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A colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the broadest sense of the term ‘colloquialism’ might include slangism, its narrow sense does not. One method of distinguishing between a slangism and a colloquialism is to ask whether most native speakers know the word (and use it); if they do, it is a colloquialism. However, the problem is that this is not a discrete, quantized system but a continuum.

Colloquialisms or colloquial language is considered to be characteristic of or only appropriate for casual, ordinary, familiar, or informal conversation rather than formal speech or writing.

The problem of Slang. The term "slang" which is widely used in Eng lex-gy is not specified yet. It has rather an obscure etymology. Some ling-ts think that this word is an abbreviation of the words "soldier's language". Others attribute the origin of the term to the 2nd form of the verb "to sling"-fig. to speak freely, without formality", Slang seems to mean everything that is below the standard of usage of present-day Eng" . According to the sphere of usage slang is divided into general & special. General includes words that are not specific for any social or professional group. According to Arnold "slang words and phrases are expressive, mostly ironical words serving to create fresh names for some things that are frequent topics”. E.g head" is called hat-peg, nut, dome,. baby-doll,. Special slang includes the groups of social and professional jargons & argo. jargonizms are words and expressions created by certain social groups for the~use within the particular circle. University students' slang in the USA dates very quickly and differs from one university to another. E.g., "a hard working student" generally known as "a grind. Usually jargon words and phrases are difficult to understand, Argo or cant the jargon of the underworld, the voc-ry of criminals, thieves, tramps may serve as an illustration of such a jargon in which words are used to conceal their real m-ng. Cant words do not show their motivation: e.g. "blot out" means "to kill", "knuck"-"a pick-pocket", "

The so-called rhyming slang based on reduplication, back slang & medial slang or centre slang are characteristic of argot formations aimed at secrecy. in rhyming slang "to beat feet" means "to hurry. Professional slang are words & expressions used in oral, informal intercourse in a definite trade, profession or calling by people connected by common interests both at work and at home. Professional words commonly denote some working processes or implements of labour. Professionalisms are correlated to terms as informal. Here are some professional words used in different trades: piper - a specialist who decorates pastry with the use of a cream pipe.

WB in Slang. Slang words and phrases are mostly short-lived but some of them appear to be stable and even find their way into StandEng. The follow words of Standard Eng used to be slang: bus, mob, fun, snob, jazz. General slang comes mostly from jargon and professional words and expressions whose popularity has increased. Any cultural subgroup may develop its own jargon which can later become general slang. affixation: doper - dope or narcotic addict. Clippings & abbreviation are very popular in slang. e.g. caf (cafeteria); def (definitely). A number of slang words are formed by means of reduplication: din-din "dinner". Some slang words are built by means of blending: mingy = mean + stingy. Literary- colloquial words should be taught and learned and used in the appropriate situation.