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4.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 3 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

5.Translate the given abstract into English.

Отличия от американских методов

За рубежом наиболее распространена схема детализированного анализа нефтяных смесей, разработанная Американским горным бюро и Американским нефтяным институтом (метод ISBM-API). По этой схеме, наряду с адсорбционным разделением нефтяной смеси на углеводороды, от них также отделяют с применением соответствующей ионообменной и так называемой лигандообменной хроматографии нафтеновые кислоты и азотсодержащие вещества в виде комплексов с различными соединениями.

Результаты исследований закладываются в банки данных инфор- мационно-поисковых систем, с помощью которых можно быстро устанавливать типы изучаемых нефтей (по физико-химческим характеристикам и сравнению с аналогами), оценивать выходы и свойства любых заданных (по температурам кипения) фракций и др.


Нефть занимает ведущее место в мировом топливноэнергетическом балансе: доля ее в общем потреблении энергоресурсов составляет 48 %. В перспективе эта доля будет уменьшаться вследствие возрастания применения атомной и иных видов энергии, а также увеличения стоимости добычи.

В связи с быстрым развитием в мире химической и нефтехимической промышленности потребность в нефти увеличивается не только с целью повышения выработки топлив и масел, но и как источника ценного сырья для производства синтетических каучуков и волокон, пластмасс, ПАВ, моющих средств, пластификаторов, присадок, красителей и др. (более 8 % от объема мировой добычи). Среди получаемых из нефти исходных веществ для этих производств наибольшее применение нашли: парафиновые углеводороды – метан, этан, пропан, бутаны, пентаны, гексаны, а также высокомолекулярные (10–20 атомов углерода в молекуле); нафтеновые – циклогексан; ароматические углеводороды – бензол, толуол, ксилолы, этилбензол; олефиновые и диолефиновые – этилен, пропилен, бутадиен; ацетилен. Истощение ресурсов нефти, рост цен на нее и др. причины вызвали интенсивный поиск заменителей жидких топлив.

6. Translate the following words and combinations into Russian.

Barrel Crude oil Density


Development Annular space Blowout preventer Casing

Casing string Christmas tree Collar Cuttings Derrick

Deviated drilling Drill bit Drilling mud Drilling rig Joint

Kick Perforation Pit



To complete To kill Tubing

Acoustic (sonic) logging Core

Conductivity Core plug Density logging

Formation evaluation Gamma ray logging Log

Logging Logging run Mud logging Neutron logging Openhole Resistivity

Resistivity logging Sidewall core Sonde

SP logging Whole sore Wireline logging

7. Prepare a separate list of words and expressions and their translation based on materials for your individual work (no less than 100 words and expressions).



1. Translate the given abstract into Russian.

Geology is an important way of understanding the world around us, and it enables scientists to predict how our planet will behave. Scientists and others use geology to understand how geological events and earth's geological history affect people, for example, in terms of living with natural disasters and using the earth's natural resources. As the human population grows, more and more people live in areas exposed to natural geologic hazards, such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and landslides. Some geologists use their knowledge to try to understand these natural hazards and forecast potential geologic events, such as volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. They study the history of these events as recorded in rocks and try to determine when the next eruption or earthquake will occur. They also study the geologic record of climate change in order to help predict future changes. As human population grows, geologists' ability to locate fossil and mineral resources, such as oil, coal, iron, and aluminum, becomes more important.

One of the guiding principles of geology is the principle of recycling materials, or using materials many times. All processes in geology can be viewed as a series of mostly closed cycles. The energy that drives geologic recycling comes from two sources: the sun and the earth's interior. Rock cycle is one of the examples of a geologic cycle.

The rock cycle begins as rocks are uplifted, or pushed up by tectonic forces. The exposed rocks erode as a result of surface processes, such as rain and wind. The eroded particles, or sediment, travel by wind or moving water until they are deposited, and the deposited material settles into layers. Additional sediment may compact the layers into sedimentary rocks.

2.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 1 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

3.Translate the given abstract into Russian.

With the petroleum industry's desire to produce oil and gas more efficiently, a field of specialization has developed called Petroleum Reservoir Engineering. This new science which can be traced back the mid 1930's has been built up on scientific and practical experience from field and laboratory. The reservoir engineer in the multi-disciplinary perspective of modem oil and gas field management is located at the heart of many of the activities. The reservoir engineers fulfills a central coordinating role in which data are received from others, processed and the interpreted results communicated to interested parties. Structural and other maps are obtained from the geophysicists and geologists, and formation properties – net pay thicknesses, poros-


ities and fluid saturations – from the petrophysicists. The reservoir engineers assimilate these with their own data (core permeability distributions, PVT (pressure/volume/temperature) fluid properties and interpreted well testing results) to construct some form of model, simple or complex, dependent on the quantity and quality of the data available. It is used to predict the likely performance of the field under a variety of possible development scenarios.

There is a close contact with the production people. They are responsible for ensuring that the fluids reach the surface and pass through the production facilities in the most efficient manner. At the end of the day, the initial development study results (in terms of production profiles of oil, gas and water and injection profiles for water and/or gas) are presented to the managers.

4.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 3 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

5.Translate the given abstract into English.

Исторические сведения о нефти

Нефть известна человечеству с древнейших времен. Раскопками на берегу Евфрата установлено существование нефтяного промысла за 6000–4000 лет до н. э. В то время ее применяли в качестве топлива, а нефтяные битумы – в строительном и дорожном деле. Нефть известна была и Древнему Египту, где она использовалась для бальзамирования покойников. Плутарх и Диоскорид упоминают о нефти, как о топливе, применявшемся в Древней Греции. Около 2000 лет назад было известно о ее залежах в Сураханах около Баку. К 16 в. относится сообщение о «горючей воде – густе», привезенной с Ухты в Москву при Борисе Годунове. Несмотря на то, что начиная с 18 в., предпринимались отдельные попытки очищать нефть, все же она использовалась почти до 2-й половины 19 в. в основном в натуральном виде. На нефть было обращено большое внимание только после того, как было доказано в России заводской практикой братьев Дубининых (с 1823), а в Америке химиком Б. Силлиманом (1855), что из нее можно выделить керосин – осветительное масло, подобное фотогену, получившему уже широкое распространение и вырабатывавшемуся из некоторых видов каменных углей и сланцев. Этому способствовал возникший в середине 19 в. способ добычи нефти с помощью буровых скважин вместо колодцев.

Развитие учения о нефти и нефтепереработке в России Основы учения о нефти были заложены русскими и продолжены далее

советскими учёными. Так Д.И. Менделеев впервые обратил внимание на то, что нефть является важнейшим источником химического сырья, а не только топливом; он посвятил ряд работ происхождению и рациональной переработке нефти. Ему принадлежит известное высказывание: "Сжигать


нефть – всё равно, что топить ассигнациями". Большое значение имели работы В.В. Марковникова (80-е гг. 19 в.), посвященные изучению состава нефти; им был открыт в нефти новый класс углеводородов, названный им нафтенами, и изучено строение многих углеводородов.

6. Translate the following words and combinations into Russian.

Christmas tree Collar Cuttings Derrick

Deviated drilling Drill bit Drilling mud Drilling rig Joint

Kick Perforation Pit



To complete To kill Tubing

Acoustic (sonic) logging Core

Conductivity Core plug Density logging

Formation evaluation Gamma ray logging Log

Logging Logging run Mud logging Neutron logging Openhole Resistivity

Resistivity logging Sidewall core Sonde

SP logging Whole sore Wireline logging Reservoir

Rock Saturation Sediment Source rock


To drill Viscosity Well Well bore Wellhead


7. Prepare a separate list of words and expressions and their translation based on materials for your individual work (no less than 100 words and expressions).


1. Translate the given abstract into Russian.

Crude oil, natural gas and water are the substances that are of chief concern to petroleum engineers. Although these substances sometimes occur as solids or semisolids, they occur mainly as fluids, either in the vapor (gaseous) or in the liquid phase, or quite commonly, both. The division of the well and reservoir fluids between the liquid and vapor phases depends mainly on the temperature and pressure.

The state or phase of a fluid in the reservoir usually changes with pressure, the temperature remaining substantially constant. In many cases the state or phase in the reservoir is quite unrelated to the state of the fluid when it is produced at the surface. The precise knowledge of the behavior of crude oil, natural gas, and water, singly or in combination, under static conditions or in motion in the reservoir rock and in pipes and under changing temperature and pressure, is the main concern of petroleum engineers.

Under initial reservoir conditions, the hydrocarbon fluids are in either a single-phase or a two-phase state. The single phase may be liquid phase in which all the gas present is dissolved in the oil. There are dissolved natural gas reserves as well as crude oil reserves to be estimated. On the other hand, the single phase may be a gas phase. If there are hydrocarbons vaporized in this gas phase that are recoverable as natural gas liquids on the surface, the reservoir is called gas-condensate. In this case, there are associated liquid reserves as well as the gas reserves to be estimated. Where the accumulation is in a two-phase state, the vapor phase is called the gas cap and the underlying liquid phase, the oil zone. In this case, there will be four types of reserves to be estimated: the free gas or associated gas, the dissolved gas, the oil in the oil zone, and the recoverable natural gas liquid from the gas cap. The amount of reserves is calculated from available engineering and geologic data. The estimate is updated over the producing life of the reservoir as more data become available.


2.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 1 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

3.Translate the given abstract into Russian.

With the petroleum industry's desire to produce oil and gas more efficiently, a field of specialization has developed called Petroleum Reservoir Engi- neering. This new science which can be traced back the mid 1930's has been built up on scientific and practical experience from field and laboratory.

The reservoir engineer in the multi-disciplinary perspective of modem oil and gas field management is located at the heart of many of the activities. The reservoir engineers fulfills a central coordinating role in which data are received from others, processed and the interpreted results communicated to interested parties. Structural and other maps are obtained from the geophysicists and geologists, and formation properties – net pay thicknesses, porosities and fluid saturations – from the petrophysicists. The reservoir engineers assimilate these with their own data (core permeability distributions, PVT (pressure/volume/temperature) fluid properties and interpreted well testing results) to construct some form of model, simple or complex, dependent on the quantity and quality of the data available. It is used to predict the likely performance of the field under a variety of possible development scenarios.

There is a close contact with the production people. They are responsible for ensuring that the fluids reach the surface and pass through the production facilities in the most efficient manner. At the end of the day, the initial development study results (in terms of production profiles of oil, gas and water and injection profiles for water and/or gas) are presented to the managers.

4.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 3 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

5.Translate the given abstract into English.

Методы исследований нефти

Для оценки качества нефти с целью правильного выбора наиболее рациональной схемы ее переработки применяют комплекс методов (физических, химических, физико-химических и специальных).

К общим характеристикам нефти, определяемым по стандартным методикам, относят плотность, вязкость, температуру застывания и иные физико-химические показатели, состав растворенных газов и количеств, содержание смол, смолисто-асфальтеновых веществ и твердых парафинов. Основной принцип последовательного исследования нефти сводится к комбинированию методов ее разделения на компоненты с постепенным упрощением состава отдельных фракций, которые затем анализируют разнообразными физико-химическим методами. Наиболее


распространенные методы определения первичного фракционного состава нефти – различные виды дистилляции (перегонки) и ректификации. По результатам отбора узких (выкипают в пределах 10–20 °С) и широких (50–100 °С) фракций строят так называемые кривые истинных температур кипения (ИТК) нефти, устанавливают потенциал содержания в них отдельных фракций, нефтепродуктов или их компонентов (бензиновых, керосино-газойлевых, дизельных, масляных дистиллятов, а также мазутов и гудронов), углеводородный состав, др. физикохимические и товарные характеристики. Дистилляцию проводят (до 450 °C и выше) на стандартных перегонных аппаратах, снабженных ректификационными колонками (погоноразделительная способность соответствует 20–22 теоретическим тарелкам). Отбор фракций, выкипающих до 200 °C, осуществляется при атмосферном давлении, до 320 °C – при 1,33 кПа, выше 320 °C – при 0,133 кПа. Остаток перегоняют в колбе с цилиндрическим кубом при давлении около 0,03 кПа, что позволяет отбирать фракции, выкипающие до 540–580 °С. Выделенные в результате дистилляции фракции подвергают дальнейшему разделению на компоненты, после чего различными методами устанавливают их содержание и определяют свойства.

6. Translate the following words and combinations into Russian.

Reservoir conditions Reservoir energy Reservoir engineering Reservoir pressure Residual oil Secondary recovery Solution gas drive Standard conditions Water drive Waterflooding Water-wet

Density Development Exploration Fluid Formation Hydrocarbon Permeability Petroleum

Petroleum engineer Pipeline



Rate of production


Reservoir Rock Saturation Sediment Source rock To drill Viscosity Well

Well bore Wellhead Withdrawal Gridblock History matching Material balance To match Prediction

Reservoir simulation Sensitivity

7. Prepare a separate list of words and expressions and their translation based on materials for your individual work (no less than 100 words and expressions).


1. Translate the given abstract into Russian.

Regardless of the type of reservoir, all may experience formation or ''skin'' damage during drilling or production process. Formation damage is the restricting of fluid flow as a result of an altering of the natural permeability in the immediate vicinity of the wellbore. The concept of formation damage and its prevention is discussed below.

All reservoirs have an original or natural condition of permeability as a result of subsequent faulting, etc. Regardless, the natural permeability around a wellbore is continually altered by drilling, well completion, well killing, workover and well stimulation operations conducted during the producing life of the well.

Any alteration of the natural permeability that restricts the flow of formation fluids near the wellbore is called formation or ''skin'' damage. As indicated, formation damage restricts the flow of fluids into the wellbore, reducing current production, as well as restricting or preventing the effective depletion of the reservoir.

Formation damage can occur: 1) along the sand face, 2) along the interface of a natural channel or perforation, and 3) within the formation itself. The major causes are: 1) contact with a foreign fluid, such as drilling, completion, workover or stimulation fluids, and 2) plugging by solids, such as


fluid additives, paraffin, wellbore debris and even such things as excessively applied pipe dope.

During the drilling of a well, and then later while producing it, the major objective is to minimize, reduce, or eliminate any damage to the formation. When formation damage does occur, surfactant stimulation and acidizing techniques are used to restore fluid flow into the wellbore.

2.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 1 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

3.Translate the given abstract into Russian.

All reservoirs have an original or natural condition of permeability as a result of subsequent faulting, etc. Regardless, the natural permeability around a wellbore is continually altered by drilling, well completion, well killing, workover and well stimulation operations conducted during the producing life of the well.

Any alteration of the natural permeability that restricts the flow of formation fluids near the wellbore is called formation or ''skin'' damage. As indicated, formation damage restricts the flow of fluids into the wellbore, reducing current production, as well as restricting or preventing the effective depletion of the reservoir.

Formation damage can occur: 1) along the sand face, 2) along the interface of a natural channel or perforation, and 3) within the formation itself.

The major causes are: 1) contact with a foreign fluid, such as drilling, completion, workover or stimulation fluids, and 2) plugging by solids, such as fluid additives, paraffin, wellbore debris and even such things as excessively applied pipe dope.

During the drilling of a well, and then later while producing it, the major objective is to minimize, reduce, or eliminate any damage to the formation. When formation damage does occur, surfactant stimulation and acidizing techniques are used to restore fluid flow into the wellbore.

4.Take the Russian equivalents of the underlined words and combinations in Task 3 and make up ten sentences in Russian. Translate the sentences you have made up into English.

5.Translate the given abstract into English.

Отличия от американских методов

За рубежом наиболее распространена схема детализированного анализа нефтяных смесей, разработанная Американским горным бюро и Американским нефтяным институтом (метод ISBM-API). По этой схеме, наряду с адсорбционным разделением нефтяной смеси на углеводороды, от них также отделяют с применением соответствующей ионообменной и так называемой лигандообменной хроматографии нафтеновые


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