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Metaphor is a transfer of a name from one object to another on the basis of common feature:

  • it’s a trope, on which and unlike objects one compared by identification or by substitution of one for another

  • it is the application of a name to an object, to which it’s not literary applicable (Take away love. And our Earth is a tomb)

  • is a perception of similarity in disimilars

  • is a widden comparison, but not any comparing w-d is used; it’s not lex-ly expressed

There are may be dif-t variations of metaphor:

1. a noun metaphor (I’m a sheap without a radar or a night without a star – Shakespeare)

2. a w-d metaphor – the transference of the qualitative features of the ch-re.

Metaphoric is very effective, throws light on the subject of the matter as well. M. may be expressed by any part of the sent-ce, by any part od speech: nouns, nominal phrases, verbs, adj., adv.,

The following basic view on M:

1. the substitution view - conveys that a M. is a simple replacement of a literal statement.

2. the comparison view – is that a M. an atriviated simile.

3. the interaction view – the interpreter reconstructs the m-ng of a M. on the basis of lexical constituants of a M. Through the interaction of the m-ngs of literaland metaph. terms a new view of concept associated with the literal arises (Black) (“Ты мое солнышко”).

Simile is of the some nature as metaphor. It also shows likeness in disimilar objects. The dif-ce is b/w explicit and implicit imagery; b/w image by analogy (A is like B) and image by identification (A is B):

Ex. “Mr Brown fought like a lion” – simile

“Mr Brown was a real lion” – metaphor

The two components of a simile are joined together by conjunctions: like, as...though, as if, as...as.

S. can show definite obj.qualities of the compared objects. But sometimes not qualities but actions and status may be compared

Ex. He feels his title hanging on hin like a jails

From the hourse’s mouth (из первых рук)

He had been staring at Eva like a bull at a picknick.

To distinguish b/w S and metaphor one should remember that M aims at identifying while S keeps the objects apart (“All the world is a stage” – M). There has been a growing interest in the “why” of M and S. the mechanism of these two devices. They are often refered to “as images” in the sence troups, expressing similarity.

The structure of an image:

Both simile and metaphor present str-re nad may be analised into their component parts. This scheme was suggested by Richards:

1. the 1st component part – the tenor – the thing we are talking about.

2. the 2nd comp-t is the vehicle – that to which the tenor is compared

3. the ground – the common feature b/w the tenor and the vehicle (основание сравнения)

The tenor of M may be present or only implied, while with S it is always present

Ex. The clock has struck, time was bleeding away – tenor

Darkness, when once it fell, fell like a stone.

The overall effect of M and S – the image, depends on the kind of vehicle the author chooses. The choice of vehicle may char-ze the individual style of the author, his individual outlook and also the period’s time.

Ex. “Like a dying lady...the moon arose” – vehicle

“The moon like flower” – simplicity, purity

Extanded or sustained images (развернутые образы)

Images may be:

  • single, expressed in one w-d (phrase)

  • extatanded, developed in various way, adding new and new details to vehicle

The semantics of the image. Metaphor, simile.

1. Simile and metaphor show the likeness in disimilar objects. There must be smth striking and unexpected in every image. It must produce a surprising effect.

Ex. A professor must have a theory, as a dog must have a fluse.

2. Another distinctive image of the genuien (настоящего) image is multiple m-ng. In metaphor we deal with a blending of two m-ngs into one. But at the same time we consious of both w-ds, we have the impression of double image. The sentual feature of the M is a certain semantic distance b/w the tenor and the vehicle, because if they are too close, the perspective of double vision may be ruined with M as if have two transparent lanes

Ex. Black wires grow on her head (simile; M differs from S that fusion (смещение) is

more perfect. S. is more rational and the prosess is of analygising)

3. Embiguity (неопределенность). The image of M and S must be capable from rendering more than one interpretation

Ex. Заплаканная осень, как вдова.

The functions of metaphor and simile:

1. The extand l-ge, to what can not be said in terms of literal m-ng alone (буквально), to express the inexpressible.

2. S and M may serve as a means of clearing m-ng by evoking images, by suggesting analogy, comparing the object or phenomenon with concrete or familiar things. The writer makes his discription clearer and more pictureresque. The writer preserves his emotional attitude to what is being described.