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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Nine


St.: “Pushkin at the Examination in the Lyceum [lai siəm]´ on the 8th of January, 1815.” It’s a picture by I. Repin, the well known Russian painter of the beginning of the twentieth century.

T.: Who wants to describe the picture? St.: May I try?

T.: Certainly. Come up to the picture. Tell us what you see in the picture.

St.: In the centre of it one can see young Pushkin reciting his poem. In the foreground on the left one can see the members of the Examination Board listening to him. Among the members of the Examination Board there is Derzhavin, the well known Russian poet of the eighteenth century. He is listening to Pushkin very attentively and one can see by the expression on his face that he is fond of the poem. Many other people are present at the examination. We can see them sitting in the background of the picture.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания и предложения:

а) an interesting story, a sheet of paper, at least, next time, to do the translation, to find time, next century, to know the words well, a list of names, to come in time, an expression on the face, a well known scientist, unknown words, among the students, to see well, to recite a poem, if, though, to understand everything, to say good bye, to use a dictionary, this time, still, the beginning of the century, without a dictionary, to lend a pencil, to try;

б) to be ready — to get ready, to be ill — to get ill, to be married — to get married, to be free — to get free, to be old — to get old;

в) 1. I am ready to begin. 2. What’s the matter with your child? 3. I cannot find my textbook. 4. My child is only two years old but he can speak very well. 5. He comes home late. 6. If you want to learn a lot of new words, you must copy at least a page or two of some English text every day. 7. Do you see a friend of yours among those students? 8. Tom is never late. 9. Don’t forget to take a dictionary. 10. I cannot forget her young beautiful face. 11. His father wants to make a doctor of him. 12. Don’t forget to thank her for the help. 13. Don’t try to open the door. 14. On the left of the room there is a sofa, on the right there are two bookcases. 15. Is everything clear to you? — Yes, it is. 16. Don’t use a dictionary. You must know all these words. 17. What do we use chalk for? We use it for writing on the blackboard. 18. How many members are there in the Examination Board? 19. You may take my book, if you like. 20. You can speak to the dean, if you like, but I don’t think it is necessary. 21. If he likes, he may go with us.

г) 1. He is still at home. 2. She is still ill. 3. They are still busy with their graduation projects. 4. My father is not a pensioner. He is still working. 5. Though she is very old she still does a lot of things about the house.

Lesson Nine


2. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значения слова too:

а) My brother is too young.

Мой брат слишком молод.

My brother is young too.

Мой брат также молод.

1. This book is too easy. 2. That book of short stories is easy too. 3. This flat is nice too. 4. The room is too small for our family. 5. This book is too difficult to read. 6. This sentence is difficult too. 7. It is too late to go there. 8. This time she is late too.

б) She is too busy to help us.

Она слишком занята, чтобы


помогать нам.

1. The list of names is too long to copy. 2. The question is too difficult to answer. 3. The room is too small to live in. 4. There are too many unknown words in the text to be clear. 5. The poem is too long to recite. 6. It is too late to send the letter. 7. The box is too large to lift it. 8. The clock is too old to keep good time.

3. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

to be going to do something — собираться что либо сделать

1. I am going to give some milk to the children. 2. We are going to send her this new book of short stories by O. Henry. 3. They are going to collect pictures. 4. They are not going to miss classes today. 5. On my day off I am going to see a friend of mine.

6.The lecture is going to take place in that hall on Monday.

7.Though John is unwell, he is going to be present at the lectures on Monday.

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are you going to do after classes? 2. What are you going to do in the evening? 3. How long is the lecture going to last?

4.Where is the lecture going to take place? 5. Are you going to work hard this term? 6. Who is going to work in the workshop today? 7. What book are you going to read next?

5.Переведите на английский язык:

1. В следующий раз мы собираемся писать контрольную ра боту. 2. Мы собираемся прийти на экзамен вовремя. 3. Она

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


собирается послушать его лекцию. 4. Они собираются посмо треть новый фильм до занятий. 5. Я буду говорить на ту же самую тему.

6. Измените предложения по образцу:

You needn’t rewrite the test.

It is not necessary for you to rewrite the test.

1. You needn’t describe the picture. 2. You needn’t copy the list. 3. We must not use a dictionary. 4. We must not see the film. 5. They needn’t learn the words. 6. She needn’t air the classroom.

7. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Who is the painter of the picture? 2. Is Repin a well known Russian painter? 3. Is Repin a nineteenth century artist? 4. Can you describe the picture? 5. What can one see in the background? 6. Who is standing in the middle of the hall? 7. What poem is he reciting? 8. Can you recite this poem? 9. Are you fond of Pushkin’s poems? 10. Is Derzhavin fond of the poem? How do we known it? 11. Are there any other people present at the examination? 12. What can you tell about Derzhavin?

8. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова, словосочетания и пред ложения:

а) по крайней мере, конечно, список книг, в следующий раз, вовремя, находить время, номер дома, известный ученый, ве ликий поэт, известный русский художник, одолжить каран даш, находиться среди друзей, хорошо видеть, внимательно смотреть, двадцатое столетие, в начале семестра, в конце сто летия, хотя, все еще, обязанность;

б) 1. Время кончилось. 2. Иди сюда. 3. Не опаздывайте. 4. Вы готовы идти? — Конечно. 5. Что с вами? Вы больны? 6. Как сказать по английски «в следующий раз»? 7. Постарайтесь сделать этот перевод сегодня. 8. Он все еще болен, но ему го раздо лучше. 9. Сейчас я читаю интересную книгу Диккенса. 10. Мы должны знать по крайней мере один иностранный язык. 11. Вы можете найти эту книгу в библиотеке. 12. Он

Lesson Nine


хорошо говорит по немецки. 13. Он приходит сюда, чтобы по видаться с друзьями. 14. Не забудьте дать мне книгу. 15. Да вайте повторим слова, потому что в следующий раз у нас бу дет тест. 16. Мне нравятся стихи Пушкина. 17. Не забывайте своих обязанностей. 18. Я собираюсь перевести эту статью, хотя у меня нет словаря. 19. Я хочу, чтобы она перевела эту статью.

Упражнения для устной работы в аудитории

1. Дайте краткие вежливые утвердительные или отрицательные ответы, со гласно образцам:

Can you help me? — Yes, I think I can. Certainly I can.

Can you help us? — I am afraid I can’t. I am sorry I can’t.

1.Can you help us (to) lift the box? 2. Can you translate this text for me? 3. Can you tell us an interesting story? 4. Can you lend me a dictionary? 5. Can you give me this tape? 6. Can you show me today’s newspaper? 7. Can you send this letter? 8. Can you lend me your textbook? 9. Can you help me (to) find my watch?

10.Can you help me (to) master English?

2.Выразите удивление, используя слово really, по образцу:

T.: Peter must come here today.

St.: Must Peter really come here today?

1. We must prepare our home reading. 2. You may go home. 3. She can show us the monument. 4. We must hurry home. 5. I can recite the poem.

3. Ответьте по образцу:

T.: We must finish our work today. And you?

St.: I needn’t finish it today.

1. You must hurry. And your brother? 2. You must take the book from the library. And your friend? 3. Tom must go to the factory. And you? 4. Nick must do the translation. And you? 5. She must clean the room. And you?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


4. Скажите, что вы тоже собираетесь выполнить действие, о котором идет речь:

T.: I want to see the new film.

St.: I’m going to see the new film too.

1. He wants to speak on the same topic. 2. They want to do this exercise. 3. We want to translate the book into Russian. 4. We want to look through these newspapers. 5. She wants to draw a portrait. 6. She wants to collect pictures.

5. Скажите, что именно это действие вы и собираетесь или не собираетесь выполнить, по образцу:

а) T.: Try to learn these words.

St.: Yes, I’m going to learn them.

б) T.: Don’t try to see your friend. St.: I’m not going to see him.

1.Try to find time to help your little sister with her translation.

2.Try to learn the poem. 3. Try to answer those questions. 4. Try to be attentive in class. 5. Try to find the dictionary. 6. Don’t try to write the letter in English. 7. Don’t try to miss the lectures.

8.Don’t try to air the room. 9. Try to be ready in time.

6. Согласитесь с утверждением по образцу:

T.: Students must be in time for classes.

St.: Yes, It’s necessary for the students to be in time for classes.

1. You must work at your English hard. 2. Every Russian engi neer must know at least one foreign language. 3. He must review the old words. 4. You must take some other book for home read ing. It’s too difficult for you. 5. They must be ready at 5 o’clock.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу:

What do you want me to do?

I want you to recite the poem.

1. What do you want him to do? 2. What do you want her to see? 3. What do you want us to take? 4. Where do you want me to go? 5. Where do you want him to put the books?

Lesson Nine


Additional Material for Oral Speech Practice. Speech Patterns and Flashes

of Conversation

1. Прочтите и воспроизведите диалоги со студентами в группе:


What’s the homework for our next English class?

To read the new text and to do exercise 10 on page 25.

Thank you.

Not at all.


Have you got a family, Mr. Belov?

Yes, I have a wife and a son.

What’s your son’s name?


What’s his job?

He’s a programmer (a computer programmer).


Hello, Nick.

Hello, Bill. What’s the matter with you?

I’m not quite well.

I’m so sorry. Can I help you?

I’m afraid not. I’m going to see a doctor.

Must I go with you?

No, you needn’t, thank you.


May I come in?

Is that you, Mary? Come in. It’s very nice of you1 to come to see2 me.

How are you this morning?

I’m much better, thank you.

I’m glad to hear that.

1it’s nice of you — очень мило с твоей стороны 2to come to see = to visit — навещать

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One



Professor: What can you tell me about the great artists of the 17th century?

Student: They are all dead, sir.


Спросите у своего собеседника:


— есть ли у него семья


— как зовут его жену (мужа)


— кто она по профессии


— как она чувствует себя сегодня утром


— лучше ли она себя сегодня чувствует


— нужна ли ему помощь



Выразите сожаление (радость) по поводу услышанного.


Скажите, что вы:


— сегодня себя гораздо лучше чувствуете


— не собираетесь идти к врачу


— собираетесь навестить сестру



Спросите, что случилось с ... (используя слова справа):
















What’s the matter with your

















Выразите свое отношение к действию:




to help us





to come to see us


It’s very nice (kind) of you

to tell us about it



to send the letter



to go to see him






Lesson Ten (10)

The tenth lesson



Суффикс наречий -ly



regular — regularly




— usually




— badly


1. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных и переведите их на рус ский язык:

nice, slow, easy, attentive, expressive, correct, open, ready, comfortable, clear, certain

Суффикс существительных -ion, (-ation, -tion [ʃn])


to translate — translation



to examine — examination



to prepare — preparation


2. Подчеркните в словах словообразовательные суффиксы и префиксы, опре делите, какой частью речи являются эти слова, и переведите их на русский язык:

consultation, revolution, combination, collection, speaker, de signer, writer, reader, doer, actor, collector, translator, unnec essary, unusual, unwell, unknown, uninteresting, untidy, to rewrite, to reopen, to retell, to remake, to redo, usually, badly, readily, correctly, finally, easily, really, lightly, greatly

Грамматика и лексика

Step 54

Наречия неопределенного времени (§§ 52, 53)

always — всегда never — никогда sometimes — иногда

usually — обычно seldom — редко often — часто

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One




Место наречия в предложении





1. He seldom comes here.

Перед смысловым


She usually speaks English

лом (между подлежащим и

at home.

сказуемым, если сказуемое

I often air the room.

простое (кроме глагола to







2. I am never late.

После глагола to be (при

She is seldom ill.


или составном

She is always at home at this











3. Sometimes I have dinner at





чиняется вышеуказанным

I sometimes have dinner at

правилам, но может стоять


также в начале или в конце

I have dinner at home some











Примечание: В английском предложении может быть толь ко одно отрицание, поэтому с наречием never глагол стоит в утвердительной форме.

1. Поставьте наречия, данные в скобках, на правильное место в предложении:

1.I look through English magazines (sometimes). 2. He is free (always) at this time. 3. He is at home on Sundays (never). 4. I am busy on week days (always). 5. He is late (often). 6. She comes in time (seldom). 7. I come home at 10 o’clock (usually).

8.This clock keeps good time (never). 9. Do you air your room in the morning (usually)? 10. Before and after classes our En glish language laboratory is full of students (always). 11. She is ill (seldom). 12. Our lectures take place in this hall (usually).

13.She uses my telephone (seldom). 14. We see him (often).

15.He tries to help us (never).

2.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внима

ние на место наречий в предложении:

1. Я часто хожу в библиотеку по будням. 2. Она редко го ворит дома по английски. 3. Он иногда рассказывает нам о