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Н.Н. Вересов

Leading activity in developmental psychology: the concept and the principle


Ph. D.,

Researcher at the Oulu University (Finland)

The concept of leading activity is considered in comparison to other fundamental ideas of cultural his torical psychology: social situation of development, interaction of ideal and real forms, psychological novel formations of age. It is demonstrated that the psychological content of the concept of leading activity does not completely coincide with the concept “social situation of development”.

The idea of mental development as a linear individually chronological process of change of leading activities is significantly different from how both Vygotsky and El’konin viewed it. The change of lead ing activities is a process which represents the continuous structural reorganization of all the systems of activities of the chld as a living, organic system of interaction of ideal and real forms. Behind the exter nally linear process of shift from one leading activity to another there is hidden a deep process of human search and finding space for possibilities of a wholly new quality at each new stage of development.

Keywords: Leading activity, periodization of mental development, social situation of development, psychological novel formations of age, interaction of ideal and real forms, linear chronological and func tional organic approaches to understanding of development.


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