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Вопросы к экзамену

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Вопросы к экзамену для группы БИО-Б18 (продолжающие)

  1. How is our body adapted for the physical stresses and wear of human life? Speak about each system of organs.

  2. What are the most surprising abilities of the human body?

  3. What is the adaptive significance of the four-chambered heart and greater and lesser circulation?

  4. How does the human body adapt to the changes in lifestyle and the environment?

  5. What medical achievements have most significantly changed human life and health care?

  6. What are blood groups? What characteristics allow to distinguish blood groups?

  7. How many blood groups are there?

  8. Why is it necessary to match donor's and recipient's blood groups for transfusion?

  9. What are the functions of water in the human organism? What processes is water involved in?

  10. What is the function of water in photosynthesis?

  11. Can water produce negative effect on the human body?

  12. What is dehydration? What negative consequences can it cause?

  13. What determines the differences in the daily water consumption of dif­ferent classes of animals — amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals?

  14. Do freshwater and saltwater kinds of fish have any difference in metabolism?

  15. Can distilled water be used for drinking?

  16. What is a fungus? Why are fungi classified into a separate Kingdom?

  17. Are fungi unicellular or multicellular organisms?

  18. Are fungi stationary or moving organisms?

  19. What is the difference between a fungus and a mushroom? Do all fungi have a fruiting body?

  20. Are fungi hetero- or autotrophs?

  21. What ecological functions are performed by fungi?

  22. What cases of ecological relationship between fungi and other organisms do you know? Give examples of symbiosis, mutualism, parasitism, etc.

  23. What is the significance of fungi for humans?

  24. What is a bacterium? Why are bacteria classified into a separate Kingdom?

  25. What is the difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria?

  26. What adaptations have archaebacteria developed to survive in the extreme conditions of their habitat?

  27. What processes and mechanisms do bacteria use to obtain energy and nutrients?

  28. What is the purpose of Gram staining?

  29. How do bacteria reproduce? What is the difference between binary fis­sion and conjugation?

  30. What are the functions of bacteria in the environment?

  31. What is their significance for humans?

  32. By what ways can disease-causing bacteria damage the human organism?

  33. What domestic animals do you know? What wild animals do they come from?

  34. What was the first domesticated animal? Why?

  35. How does the process of domestication take place?

  36. What purposes were domesticated animals used for?

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