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ИздательствоБашкирский государственный педагогический университет им.М. АкмуллыISBNГод2001Страниц20. Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для студентов неязыковых факультетов

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Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для студентов неязыковых факультетов/ Сост. Г.З. Батырова. – Уфа: Изд-во БГПУ, 2001.

– 20 с.

Предлагаемые упражнения предназначены для студентов неязыковых факультетов для работы над грамматическим материалом. Упражнения нацелены на усвоение грамматического материала в объеме учебной программы преподавания иностранного языка на неязыковых факультетах вуза.

Составитель: Г.З. Батырова, канд. филол. н.

Рецензенты: В.М. Калимуллина, д-р.филол.н., профессор Ф.М. Гарипова, канд.пед.н.

©Издательство БГПУ, 2001


Настоящая учебно-методическая разработка по грамматике английского языка предназначена для студентов I-IIкурсов неязыковых факультетов с учетом требований Госстандарта высшего образования РФ.

Основная цель разработки - развить и автоматизировать навыки и умения правильно употреблять грамматические структуры как в устной, так и в письменной речи.

Последовательность упражнений внутри темы построена по принципу нарастания сложности.

Разработка включает аналитические упражнения на идентификацию и дифференциацию грамматических явлений, тренировочные – на выработку автоматизма употребления изучаемых явлений, творческие – на использование их в речи в конкретных ситуациях, контролирующие – на перевод с русского языка на английский.

Система упражнений, представленная в разработке, обеспечивает успешность обучения и способствует языковой и речевой активности студентов.



The Present Indefinite Tense

Remember: the Present Indefinite Tense is used to denote permanent actions and states and repeat actions.

1. Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular:

1. I work at an office.

2.We usually have our English in the evening.

3.They often speak English in class.

4.We write a lot of sentences on the blackboard.

5.After my English I go to the office.

6.We read, write and speak English during the lesson.

7.My sons read these books every day.

2.Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite:

1. Our teacher always (speak) English clearly. We can always (understand) her.

2.He usually (to walk) home after his work.

3.Where (to work) comrade Petrov?

4.He (not to work) hard at his German.

5.You often (to speak) English in class?

6.Mary (to live) near a large park.

7.She (to go) to the Institute every day.

8.Who (to answer) the teacher's questions?

9.She always (to ask) us to help her with her homework. 10.My sister (to translate) books into Russian.

3.Expand the following statements using the given adverbs in their proper position:

Model: They read English books (often). - They often read English books.

1.I go to the reading room to prepare my lessons (sometimes).

2.We listen to these tapes to learn to read English (often).

3.My friend works here (usually).

4.Children sleep in the open air (never).

5.They rest in the garden (hardly ever).

Model: He is late (often). - He is often late.

1.I am busy on week-days (always).

2.She is ill (seldom).

3.He is at his office in the morning (usually).


4.He is at home on Sunday (never).

5.Before and after classes our English laboratory is full of students (always).

4.Ask questions and give answers according to the model: Model: My friend learns English.- Does my friend learn English? Yes, he does.

1. Her sister lives in Moscow.

2.Our teacher speaks French.

3.This engineer works at our office.

4.He likes English classes very much.

5.Her friend does English exercises at home.

6.My wife comes home late.

7.She lives in Moscow.

Model: They work too much - Do they work too much? Yes, they do.

1. We go to the institute in the morning.

2.They discuss a lot of questions at the office.

3.His sisters work at a new factory.

4.My mother and I play the piano.

5.Our family skate in winter.

6.I live far from my office.

7.They finish work at 5 o'clock

5.Answer the following questions:

1 .What is your name?

2.Where do you live?

3.What do you do?

4.Where do you study? 5.What language do you learn?

6.What do you do during the lesson?

7.Do you usually have dictations?

8.Do you often speak English to your teacher?

9.What language do you usually speak in class?

10.Where do you go after classes?

6.Translate into English:

1 .Я часто хожу в библиотеку по будням.

2.Она редко говорит дома по-английски.

3.Он иногда рассказывает нам о своих родителях.


4.Мы никогда не опаздываем.

5.Вы никогда не стараетесь понять их.

6.Я всегда забываю это слово.

7.Они обычно готовят уроки вместе.

8.На каком иностранном языке говорит ваш брат?

9. .Я не понимаю этого правила.

10. Когда мы уезжаем?

11. .Мои часы хорошо ходят.

12.Всегда можно взять эту книгу в библиотеке.

13.Пусть он иногда приходит сюда.

14.Студенты нашей группы часто ходят в кино вместе.

15.Она всегда рада нас видеть.


The Past Indefinite Tense

Remember: the Past Indefinite Tense is used to denote:

a)an action in the past;

b)a succession of past actions;

c)a past habit.

1.Transform the verb into the Past Indefinite Tense: a) Model: She opens the door.-She opened the door.

1.I look through English magazines.

2.She comes in time.

3.We have dinner in the Institute dining-room.

4.They want to see the new film.

5.He spends very little time on French.

6.They play chess well.

7.The students pass their exams.

8.He likes to tell funny stories.

9.They stay in the country in summer.

10.The students ask a lot of questions.

b)Be careful with the verb "to be":

1. We are going to review the old grammar material.

2.The weather is fine and cloudless.

3.Mary is 20.


4.There are a lot of people at the meeting.

5.There is a book on the table.

6.His father is an engineer.

7.She is not a student.

8.His sister is a young teacher.

9.They are old workers.

10.I am glad to see you.

2.Answer the following questions. Use short affirmative or negative answers:

a)Model: Did you write a letter yesterday?-Yes, I did (or: No, I didn't). 1. Did you come home late yesterday?

2.Did you get up early on Sunday?

3.Did your friend see the new film yesterday?

4.Did you watch TV last Sunday?

5.Did you spend his holidays in Kiev last year?

6.Did you have very good time in the country the day before yesterday?

7.Did your brother leave for England last night?

8.Did your friend take part in his meeting?

9.Did you tell your parents about your new friends?

10.Did it snow yesterday?

b)Model: Was it cold yesterday?-Yes, it was.(0r: No, it wasn't) 1. Was your friend at home yesterday?

2.Was it warm the day before yesterday?

3.Were you at home on Sunday?

4.Were your friends at the party with you?

5.Was your brother a good pupil?

6.Was your friend glad to see you?

7.Were you late for the bus yesterday?

8.Was Roman absent?

9.Was yesterday your day off?

10.Was it sunny the day before yesterday?

3. Translate into English:

1. Где вы были вчера?

2.Им не понравилась статья этого инженера.

3.Я прочитал эту книга на прошлой неделе.

4.Кто навестил вас вчера?


5.Вчера я пришел домой поздно.

6.На уроке учитель задавал нам вопросы, а мы отвечали на них.

7.Мы решили повторить перед диктантом слова (из) первых пяти уроков.

8.Мы закончили работать в 9 часов.

9.Мой дедушка рассказал очень веселую историю вчера.

10.Юрий Гагарин был первым космонавтом в мире.

11. Мы решили купить новую красивую куклу для дочери.

12.Вчера погода была хорошая.

13.Вечером мы танцевали и смотрели телевизор.

14.На прошлой неделе студенты нашей группы смотрели английский фильм на уроке.

15.Я читал эту книгу в детстве.


The Future Indefinite Tense

Remember: the Future Indefinite Tense denotes actions or facts in the future.

1.Put the verb into the Future Indefinite Tense

Model: I (to become) an engineer in two years-Fll become an engineer in two years.

1. I (to stay) in town on Sunday.

2.We (to invite) them to the theatre tomorrow.

3.Tomorrow I (to get up) early.

4.My parents (to leave for) Kiev next week.

5.After dinner I (to have) some tea.

6.She (to translate) this article tomorrow.

7.You (to be) in Moscow tonight.

8.She (to try) to speak to the teacher the day after tomorrow.

9.Next month I (to do) to see my friends.

10.We (to take part) in sports events.

2.Use short answers to the following questions:

a)Model: Will your friend ring up?-yes, he will (Or: No, he won't). 1. Will it snow tomorrow?

2.Will your parents go to the cinema on Sunday?

3.Will the weather be fine at the week-end?

4.Will your friend help you?

5.Will your uncle write a letter to you?


b) Model: Will you stay at the Institute after classes? -Yes, I shall(0r: No, I shan't).

1.Will you attend the next meeting?

2.Will you go home by bus?

3.Will you cook dinner yourself?

4.Will you watch TV tonight?

5.Will you go to the library after classes?

3. Give full answers to the following questions:

Remember: the Future Indefinite Tense is never used in subordinate clauses of time or condition. Pay attention to the use of the Present Indefinite Tense.

1.What will you do if you have much spare time? (to go to the cinema).

2.What will you do when the classes are over? (to go home).

3.What will you do if your friends come to see you? (to make tea).

4.What will you do if your parents ask you to help them? (to help my parents).

5.What will you do when summer comes? (to sunbathe, to swim).

6.What will you do when winter comes? (to go skiing).

7.What will you do if you have spare time? (to go to the library).

8.What will you do if your friend gets ill? (to come and see).

9.What will you do when you receive a letter? (to answer it).

10.What will you do if you have your holidays? (to go to the country).

4.Complete the following sentences using the Future Indefinite


1. In summer we... (to spend)much time in the open air.

2.She.. .(to accept) your invitation to spend the weekend at your place.

3.My friend .. .(to take part) in the discussion.

4.They... (to watch) TV in the evening.

5.They to... (to listen to) the latest news on the radio.

6.Next month I.. .(to go to see) my parents.

7.Tomorrow she.. .(to sing) her first big concert.

8.Next year we... (to study) French.

9.On Saturday I... (not to be busy).

10.I... (to meet) him tomorrow.

5.Translate into English:

1. Студенты будут работать на этом заводе.

2.Мы будем рады вас видеть.

3.Они будут стараться выполнить работу вовремя.

4.Я буду готов в 5 часов.

5.Он нам все расскажет.

6.Экзамен будет продолжаться до 3 часов.


7.Я всегда буду ездить туда на метро.

8.Когда вы напишите письмо своим родителям?

9.Дети будут ложиться спать рано.

10.Он не придет рано сегодня.

11.Они посетят Филадельфию в следующем году.

12.Вася будет летчиком.

13.Мы пойдем в цирк завтра.

14.Аня будет учителем английского языка.

15.Мы будем встречать Новый год дома.

6.Put the verb into the correct tense:

a)1. They will understand you if you (not to speak) fast.

2.It will be impossible for us to get into the hall when the lecture (to begin). It'll be full of people.

3.If you (to clean) this clock it'll keep good time again.

4.We shan't be hungry it we (to have a meal) now.

5.When my wife (to be ready) we'll join you.

b)1 .If I find the book I (to give ) it to you.

2.If he arrives in time I (to speak) to him. 3.If you don't hurry we (to be ) late for class. 4.IfI have time tomorrow I (to go shopping).

5.When the weather is warm we (to go) to the park.

7.Translate into English:

1. Если вы будете заниматься, вы сдадите экзамен.

2.Если я не получу письмо, я отправлю им телеграмму.

3.Если мой брат придет, он поможет нам.

4.Когда наступит лето, мы будем много купаться.

5.Мы все сделаем, когда вернемся.

6.Если будет тепло в субботу, мы пойдем в лес.

7.Если у меня будет время завтра, я пойду на вечер.

8.Вы возьмете отпуск после того, как получите приглашение от друзей?

9.Вы сможете прочитать газету до того, как начнутся уроки?

10.Если он не ответит на письмо родителей, они очень расстроятся.

11.Мы будем работать, пока не устанем.

12.Я позвоню ей, когда вернусь из командировки.

13.Если я не буду хорошо знать английский, я не буду работать в этой фирме.

14.Мы начнем работу, как только улучшится погода.

15.Мы будем писать текст, пока не зазвенит звонок.


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