsolete. The goal therefore is to evaluate the individual constellation of pathophysiological aspects of a patient. An emerging development with increasing relevance for the future is the application of in vitro assays validated to individually test patients for the relevance of single etiologic factors. This

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