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Гос филология / Гос филология / 34. Syntactical expressive means

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Parralel constructions – constructions, formed on identical synt. pattern, closely following one another.

Ex. What we anticipate seldom occurs, what we least expect usually happens

Parallelism introduces balance into the narration, especially when it’s accomponied by lex. repetitions.

It may be complete, when the construction of the 2nd s-ce fully copies that of the the 1st.

Ex. The day is cold and dark and dreary

It rains and the wind is never weary

My life is cold and dark and dreary (Longfellow)

It may be partial, when only parts are structurally similar.

There are dif. approaches to the notion of parallelism. J.M.Lofman distinguishes 2 types:

- stresses analogy – binominal, in which one element is learnt through the other

analogues to the first. The parallel elements are not identical, but have common

features and we gudje about the 2nd part by the properties of the 1st

Ex. In secret we met

In silence we ....

That heart, should forget

A differnt and more complicated is the 2nd part. Both parts add to char-n and unders-

tanding of each other and the whole

Ex. Грустен и весел, вхожу, ваятель, в твою мастерскую.

- relation of interdependence

Ex. I kissed thee ear I killed thee

R. Jackobson writes about interparallelism: “In any parallel pattern there must be an element of identity, never extands to mechanical repetition. P. requires some variable features. P. is typical of other aspects: music, dance, architecture, etc. P. may stress either similarity or contrast”. Ex. To err is human

To forgive – divine (A.Pope)

Sometimes it may be combined with climax. In many cases P. is accomponied with the repetition of the individual w-ds, creating anaphora, epiphora, framing, etc.


- emphatic f’: helps to stress the common m-ng in PC, and thus, helps understanding

through analogy

- enlarges the effect of styl. device used

- effects the rhithmical organization of the utterance and is used in oratory, in pothetic

or emphatic elements.

Chiasmus – is the riversed element, implying the change of synt. element

Ex. I love my love and my love loves me

In Ch. the central part, the predicate, remains the hinge, around which synt. changes occur. The subject of the 1st s-ce becomes the object of the 2nd. Ch.’s often cooperated with repetition Ex. What’s Hecube to him

Or he to Hecube?

That’s he should weep to her (“Hamlet” Shakespeare)


- helps to render additional m-ng

- renders special shades of m-ng, exploits semantic changes in the repeated w-ds

- presents basis for paradoxes

- is often used in titles (“The Poetry Of Grammar And the Grammar Of Poetry”)