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1. Change the repeated words or word combinations for one, ones, that, those, there, do where possible. Underline the word(s) to be changed and write down your choice.

e.g. The students I like to teach are the students who like to learn.

the ones / those

1.Have you met our new lecturer? – Is she the new lecturer who joined us last week?


2.The temperature in the boy is higher than the temperature in the girl.


3.I would like to spend summer working as a nurse assistant at some cool dental surgery to get more experience. – Oh, I would like to spend summer working as a nurse assistant at some cool dental surgery to get more experience, too.


4.Let us go to the Natural History Museum tomorrow. – But I don’t want to go to the Natural History Museum. Let’s go to some other place.


5.There are three very important reports in the latest treatise. Which very important report would you like to start with?


6.The anterior teeth of the patient were in a little bit better condition than the posterior teeth.


7.Which computer did you use? – I used the computer in your surgery.


8.The parotid salivary glands are located between the ear and the lower jaw. Each gland is enclosed in a tissue capsule.


9.My patient weighs 130 kg. – In case of obesity, it is strongly recommended to go to the dietician to correct the diet. – Then, I would advise my patient to go to the dietician to correct the diet.


10.Which job are you dreaming about? – The well-paid job. _______________

2. Complete the sentences with one, ones, that, those, do, there.

1.How old are my children? The younger

_______ is seven and the elder _____ is thirteen.

2.The University clinic is much more modern than ________ in the centre of the city.

3.And now, dear students, I would like to tell some words to ____________ who weren’t present at my last lecture.

4.Which dress would you prefer, this _____ or that _____?

5.Examples of human organ systems include the circulatory, digestive, and nervous __________.

6.I hope this holiday will be ________ to remember.

7.You may take any three journals. Which

________ would you choose?

8.I hope someone will take the prescription for aspirin from Dr Myles. – Oh, I’ll _________ it right now.

9.The digestive system is the ______________

that changes food into simpler compounds that can be used by the cell.

10.Have you ever been to the Cross-Bones

Café? – Not yet. – That’s for the best. Never go

___________. It’s absolutely horrible.

3. Project.

They say that a tongue is a mirror of the body. Surf the Internet and find out which systemic conditions may be diagnosed (or at least suspected) during the routine oral examination.

Prepare the presentation.


Assess your progress in this unit. Tick () the statements that are true.

I can talk about the structure of the mouth

I can describe functions of the organs of the oral cavity

I can speak on location and functions of the salivary glands

I can use one word substitutes



In this unit

talking about the maxillae

describing structure of four surfaces of the maxilla

Perfect Passive

Warm-Up Activities

1.Read the following interesting facts about the maxillary bones.

Further back the maxilla is, the worse the face looks, as it elongates the face.

Size and shape of the nose is largely dependent on the position of maxilla

From the aesthetic point of view, further forward the maxilla is, the greater the level of facial beauty is

2.Study the diagram. Provide

English equivalents for the following Latin terms.

os, ossis n

sutura, ae f

septum, i n

spina, ae f

sulcus, i m

mandibula, ae f

temporalis, e

lacrimalis, e

articulatio, onis f

mastoideus, a, um

zygomaticus, a, um

coronalis, e

3. Memorize the following words you will need in this unit.

Orthodontists have never seen a maxilla that is too far forward, it doesn’t exists in today’s modern environment

Sometimes (e.g. in bony fish), the maxilla is called "upper maxilla," with the mandible being the "lower maxilla." Conversely, in birds the upper jaw is often called "upper mandible."

attachment /

/ n прикрепление

join /

/ v (при)соединять(ся)

boundary /

/ n граница

lodge / / v размещать

fissure /

/ n трещина, щель

margin /

/ n край, граница

fuse /

/ v срастаться

notch / / n вырезка, углубление

groove /


/ n борозд(к)а

plane /

/ n плоскость

incisive /


/ adj резцовый

size / / n размер

irregular /

/ adj несимметричный,

transmit /

/ v пропускать, проводить


vessel /

/ n сосуд







The Superior Maxillary Bones

The maxillae are large, irregularly shaped paired bones that form the upper jaw. They are fused in the middle at the intermaxillary suture. Above, they join with the frontal bones of the forehead and laterally with the zygomas, or cheekbones. Each assists in forming the boundaries of three cavities: the roof of the mouth, the floor and lateral wall of the nose and the floor of the orbit. They also enter into the formation of two fossae, the infratemporal and pterygopalatine, and two fissures, the inferior orbital and pterygomaxillary.

Each maxillary bone consists of a body and four processes: zygomatic, frontal, palatine, and alveolar ones. The frontal process articulates with the frontal bone. The zygomatic process articulates with the zygomatic bone. The palatine process forms the anterior three quarters of the hard palate. The alveolar process bears the teeth.

The body of maxillary bones is somewhat pyramidal in shape, and contains a large cavity, the maxillary sinus. This cavity falls on each side of the nose.

The body of each maxillary bones has four surfaces — an anterior, a posterior or infratemporal, a superior or orbital, and a medial or nasal ones.

The anterior surface presents from medial to lateral, the incisive fossa, the canine eminence and the canine fossa. The anterior surface near the infraorbital margin presents the infraorbital foramen which transmits the infraorbital nerve and vessels. Medially the anterior surface ends at the nasal notch. Lower border of the nasal notch in the median plane projects as the anterior nasal spine.

The medial surface presents the maxillary hiatus. In the living the maxillary hiatus is smaller in size due to the attachment of the surrounding bones. The medial surface of maxilla forms part of the lateral wall of nasal cavity. Anterior to the maxillary hiatus the medial surface presents the nasolacrimal canal which transmits the nasolacrimal duct.

The posterior surface of the maxilla shows few minute foraminae which transmit the posterior superior alveolar nerve and vessels, to the upper molar teeth. The medial part of the posterior surface forms the anterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa. The entrance to the pterygopalatine fossa from the infratemporal fossa is called the pterygomaxillary fissure. The posterior end of the alveolar border is called the maxillary tuberosity.

The superior surface of the body of the maxilla forms the floor of the orbit. It is called the orbital surface. It represents the infraorbital groove and canal which lodges the infraorbital nerves and vessels.


Vocabulary Practice

1.Look at the words in bold type in the above text and explain them.

2.Match the words with their definitions:

1. maxillary

a) the depression in the midline


of the bony palate behind the


central incisors into which the


incisive canals open



2. hiatus

b) an opening in the maxillary


bone just below the lower rim of


the orbit that gives passage to


the infraorbital artery, nerve, and





3. incisive

c) a depression on the anterior


surface of the maxilla below the


infraorbital foramen and on the


lateral side of the canine





4. infra-

d) a rounded eminence on the


posteroinferior surface of the


maxilla that enlarges with the


development and eruption of the


third molar.



5. canine

e) the rough surface on the


anterior lower border of the


frontal bone between the orbits


which articulates with the nasal


bones and the maxillae



6. naso-

f) the large opening into the


maxillary sinus on the nasal


surface of the maxilla



7. nasal

g) carries tears from the lacrimal


sac into the nasal cavity



8. forehead

h) the part of the face above the



3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

roots, processes, alveolar, artery, zygomatic, antrum, nerve, palatine, teeth, frontal

1) The



process extends upward

to articulate with the frontal bone.


2) The alveolar process of the maxilla


accommodates the upper






processes together form

the upper dental arch.








process extends forward to

create the hard palate.




process skirts the lateral

side of the nasal bone to which it is firmly

attached and is superiorly joined to the frontal





The maxillary



is the name

for the air filled space that sits just under the cheekbone and just above the roof of the mouth.

6) The tooth form vertical,

wavelike eminences in the anterior face of the maxilla.

7) Incisive canal transmits the nasopalatine



and branches of the greater





8) Each half of the fused bones contains four




4. Match the synonyms:




1. boundary

a) palate



2. margin

b) cavity



3. plane

c) hiatus



4. roof of the mouth

d) edge



5. eminence

e) surface



6. foramen

f) border



7. sinus

g) projection



8. posterior (surface)

i) orbital (surface)



9. superior (surface)

j) nasal (surface)



10. medial (surface)

k) infratemporal







5. Find the words with the opposite meaning:

1. eminence

a) soft



2. anterior

b) minute



3. superior

c) roof



4. hard

d) single



5. large

e) posterior



6. floor

f) mandibular



7. irregular

g) fossa



8. maxillary

h) inferior



9. medial

i) separated



10. fused

j) regular



11. paired

k) lateral




3. Form the words using the given suffixes and translate them:

-ive, -ance,-ion, -ary, -ment, -ic, -al, -ty.

The base

The new word

















to bound












to incise






to enter












to attach






to form












to transmit






to present












6. Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence and translate them:

1) Infraorbital nerve

(is supplied, supplies, supplying) sensation to the skin of the upper lip, lower eyelid, the side of the nose and the cheek.

2) A hole (knew, knows,

known) as the infraorbital foramen is situated in the maxilla just underneath the orbit and above the canine and the first bicuspid tooth.

3) Nasal notch (forms, is

formed, formed) the floor of the piriform aperture.

4) The anterior surface

(directing, directed, is directed) forward and lateralward.

5) The canine root



(are, were,

is) the most prominent.



6) Patients


(got, gets,

getting) jaw surgery often have mouth open posture.

7)In most noses the anterior nasal spine is quite small and ______________ (ignores, is ignoring, is ignored) during the rhinoplasty operation.

8)The maxillae ______________ (meet, met, is meeting) in the midline of the face and often are considered as one bone.


Language Development

1. Look through the text about the oral cavity and answer the following questions.

1.How many bones constitute the upper jaw?



2.What is the function of the upper jaw?




3.How many processes does each maxillary bone have? List them.




4.How many surfaces does each maxilla have? What are they?




5.What is the structure of the anterior surface of the body of the maxillary bones?




6.How is the posterior surface of maxilla organized?




7.What does the superior surface of the body represent?




8.How is the medial surface of the body of maxilla structured?




2. Put the sentences into Passive Voice:

1)The maxilla forms four processes.



2)The alveolar process of the maxilla supports the teeth.



3)The frontal process articulates superiorly with the frontal bone.



4)The maxillary sinus occupies the predominant portion of the body of the maxilla.



5)The infraorbital canal lodges the infraorbital nerves and vessels.



3. Do you think these sentences are true or false? Check with the Internet. Correct the false ones:

1)The more forward the maxilla, the more attractive eyes become, some have noted that the eyes become more feline like. ______

2)If the maxilla grows down, the eyes will look protrusive and the outer corner of the eyelids will sag, making them look tired with too much white of the eye showing. _____

3)The maxillary lateral incisor is a more square tooth than the maxillary central incisor. ______

4)The cusp ridges on maxillary canines are sharper than mandibular ones. ______

5)The incisal edge of mandibular canines is thicker than that of maxillary canines. _____

6)The maxilla articulates with five bones of the cranium and four bones of the face. _____

7)The alveolar process of the maxillae holds the upper teeth, and is referred to as the maxillary arch. _____

Grammar in Use

Present Perfect Passive

Утвердительная форма

I / We / You /










been examined.








He / She / It













Отрицательная форма







I / We / You /










been examined.








He / She / It























I / we / you





/ they


been examined?








he / she / it










Past Perfect Passive

Утвердительная форма

I / We / You /



They / He /


been examined.

She / It






Отрицательная форма

I / We / You /

They / He / hadn’t been examined.

She / It


I / we / you /

(Why) had they / he / been examined? she / it

Future Perfect Passive

Утвердительная форма

I / We / You /

They / He / will have been examined.

She / It

Отрицательная форма

I / We / You /

They / He / won’t have been examined.

She / It


I / we / you /

(Why) will they / he / been examined? she / it

Мы используем времена группы Perfect Passive аналогично временам группы Perfect Active.


1. In the following sentences formal subjects are used. Use Perfect Passive instead. Underline signal words for Perfect Tenses.

e.g. Someone has brought the book. – The book has been brought.

1.They had finished the job by 5 p.m. yesterday.



2.They will have completed the course of physiotherapy by June.



3.Someone has already delivered a lecture on osteoporosis.



4.Has anyone taken an x-ray of the broken maxilla?



5.Had anyone examined your upper jaw before you were admitted to our hospital?



6.I think they won’t have made this patient’s dentures by May.



7.They haven’t discharged Mr Jones yet.



8.Something has weakened this child’s bones.



9.They will have seen all the patients by 12 a.m.



10.They haven’t discussed the mandible.



2. Use the proper form of Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets.

1.Both the upper and lower jaws ______ just

_____________________ (to x-ray).

2.I think we _____________________________

(to complete) the report by tomorrow morning.

3.________ the baby __________________ (to examine) by a neurologist before she had this attack?

4._______ you ever _____________ (to be) to an A&E department earlier?

5.Our lecturer thinks that we _____________

____________ (not to learn) the superior maxillary bones well enough yet.

6.The dentist asked, “___________ you ever

___________ (to break) bones before?”.

7.Many bones ___________________________

(to fuse) by the end of the first year.

8.Oh, I am so sorry! Yesterday I arrived at the department after all the job _________________

_________ (to do).

3. Project.

Surf the Internet and find out what defects of both mandible and maxilla may develop. How do doctors diagnose these defects? Are there any methods of their treatment?

Prepare the presentation.


Assess your progress in this unit. Tick () the statements that are true.

I can talk about the maxillae

I can describe structure of four surfaces of the maxilla

I know the names of all maxillary surfaces, foramina and processes and can describe their location

I can use Perfect Passive


UNIT XVII. THE MANDIBLE_______________________

In this unit

talking about the mandible

defining functions of the mandible

describing surfaces and foramina of the mandible

Indefinite Pronouns

Warm-Up Activities


Read the following interesting facts about the

People that develop bruxism (extreme,


habitual jaw clenching) can cause their


When people find the remains of human

mandible to become more square and


bodies, the mandible is very common to



find and sometimes the only bone to be

Mandible follows the maxilla: if the maxilla


found. Scientists can guess the age of the

is up and forward in the face, the


human because the mandible changes over

mandible will also come forward, causing


a lifespan.

that nice jaw line.


Study the diagram. Mark the mandible and the maxilla on the picture of the skull.

3. Memorize the following words you will need in this unit.


belly /

/ n живот, брюхо

mylohyoid /

/ adj челюстно-

border /

/ n граница



chin / / n подбородок


newborn /

/ n, adj новорождённый

connect /

/ v соединять

oblique /

/ adj косой, диагональный

flat / / adj плоский


origin /

/ n начало; происхождение

genial = mental /

/ adj

row / / n ряд



serve / / v служить (for – для, в качестве)

half (pl. halves) /

/ n половина

stretch /

/ v растягиваться, простираться

level /

/ n уровень


unite /

/ v объединять







The Mandible


The word mandible comes from the Latin word mandere, meaning to chew. The mandible is "U" shaped, stretching from one ear, down forming the chin, and then back up to the other ear. It is connected to the upper part of the skull by two jaw joints called the temporomandibular joints.

The mandible consists of a horizontal horseshoelike body with a flat ramus projecting upward at each end. The rami are divided into two processes: the mandibular condyle and a front coronoid process. The mandibular condyles unite with the mandibular tissues of the temporal bones, while the coronoid processes serve as attachments for the muscles used in chewing. Other large chewing muscles are attached on the side surfaces of the rami.

In the newborn babies mandible consists of 2 halves joined by fibrocartilarge which unite with each other by the end of the first year, forming the symphysis menti. The body of the mandible has two surfaces – outer and inner – and two borders – upper (alveolar) border and lower border (base of the mandible).

Outer surface of the body

The mental protuberance is the point of the chin. There is an oblique line running downwards and forwards from the anterior body of the ramus to the mental protuberance. The mental foramen lies below the oblique line at the level of the second premolar tooth. The mental nerve and vessels come out through mental foramen.

Inner surface of the body

At the inner surface of symphysis menti there are two pairs of genial tubercles – upper and lower genial tubercles. The mylohyoid line is roughly a mirror image of the oblique line on the outer surface. The groove that runs below the mylohyoid line is called the mylohyoid groove. It transmits the mylohyoid nerve and vessels. The mylohyoid line divides the inner surface of the mandible into sublingual fossa above and the submandibular fossa below.

The sublingual fossa lodges the sublingual salivary gland and submandibular fossa lodges the submandibular salivary gland.


On its upper border the body of mandible supports the row of teeth. The lower border of the mandible near its medial end presents the digastric fossa, which gives origin to the anterior belly of digastric muscle.


Mandible is the largest and strongest bone of the face. It forms the lower part of the face and serves for the reception of the lower teeth. Movement of the lower jaw opens and closes the mouth and also allows for the chewing of food. Four different muscles connect to the lower jaw to allow it to move. These muscles are the masseter, the temporalis, the medial pterygoid, and the lateral pterygoid.


Vocabulary Practice

1.Look at the words in bold type in the above text and explain them.

2.Match the synonyms:

1. attached

a) approximately



2. U-shaped

b) join



3. stretch

c) boundary



4. lodge

d) connected



5. ramus

e) articulate



6. border

f) branch



7. roughly

g) house



8. oblique

h) horseshoe-like



9. belly

i) mental



10. genial

j) diagonal



11. connect

k) stomach



12. unite

l) extend



3. Match the words with their definitions:

1. symphysis

a) a smooth rounded


projection for articulation with


another bone



2. groove

b) a small muscle located


under the jaw



3. digastric

c) line on the inside of the





4. process

d) a true hole in the bone



5. condyle

e) a narrow, elongated


depression on any surface



6. fossa

f) an indentation, especially


one on the edge of a bone or


other organ; called also





7. foramen

g) a prominence or projection,


as from a bone



8. mylohyoid

h) a relatively deep pit or





9. notch

i) an articulation in which


bones are united by cartilage


without a synovial membrane



4. Insert the proper preposition:

1)The mandible forms the lower part __ the face.

2)The mandibular foramen is the start _____ a tunnel ______ the inferior alveolar nerve and blood vessels.

3)The mandibular condyle forms a movable joint

______ the mandible and the cranium part _____

the skull.

4)_____ the newborn the body is composed

_____ two halves, united at the symphysis menti

_____ a fibrous joint which is replaced _____

bone within two years.

5)The upper margin _____ the body is called alveolar process as it bears sockets _____ lower teeth.

6)The mandible consists _____ the body _____

its ascending ramus _____ each side.

7)The rami are divided _____ two processes: the mandibular condyle and a front coronoid process.

5. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

1)The coronoid process ____________ (was, is, are) connected to the cranium via chewing muscles allowing the jaw to open and close.

2)The joint where the mandible ____________

(met, is met, meets) the upper jaw at the temporal bone is called the temporomandibular joint.

3)The mandible ____________ (is developing, develops, developing) from two originally separate bones, one on each side, which fuse together here at the symphysis.

4)When you hold your head still and open or close your mouth, you ____________ (moved, moves, are moving) your mandible.

5)The hyoid bone ____________ (has, have, is having) no articulation with other bones.

6)The mandible ____________ (held, is held, holds) the lower teeth in place.

7)Theory and practice ____________ (unite, united, are united) in his works.