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14."Ready?" said the old gentleman inquiringly, when his guests had been washed, mended, brushed and brandied.

15."I think you had better be going back," he said. "It's rather late.


may be missing you." Maud laughed happily. "I don't mind now what they do. But I suppose dinners must be dressed for, whatever happens."

16."The weather report promises heavy snow moving in from the west," he said. It will be here by evening, so I'm going to New York today. By tomorrow we may be snowed in.

17.What's wrong with the way American students are taught foreign languages? Just about everything, says a report from the American Council of Education.

18.Ten years ago, government statisticians calculated that one in five children would be affected by the divorce of their parents by the age of 16. Yesterday they changed that estimate to one child in four.

19.When she came into the room it was empty and the bed had not been

slept in.

20.He was elegant, bowler-hatted and umbrellaed.

21.But I have been trained not to let a man die, if I can help it.

22.The low square stone house was set upon rocks well above the narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines.

23.By 5 p.m. the line of clouds extended from near Mineral Wells to Jemple, and was being watched by radar units at three offices of the National Weather Service.

24.But then Cambridge was interrupted by three years in a Royal Navy.

25.All through the nineteenth century, America, Africa, India, Australia and parts of Europe were being developed largely by British capital, and British shareholders were thus being enriched by the world's movement towards industrialization.

26.No young people were of any importance. Young people's opinions were not consulted and weren't expected to be given either without being asked for.

24. Однородные члены предложения в различной сочетаемости

1. Не was wearing gray flannel slacks, a white shirt, a blue cardigan, and a look of surprise.


2.There were no women in the firm. That mistake had been made in midseventies, when they recruited the number one grad from Harvard, who happened to be a she and a wizard at taxation.

3.One evening, our friends took us to the Pizzeria Sfera, where I ate one of the best pizza 1 have ever tasted. The pizzeria is a ten-minute walk from the centre, but worth the effort and the wait while Signor Sfera cooks.

4.The windows were high, and many, letting in the light as into a schoolroom. (D.H. Lawrence)

5.Like them, you were born poor and on a farm. (N. West)

6.It reminds me of how when I was a little boy and sleepy my father carried me from the car into the house at the end of a long trip. (J.Cheever)

7.Football and trying to be white to my fellow-men were about the extent of my college curriculum. (0. Henry)

8.Kim Brandstrup is 31 years old and a choreographer. ("G.")

9.Like many things created in Japan, this book is sturdy, well-designed and a good buy. ("NYTBR")

10.While scathing and dismissive in debate, he had the knack —

unusual in a politician — of winning both the argum ent and friends. ("G.")

11.A second Jane Sommers novel "If the God Could..." appeared last June, again to respectful reviews but meager sales. ("Nsw.")

12.At present "Scientific technology" occupies a bastard position in the universities, in funding and in the public mind. (P. Goodman)

13.Aunt Rosa fetched cold compresses, aspirins and the family


who after examining the wound prescribed aspirins and cold compresses.

(J. Barth)

14.Spotting a black cab near his home with the keys in the ignition, and needing to pay off a few household debts, Mr.Wilks jumped in and drove off. He worked the cab ranks of Victoria on the night shift. But four days later and £300 the richer, the game was up. ("G.")

15.The senior airline steward was tired. I had been a hard day looking after passengers on the British Midland service between Teeside and London and now all he wanted was a cup of tea and bed. ("T.")

16.At Corpus Christy College I was welcomed by sally Braithwaite, the

tutorial secretary. She became a good friend — she is expert on the whereabouts of the tutors and a good provider of tea and conversation.


17.Among other rooms on the second floor is the Petit Bureau, with a glistening chandelier and a view into the courtyard. ("IHT")

18.President Virgilio Barco's war on the cocaine barons won praise abroad and some success at home. ("FT")

19.The most impressive of all seaside ruins is Dunstanbur Cattle. Its tall and craggy towers might have been dreamed by Sir Walter Scott. A clamber to the top of them for the view and a deep lungful of sharp sea air is more pleasure than effort. ("FT")

20.Bengt Westerberg, the Liberal Party leader, is the nice guy of Swedish politics with home-knitted woolly jumpers and progressive views on

human rights that sometimes put him to the left of the Social Democrats.


21.After six months and ten deaths, the IRA hunger strike at the Maze prison outside Belfast seemed to be crumbling last week. ("Nsw.")

22.Malcolm Kennedy said after being arrested for drunkenness on the night of December 23 he was taken to a cell in Hammersmith police station, where he dozed off. He was later aware of another man, Patric Quin, aged 55, in cell, and of a fight between him and a policeman. ("G.")

23.Other projects include the renovation of Barcelona's shabby sea-front to make a promenade dotted with fanciful lamps and over-style- conscious

cafes — an exclusively playful, toytown conception whose benches gather dust, not strollers. ("G.")

24."I'm sorry, Patric," she had said, standing at the door of her flat, her baggage packed and visible in the hall behind her, keeping him out. (M. Spark)

25.On hearing that Mr.Profumo was away with Mr.Keeler, Mr.Ivanov visited Valerie Hobson, Mr.Profumo's actress wife, armed with two bottles of vodka and a determination to discover details of the British military machine. ("G.")

26.What present-day reformers really want is a written constitution with the citizen's rights and obligations clearly stated, and to have it available like the Highway Code, for not more than £1. ("T.")

27.The operatic works of G.Mahler are few and unimportant. ("T.")

28.President Bill Clinton arrived in California on Friday for a brief vacation and some advice from former President Ronald Reagan on how to get things accomplished during his first year in office. ("IHT")


29. Although not conventionally handsome, Cornway Twitty had chubby good looks and a busy publicity team which turned him into one of the teenage idols of his day. ("T.")

25. Герундий

1.Hearing them talk about bathing made me want to bath too.

2.At this moment, the room bore every mark of having been recently and hurriedly ransacked.

3.For some months there had been in our front only a small brigade of undisciplined troops, apparently without a commander, who were useful to us, for not disturbing them we could create an impression of our weakness.

4.Having a wife who let people know exactly what she thought was not always comfortable for him.

5.He encouraged, he almost compelled her to preserve her childishness. Keeping her a baby in spite of her age amused her. (A. Huxley)

6.Satisfying the sweet tooth of weight-conscious Americans hasn't been easy for the food industry. ("Nsw.")

7.Riding in Hyde park has been in decline since the war, and there are now only two riding stables left serving the park. ("G.")

8.It was no explanation of the old woman's having eluded us to say that she lived abroad, for our research had again and again taken us (not only by correspondence but by personal inquiry) to France, to Germany, to Italy.


9.Going to concerts was about the only thing he thoroughly enjoyed.

10.You have no one, but yourself to blame for not having asked for more detailed information.

11.Perhaps he simply couldn't bear not being the centre of attention.

12.And there was one thing Reilly could not stand, he could not stand being embarrassed. And he could not stand being made a fool of.

13.He had the sense — as he had at their first meeting — of never being able to recognize her or forgetting what she looked like when she was out of sight.

14.In seeing to whether Fleur was asleep he might wake her up.

15.On being carefully inspected the coat showed evident signs of having been worn on the preceding night.


16.Parents who want the very best for their children usually expect the best from them. By knowing what to expect, but not expecting more

than the possible, parents can help their children.

17.He, after bowing, smiling, frowning, shaking his hand in an amazingly rapid succession, walked away to eat a whole plateful of sandwiches, wash them down with beer and talk to five people at once with his mouth full.

18.These circumstances taken together prevented his seeing the matter in its proper light.

19."Are you hinting that Joe had secret life?" said Donalson. "No. But I am hinting that he could have had a secret life without any of us knowing about it."

20.All the evidence of past words and deeds is against such an agreement being possible.

26. Определения, образованные соположением

1.President Chirac prepared yesterday to fly to France's Mururoa nuclear test atoll in the Pacific.

2.I believe that TV is the least effective war reporting media because it presents images rather than a whole story.

3.Worried councillors in North Wales have called a public meeting to discuss the extent of radioactive pollution from Sellafield along the coast. The meeting was called by Gwynned county council's public protection committee after councillors heard reports of the high risk of radioactivity in the Irish sea. ("MS")

4.The Evening Star's aggressive salesmen gobbled up more than half of the burgeoning metropolitan area's lucrative newspaper advertising market.


5.Scepticism is growing in Europe over the feasibility of meeting the Soviet Union's huge food aid request, given disarray in the economy and the transfer of power to the republics. ("G.")

6.His school draws about 600 day pupils from 13 villages. Many of his boarders are service children, sometimes two of the same family. Their costs are covered by the Ministry of Defense's boarding school allowances. ("G.")

7.The British Pest Control Association warned in a report that pests carried a "devastating range of diseases," but hospital pest control budgets were being squeezed. ("MS")


8.A crisis meeting is being held in London next Monday between secretaries of the printing trade unions and the proprietors of the Daily Sketch.

9.Glasgow faces evening paper closure crisis, their guessed, but unknown perils.

10.A Government bid to attract more fast-spending foreign tourists to Britain by improving hotels was revealed in the Commons yesterday in the second day of the four-day Budget debate. A new country-wide scheme of grants for hotel extensions and improvements was


27. Придаточные в функции одного из членов предложения

1. Getting into medical school involves convincing five different groups of people that you have what it takes to become a good doctor.

2. It is beguiling that the humble pen — one of the ol dest tools of communication — has inspired what may prove to be t he next leap forward in computer technology. Pen-based computers enable users to enter or manipulate data using an electronic pen, or stylus instead of a keyboard.

3.Month after month last year the money poured out of a small neighbourhood bank here in what its president depicted as a legitimate series of loans totalling $13 million. The only trouble, investigators have now found, is that the 128 people and businesses listed as loan recipients neither applied for nor received any of the money

4.A police traffic motorcyclist stopped a man he believed to be a disqualified driver in what was probably a stolen car. ("MS")

5.Younger Koreans worry about what they consider to be Korea's increasing dependence on Japanese capital, technology and industrial goods. ("Nsw.")

6.There were ten guards in what could only be described as paramilitary uniform belonging to no recognizable army. (R. Ludlum)

1. Both composers vastly increased the definition of what is a respectable piece of music nowadays. ("Nsw.")

8. Convoys of lorries laden with food donated by German families and charted by the Red Cross and other aid organizations are to set off before the weekend on the long road to Moscow and other Soviet


cities to relieve the threat of hunger in what the United Nations believe will be the severest winter since the war. ("G.")

9.For some time now UNESCO, the educational branch of the United Nations, has been protesting against what it sees as Western bias in international news. ("Nsw.")

10.Foreign investors are prohibited from buying more than 25 per cent of the stock of any U.S. airline or from having what in effect could be considered control over such carrier. ("IHT")

11.Over the course of the seven-year conflict in. Afghanistan, some 10,000 Soviet soldiers have been killed and 20,000 wounded and there is little doubt that Moscow is eager to extricate itself from what has clearly become a no-win military situation. ("Nsw.")

12.At dawn, I returned to what was once my house. All now a mass of ashes. ("RD")

13.Astronomers Bradford Smith of the University of Arizona and Richard Terrile of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratorytook stunning photographs of what might be planets forming around the star. ("Nsw.")

14.The veil, which shrouded her whole face, was too thick for me to see more than the glitter of bright eyes and the hazy outline of what might be a lovely face, but might also, unfortunately, be an equally unlovely one. (L. Carroll)

15.Ever since July 1, when President George Bush announced his intention to nominate U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, the judge's detractors and supporters have labored mightily to invest him with characteristics intended to advance their own political and ideological objectives. Much of what has been said about him, by those on both sides, has added little to what was already known when the Senate conformed Clarence Thomas less than two years ago to his current judicial appointment. ("IHT")

16.A judge complained yesterday he was not allowed to detain a schoolboy who carved his initial in another boy's back while torturing him. Judge Bruce Laughland told the Old Bailey: "Parliament has deprived the courts of any power of detention of a person of his age, or of what many people might think was any effective punishment." ("G.")

17.With what felt like a roar, but must really have been a pigsqueal, I leapt at the nearest boy and hit him squarely on the nose. (W. Golding)


28. Каузативные конструкции типа "to have/get smth done"

1.Italy's rap star Jovanotti had his fans worried recently, when he started to sing about the rain forest, the fight against drugs and the sorry state of Italian politics.

2.Lloyd George was believed to have had the beer deluded in pubs near centres of ammunition production during the first world war, in order to keep the wheels of the home front turning without a hiccup.

3.Mr. Herbane had got his face scratched and his finger bitten by the cat, trying to catch her for a second experience in killing and bringing to life.

(Th.L Peacock)

4.The congressman from our district, General Fulgham, assured me some days ago that he would use his influence to get my book published at an early date. (O. Henry)

5.Nearly 1,600 birds died, 25 crofts had their vegetables condemned and 2,000 sheep were moved from affected grazing areas as a result of the Braer tank (oil spill) disaster in Shetland, the House of Lords was told yesterday. ("G.")

6.A technical dispute between big brewers and Customs and Excise could have beer and lager drinkers foaming at the mouth: the alcoholic strengths of many brands are to be cut while the prices — already too high for many — remain the same. (" Ind.")

7.Alan Clark, the colourful former defense minister, had his career "destroyed by woman," his wife Janice claims in a documentary to be shown at the weekend. ("T.")

8.At the Old Courthouse he was booed by a large crowd of farmers and their wives. "Have those damned oafs moved on," he snarled at Sir Giles. "I will not be subject to hooliganism." (T.Sharpe)

29.Комплексные синтаксические перестройки

1.A hundred civilian jobs are likely to be lost following the announcement yesterday of a number of US military base closures as part of the accelerating strategic withdrawal that has followed the end of the Cold War.

2.The veil, which shrouded her whole face, was too thick for me to see more than the glitter of bright eyes and the hazy outline of what might be lovely face, but might also, unfortunately, be an equally unlovely one.


3.A New York State trooper just finishing his night shift at 3 a.m. fled when his car flipped over after he fell asleep at the wheel.

4.Officials are considering making more prison cells available by making greater use of gymnasiums and other temporary space in jails, temporary conversion of underused young offenders institutions and increasing the number of prisoners sharing cells.

5.In the spring of 1880 he died alone in a furnished room in Washington. Died, neglected and despised by those who had filched millions from his land.

6.But there was no progress on the basic issues of Israel's refusal to withdraw to its 1967 borders or to accept an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank.

7.French officials sources in Paris have said that it is not until next year that the pensioners will receive the increase provided for in the Budget.

8.Shortly thereafter, Bender flew to Los Angeles to observe Tailer as he put the finishing touches on his album.

9.He was solicitous during the pregnancy, he wanted to bring her spare ribs late at night, run out for ice cream, but she had none of these cliche whims, so he often brought her flowers instead, which before this he would have considered excessively romantic.

10.She stood there: slender, dark-haired, fair-skinned, and lovely in a peach-colored night robe whose high collar and decorous lines still set off her figure to advantage.

11.It was the first snow of the season and a decorative one, unlikely to last long enough to create the problems that arrived with every winter in the mountains.

30. Модальность

Обратите внимание на перевод конструкции: modal verb

+ have done

1.When father gave me the money and tried to talk me

out of the thought of marriage, I would not listen.

2.She offended people right and left, made silly mistakes and wouldn't let herself be told.

3."What's happened to sister Agatha?" I asked my nurse when she

came in. — "Can't say," — "Won't say," I said. No answer.


4. "We can as well stay here for the night." — "We could."

6."You are so careless. You might have broken the cup."

7.When Mini unleashed her frustration in a rage, demanding an explanation for the way she was being treated, the woman paid no heed, and might well have been deaf and mute.

8.She must not expect to do two jobs well, to be a good mother and a good novelist.

9.Somebody had to be controlled more or less; and I pulled myself


10.It was to be expected that something would happen to Sir George. But who could have guessed what?

11.I do not claim I can tell a story as it ought to be told. I only claim I know how a story ought to be told, for I have been almost daily in the company of the most expert story-tellers for many years.

12."Why do you live in the woods if you belong to the squadron?" the chaplain inquired curiously. "I have to live in the woods", the captain replied crabbily, as though the chaplain ought to know.

13."It's my fault — it's my fault!" Doris suddenly sob bed out. "I shouldn't have loved you; I oughtn't to have let you love me."

14.Lyn Siddon's case should — and must — increase the gathering momentum for reform.

15.When I was in concentration camp, I resolved that, if I was to live through the horrors of that experience, I would never again shed one tear of regret for whatever Fate gave me.

16.When it has seemed that drinking is becoming too much of a habit I have given it up for a few months — if only to check that one can. One can.

31. Конструкции и комплексы с инфинитивом

1.Mrs. June Makin woke early to find two burglars carrying her TV set from her home.

2.New steps to fight pollution of rivers have been announced in Wales and Scotland.

3.The boy, believed to have been kidnapped, came home after missing for two days.


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