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Английский Наумова Я. А. 213С (12.2)

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Наумова Я. А. 213С

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив необходимую форму причастия I или причастия II, и переведите предло­жения.

Model 1. The car (to break) in the accident was taken into the garage.

The car broken in the accident was taken into the garage.

Model 2. The man (to smoke) a cigarette is my brother.

The man smoking a cigarette is my brother.

  1. Everything (to write) here is very interesting.

  2. Who is that advocate (to make) his notes on the table?

  3. The (to lose) child was found on the next day.

  4. I remember the subjects (to study) by me last year.

  5. The crime (to commit) by the juvenile was tried in juvenile court.

  6. We listened to the prosecutor (to tell) us his version of the case.

  7. I think that the man (to stand) there is the attendant.

  8. (To take) the victim by the hand, we helped her to cross the street.

  9. People (to watch) the accident are very exited.


1. Everything writing here is very interesting.

2. Who is that advocate making his notes on the table?

3. The losing child was found on the next day.

4. I remember the subjects studied by me last year.

5. The crime committing by the juvenile was tried in juvenile court.

6. We listened to the prosecutor toll us his version of the case.

7. I think that the man standing there is the attendant.

8. Taking the victim by the hand, we helped her to cross the street.

9. People watching the accident are very excited.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы причастия I и причастия II.

  1. When charged with murder, he was arrested.

  2. Releasing the offender, the officer cautioned him not to drive too fast.

  3. Being suspected of an offence, he was detained.

  4. When initially detained, he was released on bail.

  5. Having been questioned, he was released on bail in the interests of the investigation.

  6. Outside London the police are all local forces, employed and paid by counties or county boroughs.

  7. The offence related questions may normally not be put to a person after he or she has been charged with that offence.

  8. Having been cautioned beforehand, he did not commit a crime.

  9. Having grounds to suspect a person of an offence, the police must caution.


1. Когда его обвинили в убийстве, он был арестован.

2. Освободив преступника, офицер предостерег его от слишком быстрого вождения.

3. Будучи подозреваемым в совершении преступления, он был задержан.

4. При первоначальном задержании его отпустили под залог.

5. Будучи допрошен, он был отпущен под залог в интересах следствия.

6. За пределами Лондона полиция - это все местные силы, занятые и оплачиваемые графствами или округами.

7. Вопросы, связанные с преступлением, обычно не могут быть поставлены перед лицом после предъявления ему обвинения в совершении этого преступления.

8. Будучи предупрежден заранее, он не совершил никакого преступления.

9. Имея основания подозревать человека в совершении преступления, полиция должна проявлять осторожность.