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We generally advise people not to include _________ and

__________ because some people object to being asked these questions. Likewise, you don’t have to ___________ information about your _________ though sometimes this question may appear on the application form. It is ________ to

include all information about your ______________, including

___________ and ___________ jobs since this will give the employer some insight into your background in dealing with ____________ and working as part of the team. Of course, give all relevant information about your ___________ and include details on your involvement in

________ and __________ work, too, because this shows your

_____________. Of course, you should read the job _____ carefully and follow the instructions given there. Make sure that you get _________

from your __________ before including their names on your resume. Any questions?

5.2 Speaking. Summarize the advice offered in the text. You can also add your recommendations.

6. Reading. Read the extract from the advertisement for a job at a large banking organization. Then read through the two resumes (CVs) and decide which applicant is better suited to the job.

Mind some new words.



to take ownership of HR

взять на себя обязанности менеджера

(Human Recourse) functions

по кадрам


вопрос, проблема



to maintain


leave and sick benefits

выплаты по нетрудоспособности и


при увольнении

to participate








to recruit, recruitment

набирать (набор) на работу

M.A. (B.A.)

ученая степень магистра (бакалавра)

letters of invitation

пригласительные письма

to interview

проводить собеседование

Library Support

сотрудник библиотеки

circulation desk

стол выдачи литературы в библиотеке


Work as part of a team to take ownership of all HR functions within the bank including staff development, training, and all issues concerning staff welfare.

Maintain all staff documents including contracts, leave, and sick benefits.

Participate in internal and external recruitment procedures.

Applicant 1

Applicant 2





1982-84 Community College Diploma in Business

Short courses in various aspects of HR and computer programs


1996-2011 Rights General Trading

Human Resources Manager

Responsibility for all HR staff management

Recruitment supervisor

Adviser on all staff

development issues 1984-96 RFC Food Co. Human Resources Support Assistant


Employee contracts

Organization of staff personal development


2006-2008 University of Birmingham

M.A. in Human Recourses Management

2003-06 University in Cincinnati B.A. Business Administration – special focus on Finance


2008-2011 More Mortgages Co. assistant in HR Department (temporary)

Preparing documents and maintaining files on all applicants

Sending letters of

invitation to interview short-listed applicants

2006-2008 Library Support

Afternoon duties at circulation desk

Organizing books on shelves

7 (15).Listening. Listen to two people from the Human Research Department discussing the two applicants. Mark the positive points for each applicant.

Mind some new words.

to be impressed with

быть под впечатлением

short in smth

с нехваткой чего-либо

up-to-date theoretical

современные теоретические знания









mortgage company

ипотечная компания


to make arrangements

делать приготовление, планировать





Applicant 1

Applicant 2

overall qualifications



specific courses



years of experience



range of responsibilities



experience related to finance






team power



8.Writing. Now, using the ideas and advices contained in this lesson, write your own resume.

9.Reading. Read the text and explain the words in bold.

A Credit Card

A credit card is part of a system of payments. It is named after the small plastic card issued to users of the system. It entitles its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services. The issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the user). So the user can borrow money for payment.

Most credit cards are issued by local banks or credit unions.

When a purchase is made, the credit card user agrees to pay the card issuer. The cardholder indicates consent to pay by signing a receipt with a record of the card details and indicating the amount to be paid or by entering a personal identification number (PIN). Also, many merchants now accept verbal authorizations via telephone and electronic authorization using the Internet, known as a 'Card/Cardholder Not Present' (CNP) transaction.

The main benefit to each customer is convenience. Compared to debit cards and checks, a credit card allows small short-term loans to be quickly made to a customer. The customer need not calculate a balance remaining before every transaction. Credit cards also provide more fraud protection than debit cards.


Additionally, carrying a credit card may be a convenience to some customers, as it eliminates the need to carry any cash for most purposes.

Credit cards with low introductory rates are limited to a fixed term, usually between 6 and 12 months after which a higher rate is charged. As all credit cards assess fees and interest, some customers become so encumbered with their credit debt service that they are driven to bankruptcy. Credit cards will often stipulate a default rate of 20 to 30 percent in the event a payment is missed. That is, if a consumer misses a payment, the rate will automatically increase to a very burdensome level.


to entitle – давать право

a line of credit – кредитная линия

a receipt – расписка в получении, квитанция introductory rate -

to assess fee – взимать плату за услуги

to encumber – затруднять, обременять долгами to stipulate – оговаривать; ставить условием burdensome – обременительный

a default rate – неуплата задолженности по кредиту

10. Give Russian equivalents: a cardholder

a consent

fraud protection a debit card

to provide

11. Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps, then use them to make sentences:

default, verbal, fraud, short-term, local, card

1._____ authorization

2._____ issuer

3._____ protection

4._____ rate

5._____ loan


6. _____ bank

12.Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text:

1.The issuer of the card grants ….. to the consumer.

2.A credit card allows …. to be quickly made to a customer.

3.Carrying a credit card ….. the need to carry any cash.

4.In the event a payment is missed credit cards often stipulate ….. .

13.Answer the questions:

1.What does a credit card entitle its holder to?

2.What does the card issuer grant to the user?

3.How does the card holder indicate consent to pay for a purchase?

4.What is the difference between credit cards and debit cards?

14. Use words/phrases from the list to help you retell the text:

To entitle, to grant a line of credit, to indicate consent, to sign a receipt, short-term loans, fraud protection, to stipulate a default rate


Audio Scripts

Unit 1 Listening 7(3)

In 1999 the minimum wage was set at £3.60 an hour for adults and £3.00 for young workers aged between eighteen and twenty-one. Surveys showed that most employers wanted the minimum wage to be

£3.50, but at least they are pleased the government did not set it at £4.00 as many workers demanded.

Unit 1 Listening 8(4)

The most expensive place to live in Europe is Oslo. In the world ranking it comes in fifth position. Paris is another expensive European city and comes in at seventh place in the world ranking. London is in tenth place – a dramatic move from the previous year when it was in twenty-eighth place. Surprisingly, Stockholm is cheaper than London and comes in at thirteenth position. Dusseldorf and Lyon both come lower down at twenty-first position and Frankfurt is in twenty-sixth place.

Unit 1 Listening 9(5)

Annual holidays vary greatly from country to country. The Spanish take an average of 32.1 days holiday per year compared with the Hungarians and the British who have only 22.1 days – just over four working weeks. In the Czech Republic, annual holidays are even less generous, with the average number of days at just 19.5.

Unit 1 Listening 10(6)

RA=Robyn Alton, MM=Matthew Mead


RA: It surprises me that people spend 22% of their income on food and drink. I spend approximately 10% of my income on food and drink in a year.

MM: Uh hu. I spend about 14%, I’d say, so a bit more than you, but, er, less than the pie chart. It seems a lot, doesn’t it?

RA: It seems a lot. What about housing?

MM: Housing; I spend about 27%, erm which is quite a lot, it’s a lot of my income, er for one area, but I am buying a second house, so it costs more money. Transport seemed quite high, I thought, er 15.7% for transport. I spend only about 6 or 7%. What about you?

RA: I spend 15% erm of my total income on transportation, er so that didn’t surprise me, that figure. What about household goods and services?

MM: Well, I’ve only got 4%, but erm, I am not doing much work on my house at the moment, so it’s not a great deal of my income.

What about you?

RA: I spend 12% on household goods and services; I spend erm money on decorating, gardening, erm so that’s a large part of my expenditure.

MM: Right. I spend about 16% - 15 or 16% on leisure goods and services, so about the same as the pie chart.

RA: That’s similar to me. I spend about 15%.

MM: Right. That’s on going to the gym, spots, maybe some


RA: That’s, that’s very similar for me. What about tobacco? I’ve, I spend 0% on tobacco.


MM: Mmm, I don’t smoke, so it’s not an important part for me, and er 2% seems very high.

RA: It seems to me too.

Unit 2 Listening 4(7)

1.The Starbird Group received good news this morning. The company, which owns over a hundred hotels in Great Britain, has agreed to sell 30% of its shares to Italian entrepreneur Luigi Vieri. The shares were valued at £70 million. Shares in the group rose on the London Stock Exchange. They closed at £3.50.

2.The Swedish furniture company IKEA has a new way of paying its employees their annual bonus. The money from all of today’s sales will be shared between the staff.

3.The Bank of England today announced an increase of a quarter of one percent in its base rate. Banks immediately announced increases in interest rates. Shares fell as a result of this news.

4.It was announced today that AGF, France’s second largest insurance company, will be taken over by Allianz to create a large panEuropean insurance company. The headquarters of the new group will be in Germany.

Unit 4 Listening 3(9)

In the period from February to March, the following price changes were noted. The price of milk went up from a dollar fifty to a dollar sixty a quart while the price of an 18-ounce container of yogurt stayed the same at two dollars and fifty cents. The price of the loaf of bread increased slightly from three dollars to three dollars and five cents. Sugar also went up in price from one dollar a pound to one dollar and five cents. The price of apples saw a twenty-cent increase. A pound


cost two dollars in February and two dollars and ten cents in March. Tea also went up. The price of a box of 100 tea bags went from two dollars twenty to two dollars thirty cents. The only item to go down in price was coffee. An 18-ounce can cost four dollars in February and three dollars and fifty cents in March.

Unit 5 Listening 5(11)

Int = Interviewer, KJ = Keith Jackson

Int: The global market place is very competitive; how can a company become a market leader?

KJ: Well, I think basically by having a good product and using good marketing. But to become a market leader there are three main strategies, I think – cost, so reducing cost, producing more cheaply, selling more cheaply; er differentiation – that is making your products appear very special in the market place, and innovation – so finding new products and new ways to market products, which is particularly important in the, as you said, the global market.

Unit 5 Listening 5(12)

Int: Can we take a concrete example and look at the soft drinks market? Can you explain how these three factors work?

KJ: Fine, well if you look at erm, cost as focus, or a cost-focus strategy, erm let’s take cola for example, erm we know that big supermarket chains in the UK – Safeways or Tescos or Sainsbury’s – they produce their own cola and can sell it more cheaply than CocaCola, for example. Erm differentiation, I mean, a good example is, I think, Tango; they’ve managed to penetrate the market and be competitive by using a very interesting and rather wacky advertising campaign for their product. Erm, and innovation, for example, Virgin we know of as er a music or airline company; they also own cinemas,


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