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Board Review Worksheet for Parasitology.doc
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Board Review Worksheet for Parasitology.

Fill in the blanks to the best of your collective abilities. Please try to work in groups, and refer to your tables of common parasites in your parasitology notes.

On a most basic note, for each host species, write out the parasites you expect to see in neonates, juveniles or adults. Which parasites in each host trigger a strong immune response or resistance, and which ones don't. Which have direct life cycles, which have indirect life cycles. Which are transmitted via an infective egg and which require development in the environment. Which require the ingestion of an intermediate host. Which parasites migrate in the body, liver or lungs. Which parasites for each host have a temperature-dependent or seasonal component to their transmission. For each of the *** parasites in your notes you should be able to write down the location of the adult parasites.

Canine Parasites

You should have a handle on the ages of dogs and the spectrum of gastrointestinal parasites that you would expect at different stages of the dog's life. If not, begin to develop that sense now.

List the 3 parasites that would be highest on your list of differentials for infecting a puppy of 8 days of age. Please note that I said "infecting" and not necessarily patent infection. What signs would you associate with this stage of the infection?

1. 2. 3.

By what routes does each of these achieve transmission?

List the 3 parasites that would be highest on your list of differentials for causing diarrhea in a puppy of 8 WEEKS of age.

1. 2. 3.

List 3 parasites that would be highest on your list of differentials for causing diarrhea in a pup of 8 MONTHS of age.

1. 2. 3.

List 3 parasites that would be highest on your list of differentials for causing diarrhea in a dog of 8 YEARS of age.

1. 2. 3.

Based on these initial questions, go through your table of dog parasites and identify if they are characteristically a parasite of young dogs, older dogs, or any age.

List the 3 clinical syndromes associated with heartworm disease in dogs

1. 2. 3.

Can you describe the pathological changes that are associated with these 3?

Identify at least 2 radiographic changes associated with heartworm disease

1. 2. 3.

I can think of 5 explanations of why a dog could be microfilaria-positive on a blood exam but negative on an ELISA antigen test. How many can you list?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

What are the tests you can use to diagnose heartworm in dogs and when in the infection are they reliable to use?

List all the tapeworms of dogs you can remember

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

What are the intermediate hosts for those tapeworms

What are the 3 most important zoonotic tapeworms that can afflict humans. In all animals the most pathogenic manifestations of tapeworm infections are secondary to serving as the intermediate host.

1. 2. 3.

List the parasites of dogs that you could find in the lungs of dogs AS ADULT parasites, not just migrating through the lungs

1. 2. 3.

List all the parasites of dogs you can that would pass through the lungs as larval stages and not be there as adults

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

What is the kidney worm of dogs?

Review your flea life cycle. What stage survives the longest of the egg, larva, pupa or adult?


List 2 genera of lice on dogs

1. 2.

What mites can you find on dogs and where do you find them?

1. 2. 3.

What is the prophylactic program you recommend for puppies? When does it begin, how often, with what drug?

What drugs are effective against common roundworms? Hookworms? Whipworms?

List at least 3 drugs that you can use in heartworm prophylaxis

1. 2. 3.

Which heartworm prophylaxis programs are daily and which are monthly?

Are they effective against other nematodes? Cestodes? Arthropods?

List at least 3 drugs to use against tapeworms

1. 2. 3.