Аудиторная работа № 3

20. Составьте предложения со словом there, употребив глагол в соответствующей временной форме.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: (There/not to be) a radical reduction in government spending this year. -> There has not been a radical reduction in government spending this year.

1. (There/ to be) an increase in demand for imports when domestic income and output rise.

2.Normally, (there/not to exist) such a situation when all labour supplied by households is employed.

3.(There/ to be) considerable changes in the occupational (профессиональный) distribution of the labour force recently.

4.Over the last 100 years (there/to be) a fall in the average workweek for men, while for women (there/ to be) a rise in workweek and hours per week.

5.(There / may / to be) various types of assets, among them such physical assets as plant, equipment, land, consumer durables and financial assets.

6.(There/should/ to be) inaccuracy in measuring per capita GNP levels in many less developed countries since a large number of transactions are not recorded.

7.If total output rises only a little faster than the increase in population, then (there/ to take place) only a small rise in per head income.

8.If (there/ to be) growth in an economy, (there/ to be provided) more both private and public goods such as education, health, etc.

21. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.

1. Gross national product is the value of all goods and services (to produce) in the economy in a given period such as a year.

2.The value added (to be) the difference between the value of a firm's output and the cost of the inputs (to buy in) to produce that output. The value added (to be) the value that a firm (to add) to its (to buy in) materials and services through its own production and marketing efforts. The sum of all the value added in various sections of the economy such as manufacturing, agriculture, etc. (to know) as the GDP.

3.Businesses (to produce) goods and services (to use) factor inputs (to supply) to them by households.

4.The gross national product (to determine) for a particular geographic area,

usually a country, but possibly a region or a city, or a group of countries such as the European Economic Community (EEC). It (to measure) for a time period, usually a year or a quarter.

5. An asset (to be) property (to own) by an individual or a business which (to have) money value.


6. While individual labour supply (to measure) in hours, aggregate supply (to measure) in man-hours, the total amount of hours (to supply) by all workers.

22. Прочитайте текст и найдите три случая употребления конструкции «сложное дополнение». Ответьте на вопросы, следующие за


Exports and Imports as Part of Circular Flow

In an open economy, that is, an economy having contacts with other countries, exports provide demand for domestic goods and we consider them to be an injection (вливание) to national economy. And we consider imports to be a leakage (утечка) from the circular flow since they provide a demand for goods produced abroad.

What determines the desired (желательный) levels of exports and imports? Demand for exports is determined by conditions in foreign economies and

some economists do not believe exports to depend on domestic income. However, there exists a relationship between exports and domestic aggregate demand. An increase in export demand will result in a rise in the aggregate demand.

Imports from other countries may be raw materials for domestic production or goods for direct consumption by households, such as a Japanese television set or a bottle of French wine. We expect demand for imports to rise when domestic

income and output rise.


In terms of national

income measuring, total leakages from the circular flow

must always equal (равняться) total injections to the circular flow. The equilibrium condition for an open economy is as follows:

S + T + Im = (total leakages) In + G + E (total injections)

Desired savings (накопления) plus taxes plus desired imports must equal desired investment plus desired government spending plus desired exports.

1. How are imports and exports connected with circular flow of payments in an economy?

2.What is the main requirement to injections to and leakages from national economy for it to remain balanced?

3.What are injections to and leakages from the circular flow made up of?

23. Просмотрите тексты на с. 93 и 103 и скажите:

Are both of them about open economies or is one of them about a closed economy, that is, an economy analyzed without its contacts with foreign countries? What makes you think so?

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