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Human education occurs at all stages of his life. From birth, we learn to know the world. Parents, educators and teachers make a huge contribution to human education. A person can develop physically, mentally and spiritually.

At school, the child learns about various sciences and their directions. During the educational process, a person gradually chooses the area of ​ ​ activity that he likes most. Upon graduation, you must pass the final exam. According to the results of the exam and the chosen field, a person selects and goes to college or institute. The institute begins training on the selected profile. It is at this moment that a person gradually becomes a specialist in a specific field.

To properly form knowledge in a person, the educational institution develops a special curriculum. This plan must be followed by all teachers. Then the state will be able to acquire many high-quality qualified specialists who contribute to the development of the country.

Образование человека происходит на всех этапах его жизни. С самого рождения мы учимся познавать мир. Огромный вклад в образование человека делают его родители, воспитатели и учителя. Человек может развиваться физически, умственно и духовно.

В школе ребёнок узнаёт о различных науках и их направлениях. Во время учебного процесса человек постепенно выбирает ту сферу деятельности, которая ему больше всего нравится. По окончанию школы необходимо сдать итоговый экзамен. По результатам экзамена и выбранной сфере человек выбирает и поступает в колледж или институт. В институте начинается обучение по выбранному профилю. Именно в этот момент человек постепенно становиться специалистом в конкретной области.

Чтобы правильно сформировать знания у человека, учебное заведение разрабатывает специальный учебный план. Этот план должны соблюдать все преподаватели. Тогда государство сможет приобрести много качественных квалифицированных специалистов, которые по способствуют развитию страны.

Education is a system of personal education and training. Every person receives education. Everyone needs to graduate school, graduate from college or university, having received higher education.

Sami the first stage of education begins with school, this is obligatory education. There are two types of schools: mixed-sex schools and single-sex schools. Upon graduation, students must revise for exams and pass them successfully.

This is followed by a college or university. Schooling is very different from university. At school, everyone does their homework, and at the university they have to do coursework, take an essay, take exams. Upon completion of successful studies at the university, everyone get a degree.

Each of us at least once in our lives truancy lessons, failed an exam or course, wanted drop ыout of school. We all make mistakes in the training process, but if you do not give up and do your best, then you can get a good result. To pass a successful exam or course, to get a good grade for work awakens the desire to study further.

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