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Упр. 29. Point out participial constructions; analyze and classify them. Translate into Russian.

1. I don’t want him made unhappy. 2. Madame de Grenet had a priest hidden outside the door. 3. She tried to have her patient moved upstairs, where there was running water. 4. Ralph stood silent, one hand holding back his hair, the other clenched. 5. Hearing him spoken of by Cordelia as someone she had seen a month ago I was greatly surprised. 6. I heard it said that his dealings were badly looked on by orthodox Conservatives. 7. He had had more copies of his portrait printed than he knew what to do with. 8. Even on this convivial evening I could feel my hosts emanating little magnetic waves of social uneasiness. 9. I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there’s no room for the present at all. 10. As I stood on the platform I saw my luggage and Julia’s go past, with Julia’s sour-face maid strutting beside the porter. 11. I must get the pictures unpacked and see how they’ve travelled. 12. We stood thus embraced, in the open air, cheek against cheek, her hair blowing across my eyes. 13. I looked in at my wife, found her sleeping and closed the door. 14. When we got to the place we found it almost deserted. 15. I heard Julia across the table trying to trace the marriage connections of her Hungarian and Italian cousins. 16. My wife first impressed the impressionable with her chick and my celebrity, superiority firmly established, changed quickly to a pose of almost flirtatious affability. 17. Lord Flyte found him starving in Tangier. 18. I spoke loudly to make myself heard above the dance music. 19. We crossed together expecting to find the history from all parts of Europe unfolding before us at Dover. 20. You have to sleep with your feet pointing East because that’s the direction of Heaven. 21. We all began talking at once, so that for a moment Mr. Samgrass found himself talking to no one. 22. I am not going to have you painting in the gallery. 23. Everything was left unsaid. It was only dimly and at rare moments that I suspected what was afoot. 24. When we have guests, I see him thinking, “Will they speak of me to my wife?” 25. They watched the grave crowds crossing and re-crossing the square. 26. All the catalogue of threats to civilized life rose and haunted me; I even pictured a homicidal maniac mounting in the shadows. 27. He paused, his duty discharged. 28. People could often be heard talking about the virtues of clean air. 29. The Dixons had guests coming at the weekend. 30. Jean was standing still on the exact spot where he had launched his curse, his enormous sides shaking with laughter. 31. If they want to wreck the performance by having the police tramping round the whole time, this is the way to do it. 32. Now, it being a melodrama, there was of course in the third act a murder and burglary scene. 33. Doris was left standing by the sign-post at the cross-roads. 34. Mr. Hutton, legs outstretched and chair tilted, had pushed the panama back from his forehead. 35. Half a mile on he found his way barred by yet another gate. 36. In theory she didn’t much care; let the dead bury their dead. But here, at the graveside, she found herself actually sobbing.

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