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eloyalty fashion

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A limitation for this study was that every respondent was asked to think about his or her favorite online fashion store when answer the questionnaire. The respondents were thereby evaluating a Website, which they are familiar and satisfied with. This might have implied bias in the investigation.

A limitation occurred was during the data collection process, where the authors used an online survey tool. When it was time to export the data into SPSS, it was not possible to export all of the answers, but only 200. The tool used required to purchase a subscription for almost 5000 US dollar to export all data. However, after a discussion with a responsible for those types of issues it was possible to purchase 50 more responses for an affordable amount. This ultimately gave the study 250 completed questionnaires. Thereby, a limitation was that it was not possible get as many completed surveys as desire, which affected the total number of responses and indirect also the response rate.

During the data analysis process and other limitation occurred. The variable customization had to be excluded from the investigation. This occurred even though the questions regarding customization were based on a strong theoretical base additionally the questions for this variable were also adapted from previous research (Kassim & Abdullah, 2010; Ribbink et al., 2004). However, Hair et al. (2010) have guidelines to ensure reliability that suggested that a particular concept is not possible to measure with a single item. Thereby, the last question for customization was deleted since the EFA rejected four of the five question of customization and the remaining question was thereby deleted. One reason why this variable became useless might be that the questions for this variable were translated from English to Swedish. Accordingly, the translation process might have affected the meaning of the question in some way. Due to this discussion, it became a limitation that it was not possible to use customization to see how it influenced e-loyalty, but also e-satisfaction and e-trust.


After completed this study the researchers have suggestions for further research, which this section will present. This study was based on a quantitative study and a primary suggestion would be to do a qualitative study. This, since it would be interesting to get a deeper and more detailed picture in the field, if there are additional factors affecting e-loyalty but also why some antecedents are more important and some are less important for e-loyalty. Further, this study concluded that e-satisfaction is particular important for e-loyalty and it would be of interest to more detailed determine what


factors influence e-satisfaction. Additionally, investigate if there are additional factors influence e- trust and the e-service quality dimensions.

Hence, due to that the variable customization was removed from the investigation it would be of interest to try to find a suitable way to measure this variable, since previous research from Ribbink et al. (2004), has shown that customization has some influence of e-satisfaction. In addition, it would be of interest to test e-service quality as a unit and an own variable to see how it in total affects e-loyalty, e-satisfaction and e-trust. Thereby, a suggestion for further research is to try to find a way to measure e-service quality as a whole, and not only through the different dimensions.

Another interesting insight into the area would be to do a greater comparison between the age and gender and other variables to see if it differs. By identify if there is differences dependent on demographic factors can help managers to tailor the marketing to be suitable for their target group. The last suggestion for further research would be to investigate in another industry, to see if it is the same antecedents.


Customer loyalty is known as an important phenomenon to be profitable and for survival in the growing online competitive environment. This study has generated in a deep insight around the antecedents affecting e-loyalty and other factors important to consider. The investigation has provided useful results, especially for the online fashion market. Both practitioners and academic can benefit from this study and managers can get a valuable insight in how to create loyalty online.



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Loyalty online

Dear Participant

Shop fashion online is becoming increasingly common. For companies operating online it is important to get knowledge in what You as a consuming is interested of to become satisfied and for You to return. We will investigate this, for us as consumers to ultimately meet a better online shopping.

We are two master students from Linnaeus University that are writing our master thesis about what influences and what is important for a customer to return and become satisfied with a fashion company’s shopping site. Your opinion and participation is important for us! The questionnaire containing of different questions and assertions and it takes approximately 10 minutes to fill in. Off cause, your answer will be kept confidential.

As thanks for the help, You can participate in a lottery for cinema tickets, by fill in your e-mail address in the end of the questionnaire.

Thank you!

Ellinor Hansen och Erika Jonsson

Växjö, 2013-04-22

If you have any questions, please contact us:

Ellinor Hansen: ehaql09@student.lnu.se

Erika Jonsson: ej222jj@student.lnu.se

Linnaeus University, Växjö, Spring 2013

Examiner: Sarah Philipson: sarah.philioson@lnu.se

Tutor: Setayesh Sattari: setayesh.satteri@lnu.se


Read the question carefully and pick the option that best applies on you, thanks! Part 1








66 or over

Do you shop online?



Do you shop clothes and/or footwear online?



How often do you shop clothes and/or footwear online?


Sometime in the month

Sometime every six month

Someone once a year or less often

I do not shop clothes and/or footwear online

How do you most often shop your clothes and/or footwear?

The physical store

On the Internet

The same in physically store and online

I do not shop clothes and/or footwear online


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