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7., , .

VII Practise asking questions.

Ask all possible questions to the different members of the sentence.

1.Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages.

2.In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systems of these countries.

VIII Speak on the topic “The Internet”

IX Rendering

1. Read the text “Scientific and Technological Progress” and be ready to answer the following questions:

1)What can you say about computer literacy?

2)What do computers give people?

3)Who are computer addicts – boys or girls?

4)Is there any opinion about computer games?

5)Is there any reason the worry about computer addiction?

6)Do computers improve our social life?

Text B Who are computer users

Computer addicts are the minority of computer users but there is no doubt that more and more young people are computer literate. Computer studies is a subject in many schools and many young people have personal computers. About one in three hundred computer owners spend almost all their time using computers.

Ninety six per cent of them are males of all ages. All of them spend an average of twenty hours per week on home computers. The majority of the adults also use computers at work. All the computer addicts are very intelligent. They have been interested in science and technology from a very early age, and they are usually very shy people who like being alone.

Usage of computers gives them confidence. They love debugging and solving problems, developing programs and love learning programming languages. They learnt to communicate with other users through computer networks and the people

they met in school and work think of them as of computer experts. A few spend their time "hacking" and one addict left a message on a computer of Buckingham House. A survey in a school showed that fewer girls are interested in computers because girls are less likely to have a computer. Even if they have one, they use them less frequently than boys. Possibly it is because we think of computers as something to do with maths and science, which are traditionally "male" subjects. Possibly it is because most of the computer teachers are men, who give the girls less attention. Possibly parents think it is less important for girls to have computer skills.

Some parents worry about computer games because they think their children won't be able to communicate with real people in the real world. But parents do not need to worry. According to research computer addicts usually do well after they have left school.

Parents also do not need to worry that computer addiction will make their children become unfriendly and unable to communicate with people. It is not the computer that makes them shy. In fact, what they know about computers improves their social lives. They become experts and others come to them for help and advice.

For most children computer games are a craze. Like any other craze, such as skateboarding, the craze is short-lived. It provides harmless fun and a chance to escape.

If we didn't have these computer addicts, we wouldn't have modern technology. They are the inventors of tomorrow.

2.Make a plan of the text.

3.Translate the part of the text in italics in a written form.

4.Retell the text according to your plan.

Comprehension skills.

X Listen to the text “Business on the Internet”

Remember the words:

conduct business –

handling goods –

a substitute –

consumer –

field –

ease –

price calculations –

competitive market –

medium –

advertising –

sale –

purchasing –

turnover -


Define if the statements are True or False:


These days you cannot conduct business without in reality handling goods or cash.


E-commerce operates only from business to business.


Sending data over a network is less efficient than traditional methods.


The Internet is a management tool that is accessible to all businesses.


Answer the questions:

Does business-to-business e-commerce include electronic data exchange, a speedy, automated, system of information exchange between companies, working closely together?

3. What is E-business in reality?

Unit 5

Text A Computer Types

I. Read and translate the text using the vocabulary

There are a lot of terms used to describe computers. Most of these words imply the size, expected use or capability of the computer. While the term computer can be applied to virtually any device that has a microprocessor in it, most people think of a computer as a device that receives input from the user through a mouse or keyboard, processes it in some fashion and displays the result on a screen.

•PC - The personal computer defines a computer designed for general use by one person.

Desktop - A PC that is not designed for portability. The expectation with desktop systems is that you will set the computer up in a permanent location. Most desktops offer more power, storage and versatility for less cost than portable brethren.

« Laptop - Also called notebooks, laptops are portable computers that integrate the display, keyboard, a pointing device or trackball, processor, memory, and hard drive disk in a battery-operated package slightly larger than an average hardcover book.

Palmtops (handhelds) are tightly integrated computers that often use flash memory instead of a hard drive for storage. These computers usually do not have keyboards but rely on touch screen technology for user input. Palmtops are typically smaller than a paperback novel, very lightweight with a reasonable battery life.

Workstation - A desktop computer that has a more powerful processor, additional memory and enhanced capabilities for performing a special group of tasks, such as 3D Graphics.

Server - A computer that has been optimized to provide services to other computers over a network. Servers usually have powerful processors, lots of memory and large hard drives.

Mainframe - In the early days of computing, mainframes were huge computers that could fill an entire room or even a whole floor! As the size of computers has diminished while the power has increased, the term mainframe has fallen out of use in favour of enterprise server.

Supercomputer - This type of computer usually costs hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Although some supercomputers are single computer systems, most are comprised of multiple high performance computers working in parallel as a single system. The best known supercomputers are built by Cray Supercomputers. In fact, for many years supercomputer customers were an exclusive group: agencies of the federal government. The federal government uses supercomputers for tasks that require mammoth data manipulation, such as worldwide weather forecasting and weapons research. But now supercomputers are moving toward the mainstream, for activities as varied as stock analysis, automobile design, special effects for movies, and even sophisticated artworks

•Wearable - The latest trend in computing is wearable computers. Essentially, common computer applications (e-mail, database, multimedia, and calendar/scheduler) are integrated into watches, cell phones, visors and even clothing!


term –

to imply –

virtually –

to receive –

to display – ,

in some fashion –

designed –

portability –

power –

versatility –

laptop –

to integrate –

average –

flash memory –

to provide –

to diminish –

in favour –

to comprise –

multiple –

mammoth –

weapons –

mainstream –

sophisticated –

wearable –

visor –

clothing -

II Answer the following questions:

1)What do the terms used to describe computers imply?

2)What do common people think of a computer?

3)What is the difference between RC and Desktop?

4)What are specifications of a Laptop?

5)What kind of memory is used in Palmtops?

6)What is Workstation?

7)How is Server characterized?

8)How large were mainframes in the early days of computing. What is enterprise server?

9)What is a Supercomputer and how is it used nowdays?

10)What is the latest trend in computing?

III Match the terms:

PC –









enhanced capabilities.





Desktop –

designed for general use by one person.



Laptop –

called notebook.





Palmtops –

provides services to other computers over a network.


Workstation –

a PC that is not designed for portability.



Server –

the latest trend in computing.




Mainframe –

a PC that designed for portability.




Supercomputer – often uses flash memory.




Wearable –

a single computer system.




IV Translate into Ukrainian:

virtually, device, receive, mouse, keyboard, display, designed, portable, integrate, hard drive, battery-operated package, powerful, mainframe, weather forecasting, sophisticated artworks.

V Translate into English:

, , , , ,

, , , , , ,

, , .

VI Translate the sentences into English:

1), ,


2)– , .



5)– , , ,






VII Practise asking questions. Ask all possible questions to the different members of the sentence.

1)The personal computer defines a computer designed for general use by one person.

2)Now supercomputers are moving toward the mainstream, for varied as stock analysis, automobile design, special effects for movies, and even sophisticated artworks.

VIII Speak on the topic “Computer Types”

IX Rendering

1. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions:

1)What can you do using a laptop?

2)What fields are laptop used in?

3)Do teachers use laptops in the classroom for lectures?

4)What do students use Laptops for?

5)How can one entertain oneself by laptop using?

6)What are the benefits of laptop computers?

Text B Laptop Computers

What They Can Do. A laptop is a full-blown, genuine computer that can do anything a’ desktop computer can do. For example, you can do programming, word

processing, spreadsheets, databases, accounting and multimedia presentations. The portability of laptops allows you to do many things that you cannot do with a desktop. For example, you can write your sales proposal, article or business presentation while travelling on a plane or commuting on the bus or train or subway. We will discuss some examples of laptop uses in the following fields: education, entertainment, law, enforcement, amateur astronomy, navigation, business.

Students and educators have found that laptops answer a lot of their needs. In fact, some colleges and universities that require incoming freshmen to have computers recommend laptops. Teachers have found a variety of uses for laptops, too. In college, where lectures to large classes are commonplace, many professors can use their laptops, along with other audiovisual equipment, to project slides or lecture notes. And as technology creeps further into public elementary, middle and high schools, there is a growing trend toward teachers using laptops in the classroom for lectures.

Students can use laptop computers to take notes during lectures; this is more common in college than in lower schools. However, many special education students do use laptops for taking notes, or to run specialized software, such as hearing interpreters. In both colleges and lower schools, science students can use laptops for gathering data from laboratory experiments. Laptops can also be taken into the field to gather data. In addition to laptops, scientific calculators and PDAs (palmtops) can also be equipped for taking these types of measurements.

Laptops are becoming quite commonly used for business and for pleasure. Because most laptops either have standard or optional internal CD-ROM or DVD drives, you can play music CDs or movie DVDs on your laptop. Imagine sitting on a long flight or train commute during which you can type your presentation for work, and listen to your own music CD. Or perhaps you're on a plane and you don't like the in flight movie; if your laptop has a DVD drive, you can just watch your own movie and enjoy! Many police cars are now equipped with laptop computers. Police officers can use laptops to type incident reports immediately at the scene, rather than take notes and type the reports later. This time saving feature allows them more time to patrol. Furthermore, police can also use laptops with wireless connections to central police headquarters to check such things as criminal records, vehicle registrations and outstanding warrants, which saves time and can assist in making arrests.

Because laptop computers are so portable, amateur astronomers can take them easily to observing sites. Computers can be used to drive telescopes to various celestial objects. When sailing and boating, it is essential to know precisely where you are on the water. On small boats, space is a premium; they cannot have chartrooms or large chart tables. Some may say that the business field has benefited the most from the laptop computer. Salespeople can use the laptop to make presentations to customers, access company data over the Internet and process orders while on the road. At trade shows and conventions, it is easy to setup a laptop for a multimedia presentation of your company's products and services.

2. Make a plan of the text.

3.Translate the part of the text in italics in a written form.

4.Retell the text according to your plan.

Comprehension skills.

X Listen to the text “Laptops Power Supply”:

Remember the words:

power supply –

AC power –

rechargeable battery –

to consume –

power management software –

to extend –

conserve –

to run –

to plug –

quit –


1. Define if the statements are True or False:

1) What makes the Laptop unique is that it is not portable. 2) Laptops are powered by batteries.

3) All Laptops use some types of rechargeable battery.

4) The battery life does not vary depending on the type of rechargeable battery.

2. Answer the questions:

Does frequent use of disk drives consume a lot of battery power? What do many laptop models have power management software to?

Unit 6

Text A Computerized Clothing

I. Read and translate the text using the vocabulary

Almost every day we learn about new computing devices (such as mobile telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), MP3 audio players) that are designed to be carried around by the user. Scientists at the Massachusetts institute of Technology are currently investigating the potential uses of computer processors that are the size of a grain of sand. Already garment manufacturers are seeing the need to accommodate

this new technology in their products. Pockets designed to carry mobile 'phones are being designed into jackets and trousers - Levis/Philips have even included a control system for mobile 'phones and MP3 players in their latest range of outdoor clothing. We are used to our computers knowing who we are. In the future our computers will also know where we are, what we are doing and how we are feeling.

Biosensors, such as heart rate and skin conductivity monitors, are able to measure 'how' well we are.

We expect that computing devices and sensors will become integrated into the clothes associated with particular activities: running shorts monitoring and recording heart rate and location; a business suit with a phone interface in the lapel and PDA display on the sleeve; an anorak with location sensing and electronic compass.

Garments will need to support these devices in many different ways. We nave already seen the introduction of pockets for computerised technology, and experiments have been carried out with electrically conductive fibres, such as silk organza, and with fabrics incorporating metals for hygienic purposes as well as for interconnectivity. There are three other aspects which researchers are investigating which could transform the ways in which we use our clothing. These take advantage of the proximity of our clothes to our hands (to provide control input surfaces); the shape and movement of our clothes (to monitor our actions); the visibility of clothes (to provide display surfaces).

The conventional computer keyboard is obviously unsuitable for day-to-day wear. Using speech to control our wearable computer is an ideal solution. The solution to our immediate needs and for future discrete control could lie in touches sensitive fabrics. Fibres that can detect pressure and orientation could provide data to help derive facts about the user's activity. In practice the user would have to train the clothing to recognise various activities and thereafter the computer would be able to judge the appropriateness of alerting the user to potential valuable information. ElekTex™ is a smart fabric that provides pressure readings according to force and area.

Electro Textiles is a switching and sensing company that combines expertise in electronics, software, fabric structures and production engineering.

DuPont and Cambridge Display Technology are actively researching water-thin flexible displays made of light-emitting conductive polymers that could replace newsprint. The ability fabrics to act as displays not only have uses for the wearer, but also for others. Continued development of computer technology is leading to the feasibility of intelligent devices that can be embedded into garments. Research into the application of these devices has revealed a number of potential uses that will be of appeal to consumers.

Vocabulary –

garment manufacturers –

to accommodate –

pocket –

jacket – ,

trousers – ,

control system –

outdoor clothing –

heart rate –

to monitor –

associated –

particular –

suit –

lapel –

sleeve –

anorak –

compass –

garment –

support – ,

to conduct –

fibre –

silk –

fabric –

to incorporate –

hygienic –

interconnectivity -

researcher –

to investigate –

advantage –

proximity –

surface –

shape –

clothes –

visibility –

conventional – ,

to wear –

speech –

wearable –

solution –

immediate needs –

discrete –

touches sensitive –

to detect –

pressure –

derive – ,

to recognise –

thereafter –

to judge –

appropriateness –

alerting –