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P. 28. Soldatova I. F. Psychological Provision of the Work with Officers and Cadets Requiring the Increased Psychological and Pedagogical Attention. The article is devoted to the attention paid to Russian MIA learning institutions’ cadets (Interior officers) experiencing difficulties in the line of their duties. The researcher suggests the ways of increasing effectiveness of psychological work with this group of the personnel.

Key words: psychological provision, adaptation, increased focus group.

P. 30. Boreyko L. I., Karavayev A. F. Conceptual Basics of the Model of the Graduates’ Professional Readiness for Professional Performance. The author stresses that the system of practical training lacks its significant link – a special subject developing basic skills, precisely, in-house training. The article proves the necessity to include the subject “In-house Training” aiming to lead the cadets into the professional reality through creating fundamentals of professional skillfulness in the line of the educational process at the higher learning institution before on-the-job training.

Key words: model, job description, readiness, training, practical training, graduates.


P. 32. Kishen’kov D. G. Criminological Personality Traits of Students Committing Crime. The article proves the importance of studying the personality of criminal students to define criminological characteristics of criminality among students. The researcher examines personality traits of students committing unlawful acts.

Key words: criminality among students, the criminal’s personality, motives to commit crimes.

P. 35. Loginov Ye. A. The Causes of Probation Convicts’ Criminal Behaviour. The article focuses on studying the set of causes conducive to commission of crime by convicts with suspended sentences during the probation period. The aim is to develop preventive measures.

Key words: convicts with suspended sentences, causes of criminal behavior, objective and subjective causes of crime.


P. 38. Gubin V. A., Yegorov D. A. The Officer’s Personal Example as a Pedagogical Condition of Educating ContractServicemen of the Russian MIA Inner Troops. The article sets forth the influence of the officer’s personal example on education of the Russian MIA Inner forces contract-servicemen as a pedagogical condition. The researchers examine the notions of “pedagogical condition” and “example” and reveal the officer’s psychological and pedagogical characteristics which make him the example to follow.

Key words: the officer’s personal example, pedagogical condition, contract-servicemen, imitation, copyism, interiorization, identification.

P. 41. Shadrin A. A. Interpersonal Relations as a Factor of Cadet’s Subjective Wellbeing in the Military Professional Socialization. The article examines interpersonal relations at a military higher learning institution as one of the factors of subjective wellbeing, their connection with emotional wellbeing and social frustrativeness, defines the most significant relations which influence the wellbeing in the process of learning.

Key words: subjective wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, social frustrativeness, socialization, military service.

P. 44. Ageeva A. V. The Russian Family Policy as One of the State’s Functions. The researcher deals with the issues pertaining to family policy implemented by the state. The article describes the questions of establishing and developing family policy and its connection with the social policy of the state. The emphasis is given to the measures taken by the state to support family and the questions of interrelation between family and the state as equal stakeholders of family policy carried out by the state.

Key words: family, family policy, social policy, protection of family.


P. 47. Kolesnikova N. Ye., Shipilov A. I. Current Problems of Resocialization of Youth Convicts Sentenced to Deprivation of Liberty. The article sums up traditional international techniques of resocialization. The researchers set up the range of problems and tasks aiming to resocialize youth convicts, which should be tackled by the RF legislation, and suggest their own vision of the problem.

Key words: youth convict, resocialization, resocialization techniques, socialization, reintegration, adaptation after incarceration, a unified conception of resocialization.

P. 50. Shteyn N. G. Spiritual Approach Contribution to the Resocialization of an Addicted Juvenile. The focus is made on the scientific aspects of resocialization of juvenile delinquents’ addicted behavior. The author reveals the essence of spiritual approach to psychological correction of addictions, its advantages and weak points.

Key words: personality, addiction, addicted behavior, spiritual approach, psychological correction, delinquent behavior.

Психопедагогика в правоохранительных органах, 2014, 3 3(58)


P. 52. Konoplitskaya O. V. Peculiarities of the Interior Officers’ Emotional Attitude to Juvenile Offenders. The researcher investigates emotional estimate component of the Interior officers’ social and psychological settings toward different categories of juvenile delinquents. The analysis given compares the officers’ emotions and feelings towards various categories of juvenile offenders.

Key words: social and psychological settings, the setting’s emotional estimate component, juvenile offender’s personality, officers of the Interior.

P. 55. Lemish V. V. Young People’s Ideas about Elderly and Old People. The researcher explores the specific features of old and elderly persons’ images built by young people who undergo the first stage of professional training. The article proves that these images are slightly differentiated but on the whole the image of an elderly person is more positive than that of an old one. On the basis of the Kelly’s repertory grids the author developed estimate scales and used them in the research.

Key words: age, age symbolism, ageing, image of an old man, image of an elderly person.

P. 59. Kravtsova L. V., Dergileva O. S. Psychological Drug Prevention among Officers. The article outlines the spreadlevel of drug-usage as a youth surrogate subculture and the necessity to conduct personal psychological drug prevention among the cadets of the Russian Interior educational institutions and officers of the MIA. The researchers distinguish three main tendencies of the further development of drug-usage problem.

Key words: drug-usage, psychological drug-prevention, youth surrogate subculture, psychoactive substances, drugprevention programme.

P. 61. Popova V. V. Coping with Stress while Preparing for the Competitions. Preparation to martial arts competitions, precisely “Kyokushin kaikan karate”, was the basis for examining issues of psychological stress in extreme conditions, coping with it, the influence stress renders to performance, the structure of compensatory connections of sportsmen’s tactic technical actions at the competitions as well as various level traits of a combatant’s individuality.

Key words: stress, coping behaviour, voice spectrography test, performance in extreme conditions.

P. 64. Karavayev F. F. Psychological Health and Health-Saving Educational Technologies. The article presents the definitions of the notions “health’ and “health-saving technologies”. The researcher examines the aspects of building motivation to lead a healthy life style and underlines axiological, tool-technological and need motivation components.

Key words: self-realization, health-saving environment, health, principles, technologies.


P. 71. Bayeva Ye. V. Historical Pedagogical Analysis of Rhetoric Development in Russia. The article is devoted to the history of establishing of rhetoric in Russia as a science since ancient times (the preserved historical documents being the foundation for it) till the 20th century. The author reveals the need for professionally oriented rhetoric training of specialists during the whole period of rhetoric development in Russia.

Key words: rhetoric, rhetorical ideal, teaching rhetoric, “private rhetoric”, “general rhetoric”, rhetoric competency.

P. 75. Varlakova T. V. Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language at the Omsk Academy of the Russian MIA. The article comprises the experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The researcher gives the vision of the teaching process in various aspects, characterizes pedagogical and psychological peculiarities of methodics in spreading knowledge of the Russian language at an international level.

Key words: Russian as a foreign language, communicative, language, speech competency, professional orientation.


P. 78. Solovyeva A. V. The Role of Diagnosing Initial Personality Potentials in Establishing a Positive Image of a Law Enfacement Officer. The article explains the outlook of establishing the initial personality potentials for creating a positive image of a law enforcement officer. Basing on the experimental research the author analyses the cadets’ initial personality potentials.

Key words: image, individual image, social image, initial personality potentials.

P. 81. Kibak I. A. Social and Psychological Provision of Lawmaking. The researcher reveals the sociologist’s involvement in forecasting the need for the legal regulation of lawmaking. The article outlines the expedience of including the idea of a bill into theory and practice of sociology and psychology of lawmaking. The examples are given where it is reasonable to conduct legal regulation of lawmaking only in the form of a law.

Key words: sociologist, forecast, public opinion, parliament, bill, lawmaking, effectiveness, deputy.

P. 85. Danilova S. V. Psychological Components of Mountain Rescuers’ Estimation of Emergency Cases. Basing on the empirical research the author briefly summarizes psychological mechanisms of estimating emergency cases. The article explains psychological components of emergency cases’ estimation made by mountain rescuers.


Психопедагогика в правоохранительных органах, 2014, 3 3(58)

Key words: psychological components, estimating, emergency cases, mountain rescuers, cognitive, emotional and behavioural personality styles.


P. 88. Chovdyrova G. S., Osipova M. I., Klimenko T. S. Psychological Attributes Hindering the Person’s Emotional Burnout as a Syndrome of Chronical Stress Development. The researchers investigate emotional burnout as a syndrome of chronical stress. The article explores psychodiagnostics of policemen’s personality structures unapt to emotional “burnout” development as a syndrome of chronical stress.

Key words: emotional “burnout”, syndrome of chronical stress, adaptation syndrome, personality structure, motivation, officers.

P. 90. Vakhnina V. V. Psychological Peculiarities of Crisis Situations in Law Enforcement Officers’ Negotiations within the System-Situational Approach. The emphasis is given to the problems of crises in negotiating within the systemsituational analysis and to the main theoretical and methodological provisions of this approach in different situations of the negotiating process.

Key words: crisis situations, negotiations, system-situational approach, negotiating strategies, negotiation competency.

P. 94. Smolensky D. V. Use of Psychologist’s Behavioural Reactions to Reveal Prerequisites for the Convict’s Deviant Conduct. The researcher investigates the problem of effective recognition of convicts’ behavoiural reactions when showing them verbal and visual stimuli during psychodiagnostics examination. This aims to reveal the facts of negative deviant behavior in the past and forecast the examinee’s proclivity to various unlawful acts while being imprisoned.

Key words: emotion, negative deviant behaviour, behavioural reaction, psychologist.

Психопедагогика в правоохранительных органах, 2014, 3 3(58)


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