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English / Relationships

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  1. Who was that I saw you with last night?

Mind your own business!

  1. Is it over between them?

Yes, I think they split up a month ago.

  1. So you just bumped into him at the party?

No, we arranged to meet in a bar before.

  1. So we’ve set a date for the wedding – it’s going to be September 2nd.

Your mum and dad must be over the moon. They love Mike, don’t they?

  1. Did you know that Juan and Pauline have broken up? Apparently she’s met another man.

Oh no! He must be heartbroken.

  1. It’s a nice dress but it looks a bit small on you.

So what you’re saying is that it makes me look fat.

Um … to be honest, yes.

  1. How did you survive living with your in-laws for so long?

Well, we were grateful to have a roof over our heads!

8. Have you heard that Jenny is going out with Pete?

Really? I don’t know what she sees in him!

9. Hi. How are you?


What’s wrong?

Well, the good news is my boyfriend is in Moscow.

Oh, really? That’s great! And the bad news?

He is with a new girlfriend!

Oh, I see. I’m sorry.

10. Which of your groupmates do you like most of all?

I think I like Mike most of all. He is a good student and a fine boy.

I see.

Relationship (family)

1. to go out with J

28. a dating agency

2. to get to know J

29. a chat-up line

3. to be engaged

30. a marriage of convenience

4. to get on like a house on fire

31. a wedding reception

5. to fall in love with … at first sight

32. a drawback

6. to propose to J

33. a quarrel over smth

7. to be married to J

34. immature

8. to marry (into) money

35. a one-parent family

9. to marry off

36. a loving family

10. to look one’ age

37. an only child

11. to jilt smb for J

38. a matchmaker

12. to share interests

39. in-laws

13. to be on speaking terms with smb

40. a wedding anniversary

14. to please J

41. a bride

15. to hurt smb’s feelings

42. a groom

16. to make concessions to each other

43. a bridesmaid

17. to put up with smth

44. a best man

18. to lose one’s temper

45. a hen party

19. to forgive

46. a stag party

20. to make a good impression on smb

47. a prenuptial agreement

21. to run the house

48. peace and quiet

22. to fall out of love with ….

49. in search of …

23. to provide (support) a family

50. a mistress

24. to start a family

51. mesalliance

25. to remarry

52. heart-broken

26. to be jealous of …

53. to treat smb well (badly, as smb deserves, as a child)

27. to break up (split up)

54. to blame smb for smth

Listening (1)

1. What drinks do they get?

a. A coffee, a tea, and two orange juices.

b. A tea and three orange juices.

c. A coffee and three orange juices.

2. Why doesn’t the woman want anything to eat?

a. Because she is not hungry.

b. Because she doesn’t feel well.

c. Because she’s on a diet.

3. What does Robertson do now?

a. He owns a pub.

b. He works in Leeds.

c. He works with young players.

4. Who’s coming to lunch?

a. The man’s mother-in-law and his sister.

b. The man’s mother and his sister-in-law.

c. The man’s mother-in-law

5. What are they going to give their granddaughter for her birthday?

a. Money.

b. Clothes.

c. They can’t decide.

Listening (2)

1. Where did the woman probably lose her credit card?

a. In the petrol station.

b. In the flower shop.

c. In the restaurant.

2. How long has he been working as a teacher?

a. 1 ½.

b. 2 ½.

c. 3 ½.

3. How can people travel today?

a. By road.

b. By rail.

c. By air.

4. Which airline are they going to fly with?

a. British Airways.

b. Anglo Air.

c. Euroflight.

5. Who is working at the moment?

a. Her brother.

b. Her brother’s wife.

c. Her brother and his wife.

Listening (3)

1. Where is the girl’s mobile?

a. In the café.

b. In her pocket.

c. In her bag.

2. How late are their friends?

a. Less than 15 minutes.

b. 15 minutes.

c. More than 15 minutes.

3. Who looks good in their passport photo?

a. The woman.

b. The man.

c. Neither of them.

4. The girl’s new boyfriend is …

a. tall and with long dark hair.

b. tall with short dark hair.

c. short with short dark hair.

5. How many times has the woman failed her test?

a. One.

b. Two.

c. Three.

Listening (4)

1. What problem does the teacher want to discuss?

a. A girl copied from Sean.

b. Sean cheated in an exam.

c. Sean is lazy.

2. The woman in the pub is …?

a. slim with blonde hair.

b. tall and dark.

c. short and fat.

3. Which house are they going to buy?

a. The cottage.

b. The detached house.

c. They haven’t decided.

4. When did Dennis leave school?

a. 1967.

b. 1971.

c. 1978.

5. When are they going to have lunch?

a. Thursday 2.00.

b. Thursday 1.00.

c. Tuesday 1.00.

Listening (5)

1. How many bookshops are there in the town?

a. None.

b. One.

c. Two.

2. Where are the women going to have lunch?

a. Roberto’s.

b. Trattoria Marcj.

c. Garibaldi’s.

3. Who’s going to choose the film?

a. The man.

b. The woman.

c. Both.

4. The man has …

a. qualifications but no experience.

b. experience but no qualifications.

c. experience and qualifications.

5. The girl thinks she wants to …

a. do research.

b. be a doctor.

c. be a biologist.

Listening (6)

1. What was the problem with the woman’s steak?

a. It wasn’t cooked enough.

b. It was cold.

c. It was badly cooked.

2. What didn’t the man like about the film?

a. The acting.

b. The music.

c. The plot.

3. How much did the sweater cost?

a. £25.

b. £67.

c. £77.

4. How did the man feel after he saw the film?

a. Disappointed.

b. Nervous.

c. Excited.

5. What did Brunel do?

a. He was an architect.

b. He was an engineer.

c. He was a boxer.

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