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Enjoy your meal!


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Read and translate the text

a spanish restaurant

Diane: Hi, Joe. Where were you last month?

Joe: Oh, hi, Diane. I was on vacation in California.

Joe: Diane: California? What was it like?

Joe: Fantastic! The weather was beautiful and the ocean was very warm.

Diane: What was the hotel like?

Joe: Excellent! There was a swimming pool and a private beach.

Diane: Was your wife Monica with you?

Joe: Yes. She loves the sun.

Diane: What about your children? Were they with you?

Joe: No, they weren’t. They were with their grandparents in Chicago.

Diane: Did you and Monica go out for dinner every night?

Joe: Yes, we especially liked Casa Pedro - a small Spanish restaurant across the street. Though it was very popular with tourists and it was often crowded.

Diane: So it wasn’t trendy and …

Joe: Of course, not! The interior was simple and light. But the tables weren’t too close together and the chairs were comfortable. We liked the atmosphere there – so friendly and relaxed. And the music wasn’t too loud. And it was fairly cheap, only about $20 per person with wine. I was my favorite place for a quiet meal with my wife.

Diane: Oh, really? Was the food good there?

Joe: Oh, yes. The food was very tasty. We absolutely loved it! We often had meals there. The choice of food and drinks was fantastic.

Diane: Did you try any new dishes?

Joe: Every time we went to Casa Pedro we tried something new. Casa Pedro is a tapas restaurant, so we chose a lot of different small dishes and shared them. An often ordered the spicy Spanish sausage called chorizo. The food was always fresh and the salads were delicious.

Diane: Did you enjoy the dessert too?

Joe: I didn’t usually have dessert but Monica said the cakes were excellent with an espresso.

Diane: Was the service good?

Joe: Yes, the waiters were really helpful. They were always happy to explain the different dishes and recommend the wine as well. And the chef was very friendly and cooked wonderful food.

II. Vocabulary

1. restaurant [ˈrestrɒnt]


There was a good restaurant across the street.

Через дорогу был хороший ресторан.

2. crowded [ˈkraʊdɪd]

людный, переполненный

а crowded street

многолюдная улица

The restaurant was crowded yesterday.

Вчера в ресторане было много многолюдно.

3. trendy [ˈtrendi]

стильный, модный

trendy restaurant

модный ресторан

He opened a trendy restaurant last month.

Он открыл модный ресторан в прошлом месяце.

4. atmosphere [ætməsˌfɪə]


comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbəl] atmosphere

комфортная атмосфера

The atmosphere was comfortable and friendly.

Атмосфера была комфортной и дружеской.

5. relaxed [ rɪˈlækst]

непринужденный, раскованный

relaxed atmosphere

непринужденная атмосфера

The atmosphere was quiet [ˈkwaɪət] and relaxed.

Атмосфера была спокойной и непринужденной.

6. tasty [ˈteɪsti]


The food was fresh and tasty.

Еда была свежей и вкусной.

7. meal [miːl]

прием пищи

three meals a day

трехразовое питание

I had three meals yesterday.

Вчера я ел три раза.

8. choice [tʃɔɪs]


make a choice

делать выбор

The choice of food was fantastic.

Выбор блюд был фантастическим.

9. drink [drɪŋk]


soft drink/ strong drink

безалкогольный напиток/ крепкий алкогольный напиток

The menu [ˈmenjuː] offered a wide choice of soft drinks.

Меню предлагало широкий выбор безалкогольных напитков.

10. dish [dɪʃ]

блюдо, кушанье; тарелка

favorite dish

любимое блюдо

Yesterday I cooked my favorite dish.

Вчера я приготовил мое любимое блюдо.

11. to share [ʃeə]

поделить, разделить

to share the bill

разделить счет

They shared the bill.

Они разделили счет.

12. cuisine [kwɪˈziːn]

кухня, кулинарное искусство

local cuisine

местная кухня

This hotel had excellent [ˈeksələnt] cuisine.

В этом отеле отлично кормили.

13. to order [ˈɔːdə]


She ordered the daily special.

Она заказала блюдо дня.

14. spicy [ˈspaɪsi]


spicy food

острая еда

The food for too spicy for me.

Для меня еда была слишком острой.

15. dessert [dɪˈzɜːt]


to have smth for the dessert

иметь ч-л на десерт

We had fruit for the dessert.

Мы ели фрукты на десерт.

16. excellent [ˈeksələnt]


excellent choice [tʃɔɪs]

отличный выбор

The restaurant had an excellent choice of dishes.

Ресторан предлагал отличный выбор блюд.

17. service [ˈsɜːvɪs]


excellent service

отличное обслуживание

The bill included the service.

Обслуживание входило в счет.

18. waiter [ˈweɪtə]


to call a waiter

позвать официант

We were ready to order so we called the waiter.

Мы были готовы сделать заказ, поэтому позвали официанта.

19. helpful [ˈhelpfəl]

любезный, услужливый, готовый помочь

helpful staff

услужливый персонал

The waiter was helpful and recommended us the local dish.

Официант был любезен и предложил мне заказать блюдо местной кухни.

20. chef [ʃef]


excellent chef

отличный повар

The local chef was excellent.

Местный повар был отличным.