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История литературы / 4. The beginning of Eng literature. Benedict Biscop, Bede

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Usually Eng literature is defined as the body of written works produced in the English lang by inhabitants of the British Isles including Ireland from the 7th century to the present days. The major literary works written in England outside the British Isles are treated separately under American, Australian, Canadian, and New Zeeland literature. In many books of literary criticism English literature is divided into several periods:1) Medieval lit-re or ‘dark period’ of 11-16th: the old Eng perod of the Anglo-Saxon period (5-6- cent – 1066), the middle ages=the eraly middle ages 1066-1300, the late middle ages 1300-1485 2)The Renaissance period began later in England than in most European countries. 1485-1625 3)The period of Reformation and Restoration 1625-1702 4)The period of Enlightenment 1702-1798 5) The period of Romanticism 1798-1837 6) The period of Realism and naturalism =the Victorian age 1837-1901 7) Modernism: 1901 up to WW 1, the period between the wars, WW2 – up to the 60s, the 60s up tp the present day. The tribes that came in England in 5th century (Angles, Saxons, Jutes) brought no literature, but it does not mean absence of writing, as they used runes. The use of these signs appears to be greatly restricted, it did not extend beyond the proverbs or magic formulas (upon sword), or ornaments. Still they have songs, legends – unwritten – they were preserved in memories of minstrels. One of the oldest songs we possess is the song of Widsith=Far Treveller – one of the oldest songs we possess which describes the wondering through many lands. In order to understand the literature of the Old Middle ages we should know the main factors which influenced its development: Christianity (1sr cent AD started spreading all over Europe, did a lot to educate tribes, monasteries were built everywhere, they were farms which learnt people to cultivate lands , schools and libraries where ancient books were copied. Community was divided into clergy (духовенство)and flock (паства)), Feudalism (knighthood rituals influenced poetry-legends and ballades about the adventures of knights. Society divided into nobility, clergy, peasantry), Appearance of bourgeoisie (this group became the subject matter of literature works, this class brought to ridicule the customs and traditions of knighthood). The glory of the beginning of the English literature belongs to the North rather than the South.(Angles, rather than Saxons). At the beginning of the 7th century Northumbria gained a supreme position which was not entirely lost for two centuries. N. was the center from which the light of learning streamed over western Europe. In Northumbria within the walls of the twin monasteries (Wearmouth and Jarrow) were spent the years of the Venerable Bede (637-735) – the true father of Eng literature. Benedict Biscop (c. 628 – 690, had an idea was to build a model monastery for England. It was the first ecclesiastical building in Britain to be built in stone and glass, possessed a large library which became world-famous and manuscripts that had been copied there became prized possessions throughout Europe, including especially the earliest surviving manuscript of the complete Bible in the Latin Vulgate version) – the founder of the monastery traveled to Rome 4 or 5 times & brought books, pictures & other works of art & he brought teachers with him – the best ones. All these were studied by Bede and thanks to the books and teachers he became a proficient translator from Latin, Greek, & Hebrew. He is famous being a teacher. Practically all his works are in Latin. Among his numerous works on numerous subjects one can find explanations & commentaries to the Bible, chronology, astrology, books of poetry & rhetoric. Biography writing was one more of his favorite subjects. His favorite subject “Ecclesiastical (=religious) history of English People” – it’s about introduction of Christianity into England. This book marks the beginning of our literature of knowledge, and to it we are largely indebted for what we know of English history from the time of Cæsar’s invasion to the early part of the eighth century. He also recorded works of bards and wrote a few works in English. His “Death Song” is the only vernacular poem that has come to us. It`s a famous pios wisdom. It`s about Doomsday. It may be divided into 2 parts each starting with the word “before”. Interpretation: before one is going to die no one should believe that he is wiser that he is, because it is for God to decide whether one did Good or Bad, and one should not be conceited (тщеславный) and ambitious. Short and abrupt lines, no punctuation marks, no sentence is finished – we have one long sentence with logically but not grammatically connected lines. Bede had Doomsday in mind and views it as a true Christian. We don`t have long pauses in the poem, it`s more like a song or a sermon (проповедь).