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them together. Over the last few years, I have visited her a few times, because we have something in common, which is our Christian religion.

I never met my mother` s father, he died before I was born, but I knew my father` s father when I was smaller. After he split up with his wife, he lived together with his sister, who was my great aunt. She never married or even had a boyfriend as far as I know. She was really an old spinster. They lived a very routine life. Every time we went to see them exactly the same things would happen. They would wake up, my great aunt would make the breakfast, bring it to my grandfather, my grandfather would read the paper until a certain time, when he would listen to something on the radio, etc, etc.

I have only one aunt, who is the sister of my father. We always had a very good relationship with them (my aunt, my uncle and their children), although we rarely went to see them, only once a year, maybe at Christmas to exchange presents. Whenever we went to visit them, we would be filled up with cakes and sweets, and given little presents.

Nowadays my father and mother both have new partners. My farther has a nice girlfriend, who he is planning to move into a new house with. My mother also has a boyfriend, who works away from home a lot of time, so she is alone a lot of time now, but seems to be happy. She is a lot more creative than she ever was when I was a child. Whenever I go to see her now, or whenever I hear from her, she tells me about new things that she` s learned to make, arts and crafts, and skills.

My girlfriend, Maria, has a very close and knit family. They really take care of each other, regularly visit each other, and are always calling each other to make sure they are OK. They spend a lot of time together. It` s really nice and encouraging for me to see that the family unit really can work, as in the case of their parents, who really love each other very dearly after many years of being married, and her grandparents, who are still completely in love, and both over 80. One of my dreams is to be happily married to a ripe old age like them.

5.2.3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1.Who are Vivien`s relatives?

2.What is a stereotypical family in England?

3.What are the changes in stereotypical family in England?

4.What is the story of Thomas` family life about?

5.What is Thomas` dream?

5.2.4.На сколько логических частей можно разделить данный текст. Озаглавьте каждую часть.

5.2.5.Составьте план текста на русском языке.

5.2.6.Переведите составленный план на английский язык.

5.2.7.Напишите краткое изложение текста на английском языке.

5.2. 8. Прочитайте данный текст. Выучите его и разыграйте по ролям.



indignation(n) –


occur to smb –

приходить на ум (в голову)

celebrate (v) -


It happened in Liverpool. One day Mr. Frost went to a Detective Agency and the clerk greeted him with the words:

-What can I do for you, Sir?

-I` d like to get in touch with my wife – answered Mr. Frost. -There should be no difficulty about that – replied the clerk. -Er…yes, but she has left me.

-Oh! I see. But when did she leave you, Sir?

-She walked out on me almost 25 years ago, 4 days after we were married. -Oh! I see… I suppose you` d like to divorce her now?

-Not at all – answered Mr. Frost with indignation – you see in a few days` time it is our silver wedding anniversary and it just occurred to me she might like to have a drink with me to celebrate the occasion.

Раздел 5.3.

5.3.1. Прочитайте данный текст. Определите его основную идею.

Mother` s day is traditionally observed on the forth Sunday in Lent ( the Church season of penitence beginning on Ash Wednesday, the day of which varies from year to year). This is usually in March. The day used to be known as Mothering Sunday and dates from the time when many girls worked away from home as domestic servants in big households, where their hours of work were often very long. Mothering Sunday was established as a holiday for these girls and gave them an opportunity of going home to see their parents, especially their mother. They used to take presents with them, often given to them by the lady of the house.

When the labour situation changed and everyone was entitled to regular time off, this custom remained, although the day is now often called ―Mother` s Day‖. People visit their mothers if possible and give them flowers, and small presents. (Commercial firms take advantage of the occasion to sell as much as possible. Consequently, what was once rather a nice custom is now more than anything else a commercial ―racket‖.) If they cannot go they send a ―Mother` s Day card‖, or they may send one in any case .The family try to see that the mother has as little

work to do as possible, they often help with the meals and the washing up. It is considered to be mother` s day off.

5.3.2.Письменно переведите данный текст, используя словарь.

5.3.3.Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста.

1.Mother` s Dream 2.Mother` s Sunday 3.Mother` s Day 4.A Nice Custom

5.3.4.Ролевая игра

Ситуация – студенты A и B учатся в одном из российских вузов. Студент A

– англичанин. Студент B пригласил студента A в гости к себе домой и знакомит со своей семьей.

Участники – студенты А, B, C, D,E, F,G,etc.

A – Вы студент(ка) из Англии. Учитесь в российском вузе. Студент B пригласил вас в гости. Студент B представляет вас своим родным и другу (подруге). Их, в свою очередь, интересует ваша семья, хобби, привязанности. Представьтесь. Расскажите о своей семье, о родных, о хобби, о своих привязанностях.

B- Вы студент(ка) российского вуза. У вас в группе учится студент из Англии. Вы пригласили его к себе домой. Представьте его своей семье, родным, друзьям.

C,D,E,F,G etc.-члены семьи, родственники, друзья студента B. Вас интересует семья студента А, его хобби, привязанности. Дайте ответы на вопросы студента А.


*Грамматика: The Gerund


*Текст: Home, Sweet Home

Раздел 6.1.

6.1.1. Прочитайте данные предложения, в которых герундий выполняет функцию подлежащего. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. Reading is her favourite occupation. 2. Swimming in the cold water was not so pleasant. 3. Watching horror films makes her excited. 4. Being alone was always difficult for her. 5. Being in a good mood is very usual for him. 6. Being late is not polite.

6.1.2. Прочитайте данные предложения, в которых герундий выполняет функцию именной части составного именного сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. His greatest pleasure is skating. 2. Dan‘s desire is becoming a student in Oxford.

3. Her dream is traveling to Australia one day. 4. My boss is against signing this contract. 5. They are still far from being ready to start. 6. She was for starting at once.

6.1.3. Прочитайте данные предложения, в которых герундий выполняет функцию части составного глагольного сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He avoided speaking on this matter. 2. He bought a camera and started making films of his own. 3. The group stopped climbing the mountain because of bad weather forecast. 4. This fact is worth remembering. 5. The car needs repairing. 6. The children kept on playing.

6.1.4. Прочитайте данные предложения, в которых герундий выполняет функцию определения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He has got much experience in teaching. 2. Have you got any reasons of saying this? 3. What are the means of solving this task? 4. We have no intention of making the contract. 5. They realized the importance of coming to the agreement. 6. He has got the possibility of going to Great Britain.

6.1.5, Прочитайте данные предложения, в которых герундий выполняет функцию обстоятельства. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. After signing the contract they left. 2. Before going on business he prepared all the documents. 3. I will do without asking for his advice. 4. Instead of calling she sent him a message. 5. Besides being intelligent she is very sociable. 6. They had a snack after swimming.

6.1.6. Прочитайте данные предложения, в которых герундий выполняет функцию дополнения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. What do you suggest giving him as a birthday present? 2 If you don‘t mind getting stuck in a traffic jam, try going to Moscow by car. 3/ He is afraid of going to the cave alone and getting lost. 4. They are interested in sending him to the conference. 5. He remembered having read the article in some paper. 6/ I don‘t fancy walking all that distance. We‘d better catch a taxi.

6.1.7. Переведите данные предложения, содержащие Indefinite Gerund Passive, на русский язык.

1. I hate being told lies. 2. Max doesn‘t want his dad to come in when he‘s got friends in his room. He likes being left on his own. 3. He likes being invited by his friends. 4. She avoided being met by him. 5. He objected to being sent there. 6. The children like being told the fairy tales. 7. They enjoy being invited to the party.

8. Would you mind being asked such questions? 9. He didn‘t mind being left alone. 10. The client demanded being given back all the documents.

6.1.8. Прочитайте предложения, выбрав подходящую по смыслу форму Gerund, данную в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


She enjoys (inviting, being invited) to the party by her friends.

She enjoys being invited to the party by her friends.

They enjoy (inviting, being invited) friends to their house.

They enjoy inviting friends to their house.

1. He has not forgotten to return the client‘s call but he avoids (doing, being done) so. 2. You cannot help (laughing, being laughed) at it. 3. Ann complained of (giving, being given) the documents by the managers when it was too late. 4. Would you mind (examining, being examined) by this doctor? 5. The client demanded (seeing, being seen) the supervisor and complained loudly. 6. You should not risk (planting, being planted) the roses so early. 7. I felt something was wrong because he avoided (asking, being asked) about his family. 8. He is very busy at the moment and objects to (sending, being sent) to this conference.

9. The company have decided to cancel a failing research project to avoid (wasting, being wasted) money. 10. Would you mind (meeting, being met) them at the station?

6.1.9. Составьте предложения с формой Gerund, используя данные пары словосочетаний.


Thank for – to come to the party,

Thank you for coming to the party.

1.prevent from – give up her studies

2.think of – move to the capital city

3.succeed in – go through the exams

4.agree to – come with us

5.do without – take rush decisions

6.can‘ t help – laugh at this joke

7.thank for – give a lift

8.be surprised at – see you here

9.get used to – get up early

10.have difficulty in – bring up children

6.1.10. Переделайте предложения по образцу, используя данную конструкцию с герундием.

Worth doing smth.


This is a good film. (to see) – This film is worth seeing.

1.It‘s an interesting excursion. (to go) 2. They are rare exhibits. (to display) 3.

The article is informative. (to translate) 4. The job is challenging. (to apply for) 5. The fact is interesting. (to mention) 6. It is an interesting book. (to read)

Can’t help doing smth


The news is really surprising. (to tell) – I can‘ t help telling you this news.

1.The episode is funny. (to laugh) 2.The melodrama was very touching. (to cry) 3. He was being rude. (to say) 4. He was proud of his paintings. (to show) 5. The girl was curious. ( to open a present) 6. The story was exciting. (to tell)

Need doing smth


The suit is very dirty. (to clean) – The suit needs cleaning.

1. The battery is flat. (to replace) 2. The house is in a bad condition. (to repair) 3. The dishes are dirty. (to wash up) 4. The device is out-dated. (to upgrade) 5. The garden is dry. (to water) 6. Your report is not good/ (to correct)

It’s no good


The shops has already closed. (to go) - It‘s no good going to the shop now

1.He won‘t come. ( to wait for) 2. He is not enough qualified. (to offer the job)

3.The house is badly damaged. (to repair) 4. There are no tickets left. (to queue) 5.The computer is old. ( to fix) 6. It is a slow train. (to take)

Be used to doing smth


Dan is a football fan. (to watch on TV) – Dan is used to watching football matches on TV.

1.He usually studies until 1 a.m. (to sit up late) 2. I leave for the institute at

7.30. (to get up early) 3. Most students can‘t do without the Internet. (to use) 4.

I share a room with my brother. (to live together) 5. The machinery is very noisy. The workers (to speak loudly) 6. He is a hardwoking.man. (to work much)

6.1.11. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя форму


1. Мы предлагаем внести изменения в этот проект.2. Пирог был такой вкусный, что невозможно было не съесть еще кусок. 3. Мы не могли не спросить Петра о его новой работе. 4. Я уверен, что у тебя получится найти новую работу. 5. Постарайся отговорить его от поездки в горы в это время года. 6.Что ты думаешь о том, чтобы на этот раз провести отпуск в России? 7. Он уверен в том, что станет актером. 8. Многие не могут обходиться без Интернета.. 9. Тебе придется привыкнуть делать все самому. 10. Те¸ кто хорошо подготовлены, не боятся сдавать экзамен. 11. Бесполезно просить их остаться. Они должны ехать. 12. Одежду надо почистить. 13. Этот проект стоит обсудить. 14. Спасибо за то, что встретили нас в аэропорту. 15. Нам интересно работать с вами. 16. Некоторые дети боятся оставаться одни. 17. Англичане любят работать в саду. 18. Нам приятно с вами сотрудничать. 19. Мы с нетерпением ждем вашего ответа. 20. Я горжусь тем, что работаю в этой компании.

6.1.12. Вставьте недостающие части речи.

































6.1.13. Отработайте произношение данных слов, уточнив их транскрипцию по словарю.

mortgage n


ипотека, закладная

reason n




plot of land


участок земли

turn into







отождествлять, опознавать

convenience n






effort n




item n



предмет, вещь

layout n



расположение, планировка

cause v



причинять, вызывать

one the one hand

с одной стороны

exist v




hide (hid, hidden) v

прятать, прятаться

completely adv

совершенно, полностью

fluid a



текучий, жидкий

fence off











озабоченный, стремящийся



различать, отличать








install v



устраивать, устанавливать

state n



состояние, положение, государство





pride n




indispensable a

совершенно необходимый

reflection n





привязанность, преданность

mow n



косить (газон)

trample v



get back




clutter v



приводить в беспорядок

6.1.14..Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и выражения:

Inseparably tied to, completely without, identify their country with, furthermore, being bought on a mortgage, detached house, garden at the back, from the rest of the world, not by chance, cause problems, personal anxious relation, make a special effort, items tucked away into corners, entrance hall, fairly close to reality, full of conveniences, a good reason, give out that much heat, indispensable part, a source of national pride, faithful attachment, wealthy landowners, enjoy the pleasantness.

6.1.15. Прочитайте текст. Дайте ответ на вопрос : ―What does the typical English house look like?‖


For the English, the concept of the family is inseparably tied to the concept of the 'house' and 'home'. It is interesting that the English rarely use the word 'motherland'. It does, of course, exist in English, but it is fairly artificial and is mainly used when talking about other nations. They are more likely to use 'house or 'home', a concept which is more important to them than any other. Their patriotism is not noisy, but hidden, completely without pathos. They never identify their country with the government or the state. These concepts are changeable and fluid, and the English like nothing more than stability. Therefore their land and their home are more important than everything else. "Home, sweet home" the English often say and write "There is no place like home" on their towels and vignettes.

Furthermore, their home must be a real home, not a flat. An Englishman's home may be small, or being bought on a mortgage, but it is his. Even if it is not a detached house, it must have its own entrance and, of course, a little garden at the back which is fenced off from the rest of the world. This is the usual town version. Out in the country, the plot of land can be turned into a real garden.

It is not by chance that; a lot of houses in England have names. This causes problems for guests and postal workers, but demonstrates the very personal, anxious relation of the English to their homes. There are all sorts of names, some of them touching, some of them strange, some of them very old. For example, 'Under the Oaks' (although there was not a single oak to be seen for miles around), or

'Willows‘ (a name which was obviously chosen a long time ago), or 'Cats house' (with a big cat sitting right in the front window), or 'Smugglers Hideout' (over the door of a cosy little cottage).

The English do not often invite you into their homes, preferring to meet in cafes or .restaurants. But if they do invite you, prepare yourself for the unexpected. Nobody will make a special effort to tidy up before you arrive, there will be no

‗Potemkin villages‘ no items tucked away into corners. The house will look just like it does every day. The entrance hall will be cluttered with all sorts of useful bits

and pieces, from old newspapers to dirty Wellington boots. There may be dirty cups next to the sofa in the living room, and an old sweater in the corner. The kitchen table may be covered with magazines and boxes from which they pull food. This is, of course, a ‗collective portrait‘, but one that is on the whole fairly close to reality.

The English home is not as full of conveniences as an American home, but what distinguishes it from the rest is its cosiness. And here you understand that there is a good reason why the word 'comfort' spread into other languages from English. The layout, which includes any number of items, tables padded stools, sofas and armchairs has been arranged around the fireplace which does not give out that much heat but does create an unforgettable atmosphere of conciliation and calm. The logs cheerfully crackle in the fire and you sit, whisky in hand: what else could you ask for in life? In those houses where it is not possible to have a real fire, they like to install an electric fireplace.

The front garden is an indispensable part of each house and the owner will spend much effort and attention on making it look pretty. Wonderful flowers and bushes, some of them exotic, are carefully planted around the house. Furthermore, if the house itself is usually in a state of disorder, that is unthinkable for the garden.

The English lawn is also a source of national pride and is a reflection of a number of aspects of the English character. First, the faithful attachment to traditions, as in the famous joke when an Englishman is asked:

"How did you manage to achieve such a perfect lawn?"

"Oh, it's very simple," he replies, "You just have to mow and water it every day for 400 years."

The English lawns demonstrate the freedom-loving tendencies, since you may walk freely over such lawns and the grass does not get trampled down.

There is also an old English tradition of visiting private homes which dates back to the distant past. Wealthy landowners opened their homes to visitors many centuries ago so that the latter could enjoy the pleasantness of their dwelling. Wandering around an English home which has been opened to the public, you are surprised that somebody is still living in it. This is why such houses do not just feel like a museum, they are alive and real.

6.1.16. Прочитайте текст. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.Speaking about their country the English often use the word ―motherland‖.

2.The English identify their country with the Queen, the Parliament and the Government.

3.They like stability most of all.

4.Home is the most important thing for an Englishman.

5.You can see English proverbs about home not only in books and dictionaries.

6.Garden is part of the English home.

7.All English houses bear women‘s names.

8.The names of English houses does not necessarily relate to the present reality.