// CustomThread.h
// MODULE:    
// AUTHOR:		Ivo Ivanov
#if !defined(_CUSTOMTHREAD_H_)

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

// Includes
#include "common.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "LockMgr.h"

// class CCustomThread  
// It is an abstract class that enables creation of separate threads of 
// execution.
class CCustomThread  
	CCustomThread(TCHAR* pszThreadGuid);
	virtual ~CCustomThread();
	// Activate / Stop the thread 
	void SetActive(BOOL bValue);
	// Indicates whether the driver has been activated
	BOOL GetIsActive();
	// Setup the attribute
	void SetIsActive(BOOL bValue);
	// Return the handle to the thread's shut down event
	HANDLE Get_ShutdownEvent() const;
	// Primary thread entry point
	static unsigned __stdcall ThreadFunc(void* pvParam);
	// Thread attributes
	BOOL          m_bThreadActive;
	DWORD         m_dwThreadId;
	static HANDLE sm_hThread;
	CCSWrapper    m_CritSec;
	// The name of the shut down event
	TCHAR         m_szThreadGuid[255];
	HANDLE        m_hShutdownEvent;
	// A user supplied implementation of the thread function.
	// Override Run() and insert the code that should be executed when 
	// the thread runs.
	virtual void Run() = 0;
	// Perform action prior to activate the thread
	virtual BOOL OnBeforeActivate();
	// Called after the thread function exits
	virtual void OnAfterDeactivate();

#endif // !defined(_CUSTOMTHREAD_H_)
//----------------------------End of the file -------------------------------
Соседние файлы в папке ConsCtl